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Mechanical Systems in Buildings including Vertical Transportation

Open the references and answer the following:

1. What is mechanical system?

- Mechanical system, any building service using machines. They include plumbing, elevators,
escalators, and heating and air-conditioning systems.

2. When generally operated, what is the speed of escalator?

- They are generally operated at a speed of more than 38m/minute.

3. What is the range of angle of an escalator with respect to horizontal?

- It shall not be excess of 30 degrees from the horizontal.

4. What are the key variables which affect elevator system design?
- There are many variables which affect elevator system design. However, the key ones to be
specified are:
• Number of floors to be served.
• Floor to floor distance.
• Population of each floor.
• Location of building.
• Specialist services within building.
• Type of building occupancy.
• Maximum peak demand in passengers per five minute period.

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