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OCTOBER 29-31,
BOOTH 2342

Diagnosis and Management October 2017

Volume 19, Number 10
of Acute Exacerbation Authors

Van Holden, MD

of Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellow, Division of Pulmonary and Critical
Care Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD
Donald Slack, III, MD

Pulmonary Disease Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Greater Baltimore Medical Center,
Baltimore, MD
Michael T. McCurdy, MD, FCCM, FCCP, FAAEM
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine and Department
Abstract of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care; Director, Critical Care
Medicine Fellowship Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD
Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Nirav G. Shah, MD, FCCP
(COPD) is a clinical diagnosis that is based on changes in dys- Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
pnea, cough, and/or sputum production in a COPD patient; Medicine; Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
however, patients presenting with an acute exacerbation may
be undiagnosed or have a variety of comorbid conditions that Peer Reviewers

can complicate diagnosis. This issue presents strategies and Gabriel Wardi, MD, MPH
Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care,
algorithms for the early use of evidence-based interventions, and Sleep Medicine, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA
including appropriate use of antibiotics, bronchodilators, Geralda Xavier, MD, MPH, FACEP
and corticosteroids, along with noninvasive ventilation with Department of Emergency Medicine, NYC Health + Hospitals, Kings
capnography, to minimize morbidity and mortality associated County Hospital, Brooklyn, NY

with this disease.

Prior to beginning this activity, see “Physician CME Information”
on the back page.

Editor-In-Chief Daniel J. Egan, MD Shkelzen Hoxhaj, MD, MPH, MBA Alfred Sacchetti, MD, FACEP Joseph D. Toscano, MD
Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP Associate Professor, Department Chief Medical Officer, Jackson Assistant Clinical Professor, Chairman, Department of Emergency
Professor and Chair Emeritus, of Emergency Medicine, Program Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL Department of Emergency Medicine, Medicine, San Ramon Regional
Department of Emergency Medicine; Director, Emergency Medicine Thomas Jefferson University, Medical Center, San Ramon, CA
Eric Legome, MD
Director, Center for Emergency Residency, Mount Sinai St. Luke's Philadelphia, PA
Chair, Emergency Medicine, Mount
Medicine Education and Research, Roosevelt, New York, NY Sinai West & Mount Sinai St. Luke's; Robert Schiller, MD International Editors
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Nicholas Genes, MD, PhD Vice Chair, Academic Affairs for Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Peter Cameron, MD
Sinai, New York, NY Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center; Senior Academic Director, The Alfred
Health System, Icahn School of Faculty, Family Medicine and Emergency and Trauma Centre,
Emergency Medicine, Icahn School
Associate Editor-In-Chief of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Community Health, Icahn School of Monash University, Melbourne,
Kaushal Shah, MD, FACEP Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Australia
York, NY Keith A. Marill, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Assistant Professor, Department Scott Silvers, MD, FACEP
Michael A. Gibbs, MD, FACEP Giorgio Carbone, MD
Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Associate Professor and Chair,
Professor and Chair, Department Chief, Department of Emergency
of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New Medical School, Massachusetts Department of Emergency Medicine,
of Emergency Medicine, Carolinas Medicine Ospedale Gradenigo,
York, NY General Hospital, Boston, MA Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
Medical Center, University of North Torino, Italy
Editorial Board Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Charles V. Pollack Jr., MA, MD, Corey M. Slovis, MD, FACP, FACEP Suzanne Y.G. Peeters, MD
Saadia Akhtar, MD Hill, NC FACEP Professor and Chair, Department Attending Emergency Physician,
Associate Professor, Department of Steven A. Godwin, MD, FACEP Professor and Senior Advisor for of Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt Flevo Teaching Hospital, Almere,
Emergency Medicine, Associate Dean Professor and Chair, Department Interdisciplinary Research and University Medical Center, Nashville, TN The Netherlands
for Graduate Medical Education, of Emergency Medicine, Assistant Clinical Trials, Department of
Hugo Peralta, MD
Program Director, Emergency Dean, Simulation Education, Emergency Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Ron M. Walls, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Chair of Emergency Services,
Medicine Residency, Mount Sinai University of Florida COM- Medical College of Thomas Jefferson
Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires,
Beth Israel, New York, NY Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL University, Philadelphia, PA
Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical Argentina
Joseph Habboushe, MD MBA Michael S. Radeos, MD, MPH School, Boston, MA
William J. Brady, MD Dhanadol Rojanasarntikul, MD
Assistant Professor of Emergency Associate Professor of Emergency
Professor of Emergency Medicine Attending Physician, Emergency
and Medicine; Chair, Medical Medicine, NYU/Langone and Medicine, Weill Medical College Critical Care Editors Medicine, King Chulalongkorn
Bellevue Medical Centers, New York, of Cornell University, New York;
Emergency Response Committee; William A. Knight IV, MD, FACEP Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross,
NY; CEO, MD Aware LLC Research Director, Department of
Medical Director, Emergency Associate Professor of Emergency Thailand; Faculty of Medicine,
Emergency Medicine, New York
Management, University of Virginia Gregory L. Henry, MD, FACEP Medicine and Neurosurgery, Medical Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Hospital Queens, Flushing, NY
Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA Clinical Professor, Department of Director, EM Advanced Practice
Ali S. Raja, MD, MBA, MPH Stephen H. Thomas, MD, MPH
Calvin A. Brown III, MD Emergency Medicine, University Provider Program; Associate Medical Professor & Chair, Emergency
of Michigan Medical School; CEO, Vice-Chair, Emergency Medicine, Director, Neuroscience ICU, University
Director of Physician Compliance, Massachusetts General Hospital, Medicine, Hamad Medical Corp.,
Credentialing and Urgent Care Medical Practice Risk Assessment, of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar;
Inc., Ann Arbor, MI Boston, MA
Services, Department of Emergency Scott D. Weingart, MD, FCCM Emergency Physician-in-Chief,
Medicine, Brigham and Women's John M. Howell, MD, FACEP Robert L. Rogers, MD, FACEP, Associate Professor of Emergency Hamad General Hospital,
Hospital, Boston, MA Clinical Professor of Emergency FAAEM, FACP Medicine; Director, Division of ED Doha, Qatar
Medicine, George Washington Assistant Professor of Emergency Critical Care, Icahn School of Medicine
Peter DeBlieux, MD Medicine, The University of at Mount Sinai, New York, NY Edin Zelihic, MD
University, Washington, DC; Director
Professor of Clinical Medicine, Maryland School of Medicine, Head, Department of Emergency
of Academic Affairs, Best Practices,
Interim Public Hospital Director Baltimore, MD Senior Research Editors Medicine, Leopoldina Hospital,
Inc, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls
of Emergency Medicine Services, Schweinfurt, Germany
Church, VA
Louisiana State University Health Aimee Mishler, PharmD, BCPS
Science Center, New Orleans, LA Emergency Medicine Pharmacist,
Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ

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Case Presentations production for at least 3 months in each of 2 con-
secutive years and can occur without the develop-
It is change of shift, and you receive sign-out on a ment of airflow limitation. Guidelines define acute
67-year-old gentleman with a history of COPD present- exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) as an event char-
ing with 5 days of worsening productive cough, wheezing, acterized by a worsening of the patient’s respiratory
and increased albuterol use despite outpatient treatment symptoms (dyspnea, cough, and/or sputum produc-
with prednisone and doxycycline. His oxygen saturation tion) that is beyond normal day-to-day variations,
was 86% on arrival, and the nurse placed him on oxygen and that leads to a change in medication.3,4
therapy at 6 L/min via nasal cannula shortly before you Patients with COPD often have comorbid condi-
arrived. You find the patient sitting on the edge of his bed, tions that may have either resulted from COPD, (eg,
tachypneic, with increased work of breathing and audible pulmonary hypertension or malnutrition) or are
wheezing on auscultation. He is alert and acknowledges simply associated with it (eg, anxiety, cardiovascular
your presence but does not speak. You wonder why he disease, sleep apnea, and venous thromboembo-
continues to be hypoxic and if there is any other interven- lism).5 Because of the myriad presenting features of
tion that is indicated . . . COPD and/or these comorbidities, diagnostic chal-
Your next patient is a 57-year-old woman with a his- lenges exist when these patients present to the ED
tory of smoking 2 packs of cigarettes per day. Her husband in extremis. This issue of Emergency Medicine Practice
called 911 because she was having increased difficulty reviews the most recent evidence-based recom-
with breathing and productive cough for the previous mendations for the diagnosis and management of
week. She has no documented pulmonary history. Upon AECOPD, with a focus on tailoring management to
arrival, EMS noted that she could not speak in full sen- the underlying pathophysiology of the disease state.
tences, her oxygen saturation was 81% on room air, and
she had diffuse end-expiratory wheezing on auscultation. Selected Abbreviations
IV access was obtained. She was given continuous alb-
uterol nebulization without relief and started on supple- AECOPD Acute exacerbation of COPD
mental oxygen. The chest x-ray does not demonstrate a ATS American Thoracic Society
focal infiltrate; however, her lungs appear hyperinflated, BLUE Bedside lung ultrasound in emergency
with flattened diaphragms and a small cardiac silhouette. CAT COPD Assessment Test
You wonder if she has COPD with an acute exacerbation CI Confidence interval
and whether prednisone and antibiotics are indicated . . . COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ERS European Respiratory Society
Introduction FEV1 Forced expired volume in 1 second
FVC Forced vital capacity
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a GOLD Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive
leading cause of death worldwide. From a financial Lung Disease
perspective, COPD exacted a net $36 billion toll in IPAP Inspiratory positive airway pressure
2010 in the United States, and its costs are expected mMRC Modified Medical Research Council scale
to continue to rise.1 Despite decreasing tobacco use NIPPV Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
nationally, emergency department (ED) visits for PaCO2 Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide
COPD-related problems continue to climb, with over PvCO2 Venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide
1.7 million in 2011 alone. Moreover, about one-fifth REDUCE Reduction in the Use of Corticosteroids in
of COPD patients presenting to the ED required Exacerbated COPD Trial
hospitalization.2 RR Relative risk
COPD is characterized by a persistent airflow SpO2 Oxygen saturation measured by pulse
limitation, after administration of bronchodilators, oximetry
that can be identified on spirometry as a ratio of
forced expired volume in 1 second (FEV1) to forced Critical Appraisal of the Literature
vital capacity (FVC) that is < 70%. Although COPD
is a treatable disease, the airflow limitation is not A literature search was performed in PubMed, with
fully reversible. Previous definitions of COPD have the search terms COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary
included the terms emphysema and chronic bronchitis; disease, and acute COPD exacerbation. The search was
however, the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstruc- limited to articles published within the last 10 years,
tive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines do not, and and studies relating specifically to acute COPD
they clarify the distinction: Emphysema is a patho- exacerbation (as opposed to stable COPD) were
logical term that refers to the destruction of alveoli, reviewed. In addition, references were appraised
which can be present but is not inherent in patients for additional relevant articles. A total of 127 articles
with COPD. Chronic bronchitis is an independent have been included in this review.
clinical entity characterized by cough and sputum The Cochrane Library was searched for sys-

Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 2 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

tematic reviews using the key term acute COPD Epidemiology, Etiology, and Pathophysiology
exacerbation, which identified 25 articles. In addi-
tion, guidelines from the GOLD, American Thoracic Epidemiology of COPD
Society (ATS), European Respiratory Society (ERS), In the United States, COPD accounts for nearly 20%
American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), and of hospitalizations of patients over the age of 65 years,
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and it is a major cause of morbidity and mortality
(NICE) were reviewed. each year.6 COPD and other chronic lower respira-
COPD is a composite of heterogenous etiologies tory diseases are the third leading cause of death in
that contribute to variations in the presentation in the United States annually (147,000 deaths/year),
patient populations. For example, it has been increas- and projections over the next several decades suggest
ingly recognized that exposures to substances other an increasing burden of disease.7,8 One large cohort
than cigarette smoke contribute to the pathophysiol- of COPD patients had an annual mortality rate of
ogy of disease. The asthma-COPD overlap syndrome approximately 19%, with only 50% survival at 3.6
is a newly identified condition, with varied accep- years after the first hospitalization for AECOPD.9 A
tance in the community, but it illustrates that a history retrospective study published in 2013 estimated 13.8
of asthma does not exclude coexisting COPD. Cohorts COPD-related ED visits per 1000 person-years in the
included in studies are similarly diverse, making the United States, with a 7% return visit rate at 30 days
generalizability of results challenging. Clinically, the and a 28% return rate at 365 days.10 Because of the fre-
varied presentation of COPD makes detecting previ- quency of hospitalizations, COPD exacts a significant
ously undiagnosed patients more difficult; however, economic cost to the healthcare system. The National
these patients may well be the ones seeking care in Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute estimated that, in
the ED. 2010, $49.9 billion in direct and indirect healthcare
The current state of the literature remains lim- costs were related to COPD.11
ited mainly by the retrospective observational nature
of most studies. There are few randomized con- Etiology of Acute Exacerbation of COPD
trolled trials to direct management of acute COPD
The general consensus is that the majority of acute ex-
exacerbations. Furthermore, existing studies have
acerbations of COPD are caused by upper and lower
wide-ranging outcome measures, such as pulmo-
respiratory tract viral and bacterial infections.12-15 As
nary function, symptom scores, rate of exacerbation,
with many other chronic lower respiratory diseases,
and short-term mortality. In the absence of high-
however, these patients are often colonized with
quality data, some interventions should be directed
known pathogenic bacteria, so it is unclear exactly
by prior individual patient response.

Definition Table 1. Model of Symptom/Risk Evaluation

of COPD4
The ATS and ERS produced a consensus document,
“Standards for the Diagnosis and Management of
• Category A (low risk, less symptoms): includes patients with
Patients with COPD” in 2004 that has not been up-
an FEV1 ≥ 50%; and/or ≤ 1 exacerbation per year with no
dated.3 The GOLD Guidelines, updated in 2016, con- hospitalization for exacerbation; and CAT score < 10 or mMRC
tain a consensus definition of AECOPD, combined grade ≤ 1
COPD assessment for risk (Groups A-D, see Table • Category B (low risk, more symptoms): Includes patients with
1), and evidence-based management strategies for an FEV1 ≥ 50%; and/or ≤ 1 exacerbation per year with no
both stable disease and acute exacerbation. The risk hospitalization for exacerbation; and CAT score ≥ 10 or mMRC
model includes the severity of pulmonary obstruc- grade ≥ 2
tion based on FEV1 and COPD-related symptoms • Category C (high risk, less symptoms): Includes patients with
based on the modified Medical Research Council an FEV1 < 50%; and/or ≥ 2 exacerbations per year or ≥ 1 with
(mMRC) scale or the COPD Assessment Test (CAT). hospitalization for exacerbation; and CAT score < 10 or mMRC
grade ≤ 1
(Note: the CAT is not available in the United States
• Category D (high risk, more symptoms): Includes patients with
at this time.) The mMRC scale measures breathless-
an FEV1 < 50%; and/or ≥ 2 exacerbations per year or ≥ 1 with
ness on a scale of 0 to 4, ranging from breathlessness hospitalization for exacerbation; and CAT score ≥ 10 or mMRC
only with strenuous exercise (mMRC = 0) to breath- grade ≥ 2
lessness with dressing (mMRC = 4).4
MDCalc link to mMRC scale online tool: Abbreviations: CAT, COPD Assessment Test; COPD, chronic
www.mdcalc.com/mmrc-modified-medical-re- obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expired volume in 1
search-council-dyspnea-scale second.
From the Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and
Prevention of COPD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung
Disease (GOLD) 2016. Available from: http://goldcopd.org/. Used with

October 2017 • www.ebmedicine.net 3 Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

what triggers any particular acute episode, includ- Prehospital Care
ing whether or not the cultured bacterium is a causal
factor in any single acute exacerbation. Noninfec- The overall goals of prehospital management of
tious etiologies, such as acute pulmonary embolism AECOPD include rapid recognition, identifying
and environmental antigens, are less common but healthcare proxies and advanced directives, establish-
well-established triggers, and should be considered. ing adequate intravenous (IV) access, initiating medi-
To date, however, studies have had a difficult time cal treatment, and providing safe transport to the ED.
showing a link between such pollution and long-term Obtaining the level of oxygen saturation via pulse
pathophysiologic changes contributing to the ongoing oximetry (SpO2) is an important first step in order to
development and progression of COPD.16-18 determine the need for supplemental oxygen, with
a goal oxygen saturation of 88% to 92%. Excessive
Pathophysiology of COPD oxygen therapy should be avoided; oxygen saturation
In COPD, there is a progressive decline in FEV1. > 92% in patients with AECOPD has been associated
The natural history of the disease suggests that this with increased levels of respiratory acidosis upon
rate of decline accelerates over time. The FVC also arrival to the ED, but has not been associated with
declines, due to gas trapping and increased residual increased length of stay, need for ventilatory sup-
volume, but by less than FEV1. The ratio of these 2 port, or in-hospital mortality.20,21 We recommend to
values, the FEV1/FVC ratio, therefore decreases over begin supplemental oxygen therapy with 1 to 3 L/
time due to the loss of elastic recoil of the lung, a de- min via nasal cannula, then titrating to 92%.22 Some
fining feature of COPD. The distal branches of bron- patients will need ventilatory assistance or advanced
chioles are held open due to the radial traction of airway management, and a delay in recognition of
the surrounding lung tissue. With the development these patients may result in increased morbidity and
of emphysema, the progressive loss of this radial mortality. The role of noninvasive positive-pressure
force leads to closure of these bronchioles earlier in ventilation (NIPPV) for AECOPD management in the
the expiratory phase of a breath and at progressively prehospital arena is not defined; however, if used,
higher lung volumes. Thus, as this process contin- precaution should be taken to avoid over-ventilation,
ues, the effective lumen of these airways becomes as it may result in barotrauma.23
smaller, and the degree of bronchial smooth-muscle
contraction necessary to induce closure becomes Emergency Department Evaluation
less.19 It is understandable, then, how an AECOPD
may be precipitated by acute infection or environ- The initial approach to patients with AECOPD
mental antigens that increase mucosal secretions and focuses on the vital signs, mental status, and respira-
bronchial smooth-muscle contraction. Air trapping tory effort.
ensues, and patients breathe at higher lung volumes.
With less-effective gas exchange, tachypnea often History
develops, leading to further dynamic hyperinflation,
The history should establish details surrounding the
until the patient develops frank exacerbation of the
current ED presentation. Existing medical problems
underlying disease.
and the duration of the diagnoses, triggers for exacer-
bations, disease severity (eg, baseline level of dyspnea,
Differential Diagnosis number of prior exacerbations, previous endotracheal
intubation), and required therapy for prior exacerba-
The signs and symptoms of many pulmonary dis- tions (eg, corticosteroids) should be delineated.
orders overlap, making the differential of AECOPD When an underlying diagnosis of COPD is
extensive. In addition, it may be difficult to differen- suspected but not reported, screening questions can
tiate AECOPD from a patient’s other comorbidities. help determine an individual’s likelihood of having
(See Table 2.) the disease. Smoking is the single greatest risk factor
for developing COPD, with > 70% of COPD cases
Table 2. Differential Diagnosis of Acute developing in current or former smokers,24 and a
Exacerbation of COPD history of smoking > 40 pack-years has a likelihood
ratio of 8.3 for the diagnosis. In someone without a
• Asthma prior diagnosis, age ≥ 45 years has a likelihood ratio
• Congestive heart failure of 1.3 for COPD.25 Other pertinent historical features
• Central airway obstruction that increase the probability of COPD include a his-
• Myocardial infarction tory of asthma, many childhood respiratory tract in-
• Pneumonia
fections, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and chronic
• Pulmonary embolism
exposures to heating fuels, toxins, dusts, industrial
• Bronchiectasis
chemicals, wood smoke, or smog.24 Having a high
Abbreviation: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. index of suspicion for COPD can subsequently assist

Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 4 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

in directing the clinical care to the underlying etiol- Diagnostic Studies
ogy for the acute respiratory distress.
History that may help identify triggers for Although the diagnosis of an AECOPD is made
exacerbation and determine the illness severity of clinically, several diagnostic tests are available to
the current ED presentation include: noncompli- evaluate for precipitating disorders, such as an infec-
ance with or recent changes to COPD medication tious process, and to exclude other conditions with
regimen, cold-like symptoms, dyspnea, cough, and similar presentations. (See Table 3.)
FEV1/FVC ratio to confirm obstruction. In addition,
ascertaining whether the patient had any recent Laboratory Testing and Arterial Blood Gas
medical care (eg, ED visits, hospital admissions, Sampling
acute therapies) or history of prior COPD exac- A complete blood cell count may identify polycy-
erbations, including their frequency and severity, themia, leukocytosis, or bandemia. Serum drug
will help to identify the presence and severity of a concentrations can be considered if clinically appli-
current acute exacerbation. According to a broncho- cable (such as if the patient is taking theophylline).
scopic study of 40 patients, a self-report of purulent Serum electrolytes and arterial blood gas sampling
sputum production significantly increased the likeli- in moderate-to-severe cases of COPD exacerbation
hood (odds ratio, 27) of bacterial infection of the allow for the determination of the acid-base status.
lower airways.26 The type and quantity of sputum Comparison to prior laboratory measurements of
production can vary according to each patient, but baseline bicarbonate and arterial partial pressure of
those characteristics are highly consistent with a carbon dioxide (PaCO2) levels can assist in evaluat-
COPD exacerbation.27 ing the acuity of the respiratory distress. If the pH
is normal and the PaCO2 is elevated, then the CO2
Physical Examination retention can be considered chronic.3 Patients with
Along with the clinical history, the physical exami- severe COPD exacerbations may have an acute
nation findings in COPD patients contribute to the respiratory acidosis; however, decisions on any in-
emergency clinician's ability to diagnose COPD, tervention must take the clinical status into account
assess its chronicity, determine its severity, identify and not rely solely on laboratory values.
alternate disease processes, and evaluate a patient’s
response to therapy. Vital sign abnormalities will
invariably include tachypnea, tachycardia, and hy-
poxia, with or without fever. Pulse oximetry is use-
ful for monitoring supplemental oxygen needs, with Table 3. Summary of Diagnostic Testing in
the goal of maintaining saturation at 88% to 92%.28 Patients With Acute Exacerbation of COPD
The patient’s respiratory rate, in addition to physi-
cal examination findings, may indicate impending • All patients should have pulse oximetry checked to determine the
respiratory failure, while hemodynamic instability need and response to oxygen therapy
designates an increased severity of illness.4 • Most patients with an acute exacerbation of COPD are
Physical examination findings vary with sever- recommended to have the following tests:

ity and can be divided into those that are present

Complete blood cell count, serum electrolytes, and renal and
liver function tests
in chronic, severe disease and those that may be
Chest x-ray to evaluate for infiltrates, lung masses,
more suggestive of an acute exacerbation. Patients

pneumothoraces, and pulmonary edema

with chronic, severe COPD will likely demonstrate l
Electrocardiogram to assess for arrhythmia and cardiac
pursed-lip breathing, barrel chest, decreased chest
expansion, hyperresonance, and cachexia, the most • Patients can be considered for the following tests:
ominous prognostic sign.29 While not commonly l
Arterial blood gas sampling to determine severity of acute
checked or documented, a thoracic index ≥ 0.930 (an- respiratory distress and acid-base status
teroposterior diameter of the thorax divided by the l
Serum troponin in select situations concerning for acute
transverse diameter) and excavated supraclavicular coronary syndromes
fossae31 may also be present. Physical examination l
Serum BNP or NT-proBNP to assess for decompensated
findings that suggest a likely acute exacerbation of heart failure
COPD include accessory muscle use,31,32 prolonged l
Sputum Gram stain and culture in patients who have
expiratory time from baseline,30,33-36 asymmetric developed respiratory failure, have risk factors for drug-
lung sounds, auscultated wheezing, respiratory resistant organisms, or have not responded to antibiotics
alternans (paradoxical rib cage and abdomen motion l
Respiratory viral panel (depending on the time of year)
thought to alternate the respiratory load between the l
Focused ultrasonography of the heart, lungs, and deep veins
inspiratory muscles of the chest and the diaphragm
to prevent fatigue), cyanosis, and neck-vein disten- Abbreviations: BNP, b-type natriuretic peptide; COPD, chronic
tion during expiration.37 obstructive pulmonary disease; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro b-type
natriuretic peptide.

October 2017 • www.ebmedicine.net 5 Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Obtaining an arterial blood gas sample, com- of obstructive lung disease, it is not specific enough
plete blood cell count, serum electrolytes, and renal to diagnose COPD, as this is still a diagnosis made
and liver function tests is recommended in patients by history, physical examination, and pulmonary
who require hospitalization or have developed respi- function tests. Computed tomographic (CT) imaging
ratory failure.3 A study comparing venous to arterial can be performed in selected patients who pres-
blood gas analysis found good agreement between ent with atypical presentations or who have a high
arterial and venous measures of pH and bicarbonate; probability of pulmonary embolism.
however, the PaCO2 values varied by approximately 6 Nevertheless, patients presenting with AECOPD
mm Hg.38 Another study found that a venous partial can have incidental radiographic abnormalities
pressure of carbon dioxide (PvCO2) < 45 mm Hg has including infiltrates, lung masses, pneumothora-
a high negative predictive value for arterial hypercap- ces, and pulmonary edema up to one-fourth of the
nia.39 Thus, a venous blood gas sample is reasonable time;42 thus, studies evaluating the use of selective
in less severe exacerbations, but an arterial blood gas criteria for obtaining chest radiographs in AECOPD
analysis is still recommended in patients with hypox- to minimize their use have been unsuccessful.43,44
emic respiratory failure or patients requiring mechan-
ical ventilation to assess the degree of hypercapnia Electrocardiogram
and/or hypoxemia and the response to treatment. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is recommended in
In these more-ill patients, a PaCO2, along with patients who present with possible COPD exacer-
serum albumin and urea, was used in a clinical bation, mainly to evaluate for coexisting cardiac
algorithm to risk stratify AECOPD admissions into problems. About 20% of patients with COPD have
5 groups of inpatient mortality, ranging from 3% to a diagnosed cardiovascular comorbidity, and the
23.4%. The highest-risk group had elevated serum same percentage of COPD exacerbations are
urea > 20.6 mg/dL and PaCO2 > 48.4 mm Hg, with precipitated by acute decompensated heart failure
normal serum albumin > 3.7 g/dL.40 or cardiac arrhythmias.45 Arrhythmias associated
with COPD severity include atrial fibrillation/
Chest Imaging flutter, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, and
At a minimum, a chest radiograph is recommended sustained ventricular tachycardia. Multifocal atrial
in patients who require hospitalization or have tachycardia, an irregular rhythm with at least 3
developed respiratory failure, as it can be used to distinct P-wave morphologies, is almost exclusively
exclude alternative diagnoses. Typical radiographic associated with COPD.46 (See Figure 2 and Table 4,
findings that can be associated with COPD include page 7. )
over-inflation, flattening of the hemidiaphragms,
increased retrosternal air space, bullae, and saber-
sheath trachea (an increase in the posterior diameter
but narrowing of the lateral diameter).41 (See Figure
1.) While the chest radiograph may show evidence Figure 2. Electrocardiogram of Multifocal
Atrial Tachycardia
Figure 1. Saber-Sheath Trachea on Computed

Arrows point out multiple P-wave configurations consistent with

multifocal atrial tachycardia.
Reprinted from Chest, Volume 113, Issue 1. James McCord, Steven
Borzak. Multifocal atrial tachycardia. Pages 203-209. Copyright 1998,
Image courtesy of University of Maryland Medical Center. with permission from Elsevier.

Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 6 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

There are a variety of ECG abnormalities related Microbiologic Evaluation
to COPD. (See Table 5 and Figure 3.) The ECG The presence of purulent sputum during an exacer-
changes may be attributed to associated pulmonary bation is sufficient to start treatment with antibiotics;
hypertension, hyperinflation causing a shift in the however, if the patient does not respond to the initial
heart’s position within the chest, and right ventricu- treatment, then a sputum culture with sensitivi-
lar hypertrophy leading to a clockwise rotation of ties should be performed.4 Sputum culture is also
the electrical axis of the heart.47 recommended in patients with respiratory failure or
those who have recently been on antibiotics.3 One of
Serum Cardiac Biomarkers the main limitations of sputum testing is a patient’s
Ischemic changes (Q or QS pattern, ST-segment de- inability to expectorate.
pression, and T-wave inversions), elevated troponin Approximately 50% of COPD exacerbations are
levels, and chest discomfort are common in pa- caused by bacterial infection. The most common bac-
tients with COPD, making it difficult to distinguish terial pathogens in COPD are Haemophilus influenzae,
whether or not acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Moraxella catarrha-
present. A systematic review found elevated cardiac lis.52,53 Isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is associ-
troponin levels in 18% to 73% of patients with an ated with a greater severity of COPD, particularly in
AECOPD, and elevated levels were associated with patients with an FEV1 < 1 L.54,55 However, patients
an increased risk for all-cause mortality.50 may be chronically colonized with these pathogens;
B-type natriuretic peptides (BNP) are released in approximately 20% to 30% of patients with stable
response to cardiac wall stretch from either volume COPD have positive sputum cultures.53 The results
or pressure overload. Serum BNP and N-terminal of a patient’s prior sputum cultures can potentially
pro b-type natriuretic (NT-proBNP) concentrations assist with identifying the inciting organism and
are often elevated during AECOPD and also predict selecting antibiotics.
poor short-term outcomes.45 A recent systematic AECOPD can also be precipitated by viral in-
review that included 7 studies demonstrated that fections. A meta-analysis showed that the weighted
elevated levels are associated with left ventricular overall prevalence of respiratory viruses was 39.3%
dysfunction in patients with COPD.51 in patients with AECOPD and 13.6% in patients
Decisions to obtain cardiac biomarkers and how with stable COPD.56 The most common types
to interpret them need to be made on an individual of respiratory viruses, in descending order, are
basis, and abnormal findings taken within the clini- rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and influ-
cal context, including the patient’s cardiac risk fac- enza.56,57 Thus, a respiratory viral panel should be
tors and results of other testing. There are no guide- considered as part of the microbiologic evaluation,
lines that help identify in whom to obtain cardiac especially since medications are available to treat
biomarkers in this patient population. influenza. Most respiratory viruses tend to occur in
the winter, but rhinovirus circulates mainly in the
autumn and spring.57

Table 4. Arrhythmias Related to COPD

Figure 3. Electrocardiogram of Right
• Atrial fibrillation Ventricular Hypertrophy
• Atrial flutter
• Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia
• Sustained ventricular tachycardia
• Multifocal atrial tachycardia

Table 5. Electrocardiogram Abnormalities

Related to COPD

• Right atrial enlargement (“P pulmonale,” P wave ≥ 0.25 mV in

extremity leads or > 0.15 mV in V1)
• Vertical P-wave axis (P axis > 60°)
• Right ventricular hypertrophy
• Right or left bundle branch block
Arrows point out dominant S waves in leads I, II, and III.
• Right or left axis deviation48,49
Image used by permission of Dr. Johnson Francis by Creative
• Low voltage in limb leads
Commons License Attribution 4.0 International.
• S1S2S3 pattern
Available at: https://cardiophile.org/ecg-quiz-28/
Abbreviation: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

October 2017 • www.ebmedicine.net 7 Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Point-of-Care Ultrasound one systematic review. In addition, 2 of the included
More emergency medicine physicians are using studies did not find any significant differences in
ultrasonography in their clinical practice since a symptoms of dyspnea, chest pain, hemoptysis,
minimum skill set was incorporated into residency cough, or palpitations between patients with and
training.58 The bedside lung ultrasound in emer- without pulmonary embolism.66 Another recent sys-
gency (BLUE) protocol established typical ultrasono- tematic review that included 880 patients found that
graphic profiles for intensive care unit (ICU) patients patients with unexplained AECOPD who presented
with diagnoses of pulmonary edema, COPD or with pleuritic chest pain and signs of heart failure
asthma, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax, and and no identified infectious etiology were more
pneumonia based on ultrasonography of the heart, frequently found to have a pulmonary embolism.
lungs, and deep veins. The thoracic ultrasound Patients found to have both AECOPD and pulmo-
included evaluation of A or B lines, lung sliding, nary embolism had increased mortality and hospital
and alveolar consolidation and/or pleural effusion. length of stay.67 There are no guidelines to suggest
Predominant A lines plus lung sliding indicated, when to pursue venous thromboembolism evalua-
with high sensitivity and specificity, a diagnosis of tion in patients presenting with AECOPD, and such
asthma or COPD. If this profile was seen in addition decisions will need to be made on an individual
to a deep venous thrombosis, then it was suggestive basis. If an assessment is needed, then the standard
of pulmonary embolism. Multiple anterior diffuse B diagnostic and treatment algorithms would apply.
lines with lung sliding was consistent with pulmo-
nary edema, whereas pneumothorax was identified Treatment
by absent lung sliding with the presence of A lines
and lung point. One study found that use of these Supplemental Oxygen
profiles in patients admitted to the ICU with acute A 2010 prospective randomized trial of 405 patients
respiratory failure would have provided the correct with AECOPD evaluated the use of nontitrated 6 to
diagnosis in 90.5% of cases.59 10 L/min supplemental oxygen versus supplemental
A prospective study of 130 patients evaluated the oxygen titrated to an SpO2 goal of 88% to 92% in the
use of cardiopulmonary ultrasound performed by prehospital and ED setting. The authors observed
emergency clinicians in patients presenting to the ED a 9% versus 4% inhospital mortality for the higher-
with acute dyspnea. Cardiopulmonary ultrasound flow groups versus the titrated-supplemental-oxygen
had a diagnostic accuracy of 90% for acute left-sided groups, respectively. There was no statistically
heart failure, 86% for pneumonia or pleural effusion, significant difference between groups regarding SpO2
and 95% for decompensated COPD or asthma.60 at presentation or baseline FEV1.28 However, hypoxia
Focused cardiopulmonary ultrasonography with may not improve with low-flow oxygen supplemen-
limited evaluation of the deep veins is fast (median tation via nasal cannula when a patient’s minute
time of 12 minutes), can identify acute life-threatening ventilation is significantly greater than the typical 2
conditions in the ED, and expedites establishing the to 6 L/min of oxygen supplementation. When this
correct diagnosis.61,62 A limited ultrasonography occurs, other devices such as face masks or nonre-
evaluation can be considered as a supplement to the breather masks that are capable of delivering oxygen
clinical assessment, depending on its availability and at effectively higher concentrations may be used. Ar-
user competency. Limitations to widespread use are terial oxygen saturation goals do not differ between
the determination of proficiency and high levels of supplemental oxygen modalities.
concern about medicolegal liability.63 Recent guidelines agree that oxygen supplemen-
tation should target an arterial saturation of 88% to
Other Tests 92%. They also recommend pH monitoring to ensure
Spirometry is not recommended during an AECOPD adequate ventilation during ongoing oxygen supple-
because the results may be inaccurate and thus not mentation. Specifically, GOLD guidelines suggest that
useful for identifying obstructive ventilatory de- pH monitoring should be done within 30 to 60 minutes
fects.4 Using peak expiratory flow rates as a surro- after the initiation of supplemental oxygen.68 Oxygen-
gate for FEV1 in COPD patients has been shown to induced hypercapnia in the setting of AECOPD has
be unreliable.64,65 If a patient has had a prior spi- long been a concern in the ED. Several proposed
rometry, it is helpful to understand how severe their mechanisms, including reversal of hypoxic pulmo-
obstruction was at baseline; however, it does not nary vasoconstriction as well as increased dead space
need to be repeated in the acute setting. with ventilation-perfusion redistribution contribute
It is difficult to determine when to evaluate to this. While these physiologic changes may occur
for venous thromboembolism as another cause with exposure to high oxygen in acute hypercapnia, at
of dyspnea in patients presenting with presumed the bedside, it is a rare manifestation of supplemental
AECOPD. The prevalence of pulmonary embolism oxygen, with current standards of care targeting the
in hospitalized patients with AECOPD was 24.7%, in relatively lower SpO2 goals noted above.69

Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 8 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

Bronchodilators termittent doses. Ultimately, decisions regarding the
Bronchodilators, including anticholinergics and choice of bronchodilators, frequency, and route of
beta-2 agonists, are a mainstay of the management drug delivery for the treatment of AECOPD should
of AECOPD. Currently, most commonly used medi- take into consideration the patient’s symptoms,
cations include inhaled and/or nebulized albuterol institutional cost, ease of administration, as well as
with or without ipratropium bromide. Albuterol (a timely availability of necessary resources for treat-
beta-2 agonist) stimulates cyclic adenosine 3’,5’-mo- ment and monitoring.
nophosphate (cAMP), resulting in airway smooth-
muscle relaxation. Inhaled ipratropium bromide Corticosteroids
(an anticholinergic agent derived from atropine) Classically, COPD and the inflammatory pathways
demonstrates limited systemic absorption, thereby involved in its pathophysiology have been thought
maintaining its bronchodilatory and antisecretory of as inherently corticosteroid-resistant, compared
effects while minimizing systemic anticholinergic to asthma.77,78 Nonetheless, systemic corticosteroids
symptoms. Both agents have an onset of action have become a mainstay of therapy in the treatment
within minutes, although peak effect is slower for of AECOPD and are associated with a number of
ipratropium bromide (at least 60 minutes) compared therapeutic benefits, including enhanced bronchodi-
to that of albuterol (30-60 minutes). lator response (eg, improvement in FEV1 and PaO2),
The side-effect profiles for these drugs are quite reduced need for admission from the ED, reduced
favorable.70,71 Albuterol has been associated with hy- treatment failure when discharged from the ED, and
pokalemia, tremulousness, tachycardia, or tachyar- shorter hospital length of stay when admitted.79-83
rhythmias, and on rare occasion, lactic acidosis (type Treatment is certainly not without risk, however,
B) as well as transient worsening of the ventilation- as the side-effect profile of systemic corticosteroids
perfusion mismatch, with decreased oxygenation. is quite extensive. Short-term exposure lends itself
Anticholinergic agents such as ipratropium bromide, to certain side effects including leukocytosis (due to
due to low systemic absorption, tend to have mini- peripheral neutrophil demargination), hyperglyce-
mal side effects. When present, they include uri- mia, restlessness, and acute psychosis. Medium- to
nary retention, tremulousness, and dry mouth. An long-term exposure carries additional inherent
important side effect of anticholinergic agents noted risks, such as Cushingoid features, hypernatremia,
in a previous review includes inducing mydriasis hypertension, hyperlipidemia, myopathy, diabetes,
when in contact with the eye (eg, from the vapor of glaucoma, skin thinning, easy bruising and bleeding,
nebulized ipratropium). This may precipitate acute glaucoma, osteoporosis, immunosuppression, and
angle-closure glaucoma in susceptible patients or, in adrenal insufficiency.83
the unconscious patient, mislead the care team into The dosage, route of administration, and du-
suspecting other acute intracranial pathologies.72 ration of treatment of corticosteroids continue to
Head-to-head studies, including a more recent be debated. Previous research suggests that oral
meta-analysis, of these 2 classes of bronchodila- administration of corticosteroids is noninferior to IV
tors have not demonstrated clinical superiority of administration in the acute setting and, therefore, in
one class over the other in AECOPD. Combination patients who can tolerate it, oral corticosteroid use
therapy has also not demonstrated improved pulmo- is appropriate.84 Most studies agree that treatment
nary function (specifically FEV1) in the acute setting with relatively lower doses for shorter periods of
compared to monotherapy with either drug.73 Older time appears to offer therapeutic benefit similar to
data also suggest no difference in clinical outcomes longer courses of higher doses, while reducing total
between inhaled use with a spacer and nebulized cumulative doses.82 This was recently emphasized
administration of these agents, and no recently pub- in the REDUCE trial, which showed that, in patients
lished data have challenged this.74-76 who presented to the ED for AECOPD (the major-
Severely ill or frail patients are less likely to ity of whom were admitted), 40 mg oral prednisone
use metered-dose inhalers properly and nebulized daily for 5 days compared to 14 days of treatment
administration of bronchodilators is probably more demonstrated no significant difference in time to re-
effective in these circumstances. exacerbation, death, or recovery of lung function.85
Data on the ideal frequency (continuous versus Consensus guidelines that pre-date the RE-
frequent intermittent dosing) of bronchodilators in DUCE trial recommended 30 to 40 mg oral pred-
AECOPD are also lacking. Unfortunately, there is a nisone daily for 10 days.3,68,86 Given recent trial
paucity of guidance from current consensus state- data, however, the most recent GOLD guidelines
ments on the subject. Commonly prescribed starting recommend 40 mg oral prednisone daily for 5
doses of nebulized bronchodilators include albuterol days.4 It is notable that critically ill patients requir-
2.5 mg and ipratropium bromide 0.5 mg (2.5 mL). ing mechanical ventilation have not been studied
Continuous administration of bronchodilators is as a specific group, and higher doses with longer
reasonable if symptoms persist despite frequent in- courses of therapy are commonly prescribed in this
demographic, with limited data to support this

October 2017 • www.ebmedicine.net 9 Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

practice. In addition, IV corticosteroids are often ratory fluoroquinolones (eg, levofloxacin, moxiflox-
administered in critically ill patients when enteral acin), or broader therapies if P aeruginosa or other
administration cannot be performed or is not avail- more resistant organisms are suspected.3 In the
able. Some commonly used IV corticosteroids (and critically ill patient with AECOPD, we suggest that
their dose equivalence to prednisone 40 mg) are: antibiotic treatment covers MRSA, as community-
methylprednisolone (32 mg), dexamethasone acquired MRSA has become more commonplace in
(6 mg), and hydrocortisone (160 mg). recent years. If available, institutional antibiograms
should be consulted to determine the optimal an-
Antibiotics tibiotic therapy based on local resistance patterns.
Historically, antimicrobial coverage in AECOPD (See Table 6.)
has been tailored to treat commonly implicated The ideal duration of antimicrobial therapy
community-acquired pathogens, including S pneu- for the treatment of AECOPD remains unclear.
moniae, M catarrhalis, and H influenzae. In critically Most literature focuses on the use of antibiotics
ill patients with AECOPD, methicillin-resistant in addition to the usual treatment regimen. Few
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), P aeruginosa, Steno- data exist on the comparison of treatment dura-
trophomonas maltophilia, and Acinetobacter baumannii tions and their effect on clinical outcomes. The
have been cultured, and antimicrobial coverage is GOLD guidelines recommendation of 5 to 7 days
often tailored accordingly.87 of treatment is graded as Evidence Level B, and is
Despite the common use of antibiotics in the consistent with other published guidelines on the
treatment of AECOPD, the data supporting this subject.68 Most of the literature cited previously
practice are quite varied. A large systematic review utilized antibiotic treatment durations approxi-
and meta-analysis published in 2008, incorporating mating 7 days; thus, a recommendation of 5 to 10
evidence from 11 studies and over 1000 patients, days of therapy seems appropriate.
concluded that antibiotic use in hospitalized pa-
tients with AECOPD reduced rates of treatment Magnesium Sulfate
failure and inhospital mortality. Interestingly, these The use of magnesium sulfate and literature sur-
same benefits were not observed in the ambulatory rounding its modest efficacy stem from its role in
setting.88 A similar analysis was performed in 2012 the treatment of moderate-to-severe asthma exac-
incorporating more recent data by Cochrane Air- erbations. Its safety profile for that use has likely
ways (www.airways.cochrane.org). They analyzed contributed to its extrapolated use by emergency
data from 16 trials with over 2000 patients across clinicians for AECOPD, for which there is a paucity
the spectrum of severity of AECOPD and concluded of data. One study in 2006 examined the impact of
that the strongest evidence for antibiotic use in 1.5 g IV magnesium sulfate on FEV1 in the setting of
AECOPD existed for patients admitted to the ICU.89 AECOPD in the ED. The authors observed no direct
Most recently, a 2013 study reviewed 53,900 bronchodilatory effect after magnesium sulfate
AECOPD admissions to 410 hospitals. Their results administration alone, but did note an improved
suggested that the addition of antibiotics to a treat-
ment regimen including systemic corticosteroids
demonstrated reduced inhospital mortality and 30-
day readmission rates.90 Table 6. Antibiotics to Consider for the
Consensus statements from major organizations Treatment of Acute Exacerbation of COPD3
do not appear to limit recommendations to the in-
patient setting; instead, their language is focused on • Outpatient management:
symptom severity. GOLD guidelines support antibi- l
Cefdinir: 300 mg by mouth twice dailya,b or
otic use for patients with increased dyspnea, sputum l
Doxycycline: 100 mg by mouth twice daily or
volume, and sputum purulence, or in patients who l
Azithromycin: 500 mg by mouth daily x 1, then 250 mg by
have at least 2 of those 3 symptoms, if increased mouth daily
sputum purulence is 1 of the 2 symptoms. They also • Inpatient management
support the use of antibiotics in all patients who l
Amoxicillin/clavulanate: 875 mg/125 mg extended release by
require mechanical ventilation for AECOPD. While mouth twice dailya or
evidence remains limited, they currently recommend l
Levofloxacin 750 mg by mouth (or IV) dailya or
a duration of antibiotic therapy of 5 to 7 days.68 l
Moxifloxacin 400 mg by mouth and
ATS/ERS guidelines state that antibiotics “…may l
Vancomycina or linezolid: dosing should be determined after
be initiated in patients with altered sputum charac- discussion with pharmacistc
teristics” in the outpatient setting and may include
cephalosporins, doxycycline, macrolides, or cefdinir. Requires dose adjustment for renal impairment.
Alternatives include cefuroxime or cefprozil.
Suggested antibiotics for inpatient management c
Typically reserved for severe exacerbations requiring intensive care
of AECOPD include amoxicillin/clavulanate, respi-
unit admission.

Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 10 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

bronchodilatory response when given in conjunction for intubation (relative risk [RR], 0.41; 95% confi-
with beta-agonists. Unfortunately, clinical outcomes dence interval [CI], 0.33-0.53), shorter hospital length
were not measured in this small study (n = 24).91 of stay (-3.24 days; 95% CI, -4.42 to -2.06), and mor-
In 2013, a group from New Zealand examined the tality (RR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.35-0.76).93 While no major
efficacy of inhaled magnesium sulfate in addition to guidelines recommend specific settings for initiation
nebulized beta-agonist and anticholinergic treat- of NIPPV, we recommend to start with an inspira-
ments in 161 ED patients with AECOPD. There was tory positive airway pressure (IPAP) of at least 5 cm
no statistical difference in the improvement of FEV1 H2O greater than the expiratory pressure (commonly
in the treatment group compared with placebo.92 started at 8 cm H2O or less), and to titrate the IPAP
Consensus guidelines do not address the use in increments of 5 cm H2O every few minutes over
of magnesium sulfate in the treatment of AECOPD. the first hour to a goal of decreased work of breath-
Data are scarce, and the quality of existing studies ing and patient comfort. Regular repeat observations
varies in quality. Therefore, the role of magnesium of the patient should be made during this initial
sulfate in the setting of AECOPD remains uncertain. phase to ensure clinical stability.
It is our practice to limit the use of magnesium sul- In 2005, Merlani et al performed a retrospec-
fate to asthma exacerbations, and we do not incor- tive analysis of 104 patients placed on NIPPV for
porate this treatment into the usual care provided to AECOPD in the ED. An arterial pH of ≤ 7.35 or a
patients with AECOPD. respiratory rate ≥ 20 breaths/min (OR, 3.51; 95% CI,
1.29-9.62; and OR, 1.13-11.20, respectively) after 1
Methylxanthines hour of NIPPV were the strongest predictors of treat-
A 2008 review on COPD in this publication noted ment failure, defined as subsequent intubation.94 For
the outdated nature of the use of methylxanthines more information about NIPPV, see the February
for AECOPD. Without new published data on its ef- 2017 issue of Emergency Medicine Practice, “Nonin-
fect on clinical outcomes, recommendations have not vasive Ventilation for Patients in Acute Respiratory
changed. ATS/ERS guidelines on the management Distress: An Update,” available at www.ebmedicine.
of AECOPD do not comment on methylxanthine net/NIPPV.
therapy. GOLD guidelines state, “intravenous meth-
ylxanthines are only to be used in selected cases Mechanical Ventilation
when there is insufficient response to short-acting Once the decision is made to intubate, the method of
bronchodilators,” yet literature from the late 1980s intubation and pharmacologic therapy used should
to early 1990s is cited, half of which is focused on be chosen based upon availability and clinician ex-
ambulatory patients with stable disease.68 It is our perience with a given regimen or method.
opinion that methylxanthines do not play a mean- Literature on the use of ketamine in the setting of
ingful role in acute management of AECOPD. hypercapnic respiratory failure secondary to status
asthmaticus has been extrapolated to patients with
Noninvasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation AECOPD. Its proposed mechanism is the antimusca-
NIPPV has been a mainstay of therapy for AECOPD rinic effect that may provide some bronchodilatory
in the ED setting for years. It can be supplied as relief; however, there are no well-designed studies
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or as supporting its use in AECOPD, and at this time, there
bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), with a is no definitive recommendation on its use in
higher inspiratory than expiratory pressure. In most AECOPD.95-98
circumstances, BiPAP is utilized for patients with Intubated patients with AECOPD require atten-
AECOPD because the driving pressure (difference tion to ventilator settings in order to avoid breath-
between inspiratory PAP and expiratory PAP) assists
with their ventilatory needs and work of breath- Table 7. Exclusion Criteria for Noninvasive
ing. The expiratory PAP is thought to improve gas Positive-Pressure Ventilation and Indications
exchange and dead space by splinting open distal for Intubation
airways. See Table 7 for NIPPV exclusion criteria
and indications for intubation.
• Inability to tolerate a tightly sealed face mask
GOLD guidelines recommend a trial of NIPPV l
for patients meeting either of the following criteria: l
Craniofacial abnormalities (eg, trauma, burns, etc)
(1) respiratory acidosis (arterial pH < 7.35 or PaCO2 l
Significant air leak
> 45 mm Hg), and/or (2) severe dyspnea with clini- • Inability to protect airway or coordinate breathing with ventilator
cal signs suggestive of respiratory muscle fatigue or l
Depressed mentation
increased work of breathing.68 A Cochrane review l
Hemodynamic instability
originally published in 2004 and updated in 2009 l
Vomiting or Inability to clear secretions
concluded that the use of NIPPV as first-line treat- l
Apnea or respiratory arrest
ment for AECOPD is associated with decreased need • Recent gastrointestinal surgery (due to risk of aerophagia)

October 2017 • www.ebmedicine.net 11 Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Clinical Pathway
Clinical Pathway for
Department Management
of Acute Of Multiple
Exacerbation of COPD

Does patient have history suggestive of underlying COPD?

• Known COPD
• Age ≥ 45 years
• Smoking history > 40 pack-years
• Inhalational exposure history
• History of asthma, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, or childhood RTIs


Consider alternative or comorbid conditions: Is this an exacerbation?

• Asthma • Increased dyspnea and/or cough
• Congestive heart failure • Increased sputum production
• Central airway obstruction • Increased sputum purulence
• Myocardial infarction
• Pneumonia YES
• Pulmonary embolism
• Pneumothorax
Determine severity of exacerbation by assessing vital signs,
respiratory effort, and high-risk features:
• Advanced age
• Worsened baseline severity of COPD
• Respiratory failure
• Low body mass index
Mild exacerbation: • Confusion
• Can consider outpatient treatment if patient responds NO
• Use of long-term oxygen therapy
rapidly to initial treatment • Comorbid heart failure, renal failure, or cor pulmonale


Go to Clinical Pathway for Management of Moderate-to-severe exacerbation:

Acute Exacerbation of COPD (page 13) Perform diagnostic evaluation:
• CBC, comprehensive metabolic panel (Class III)
• Chest x-ray
• Electrocardiogram
Perform other studies as clinically indicated (Class III)
• Arterial blood gas
• Serum troponin, BNP, or NT-proBNP
• Sputum Gram stain and culture
• Respiratory viral panel
Abbreviations: BNP, b-type natriuretic peptide; CBC, complete blood
• Focused ultrasound
cell count; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NT-proBNP,
• Venous thromboembolism evaluation
N-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide; RTI, respiratory tract infection.

Class Of Evidence Definitions

Each action in the clinical pathways section of Emergency Medicine Practice receives a score based on the following definitions.
Class I Class II Class III Indeterminate
• Always acceptable, safe • Safe, acceptable • May be acceptable • Continuing area of research
• Definitely useful • Probably useful • Possibly useful • No recommendations until further
• Proven in both efficacy and effectiveness • Considered optional or alternative treat- research
Level of Evidence: ments
Level of Evidence: • Generally higher levels of evidence Level of Evidence:
• One or more large prospective studies • Nonrandomized or retrospective studies: Level of Evidence: • Evidence not available
are present (with rare exceptions) historic, cohort, or case control studies • Generally lower or intermediate levels of • Higher studies in progress
• High-quality meta-analyses • Less robust randomized controlled trials evidence • Results inconsistent, contradictory
• Study results consistently positive and • Results consistently positive • Case series, animal studies, • Results not compelling
compelling consensus panels
• Occasionally positive results

This clinical pathway is intended to supplement, rather than substitute for, professional judgment and may be changed depending upon a patient’s individual
needs. Failure to comply with this pathway does not represent a breach of the standard of care.
Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. 1-800-249-5770. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without written consent of EB Medicine.

Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 12 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

Clinical Pathway
Clinical For Emergency
Pathway Department
for Management Management
of Acute Ofof
Exacerbation Multiple

Patient presents to the ED with acute

exacerbation of COPD
Perform initial assessment:
• Vital signs (including SpO2) Respiratory failure imminent?
• Work of breathing
• Air movement
• Mentation


Is SpO2 < 88%? Contraindication to NIPPV?


• Administer
Administer aggressive supplemental O2 via • Start NIPPV (Class I) NO Intubate
medical therapy: nasal cannula (Class II) • Administer aggressive
• Bronchodilators • Is SpO2 < 88%? medical therapy
(Class I) l
• Systemic corticosteroids YES (Class I)
(Class I) l
Systemic corticosteroids Manage ventilation
• Antibiotics, if indicated (Class I) (Class III):
(Class II) Administer oxygen via l
Antibiotics, if indicated • Tidal volume: 6 cc/kg
Good clinical response? nonrebreather mask; (Class II) ideal body weight
titrate to SpO2 > 88% Good clinical response? • Avoid breath-stacking
NO YES (Class III) • High inspiratory flow
• Permissive hypercapnia
(pH target 7.2)
Is the patient safe for
• Administer aggressive
discharge with
medical therapy
• Consider further appropriate support
diagnostic testing and follow-up?
• Consider indications for
NIPPV or intubation YES NO
• Continue aggressive Admit to monitored setting/
Admit to medical ward
medical therapy intensive care unit

Discharge home:
• Bronchodilators
• Oral corticosteroids
• Antibiotics, if indicated

Good clinical response? YES Admit to medical ward


Admit to monitored setting/

intensive care unit

Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NIPPV, noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation; SpO2, oxygen saturation measured by
pulse oximetry.

For Class of Evidence Definitions, see page 12.

October 2017 • www.ebmedicine.net 13 Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

stacking and consequent dynamic hyperinflation. High-Flow Nasal Cannula
Resulting acute pulmonary barotrauma or volu- There are no guidelines that discuss the use of high-
trauma and high intrathoracic pressures may acutely flow nasal cannula devices, which can offer gas flow
decrease cardiac preload, leading to hemodynamic rates up to 60 L/min in the setting of AECOPD.
collapse. Thus, in the immediate postintubation While it is postulated that these devices probably
setting, attention must focus on the respiratory rate, better meet the oxygenation needs of the hypercap-
tidal volume, I:E ratio (inspiratory time to expiratory nic patient, match their respiratory demands (either
time), and airway resistance to allow for complete objectively or subjectively) with high flow rates, and
exhalation of a given breath in order to avoid hypo- provide a minimal amount of positive end-expirato-
tension and circulatory collapse.99 Some centers are ry pressure, the role for high-flow nasal cannula in
gaining experience avoiding intubation for severe the setting of AECOPD or hypercapnic respiratory
COPD exacerbations with the use of extracorporeal failure has not yet been demonstrated in clinical
CO2 removal; however, further research is needed in studies. For now, these devices are more appropri-
this area.100 ately utilized for acute hypoxic respiratory failure.
It has become common practice to allow for Therapy with high-flow nasal cannula will likely be
some measure of “permissive hypercapnia;” how- addressed in future studies.
ever, there is variability in the degree of acidemia
tolerated. There is no consensus on the lower limit
Controversies and Cutting Edge
of an acceptable pH, and guidelines on the mat-
ter offer no meaningful direction. We recommend Biomarkers
targeting an arterial pH of 7.2, offering the ability While current recommendations include antibiotic
to maintain adequate ventilatory support while therapy for 5 to 10 days for severe exacerbations re-
avoiding dynamic hyperinflation in the majority of quiring intubation, not all patients should be treated
patients. (See Table 8.) in this manner. A recent Danish study of COPD
Lastly, aggressive medical treatments (ie, fre- patients determined that point-of-care procalcitonin-
quent; initially, even hourly) with bronchodilator guided antibiotic therapy could substantially reduce
administration, as well as administration of systemic the overall use of antibiotics among patients hospi-
corticosteroids and antibiotics, if indicated, should talized for AECOPD without increasing harm. While
be continued after intubation to promote secretion biomarkers are not yet considered standard of care,
clearance, bronchodilation, and to minimize the there is increasing research suggesting that they can
need for ongoing mechanical ventilation. Adequate help guide therapy and identify patients that may
analgesia and sedation are important aspects of pos- require noninvasive ventilation and/or have a more
tintubation care and cannot be emphasized enough. difficult hospital course.101
These should be addressed to ensure patient syn-
chrony with the ventilator. For more information on Heliox
ventilator management in the ED, see the September
Heliox is a gas mixture of 79% helium and 21%
2014 issue of EM Critical Care, “Ventilator Manage-
oxygen, resulting in a density that is nearly 6 times
ment and Troubleshooting in the Emergency Depart-
lower than atmospheric air and allows improved
ment,” at www.ebmedicine.net/ventmanagement.
airflow. It has a strong safety profile and has been
studied for various applications. In obstructive lung
disease, its use in asthma has been studied exten-
Table 8. Ventilator Setting Recommendations sively; however, it was not until the late 1990s that
Post Intubation multiple randomized controlled trials investigated
the use of heliox in COPD patients.102-105 The data
• Tidal volumes of 6 cc/kg ideal body weight* demonstrate that heliox, when added to NIPPV,
• Respiratory rate of 8-12 breaths/min (higher if expiratory flows decreases respiratory effort and intrinsic posi-
allow) to minimize breath-stacking or auto-PEEP tive end-expiratory pressure, but does not alter or
• High inspiratory flows to allow for longer expiratory time per breath improve clinical outcomes in acute exacerbations.
cycle While relatively safe, caution should be exercised
• Adjustments to minute ventilation to target an arterial pH of 7.2
in patients with high oxygen requirements, as they
• FiO2 should be adjusted to target SpO2 > 88%-92%
may not tolerate this gas mixture. The authors of this
review do not typically use heliox in their practice
*May be achieved by a pressure-controlled or volume-controlled
mode of ventilation. We prefer a volume-controlled mode to ensure a
for patients with AECOPD.
targeted minute ventilation, at least initially, in these patients.
Abbreviations: FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; PEEP, positive end- Measuring the partial pressure of CO2 in exhaled
expiratory pressure; SpO2, oxygen saturation measured by pulse breath over time and depicting it in graphical form
oximetry. as a capnogram has been increasingly incorporated

Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 14 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

into clinical practice over the last decade. Most tors of short-term mortality.108-110 A meta-analysis
commonly, we use end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) that included 189,772 COPD patients to assess pre-
monitoring in intubated patients to determine dictors of mortality identified several additional
adequacy of ventilation, confirm endotracheal tube factors for both short- and long-term mortality.111
placement, and gauge effectiveness of resuscitation (See Table 9.)
efforts in cardiac arrest. Recently, using capnograms Some of these factors have been incorporated
from normal subjects, COPD patients, and conges- into clinical prediction rules to predict short-term
tive heart failure patients, automated quantitative mortality, including the Pneumonia Severity Index
analysis was shown to be capable of discriminating (PSI),112 CURB65,113 SOFA score,114 and oth-
between COPD and congestive heart failure—a tool ers.115-119 Although some of these clinical predic-
that would be highly useful in the ED.106 Addition- tion models have been prospectively validated,
ally, the shape of the capnogram can help diagnose the patient population varied in the inclusion or
obstructive lung disease. The expiratory flow is im- exclusion of those with comorbidities. The models
paired, and there is an upward slope in the alveolar also have varying cut-offs for different risk catego-
plateau.72 (See Figure 4.) ries; thus, there is no recommendation to use one
If capnography is used to monitor treatment clinical prediction rule over another. The decision
effect and clinical status, EtCO2 must be correlated to admit a patient should take into account the
with PaCO2 from an arterial blood gas measurement, patient’s social situation at home, level of support
as the gradient between these values may widen the and functional status, and ability to follow up
more severe the lung disease is. with a physician in a timely manner. The ATS/
ERS and GOLD guidelines for hospital admission
Disposition are shown in Table 10, page 17 .

Outpatient Versus Inpatient Care Management for Patients Going Home

There is wide heterogeneity in studies evaluating Patients treated as outpatients should receive
poor prognostic factors, with a variety of mea- patient education regarding inhaler techniques and
sures, outcomes, and settings assessed. Both short- the use of a spacer. Medical management for all
and long-term outcomes have been evaluated and patients includes short-acting inhaled beta-2 ago-
vary from inhospital morbidity and mortality to nists, with or without short-acting anticholinergics,
patient-reported outcomes such as dyspnea to and a corticosteroid course, such as prednisone 40
functional measurements eg, FEV1 and 6-minute mg daily for 5 days. Antibiotics are indicated for
walk test.107 Thus, it has been difficult to establish patients with a change in their sputum characteris-
a clinical prediction rule for outpatient versus tics, and the choice of therapy should be based on
inpatient care. Advanced age, baseline severity of local bacterial resistance patterns and the patient’s
COPD, and the development of respiratory failure prior culture data. Management should also focus
have consistently been shown to be prognostic fac- on strategies to prevent further acute exacerbations.

Figure 4. End-Tidal Capnography Tracings72 Table 9. Factors Associated With Risk of

Death From COPD Exacerbation111
Normal capnography tracing:
Factors for Short-term and Long-term Mortality
Expiratory phase • Advanced age
• Low body mass index
• Cardiac failure
• Long-term oxygen therapy
Inspiratory phase
Factors for Short-term Mortality
• Male sex
Capnography tracing in bronchospasm and obstruction. Note the • Chronic renal failure
blunted upslope at the beginning of exhalation due to expiratory • Confusion
airflow limitation: • Lower-limb edema
• GOLD criteria stage 4
Expiratory phase
• Cor pulmonale
• Acidemia
• Elevated plasma troponin level
Inspiratory phase
Data taken from a meta-analysis of 37 studies (189,772 study
subjects) of adults admitted to the hospital with COPD exacerbation.
Gruber P, Swadron S. The acute presentation of chronic obstructive
Abbreviation: GOLD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung
pulmonary disease in the emergency department: a challenging
oxymoron. Emerg Med Pract. 2008;10(11):1-28. © 2008 EB Medicine.

October 2017 • www.ebmedicine.net 15 Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

Risk Management Pitfalls in Managing Acute Exacerbation of COPD

1. “But the patient said he has asthma.” 6. “We need to keep the oxygen saturation as
Not all wheezing is asthma, and not all patient- high as possible to make sure that oxygenation
reported histories of asthma are actually asthma. remains stable.”
Ensure that the patient’s risk factors and history Not only is there no benefit to maintaining an
align with the diagnosis. oxygen saturation in the high 90s in a patient
with COPD, it may actually be harmful. Recent
2. “I know she has COPD, but I doubt that’s guidelines agree on an arterial saturation target
what’s causing her respiratory distress.” of 88% to 92%.
Inadequately assessing triggers for AECOPD
may lead you down an expensive and ultimately 7. “She looks really sick; let’s intubate to assist
fruitless diagnostic path. A good history can her breathing now.”
increase efficiency, decrease costs, and most Many patients can avoid endotracheal
importantly, improve clinical outcomes. intubation with early implementation of NIPPV
with bilevel positive airway pressure. Taking
3. “This COPD patient’s respiratory and hemo- into account the absolute contraindications for
dynamic statuses are simply not improving, NIPPV, consider a trial to assist breathing.
despite doing everything by the book. What’s
going on?” 8. “We need to provide high tidal volumes on the
Largely due to the high systemic inflammatory ventilator to blow down the CO2!”
state in individuals with COPD, patients Despite a desire to increase minute ventilation to
presenting with an AECOPD have a surprisingly remove CO2 in a COPD patient, excessive tidal
high incidence of pulmonary embolism. Be volumes on the ventilator may actually injure
vigilant to ensure that the patient does not have the lungs.
a pulmonary embolism when he fails to respond
as expected to the standard interventions for an 9. “I don’t need to give any oral or IV corticoste-
AECOPD. roids because the patient is already on inhaled
4. “COPD is not possible – I don’t hear any Although some systemic absorption of inhaled
wheezing.” steroids can occur, it is insufficient to suppress
Although wheezing is often considered a the inflammatory process in the airways during
hallmark of COPD, a lack of wheezing can an AECOPD. Therefore, oral or IV steroids are
actually signify a loss of effective airflow and necessary for these circumstances.
can indicate imminent clinical deterioration.
10. “There’s no need to tell the patient to stop
5. “His COPD exacerbation wasn’t that bad – I smoking because it’s so obvious and, plus,
didn’t need to actually measure anything.” there’s nothing I can do to change that.”
Much of the physical examination is Smoking cessation can normalize the natural
inherently subjective, which may cause an rate of decline in a person’s lung function, even
underappreciation of the severity of a patient’s in a long-term smoker, and brief clinician advice
AECOPD. A focused diagnostic assessment can about the need to stop smoking can actually
identity poor prognostic markers. increase the rate of cessation.

Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved. 16 Reprints: www.ebmedicine.net/empissues

These include smoking cessation, influenza and atic patients, and the early use of NIPPV for patients
pneumococcal vaccinations, and treating with long- with respiratory acidosis and/or severe dyspnea
acting inhaled bronchodilators with or without with signs of respiratory muscle fatigue or increased
inhaled corticosteroids.3,4,120 work of breathing. Studies have demonstrated vary-
Influenza vaccination has been shown to re- ing levels of concordance with guideline-directed di-
duce all-cause mortality in COPD patients during agnostic studies and treatment, suggesting that there
influenza seasons.121 Both the PCV13 and PPSV23 is much room for improvement to provide consistent
pneumococcal vaccines are recommended in adults care in order to improve outcomes.
aged ≥ 65 years. The PCV13 should be given first,
followed by a dose of PPSV23 in 6 to 12 months Case Conclusions
in adults who have not previously received the
pneumococcal vaccine or whose vaccination his- For the 67-year-old man with COPD, you found his
tory is unknown. If a patient has already received nurse and respiratory therapist and ordered nebulized
the PPSV23 vaccine, then a dose of PCV13 should bronchodilator treatments, IV corticosteroids, sputum
be given ≥ 1 year afterwards.122 The pneumococ- culture, a chest x-ray, and NIPPV. He was provided sup-
cal vaccines have been demonstrated to reduce the plemental oxygen to maintain oxygen saturation of 88%
risk of invasive pneumococcal disease and all-cause to 92%. You reviewed his records and noted that he had
community-acquired pneumonia in adults ≥ 65 grown P aeruginosa in previous sputum cultures. Based
years and pneumococcal pneumonia hospitaliza- on the sensitivities, IV levofloxacin was ordered. After
tions in patients with COPD.123-124 3 hours, the patient appeared notably more comfortable
while lying in a semirecumbent position in bed. He was
Summary now able to speak in full sentences, and his wheezing and
work of breathing were improved. His arterial blood gas
COPD remains a leading cause of morbidity and showed only mild ongoing respiratory acidosis, and his
mortality, with an increasing prevalence as the pop- chest x-ray demonstrated hyperinflation only. You called
ulation ages. The presentation and risk factors for the hospitalist for admission to the medical step-down
comorbid diseases will guide the workup. Establish- unit, given his age, clinical status, and need for NIPPV.
ing a diagnosis of COPD and/or early identification For your second patient with dyspnea and cough,
of an exacerbation in the ED can improve symptoms, given her history of smoking, physical examination that
reduce the severity of an exacerbation, and ultimate- demonstrated hypoxia, inability to speak in full sen-
ly improve outcomes. AECOPD treatment should tences, and wheezing, plus laboratory data and chest im-
consist of supplemental oxygen to target an arterial aging consistent with COPD, a diagnosis of AECOPD
saturation of 88% to 92%, bronchodilator therapy was made in the ED. She was admitted to the intermedi-
(beta-2 agonists and anticholinergics), corticoste- ate care unit, started on NIPPV for respiratory distress,
roids, 5 to 7 days of antibiotic therapy for symptom- given levofloxacin 750 mg IV and methylprednisolone
40 mg IV, and closely monitored. In 2 hours, her symp-
toms were not improved; she remained hypercapnic and
Table 10. Indications for Hospital continued to have respiratory distress and paradoxical
Admission3,4 breathing. She was intubated, transferred to the ICU,
and started on assist control/volume control with a
respiratory rate of 10 breaths/min, tidal volume of 380
• Severe underlying COPD
(6 mL/kg of ideal body weight), positive end-expiratory
• Onset of new physical signs (eg, cyanosis, peripheral edema,
pressure of 5, and FiO2 of 50%. Careful attention was
changes in mental status)
• Worsening hypoxemia or hypercapnia
given to the settings to avoid dynamic hyperinflation.
• Failure of an exacerbation to respond to outpatient or initial medical Over the next 24 to 48 hours, she began to improve, and
management you confirmed the plan with the team to treat her with
• Presence of serious or high-risk comorbidities (eg, pneumonia, oral antibiotics for 7 days and oral corticosteroids for 5
cardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus, renal days, based on current data and guidelines.
or liver failure)
• Frequent exacerbations
• Older age
• Insufficient home support
• Uncertain diagnosis

Abbreviation: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

From the Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and
Prevention of COPD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung
Disease (GOLD) 2016. Available from: http://goldcopd.org/. Used with

October 2017 • www.ebmedicine.net 17 Copyright © 2017 EB Medicine. All rights reserved.

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