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Republic of the Philippines


Echague, Isabela



Instructional Material for

Computer Science 12A
Lecture and Laboratory

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Chapter I – Introduction to Spreadsheet Application

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

 Define spreadsheet application.

 Identify the MS Excel Environment and its elements
 Compare the MS Excel to other MS Office Application.
 Appreciate the uses of excel in the business and office sector.
 Perform data manipulation and basic worksheet operations.

What is Spreadsheet?

In computer terms, ―spreadsheet‖ has its roots in bringing the world in paper ledgers in which
bookkeepers recorded invoices and other financial doings. Eventually, these processes gave
the advent of an electronic called ―sheet‖.

Spreadsheet -an interactive computer application for organizing and analysis of information in
tabular form.

Spreadsheet Application - is software that performs spreadsheet applications.

What is MS Excel?

MS Excel - is an electronic spreadsheet program that can be used for storing, organizing and
manipulating data. It allows users to produce tables containing calculations and graphs. These
can range from a simple formula through to complex mathematical functions.

Starting MS Excel Application

Method A:

1. Look for Microsoft Office Excel 2010 short cut icon on the Desktop.

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2. Double click to open or Right click and select Open.

Method B:

1. Select and click (a) Start Button.

2. Click (b) All Programs > (c) Microsoft Office > (d) Microsoft Office Excel 2010.

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MS Excel Environment

1 2 3

6 5

15 7



11 12 13

1. File Button – allows you to create a new workbook, open an existing workbook, save
or save as, print, send (through email or fax), publish or close.
2. Quick Access Toolbar – is a customizable toolbar that contains commands that you
may want to use. You can place the quick access toolbar above or below the ribbon.
3. Title Bar – displays the program name and name of the document being edited
4. Command Tabs – serves as the menu bar wherein you can select the specific menu
you want to use.

Home: Clipboard, Fonts, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, Editing

Insert: Tables, Illustrations, Charts, Links, Text
Page Layouts: Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, Arrange
Formulas: Function Library, Defined Names, Formula Auditing, Calculation
Data: Get External Data, Connections, Sort & Filter, Data Tools, Outline
Review: Proofing, Comments, Changes
View: Workbook Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros

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5. Ribbon – panel at the top portion of the document. It is the section across the top of
the interface containing commands where all of the commonly used features are
6. Command Group – contains a group which enables user to format the selected text.
7. Formula Bar – a bar at the top of the Excel window that you use to enter or edit
values or formulas in cells or charts.
8. Column Header – the alphabetical labels appear at the top of each column in a
9. Row Header – the numbered labels that appear on the left side of each row in a
10. Selected Cell – your current position in the worksheet.
11. Worksheet Tabs – use to open or switch between the sheets in a workbook
12. Workbook Views – allows user to change viewing option of the worksheet.
13. Zoom – allows you to zoom in or out of your document
14. Scroll Bars – allows you to navigate to hidden portions of the work area
15. Name Box – displays the address of the active cell.

File button

-File Button is the start of excel and has many important commands and option. Such as excel
settings, opening, saving and printing and closing files.

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Quick Access Toolbar

-Customizable Toolbar for quick access on Excel mostly used commands and action.
Customizing Quick
Access Toolbar
Quick Access Toolbar
-Displays the program name and name of the document being edited

Title Bar

Control Tool Box

o Maximize - enlarge the window to fill the whole screen

o Restore Button - changes window from maximize to smaller window mode

o Minimize Button - shrinks and hides the program window on the taskbar

o Close Button - closes the window and exits the program

Name Box

-Name Box is a small white box to the left of the FORMULA BAR. It has a number of useful
features such navigation, the creation and selection of named cells and ranges.

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Formula Bar

-Is the white bar to the right of the NAME BOX and is used for entering and editing data,
creating and editing functions and formula.


-Is a huge table with columns and rows. The columns are named with letters, and the rows are
labeled with row numbers.

Column Header

Selected Cell

Row Header


Sheet Tabs

-Are located just below the worksheet on the left side. By default, there are three worksheet
present you can work with. An excel file is therefore also called ―Workbook‖, because it is
similar to folder containing a number of spreadsheets. You can also add and delete worksheet.

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Display Buttons

-Use to adjust the way you view the spreadsheet. By default, it is displayed in ―Normal View‖.

How to start new Spreadsheet?

When Excel starts up, the program will display a new, blank workbook. This is fine, but you do
not always have to build everything up from scratch. Alternatively, you can start a new
spreadsheet manually, using various templates

1. Click the File button in the top left corner of the screen.
2. Click New
3. You will now have the opportunity to choose which template you want to use. The
templates are organized in categories on the left side, which you can click on. For
beginners, choose the Blank Spreadsheet and click the Create button

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Navigating the spreadsheet

You can use both mouse and keyboard to navigate the worksheet.


a) The mouse is good if you want to move small distances. Click the white plus on any cell
that you want to move to. The cell you clicked becomes the active cell.


a) You can select the cell by moving around with your cursor keys. (Arrow keys on your
b) Having selected a cell, by double clicking the cell it becomes the active cell with flashing


The vertical and horizontal scroll bars do not move the active cell but they do allow you to see
areas of the worksheet that are not currently visible. Having scrolled to an area of the
worksheet, of you need to move the active cell into that region, click the mouse onto a cell of
your choice.

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To use the scroll bars:

a) Click the scroll arrows up/down/left/right

b) Drag the scroll box until the relevant cell become visible

How to move between sheets?

Each new workbook contains worksheets, named Sheet 1 to 3.


a) You may click on any sheet tab to go to that sheet


a) Press [CTRL][PAGE DOWN] to move to the next sheet, or [CTRL][PAGE UP] to move to
the previous sheet.

Writing, Editing and Deleting Cell Contents

To input on the cell, try typing some numbers and text in the selected cell. When you finish
typing something into a cell, press the ENTER key on the keyboard. The cell below the cell you
just typed becomes the active cell.

If you want to change something in a cell, you can double click on it, which enables you to
change the content. If it is the active cell you want to change, you can also press F2 on your

When deleting cell contents using the mouse, just select the cell or cells you want to clear.
Right click on the cell/selection, and choose clear from the shortcut menu. For keyboard, just
press the [DELETE] key.

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Changing Cell Size

The cells are exactly the same from the start, but you can change. You can change the cell size
by changing the row height and column width. Try moving your mouse between the column
headers. You will notice the mouse cursor changes; you can press the left mouse button while
moving to adjust column width. The same method can be used to change the row height.


Selecting Cells

To select a single cell, just move the cell pointer to it so that it becomes the active cell. If you
want to select multiple cells, there are two ways to do it.

a) Point to a cell with the mouse, press the left mouse button and drag the mouse by which
an area will be selected. Release the left mouse button when you have selected the
area you wanted.
b) Move the cursor to the cell you want to select. Hold down the Shift key on your
keyboard and press the arrow keys. As long as you hold down the Shift, selection will
be adjusted. Release the Shift key when you‘re done.

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Excel FILE Operation

You can save any information entered in Excel so that you may call it back at a later stage to
add, edit and print contents.

How to Save a file?

a) Click the File button, and select the Save button or click the save
button located at the Quick access toolbar.

b) The saving dialog box will appear.

Drive and Folder Directory

File Name

File Type

c) Determine the drive and folder you want to save the document in.
d) Set the File name
e) Choose the Excel file version you want on the ―Save as Type‖ drop down list.
f) Finally when all are entered, click the Save button.

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Saving changes to File

a) You can save the current changes by pressing the [CTRL] [S]. If the workbook has
never been save before, the Save As Dialog will appear, otherwise it saves any new
changes to the filename that you have already allocated before.

How to Close file?

a) Click the File button and choose the (a) EXIT near the bottom of menu or click the
(b) close button on the control box

b) If you have changed a file since the last time you saved it, Excel will not let you choose
that file without prompting you to save first the changes. A dialog box will appear with
the option to save the changes you have made.

How to Open file?

a) Click the File Button and choose OPEN

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b) The Open dialog box will appear

c) Locate the excel file you want to open

d) Click the File name to select and click the OPEN button.


e) After locating the File, Double-click the file to open.

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Chapter II - Formatting

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

 List the different formatting commands

 Explain the different formatting styles
 Differentiate the types of formatting
 Appreciate the importance of formatting in preparing spreadsheet documents
 Create a spreadsheet document with formatting

There are myriad of options for formatting in Excel. You can change font types and sizes,
colors, number formats, etc. Appropriate formatting also indicates quality and credibility.

Formatting Groups On Home Ribbon

1 4

5 10

Font Group 6 7 8 9

1. Font – enables users to change the font face of the text (data) in the cell/s.
2. Font Size – allows to change the size of text
3. Increase Font Size – increase the font size in a cell
4. Decrease Font Size – decrease the font size in a cell
5. Bold – make the text on the selected cells bold
6. Italic – italicized the text on the selected cells
7. Underline – underline the text on the selected cells
8. Border – apply borders to the currently selected cells
9. Fill Color – Color the background of the selected cells
10. Font Color – allows user to change the text color of the selected text on cells.

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Alignment Group

2 3 4

1 5

6 11

7 8 9 10
1. Top Align – align text to the top of the cell
2. Middle Align – align text so that it is centered between the top and bottom of the cell
3. Bottom Align – align text to the bottom of the cell
4. Orientation – rotate the text into a diagonal angle or vertical orientation. This is often
used for labeling narrow columns.
5. Wrap Text – Make all content visible within a cell by displaying it on multiple lines.
6. Align Text Left – align Text to the left.
7. Center – center text
8. Align Text Right – align text to the right.
9. Decrease Indent (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tab)– decrease the margin between the border and
the text in the cell
10. Increase Indent (Ctrl+Alt+Tab)- increase the margin between the border and the text in
the cell
11. Merge & Center – joins the selected cells into one larger cell and centers the contents in
the new cell. This is often used to create labels that span multiple columns.

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By default, Excel uses Calibri as its default font and all new worksheets will use this font
for data that you enter. However, you can choose different font faces for cells on the worksheet.

 To change the font:

a. Select the cells where you want to change font.

b. Click the drop down list arrow to the right of the Font box in the Font group.
c. The fonts are listed alphabetically. Use the vertical scroll bar on the right of the list to
move the list items up and down.

d. Select the desired font by clicking it. The font face for the selected cells will change
to reflect your choice.

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Font Size

 To change the font:

a. Select the cells where you want to change font size.

b. Click the drop-down list arrow to the right of the currently displayed font size
c. Pick a new number from the list – the selected cell data will change size accordingly.

Bold, Italic and Underline

 To apply bold, italic and underline

a. Select the cells where you want to change

b. Click on either the B, I or U buttons on the toolbar. The button will switch on and the
selected text will display the applied format.

c. Click on the underline drop down arrow will give you option of having double
underline instead o f the regular single one.

Font Color

 To change font color

a. Select the cells where you want to change its font color.
b. Click the drop down list arrows displayed on the right-hand
side of the button and choose the desired color.
c. Theme color show complimentary colors and shades on the
theme that you may have chosen for your worksheet.
d. There are also standard color to choose from
e. If you cannot find the color you want on the default palette, click the More Colors.

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Background Fill Color

 To change background fill color

a. Select the cells whose background fill color you want

to change
b. Click the drop-down list arrow displayed on the right-
hand side of the Fill color button.
c. The NO FILL option will remove any applied fill colors.
d. The fill color palette has the same range of colors and color option that in the font
color drop down list.


When you print a worksheet, Excel allows you to

choose whether you want all the cell gridlines to
print or not. Often, you want to print some but not
all of the lines – this is when you need to apply

 To apply borders:

a. Select the area you want to border

b. Click the drop-down list arrow to the right of the
Borders button on the Formatting toolbar.
c. From the palette, click the selected border option

 To remove borders:

a. Select the area you want the borders to remove

b. Click the drop-down list arrow to the right of the
Borders button on the Formatting toolbar.
c. c. From the palette, click the selected border option

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 To change alignment:

a. Select the cells whose alignment you want to change

b. Click the button for the desired alignment. You can align text vertically (Top, Middle
Bottom) and Horizontally (Left, Right, Center)

Merge Cells

 To merge cells:

a. Select the cells you want to merge

b. Click the Merge and Centre button from the Formatting Tool bar.

c. The merge cells look like this:

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 To unmerge cells:

a. Select the cells you want to unmerge

b. Click the Merge and Centre button again and this will
unmerge the cells selected
c. As you can see from the figure right click, the drop down
arrow to the right of the merge cell button you have options to merge cells with the
different alignment.


Indents allow you to control where a cell entry begins inside a cell.

 To indent cell data:

a. Select the cells you want to indent

b. Click the increase indent button to indent the selected cell data by
standard amount from the left.
c. If you need to take the indent back, click the decrease indent button to do this.

Number Formats

Initially, numbers in Excel use a General format, you may find that the results of the
formula run to different numbers of decimal places, or you might want to display
numbers as monetary values with a currency symbol.

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 To increase decimal places:

a. Select the cells with the numbers you want to change.

b. Click the NUMBER option from Number group drop-down list.
c. Click the INCREASE DECIMAL button from the ALIGNMENT
Group on the HOME ribbon
d. Keep clicking the INCREASE DECIMAL button until your numbers
display the correct decimal places
e. To decrease decimal places, click the DECREASE DECIMAL button


Comma style sets all the selected numbers to 2 decimal places and puts commas
between different thousand multiples.

Ex. 1000 would become 1,000.00 when comma style is applied to it.

 To apply comma style:

a. Select the cells with the numeric data you want to format.
b. Select the comma button from the number group.


Applying the style will add currency and two decimal places to the selected numbers.

 To apply currency style:

a. Select the cells with the numeric data you want to format.
b. Click the currency button from the Number group.
c. Using the drop down arrow, select the desired currency

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If you want to express the values as percentage, you can do this with the Percent style

Ex. 0.5 would become 50%

 To apply percent style:

a. Select the cells with the numeric data you want to format.
b. Click the percent style from the number Group

Advance Formatting

Format Cells Dialog

 To apply percent style:

a. Select the cells whose formats you want to change

the Home Ribbon.
c. Or right click on the selected cells and select

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d. The Format Cell Dialog box will appear

FONT TAB – This setting give Font formatting options for text and numbers. This will
display Font Formatting options, not found in the Formatting Toolbar

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ALIGNMENT TAB – This setting gives you lot of options for alignment. This will display
options, not available in the Formatting Toolbar

a. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT – Most of the formats for horizontal alignment are

available in the formatting toolbar (Right, Center, Left), however there are some

 Justify – Where you have several lines of data in a cell, you can ensure that left and
right edges of the data are straight.
 Fill - use this to repeat the selected cell entries within their cells so that the entire cell
from left to right is full

b. VERTICAL ALIGNMENT – Use this options in the list to choose how data lines up
between the top and bottom edges of cells.

c. WRAP TEXT – Where you have entry that is too wide for the column, you can get
Excel to wrap within a cell. Where a single line becomes multiple lines.


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d. SHRINK TO FIT – Reduces the apparent size of font characters so that all data in a
selected cell fits within the column.


e. MERGE CELLS - Make selected cells into one cell.

f. ORIENTATION - You can display and print data in Excel oriented any way you

FILL TAB – Where you can use settings on the patterns and background fill color.

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BORDERS TAB – You can change border line styles, colors and directions using
Borders tab.

NUMBERS TAB – Gives you the ability to display data that Excel stores numerically in
lots different ways.

PROTECTION TAB – You can use this to control which cells are accessible when you
protect sheet.

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Formatting Columns and Rows

You can choose not to display certain rows and columns on your screen. Hiding them also
prevents them from printing.

 To hide columns:

a) Select the column you want to

hide by clicking on the column
letter, or if you want to hide multiple
columns, highlight them.

b) Click the right mouse button

anywhere over the selection to
display the shortcut menu.

c) Choose Hide.

 To hide rows:

a) Select the row you want to hide by clicking on the row

number, or if you want to hide multiple rows, highlight them.

b) Click the right mouse button anywhere over the selection

to display the shortcut menu.

c) Choose Hide .

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To hide sheets

a) Select sheets to be hidden

b) Right click on a selected sheet tab
c) Click Hide

To unhide columns and rows or sheets:

a) Select sheets to be hidden

b) Right click on a selected sheet tab
c) Click Unhide

Insert and Delete Cells, Rows, Columns or Sheets

You can add new cells into a worksheet if you need to make space to add new entries
in. Excel also gives you tools for adding entire rows
and columns. If you add cells, Excel will ask you how
the existing cells should be rearranged to
accommodate the new ones.

Add Cells

 To insert a cell:

a) Select the cell below or to the right of where you

want the new one.
b) Click the right mouse button to access the shortcut
c) Choose Insert. The following dialog box will appear:
d) Choose Shift cells right to insert a new cell to the
left of the selected one, or Shift cells down to insert a
new cell above the selected one.

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➢ To insert multiple cells:

a) Select the amount of cells corresponding to the

number you want to insert below or to the right of where
you want the new ones.
b) Click the right mouse button to access the shortcut
c) Choose Insert to access the dialog.
d) Choose Shift cells right to insert new cells to the left
of the selected one, or Shift cells down to insert new
cells above the selected one.

 To insert entire rows:

a) Select the row below where you want the new one by
clicking its row number, or if you are inserting multiple
rows, highlight them.
b) Click the right mouse button anywhere over the
selection to access the shortcut menu.
c) Choose Insert. Excel adds the number of selected rows
above the first row in your selection.

To insert entire columns:

a) Select the column to the right of where you want the new one by clicking its column letter, or
if you are inserting multiple columns, highlight them.
b) Click the right mouse button anywhere over the selection to access the shortcut menu.
c) Choose Insert . Excel adds the number of selected columns to the left of the first column in
your selection.

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Delete Cells

In Excel 2010 we can delete straight from the home ribbon by clicking on the delete
button to show us a menu to delete any part of the workbook, sheet, row, column or cell

 To delete cells:

a) Select the cells you want to delete.

b) Click the right mouse button to access the shortcut menu.
c) Choose Delete. The following dialog box will appear:
d) Choose Shift cells left to close the gap left by the deleted cells with cell entries to the left.

 To delete entire rows or columns:

a) Select the row or column you want to delete by clicking its row number or column letter or, if
you are deleting multiple columns or rows, highlight them.
b) Click the right mouse button anywhere over the selection to access the shortcut menu.
c) Choose Delete .

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