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I. Put the correct order and title a. The future of green architecture. b. the Next Industrial Revolution
c. Recuperating biomimicry d. An economic crisis: an opportunity for sustainable architecture

A Throughout history, homes were built to take C Scores of traditional building methods originating from all
advantage of sun, wind and water. The 20th Century: it over the world are inspiring many current examples of
was assumed that cheap oil would bring light, heat and sustainable construction, with the same naturalness that
artificial air. The 21st Century? Antoni Gaudí took from nature in both structural principles, as
Coinciding with the simultaneous bursting of the real well as, ornamental elements. Permaculture, for example,
estate bubble in many countries and the hardening of aims to design human habitats that are healthy and respectful
credit markets, sustainable architecture has gone from of the environment by mimicking relationships found in
being marginalized to an increasingly common part of any nature.In a recognition of the virtues of traditional building,
type of project (residences, offices, public works). sustainable construction does not only try to use technological
The green building has grown in spite of the market advances, but to recover ancient systems of insulation and
downturn according to a 2009 report by McGraw-Hill orientation, as well as to use local materials with contrasting
Construction. They determined that the sector seems performance (from stone to adobe, including clay, earth and
insulated from the recession due to an increased natural fibers). During his trips through Asia, Africa and Latin
awareness of bottom line advantages for owners and a America, Bill Mollison, co-author of Permaculture One, a book
heavy increase in government incentives and mandates of that served as the foundation of permaculture, discovered
eco-friendly features. ancient practices that had contributed to the sustainability of
The Economist explains the boom in this type of old agricultural and hunter-gatherer cultures, which he helped
construction as being due to “rising energy prices, new re-popularize. Mollison had originally developed his idea for
standards (the European Union’s Energy Performance of agricultural production, although he soon saw that the idea
Buildings Directive, Britain’s Code for Sustainable Homes could be applied to distinct, interrelated aspects of human life,
and California’s Green Building Standards Code, to name like construction, education, the economy and social
three recent examples), and improved technologies”. organization.

__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

B A bioclimatic house can substantially reduce energy use D The sustainable house (an example: CERES EcoHouse)
and even do away with the need for it completely. Dwellings isn’t just a reaction to an increase in energy costs or
defined as bioclimatic take advantage of concepts used in international or governmental mandates against climate
Roman towns: change, but encompasses a general strategy to improve our
• Orientation: orient windows toward the south (Northern lives and help us adapt to whatever situation . A sustainable
Hemisphere) or toward the north (Southern Hemisphere) to
capture more solar radiation in winter and less in summer. In the
house is healthier, consumers less energy and generates less
hottest zones, it’s advantageous to place the windows in the waste, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
opposite way (back to the equator). In this way, the windowed (EPA). A sustainable building can also produce food, with the
side will only be radiated by the sun first thing in the morning and planting of urban gardens (see our report Why we all will be
the last hour in the evening (reducing the heat flow). Despite the gardeners), whether in backyards or balconies or on walls
simplicity of this idea, in the past century it has lost popularity. (vertical gardens). Sustainable implies better functionality,
• Greenhouse effect: cover windows with large and better health, more energy independence, economic savings,
vertical shutters, on the exterior, to prevent the sun’s rays from both in residential construction and civic works.Simple living
entering in summer and the generation of the greenhouse effect, (or “downshifting” as we discuss in an article) is applied
a common occurrence in modern homes and apartments, to the
good fortune of air conditioning manufacturers.
inclusively to increasingly more disciplines, including types of
• Thermal insulation: most older European homes were dwellings.
built with thicker walls than those of today’s buildings. Thick walls ACTIVITY 1
prevent temperature variation, due to their thermal inertia. Thick 1.Read and complete the text.
walls prevent heat loss in winter and the entrance of heat in 2. choose 20 new words within the texts and make 10 sentences that
summer. include 2 new words for each
• Cross ventilation: the difference in temperature and 3. Write 5 questions and answers about the text
pressure between two areas with opposing orientatin. 5. Write the dialogue: express your plans one year, five, ten years
and twenty years (personal and professional life).

Future with 'Going to'

The future with 'going to' is used to speak about future
intentions or plans made before the present moment. Use the
following forms with 'going to'.
Positive: Formed by combining Subject + to be + going to
+ base form of verb + object(s)
Negative: Formed by combining Subject + to be + not +
going to + base form of verb + object(s)
Question: Formed by combining (Question Word) + to be +
subject + going to + base form of verb
We are going to study French next semester.
Where are you going to stay in France?
She isn't going to take a vacation this year.
Going to Is Used for Planned Decisions
Planned decisions are decisions made BEFORE the moment
of speaking.
I'm going to study Languages at university next year.
We're going to stay at the Hilton in New York next week.

2. Future With 'Will' Structure:

I will study the master in London.
Positive: Subject + will + verb
(I, You, He, She, We, They) will come to the party.
Negative: Subject + will + not (won't) + verb
(I, You, He, She, We, They) won't have time tomorrow.
Questions: Question word + will + subject + verb
What will (he, she, you, we) they do?

Write Your project life (1,5, 10,15 and 20 years):

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