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Personality Assessment 1

Ramiz Yousuf

Tamara Warren Chinyani

CST 110

25 May 2020

Personality Assessment

Comparing my results from my personality assessment to my personal life

experience, I truly don't believe that it defines me completely, but there are few things
that did catch my eye. Some things like relationship behaviors and as well as parts where
it talked about me being impatient and such. After I took the personality assessment, I
submitted my answers and it turned out that I am twenty-eight percent introverted, three
percent intuitive, one percent thinking, which seems hysterical to me at first sight and last
but not least it says that I am twenty-two percent judging. It states in the description of
INTJ’s, that INTJs mainly don't grasp social rituals, meaning that INTJs tend to have
little patience and less understanding of things such as flirtation or small talk (which most
people consider it half the fun in a relationship). Instead of expecting inexhaustible
affection and empathy from a romantic relationship, the INTJs will expect inexhaustible
reasonability and directness.

I sadly agree with the statement mentioned, I might not consider myself a full
INTJ but I do accept the fact that living in this lifetime, I do see myself expecting
directness and reasonability more often than affection and empathy which is the main
point of love and relationship (not the main point but the “goodies”). Yet that being said,
I feel that with time and experience passing by us each and every day, I believe that we
tend to learn and come across certain situations where you don't tend to see the same
things when trying to get back into a relationship, so affection and empathy tend to
change into directness and reasonability due to past transgressions. Do I believe that I
have been an INTJ all my life? No, I saw myself once being a flirtatious person and full
of empathy and not judging or an introvert. When I was young, I was quite the opposite.
Half of the questions on the assessments would have been answered completely
differently if the ten-year-old me or the eleven-year-old me came across this assessment.
Personality Assessment 2

That being said I asked many people over game chats such as friends that I went
to high school with and my family members as well such as my mom and cousins. I
asked all of them to read, not all but at least a piece of the description, and when they
read the description, they immediately responded “YES” or “definitely bro” which made
me sad realizing that I accept the minor fact that I might have some INTJ in me but it's
only because, personally I’m going through some things in life that are just making my
visions different from when how I was when I was ten or eleven. You don't know how
much I wish I could recreate the innocence in my head as the one I had when I was ten or
eleven because if I hadn't seen or gone through all the crazy stuff the life had to offer me
then maybe just maybe I can become one hundred percent truthful or gracious instead of
judgmental or introversive. Not one hundred percent because no one is perfect but you
get the point, maybe right now I might seem as an introvert and a judgmental person or as
they call it ‘INTJs’ due to the assessment, but believe me that once I get through my
goals and achievements I will try to give back and hopefully then I’ll become a better
person with a better personality.

Work Cited
Personality Assessment 3

“INTJ.” INTJ Introverted INtuitive Thinking Judging,

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