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Contents :
 Pollution definition
 Types of Pollution
 Types of Marine pollution
 Source of Marine pollutants
 Impacts of Marine Pollution
 Cost of Marine pollution
 Solution of Marine pollution
Pollution Definition:
Pollution is something introduced into the environment
that is dirty, unclean or has a harmful effect.
Types of Pollution :

Air Water
Pollution Pollution

Marine Types of Air

Pollution Pollution Pollution

Thermal Land
Pollution Pollution
Sound Pollution :
Also called as noise pollution is a disturbance of silent
environment with harsh loud noises. This is mostly due
to automobile sounds, the audio systems used for fun or
public speeches, temples, mosques, churches etc. This
pollution has severe impact especially on old people,
small children.
Water Pollution :
Contamination of both drinking water from rivers,
ponds and also sea water by discharge of large amounts
of human, industrial wastes leads to water pollution.
This makes the water harmful to drink, endanger lives
of sea animals etc.
Air Pollution :
The contamination of air with dangerous gases like CO,
CO2, SO2, CH4 and other harmful gases due to emission
from automobiles (petroleum), industries and sometimes
by natural calamities like volcanoes. Another type is
particulate air pollution, seems quite unaware to many
but if you stay near any industry, you will notice that
there is always some sort of particulate dust from the
chimneys of the factory. This is harmful especially to the
respiratory system
Thermal Pollution:
This pollution arises due to release of excess
heat from thermal power plants, industries
involved in metals molding etc. The heat is
released into the surrounding air rising the
temperature of the locality drastically. This can
be especially troublesome during summers.
Land Pollution :
Polluting the land due to contamination by
wide spread distribution of harmful chemicals
leads to land pollution. This is possible by
agriculture, irregular on surface disposable of
industrial wastes etc.
Marine Pollution :
“The introduction by man, Directly , or
Indirectly , of substance or energy to
the marine
Environment Resulting in deleterious
effects such as hazards to human
health , impairment of the quality of
sea water for various use and reduction
of amenties ” .
Marine Pollution :
Types of Marine Pollution:
 Sedimentation
 Agriculture runoff(Pesticide and
 Energy(thermal and light)
 Solid waste
 Chemicals , metals , and
radioactive substance
 Oil
 Biological
Major Marine Pollutants :
 10 Billions tonnes of ballast
water with invasives
 Est. 10,000 millions gallons of
sewage annually
 3.25 millions metric tonnes of
oil annually
 Millions of tonnes of solid
Source of Marine pollution :


Sewage and Sludge
DDT and PCB s
Sources of Marine Pollution :
From Land:
 80% of non-biological marine
pollution comes from land bases
 Mostobvious inputs via pipes
discharging directly into marine
waters(industrial , chemical and
food processing waste)
From Air:
Global atmospheric inputs to the
sea from air discharge
Impacts of Marine pollution:
Generally marine pollution affects ecosystem
Health , public health , recreational water quality and economic
viability in the following ways :
 Mechanical
 Eutrophication
 Saphrogenic
 Toxicity
 Mutagenic and carcinogenic
Cost of Marine pollution :
 3.25million tons metric tons of oil
wasted vs 3,4 millions tons used by
Jamaica annually
 100,000 mammal and 2 million bird
deaths annually
 Reduction of GDP by decreasing fishery
resource (11.9k tonnes -7.7k landed
1960-97) and decreased tourism earning
 Loss of bio-diversity and potential life
saving medicines ( for Aids & cancer )
Solution of Marine pollution :
Two Main methods
-CORRECTION –costly and time intensive
-PREVENTION –require attitude changes
*Costal scientists believe that prevention
is better than cure since the effects of
marine pollution may be irreversible and
we may therefore be creating everlasting
to the marine ecosystem

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