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12/3/2021 Assignment 1 Questionnaire U1

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Extranjero II v1 ► Units ► Assignment 1 Questionnaire U1

Comenzado en viernes, 12 de marzo de 2021, 22:19 Navegación dentro del examen

Estado Terminados
Finalizado en viernes, 12 de marzo de 2021, 22:41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Tiempo empleado 21 minutos 30 segundos
10 11 12 13 14 15
Puntos 13/15
Finalizar revisión
Calificación 87 de un total de 100

Pregunta 1 Look at the question, and then choose the answer

Correcta that is grammatically correct, and responds what
Puntúa 1 sobre 1
has been asked.
Were they journalists?

Seleccione una:
a. No, were journalists.
b. No, they were photographers.

La respuesta correcta es: No, they were


Pregunta 2 Complete the simple past sentences with “was” or

Correcta “were”
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 He _______ on holiday.

Seleccione una:
a. were not
b. was
c. were

La respuesta correcta es: was

Pregunta 3 Indicate whether the past form of the regular verb is

Correcta right (R) or wrong (W).
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 Repel-Repelled

Seleccione una:
a. W
b. R

La respuesta correcta es: R

Pregunta 4 Tell if the structure of the sentences is right (R) or

Correcta wrong (W).
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 They did observe you?

Seleccione una: 1/4
12/3/2021 Assignment 1 Questionnaire U1

a. R
b. W

La respuesta correcta es: W

Pregunta 5 Complete the simple past sentences with “was” or

Correcta “were”
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 The children _______ in the playground.

Seleccione una:
a. were
b. was

La respuesta correcta es: were

Pregunta 6 Indicate if the structure of the sentence is right (R) or

Incorrecta wrong (W).
Puntúa 0 sobre 1 She was in that job last year.

Seleccione una:
a. R
b. W

La respuesta correcta es: R

Pregunta 7 Look at the question, and then choose the answer

Correcta that is grammatically correct, and responds what
Puntúa 1 sobre 1
has been asked.
Were we lazy workers?

Seleccione una:
a. No, you were energetic.
b. No lazy, yes sometimes.

La respuesta correcta es: No, you were energetic.

Pregunta 8 Tell if the structure of the sentences is right (R) or

Incorrecta wrong (W).
Puntúa 0 sobre 1 Do your brother played the game?

Seleccione una:
a. R
b. W

La respuesta correcta es: W 2/4
12/3/2021 Assignment 1 Questionnaire U1

Pregunta 9 Indicate whether the past form of the regular verb is

Correcta right (R) or wrong (W).
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 Explain-Explainned

Seleccione una:
a. R
b. W

La respuesta correcta es: W

Pregunta 10 Complete the simple past sentences with “was” or

Correcta “were”
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 You _____ good citizens.

Seleccione una:
a. was
b. were
c. weres

La respuesta correcta es: were

Pregunta 11 Look at the question, and then choose the answer

Correcta that is grammatically correct, and responds what
Puntúa 1 sobre 1
has been asked.
Were they ashamed parents?

Seleccione una:
a. No, they were proud.
b. No ashamed.

La respuesta correcta es: No, they were proud.

Pregunta 12 Choose the right verb conjugation (present or past)

Correcta according to the context given.
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 We ________ in the park earlier this morning.

Seleccione una:
a. walked
b. walk

La respuesta correcta es: walked

Pregunta 13 Choose the right verb conjugation (present or past)

Correcta according to the context given.
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 I _______ with her when she was sick.

Seleccione una: 3/4
12/3/2021 Assignment 1 Questionnaire U1

a. stayed
b. stay

La respuesta correcta es: stayed

Pregunta 14 Choose the right verb conjugation (present or past)

Correcta according to the context given.
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 Children _______ when they are at school.

Seleccione una:
a. study
b. studied

La respuesta correcta es: study

Pregunta 15 Indicate if the interrogative structure of the sentence

Correcta is right (R) or wrong (W).
Puntúa 1 sobre 1 Who was at the movies last night?

Seleccione una:
a. W
b. R

La respuesta correcta es: R

Finalizar revisión 4/4

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