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One of the advocacies of NDRRMC is to give comprehensive information on fire prevention.

As their
representative, you are tasked to make a bookmark for Manga and Magsaysay Daycare Center pupils. The
bookmark size should be 2 inches by 6 inches and detail the safety ways in preventing danger caused by fire.
Your product will be evaluated by the NDRRMC Director considering its comprehensiveness, creativity,
durability, and practical recommendations.
Please consider the rubrics below for your guidance.

Criteria 10pts 7pys 5pts 3pts

Comprehensiveness The bookmark There are 4-5 There are less than Ways are not clear
shows six clear and specific three ways to and specific.
X2 specific and ways are prevent caused that Sentences are
precise ways to included. All are seen. Few mostly
prevent danger sentences are sentences are ungrammatical.
caused by fire. grammatically ungrammatical.
All sentences correct.
formulated are
Creativity and Designs are The designs are It uses a thin layer The output is not
Durability appropriately simply attractive. of plastic for laminated. No
emphasized. Most colors, lamination. Few shapes, colors, and
Colors, shapes, shapes and line shapes, lines are lines are used for
and lines were all are matched. It matched. designs.
perfectly uses thin layer of
matched. The plastic for
materials used lamination.
are laminated
well using a
thick layer of
plastic, not easily
be crumpled.
Practical All safety ways Most of the ways Only a few ways The safety ways do
Recommendations are applicable in are applicable in are applicable. not apply to the
real-life the real-life set- Availability of recipients of the
scenarios that up. Environment resources of the bookmark.
consider the and availability recipients are
recipients’ of resources are considered.
environment and considered.
availability of

Make sure all matches, lighters, and ashtrays are out of your child's sight and reach. Better yet,
keep them in a locked cabinet.
Never leave a room unattended when candles, heaters, or fireplaces are in use.
Never leave cooking food unattended.
Check electrical cords. Replace any electrical cords that are worn, frayed, or damaged
Gasoline should be used only as a motor fuel, never as a cleaning agent.
Teach kids to STOP, DROP, and ROLL and how to call 117 in an emergency.

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