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Gov/Econ- Vinson

Unit Two

The Republican and Democrat Party Candidates

Where They Stand
Use the web and the PDF file “Where They Stand” to answer the following questions:

1. Define the following terms:

tariff: a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports

Obamacare: it is the healthcare act passed under president Obama in 2010 to help make
healthcare and health insurance more affordable, especially for low-income Americans

incarceration rates:The number of inmates held in the custody of state or federal prisons
or in local jails, per 100,000 U.S. residents. Total inmates in custody count.

DACA: DACA is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). It is a kind of

administrative relief from deportation. The purpose of DACA is to protect eligible
immigrant youth who came to the United States when they were children from

2. The chart includes six categories. Which one is most important to you, and WHY?

The most important category to me is healthcare. This is because we are in the middle of a
pandemic and having affordable healthcare for all is just a human right. We all deserve equal
opportunities to a healthy and happy life, so this is why I believe healthcare is the most

3. Which of the two candidates do you feel has a better stance on health care? Explain:

I believe Joe Biden has a better stance on healthcare because he is trying to rid the US of covid 19
by following the protocols. This has worked in other countries and he is following the
instructions the other countries had. He takes people’s lives and safety into account better than

4. What are your feelings about DACA? Should our nation allow immigrants to stay in the US if they
were brought here as children by undocumented parents? Why, why not?

I believe in DACA. I don’t believe children should be forced to leave for a parent’s decision. If the
child has lived there the majority of their lives, there should be no reason they should have to
leave because of their parents. They did not make the choice and therefore should not be
punished for it.
5. Are there other issues that are important to you that aren’t covered by this chart? Tell me:

Another issue that isn’t covered in the chart is the issue of science. I would like to know where
the two candidates stand in their support for innovation and science. Science is one of the
building blocks for human life and knowing if the candidate supports further exploration of
science would be important.

6. Which candidate do you support, and what are your primary reasons? Give me AT LEAST THREE

I support Joe Biden because of how seriously he takes this pandemic. He also supports the
protests which I believe in. Racism and equal rights is such a hard issue , but Biden is correct in
trying to find solutions to the problems. He takes the problems seriously which in my opinion
Trump does not.

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