Capstone Class Presentation Schedule 091620

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FALL 2020

Executive Topline – Business Concept (presentation A)

Each student will give a PowerPoint presentation to the class, no more than 10 minutes in length,
followed by 5 minutes group discussion

Session 2: September 15, Business idea, market assessment, value proposition (5 presentation)
(Y. Gu & Y. Zheng, A. Jiang & F. Xu, N. Pan, Y. Tang & Y. Yang, Y. Wang)

Session 3: September 22, Business idea, market assessment, value proposition (5 presentations)
(Y. Liang & X. Yao, Y. Yuen & Q. Zeng , H. Zhang, X. Zhang, , Q. Zhu)

Topic Presentations – Business Case Development (presentation B)

Each student will give a PowerPoint presentation to the class, no more than 20 minutes in length,
followed by 10 minutes of professor/class feedback and group discussion of the sections of your plan

Session 4: September 29, Operations/Financials presentations (3 presentations)

(Y. Gu & Y. Zheng, A. Jiang & F. Xu, N. Pan)

Session 5: October 6, Operations/Financials presentations (4 presentations)

(Y. Liang & X. Yao, Y. Tang & Y. Yang, Y. Wang)

Session 6: October 13, Operations/Financials presentations (4 presentations)

(Y. Yuen & Q. Zeng, H. Zhang)

Session 7: October 20, Operations/Financials presentations (3 presentations)

(X. Zhang, Q. Zhu)

IMPORTANT: MIDTERM plans due by midnight, October 20 (submit by email)

Topic Presentations – Marketing Plan Development (presentation C)

Each student will give a PowerPoint presentation to the class, no more than 20 minutes in length,
followed by 10 minutes of professor feedback and group discussion of the sections of your plan

Session 8: October 27, Strategy/Customer Acquisition/CRM/Media/Creative/Measurement (3 students)

Session9: November 3, Strategy/Customer Acquisition/CRM/Media/Creative/Measurement (4 students)

Session10: November 10, Strategy/Customer Acquisition/CRM/Media/Creative/Measurement (4

Session 11: November 17, Strategy/Customer Acquisition/CRM/Media/Creative/Measurement (4


Fine-Tuning Your Plan

Open forum, students take turns asking professors key questions which will help to refine their plans

Session 12: November 24, Lightning round with final Q/A (15 students)

Pitch Presentation (presentation D)

PowerPoint with optional supplementary visual aids, no more than 20 minutes in length
(10 minutes Q&A)

Session 13: December 1, Pitch Presentations to judging panel (5 students)

Session 14: December 3, Pitch Presentation to judging panel (5 students)
Session 15: December 8, Pitch Presentations to judging panel (5 students)

Written Proposal
Written document of 30-50 pages, designed as a printed “leave behind” (examples are provided online
for reference re: style and length).

IMPORTANT: All final papers (together with a copy of your pitch presentation) due by midnight
December 08, 2020 (submit paper as pdf, pitch presentation as a PowerPoint, by email

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