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I’ll tell you about my holiday, when holiday fasting Ramadhan start. On Monday I’m not
coming home and still stay in dormitory together with my friends that no go home, so we
execute fasting Ramadhan in dormitory. That day too we was told duty that must be solved in
Thursday, so we planned for take in library county Salatiga to search material. Iam prepared
with my friends and go to library county Salatiga to ride transport general. When already come
in library county, so I’m search material, long enough I was there, a long 3 hours, when
materials already enough available, I’m return from library county, before return dormitory, I’m
look for food material with my friends then go to dormitory.
Next day I’m go to Jendela Buku Store at Salatiga City for search book and I’m going to
the Benang Raja. When day already afternoon, I’m return to dormitory, after arriving I rest
because so tired and next day I just in dormitory because holiday is over, I just sleep, doing
laundry, play handphone, and ply duty.

That’s the story about my holiday.

Thank Youuuuuuuu…………….

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