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Name: Pratik Patil Subject: Consumer Behavior

Roll No: 20MBAMKT112 Marketing-B

Case Study 3

1. How do you think the various factors listed in Exhibits 1-6 associated with each other
from a conceptual point of view.
Ans: This case is not just about the soft drink brand its of self-brand connection. All these
exhibits are explaining this self-brand connection at an exploratory level. Along with this
connection the aspects that lead to different category are taken into account. For example,
interest in the category, involvement with the category, consumer experiences. All these factors
may affect consumers choice even at the moderate level. They have certain set of categories
that they are going to sell paper boat to airline industry. From exhibit number 4 quest for
knowledge in exhibit 6 its given that it courses quite high for all the brands this aspect is quite
significant for consumers associated with all the three brands though involvement is not very
high. When it comes to soft drinks experience also plays an import role. So family, values,
happiness these all are things from exhibit 1-6 that combine and speak all together.

2. What is your inference and interpretation of the response in Exhibit 1.

Ans: In exhibit 1, Paper Boat differentiates themselves from their competitors by providing
various customer experiences such as natural, tasty, fruit-rich, and thirst-quenching. It also
informs us about various topics such as how we feel, think, act, and relate. In terms of feel,
nostalgia and refreshing are important, as are sensory aspects of the brand's feel. According to
the advertisement, they do not rank sufficiently higher in terms of value for money, organic and
natural to provide any significant advantage over the competing brand. In terms of synergy, the
think aspect adds little value to the sense and feel aspects. The act aspect, which is the
packaging and advertisement, reflects the intent to buy, whereas Paper Boat does not appear to
trigger, implying that loyal buyers are more loyal to the brand than the habit or commitment to
the brand. The sense, feel, act, and think aspects are all included in the relate aspect. It goes
beyond the individual's personal, private feelings, tying the individual to the brand.

3. What are the inferences that you may draw from exhibits 2,3,4,5 and 6.
Ans: In exhibit 2 it is given about the type of behavior and working of consumer psychology.
Whereas exhibit 4 says about the issues coming in the society, emotional involvement.5 it talks
about their sales it doesn’t relate to their perception instead of relating it from others
perspective. The brands like real, tropicana they position themselves on the basis of nutrition
but if we take paper boat positions themselves on the basis of culture and nostalgia which is a
unique positioning style. So, we can say that customer which have their own opinions stand out
like paper boat. Exhibit shows the comparison between tropicana, real and paper boat which
brand is mostly preferred by consumers. It also sates about the functional benefits of various

4. What are the major inferences that you can draw from your analysis of question 1 to 3
and the case information.
Ans: The main conclusions we can draw from the analysis of questions 1–3 and the case
information are that Paper Boat can maintain its current positioning on nostalgia while also
catering to consumers' lifestyles and psychographics. They can improve the ways in which self-
brand connection connects in its advertisements. Furthermore, they increase involvement in the
product category and link it to the brand's involvement levels.

5. How do you think Parvesh Debuka should react to the situation associated with paper
Ans: Parvesh Debuka, in my opinion, should not change the brand positioning as nostalgia
because that is what distinguishes them from their competitors. If they positioned themselves as
a healthy drink in the market, it could conflict with their previous positioning about childhood
memories and everything. So, if they were changing their marketing, they might do so on
different occasions rather than completely changing their positioning.


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