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Written under a Taurus Sun and Gemini Moon Feeling Like Don’t

Be Fooled By The Rocks That I Got… They Are Crystals.

Weekend Affirmation:
“I am expanding past what I previously thought was possible. My life bursts
with miracles, blessings and magic. I am entering the most abundant and
aligned chapter of my life.”

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Hi my Cosmic Cuties!


The 2021 transit that every astrologer has been looking forward to is here! Jupiter
has moved into Pisces and it kicks off some wild, psychedelic dreamy af summer
of love vibes for all of us. Here’s the run-down of everything you need to know for
this epic transit.

What it is:
On May 13, Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system and the planet of faith,
expansion and abundance, moved into Pisces, the dreamy sign that rules all things
metaphysical, magical and mystical. Jupiter will stay here until July 28. This means
we are all about to get a juicy and joyful summer of love and, boy, do we need it!
What it means for us:
Usually big ol’ Jupiter stays in one sign that defines the year; however, in 2021,
Jupiter moves in and out of scientific, detached, community-oriented Aquarius to
enchanting, ethereal and esoteric Pisces and then back into Aquarius.

Lucky for us, Jupiter is super happy to take this little dip into Pisces
Especially after spending 2020 and 2021 in Capricorn and Aquarius, respectively.
Since these two signs are both ruled by the limiting and sobering taskmaster
Saturn, they have put a bit of a hamper on Jupiter’s freedom-loving feel good
vibes. Translation: it’s like we have all been grounded by the Universe since early
2020 and now we are being let out of the house for the first time in a very long
time. Or think of it like we finally get to take our bra off after a loooong day.

How to make the most of it:

Expect opportunities that are centered around art, spirituality and creativity- a lot of
careers in these fields are about to pop off and propel to amazing heights. If this is
you, fire up your resumes, update your website and get ready to showcase your

For all of us, it’s a time for unity and healing.

There is an increased chance to find new teachers, healers and counselors who
are supportive and sincere. Also, if you have been working hard on a project and
it’s been slow to grow or take off… this may be the time where it goes into super
bloom at warp-speed.

Jupiter in Pisces is also a verrry romantic sign so this may truly be a

summer of love.
Or conversely, if you are coming off a breakup or heartbreak, this will be a time
where you can truly move on. Let it go and let it flow is the Jupiter in Pisces

What to expect:
Think of Jupiter in Pisces energy like a glittery guardian angel, wand-yielding fairy
godmother and a sunny day at a peace-loving music festival all combined. And at
this particular festival there may be plenty of magic mushrooms involved too…

We are going to see super interesting creative developments in

entertainment and Hollywood…

• New breakthroughs in story-telling and songwriting. Look out for unexpected

or exciting collaborations (Nicki and RiRi, we see you!)
• Also, expect lots of celeb hookups, engagements and pregnancy
announcements over the next 3 months (we also see you Bennifer and
• We are also going to see spirituality become even more mainstream so
prepare to field a lot of questions from muggles about things like crystals,
auras and retrogrades.

Whatever starts this summer, you can expect to return in a larger way in
2022 when Jupiter swoops back into Pisces and stays there all year (not to
return again until 2033!)
⚡️ Listen to Your Cosmic Energy Report May 14-21, 2021

⚡️ Jupiter in Pisces ⚡️
Check to see what area of your life will experience expansion
and magical blessings during Jupiter in Pisces. Be sure to
check your sun and rising!

Spirituality, intuition and healing.

Community, friends and groups.

Career, status and public image.
Travel, adventure and exploration.

Wealth, transformation and intimacy.

Romance, partnerships, love.

Work, health and wellbeing.

Pleasure, creativity and play.

Home, family and security.

Communication, broadcasting and publishing.

Money, abundance and resources.

Image, confidence and identity.
Remember: It’s a time to rock your rose-colored glasses- but also stay grounded,
discerning and focused on unity and healing in a way that serves us as a whole.
Jupiter in Pisces should bring new beauty to our society and a boost of
imagination, intuition and inspiration. Let’s use it for the highest good of all.

Sent with love + magic,

Madi and Audrey

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