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Rykswaterstaat, Hydraulic Engineering Institute: P.O. Box 5044, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands,
E-mail:; HYDROpil Consultancy :

ABSTRACT. A brief overview of some available alternative systems for shore stabilization and
beach erosion control is presented. Special attention is paid to artificial reefs and geosystems.
Geosystems (geobags, geotubes, geocontainers, geocurtains, etc.) have gained popularity in recent
years because of their simplicity in placement, cost effectiveness and environmental aspects.
However, all these systems have some advantages and disadvantages, which have to be recognized
before application. For design and installation criteria the reader is guided to relevant documents.

KEYWORDS: coastal stabilization, alternative systems, low-crested structures, geosystems.


Coastal users and managers all over the world are frequently faced with serious erosion of their
sandy coasts. Possible causes of erosion include natural processes (i.e. action of waves, tides,
currents, sea level rise, etc.) and sediment deficit due to human impact (i.e. sand mining and
coastal engineering works). Countermeasures for beach erosion control function depend on local
conditions of shore and beach, coastal climate and sediment transport. Continuous maintenance
and improvement of the coastlines, together with monitoring and studies of coastal processes
have yielded considerable experience on various coastal protection measures all over the world.
In general, a coastal structure is planned as a practical measure to solve an identified problem.
Starting with identification of the problem (e.g. shoreline erosion), a number of stages can be
distinguished in the design process for a structure: definition of functions, determination of
boundary conditions, creating alternatives, geometrical design and the final choice of functional
solution. After the choice of functional solution has been made the structural design starts
including creating structural alternatives (ie. using different materials and various execution
methods). The final choice will be made after verification of various structural solutions in
respect to the functional, environmental and economic criteria.

This contribution presents an overview of the various available methods for shore stabilization and
beach erosion control, with special emphasis on the alternative solutions and novel materials and
systems in various design implementations. Within alternative systems special attention is paid to
artificial reefs and geosystems. Additional information on alternative systems can be found in
references and on the related websites.


Various coastal structures can be applied to solve, or at least, to reduce erosion problems. They
can provide direct protection (seawalls, dikes, revetments) or indirect protection (groins and
offshore breakwaters of various designs), thus reducing the hydraulic load on the coast. Rock and
concrete are usually the construction materials. Groins of various designs (including pocket and
perched beaches) are often called ‘shore connected’ structures (Figure 1).

However, there is a growing interest both in
developed and in developing countries in low
cost or novel methods of shoreline protection
particularly as the capital cost of defence works
and their maintenance continues to rise. The
shortage of natural rock in certain geographical
regions can also be a reason for looking to other
materials and systems. Despite this interest there
is little published and documented information
about the performance of low cost or patented
structures especially at more exposed wave

Novel systems as geosystems (geotubes,

geocontainers, geocurtains) and some other
(often patented) systems (Reef Balls, Aquareef,
prefabricated units, beach drainage, etc.) have
gained popularity in recent years because of
(often but not always) their simplicity in
placement and constructability, cost effectiveness
and their minimum impact on the environment.

These new systems were applied successfully in

number of countries and they deserve to be
applied on a larger scale. Because of the lower
price and easier execution these systems can be a
good alternative for traditional coastal protection/
structures. The main obstacle in their application
is however the lack of proper design criteria. An
overview is given on application and performance
of some existing novel systems and reference is
made to the actual design criteria. Additional
information on these systems can be found in
Pilarczyk and Zeidler (1996), Pilarczyk (2000),
and in references and on websites.
d. Geotube as an offshore breakwater

Figure 1. Examples of shore-control and low-crested structures

Low-crested Structures
Low crested and submerged structures (LCS) as detached breakwaters and artificial reefs are
becoming very common coastal protection measures (used alone or in combination with artificial
sand nourishment) (Pilarczyk, 2003). As an example, a number of systems and typical
applications of shore-control structures is shown in Figures 1 to 4.

The purpose of LCS structures or reefs is to reduce the hydraulic loading to a required level
allowing for a dynamic equilibrium of the shoreline. To obtain this goal, they are designed to allow

the transmission of a certain amount of wave energy over the structure in terms of overtopping and
transmission through the porous structure (emerged breakwaters) or wave breaking and energy
dissipation on shallow crest (submerged structures). Due to aesthetical requirements low freeboards
are usually preferred (freeboard around SWL or below). However, in tidal environment and
frequent storm surges they become less effective when design as a narrow-crested structures. That is
also the reason that broad-crested submerged breakwaters (called also, artificial reefs) became
popular, especially in Japan (Figures 2 and 3). However, broad-crested structures are much more
expensive and their use should be supported by a proper cost-benefit studies. On the other hand the
development in alternative materials and systems, for example, the use of sand-filled geotubes as a
core of such structures, can reduce effectively the cost (Pilarczyk, 2000, 2003, Fowler et al., 2003,
Lawson, 2003). The upgrading of (integrated/muldidisciplinary) design criteria for LCS structures
took recently place in the scope of European project DELOS (Delos, 2005); see also:

Figure 2. Objectives of low-crested/reef structures


foot protection block

rubble stone
A quareef

Figure 3. Example of Aquareef (Hirose et al., 2002).

The relatively new innovative coastal solution is to use artificial reef structures called “Reef
Balls” as submerged breakwaters, providing both wave attenuation for shoreline erosion
abatement, and artificial reef structures for habitat enhancement. An example of this technology
using patented Reef BallTM is shown in Figure 4. Reef Balls are mound-shaped concrete artificial

reef modules that mimic natural coral heads. The modules have holes of many different sizes in
them to provide habitat for many types of marine life. They are engineered to be simple to make
and deploy and are unique in that they can be floated to their drop site behind any boat by
utilizing an internal, inflatable bladder. Worldwide a large number of projects have already been
executed by using this system.
The first applications were based
purely on experience from previous
smaller projects. Since recently,
more well documented design
criteria are available. Stability
criteria for these units were
determined based on analytical and
experimental studies. For high
energetic wave sites the units can be
hydraulically anchored with cables
to the sea bed). Wave transmission
was studied in Canada (Armono
and Hall, 2003).Technical design
aspects are treated by Lee Harris on
the websites mentioned below.
Figure 4. Example of Reef Balls units (Barber, 1999).

More information can be obtained from:,,

and, on wave transmission and design:; Armono%20and%20Hall.pdf ,

Prefabricated systems
There exist a number of other novel and/or low cost materials and methods for shore protection
(gabions and stone mattresses, open stone asphalt, used tire pile breakwaters, sheet pile structures,
standing concrete pipes filled with granular materials, concrete Z-wall (zigzag) as breakwater,
geotextiles curtains (screens), natural and mechanical drainage of beaches, and various floating
breakwaters, etc. Most of them are extensively evaluated and documented. However, more recently,
a new family of prefabricated concrete elements as SURGEBREAKER offshore reef system,
BEACHSAVER reef, WAVEblock, T-sill elements and others have been developed and applied.
The details on these systems can be found in references and on the websites. However, because of
very narrow crest these prefabricated breakwaters are only efficient during mild wave conditions
and their effect usually disappear during storm conditions, and because of scour and/or settlement,
even loosing their stability. The recent evaluation of performance of prefabricated, narrow-crested
breakwaters can be found in (Stauble, D.K., and Tabar, J.R., 2003) and on the US Army websites:

Some of these breakwaters are applied for comparison with other systems in recent US National
Shoreline Erosion Control Development and Demonstration Program (Section 227):and
better/more reliable information on the effectiveness of these systems can be expected within a
few years. The website;3
provides details on sites and systems applied, and also provide some documentation if

Some other systems
Distorted ripple mat. A new concept for creating shore accretion is actually developed and
applied in Japan. A distorted (precast concrete blocks) ripple mat (DRIM) laid in the surf zone
induces a landward bottom current providing accretion of a shore; see Figure 5 (Irie et al., 1994,
1998, Nobuyuki Ono et al., 2004).

Figure 5 Principle of distorted ripple mat and application

The strong asymmetry of (artificial) ripple profile generates current near the bottom to one
direction and thus sediment movement, whose concentration is high near the bottom, can be
controlled with only very little environmental impact. The hydraulic condition on which the
distorted ripple mat can control the sediment transport most effectively is studied experimentally
and numerically and its capability to retain beach sand is tested through laboratory experiments
(Figure 5) and field installation. The definite onshore sediment movement by the control of
DRIM is expected if the relative wave height H/h is less than 0.5, where H is the wave height and
h is the water depth. The optimum condition for the efficient performance of DRIM is that do/λ
>1.7, where do is the orbital diameter of water particle and λ is the pitch length of DRIM, and this
condition coincides with the condition in which natural sand ripples grow steadily. DRIM is able
to control bottom currents so long as wave direction is within 50 degrees from the direction
normal to the crest line of ripples.

Beach drainage (dewatering)systems. Beach watertable drainage is thought to enhance sand

deposition on wave uprush while diminishing erosion on wave backwash (Figure 6). The net
result is an increase in subaerial beach volume in the area of the drain. The larger prototype
drainage by pumping istallations used in Denmark and Florida suggest that beach aggradation
may be artificially induced by beach watertable drainage. The state of the art of this technique is
presented in (Vesterby, 1996). Most recent evaluation of drainage systems can be found on the
website:;191. It is

concluded that the drainage system has, in general, a positive effect on diminishing the
beach erosion, however, its effectiveness is still difficult to control.

Figure 6. Principles of beach drainage

The idea to achieve lowering of the watertable without pumps by enhancing the beach's own
drainage capacity or hydraulic conductivity through the use of strip drains has been applied in
Australia (Davis et al, 1992) and in Japan (Katoh et al, 1994). However, these new techniques are
still in rudimentary stage and much more research and practical experience is still needed before
application of these systems on larger scale.


For shoreline control the final morphological response will result from the time-averaged (i.e.
annual average) transmissivity of the applied systems. However, to simulate this in the designing
process, for example, in numerical simulation, it is necessary to know the variation in the
transmission coefficient for various submergence conditions. Usually when there is need for
reduction in wave attack on structures and properties the wave reduction during extreme
conditions (storm surges) is of interest (reduction of wave pressure, run up and/or overtopping).
In both cases the effectiveness of the measures taken will depend on their capability to reduce the
waves. While considerable research has been done on shoreline response to exposed offshore
breakwaters, very little qualitative work has been done on the effect of submerged offshore reefs.
Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to provide information on wave transmission for low-
crested structures and to refer the reader to recent literature.
The transmission coefficient, Kt, defined as the
ratio of the wave height directly shoreward of
the breakwater to the height directly seaward of
the breakwater, has the range 0<K<1, for which
a value of 0 implies no transmission (high,
impermeable), and a value of 1 implies complete
transmission (no breakwater). Factors that
control wave transmission include crest height
and width, structure slope, core and armour
material (permeability and roughness), tidal and
design level, wave height and period.

Figure 7. Distribution of waves along the center of reef (Ohnaka&Yoshizwa, 1994, Aono&Cruz,

As wave transmission increases, diffraction effects decrease, thus decreasing the size of sand
accumulation by the transmitted waves and weakening the diffraction-current moving sediment
into the shadow zone (Hanson and Kraus, 1991). It is obvious that the design rules for submerged
structures should include a transmission coefficient as an essential governing parameter. Example
of the transmission over the submerged structures (Aquareef) is shown in Figure 8. More detailed
descriptions of the functional and technical design of these reefs can be found in (Hirose et al.,


R / H1/3 =
0.6 1.0

0.4 0.4

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Figure 8 .General transmission characteristic for AquaReef (Ht is the transmitted wave height
recorded on the landward side, H1/3 and L1/3 are the significant wave height and wavelength at the
toe of the rubble mound, B is the crown width, and R is the submergence of the crown)

Examples of prototype measurements in Japan can be found in (Hamaguchi et al., 1991,

(Funakoshi et al., 1994, (Ohnaka and Yoshizwa, 1994). The Japanese design procedure can be
found in Uda (1988) and Yoshioka (1993).

Layout and Morphological Response

Most commonly an offshore obstruction, such as a reef or island, will cause the shoreline in its
lee to protrude in a smooth fashion, forming a salient or a tombolo. This occurs because the reef
reduces the wave height in its lee and thereby reduces the capacity of the waves to transport sand.
Consequently, sediment moved by longshore currents and waves builds up in the lee of the reef
(Black, 2001). The level of protection is governed by the size and offshore position of the reef, so
the size of the salient or tombolo varies in accordance with reef dimensions. Of course, one can
expect this kind morphological change only if the sediment is available (from natural sources or
as sand nourishment).

The examples of simple geometrical empirical criteria for the lay-out and shoreline response of the
detached, exposed (emerged) breakwaters can be found in (i.e., Harris & Herbich, 1986, Dally &
Pope, 1986, etc.). To include the effect of submergence (transmission) Pilarczyk proposes, at least
as a first approximation, adding the factor (1-Kt) to the existing rules. Then the rules for low-crested
breakwaters can be modified to (for example):

Tombolo: Ls/X > (1.0 to 1.5)/(1-Kt) or X/Ls< (2/3 to 1) (1-Kt), or X/(1-Kt) < (2/3 to 1) Ls)

Salient: Ls/X < 1/(1-Kt) or X/Ls> (1-Kt), or X/(1-Kt) > Ls

For salients where there are multiple breakwaters: G X/Ls2> 0.5(1-Kt)
Where Ls is the length of a breakwater and X is the distance to the shore, G is the gap width, and
the transmission coefficient Kt is defined for annual wave conditions.
The gap width is usually L ≤ G ≤ 0.8 Ls, where L is the wavelength at the structure defined as:
L = T (g h)0.5; T = wave period, h = local depth at the breakwater.
As first approximation, Kt = 0 for emerged breakwaters and Kt = 0.5 for submerged breakwaters
can be assumed for average annual effects.

These criteria can only be used as preliminary design criteria for distinguishing shoreline
response to a single, transmissive detached breakwater. However, the range of verification data is
too small to permit the validity of this approach to be assessed for submerged breakwaters.
In general, one may conclude that these simple geometrical design rules, both for emerged as
submerged breakwaters, are of limited value for design calculations because they do not include
the effect of the rate of sediment transport, which can be very different for a specific coast. It is
supported by the studies on effect of offshore breakwaters along UK coast (Axe et al. 1996, and
Thomalla and Vincent, 2004).

On the other side, it can be stated that numerical models (i.e., Genesis, Delft 2D-3D, Mike 21,
etc.) can already be treated as useful design tools for the simulation of morphological shore
response to the presence of offshore structures. Examples can be found in (Hanson& Krause,
1989, 1991, Groenewoud et al. 1996, Bos et al., 1996, Larson et al., 1997, Zyserman et al., 1999).

As mentioned above, while considerable research has been done on shoreline response to exposed
offshore breakwaters, very little qualitative work has been done on the effect of submerged
offshore reefs, particularly outside the laboratory. Thus, within the Artificial Reefs Program
(Black&Mead, 1999) (, Andrews (1997) examined aerial photographs seeking
cases of shoreline adjustment to offshore reefs and islands. All relevant shoreline features in New
Zealand and eastern Australia were scanned and digitized, providing123 different cases. A range
of other statistics, particularly reef and island geometry, was also obtained. Some of these results
are repeated below.

To examine the effects of wave transmission on limiting parameters, data for reefs and islands
were considered separately. The data indicated that tombolo formation behind islands occurs with
Ls/X ratios of 0.65 and higher and salients form when Ls/X is less than 1.0. Therefore, for islands
the Ls/X ratios determining the division between salients and tombolos are similar to those from
previously presented breakwater research. Similarly, data resulting from offshore reefs indicate
that tombolo formation occurs at Ls/X ratios of 0.6 and higher, and salients most commonly form
when Ls/X is less than 2. The data suggests that variation in wave transmission (from zero for
offshore islands through to variable transmission for offshore reefs) allows a broader range of
tombolo and salient limiting parameters. Thus, a reef that allows a large proportion of wave
energy to pass over the obstacle can be (or must be) positioned closer to the shoreline than an
emergent feature. Thus, from natural reefs and islands the following general limiting parameters
were identified:
Ls Ls
Islands: Tombolos form when > 0.65 Salients form when < 1.0
Reefs: Tombolos form when s > 0.60 Salients form when s < 2.0
Non-depositional conditions for both shoreline formations occur when Ls/X < ≈0.1.

The choice of the layout of submerged breakwaters can also be affected by the current patterns
around the breakwaters. The Japanese Manual (1988) provides information on various current
patterns for submerged reefs (Yoshioka et al., 1993). However, for real applications it is
recommended to simulate the specific situation by numerical or hydraulic modelling.


Geotextile systems utilize a high-strengt synthetic fabric as a form for casting large units by filling
with sand or mortar. Within these geotextile systems a distinction can be made between: bags,
mattresses, tubes, containers and inclined curtains. All of which can be filled with sand or mortar.
Some examples are shown in Figure 9.Mattresses are mainly applied as slope and bed protection.
Bags are also suitable for slope protection and retaining walls or toe protection but the main
application is the construction of groynes, perched beaches and offshore breakwaters. The tubes and
containers are mainly applicable for construction of groynes, perched beaches and (offshore)
breakwaters, and as bunds for reclamation works (Figure 10). They can form an individual structure
in accordance with some functional requirements for the project but also they can be used
complementary to the artificial beach nourishment to increase its lifetime. Especially for creating
the perched beaches the sand tubes can be an ideal, low-cost solution for constructing the
submerged sill .

a) Geotube as a breakwater b) BEROSIN system (inclined curtain)

as bed protection
Figure 9. Examples of application of geosystems
Offshore breakwater at design water level CD+3.5 m

50 m

Figure10. Example of reef structure composed with geotubes (Fowler et al., 2002);

They can also be used to store and isolate contaminated materials from harbour dredging,
and/or to use these units as bunds for reclamation works.

An interesting application for shore erosion control is the geocurtain known under the name
BEROSIN (Figure 9b). The BEROSIN curtain is a flexible structure made of various woven
geotextiles, which after placing by divers near the shore and anchoring to the bed catches the sand
transported by currents and waves providing accretion on a shore and preventing the erosion. The
horizontal curtain (sheet) can be easily spread (at proper sea conditions) by a small workboat and
two divers. The upper (shore-side) edge, equipped with some depth-compensated floaters, should be
properly anchored at the projected line. The sea-side edge is kept in position by the workboat. By
ballasting some of the outside pockets at the lower edge with sand or other materials and with help
of divers, the lower edge is sinking to the required position. The proper choice of permeability of
geotextile creates the proper conditions for sedimentation of suspended sediment in front/or under
the curtain and at the same time allowing the water to flow out without creating too high forces
on the curtain and thus, on the anchors. In case of Pilot project at the coast of Vlieland (NL),
some of the horizontal curtains placed in the intertidal zone have provided a growth of a
beach/foreshore of 0.5 to 1.0 m within a week while others within a few weeks (Pilarczyk, 2000).
These geocurtains can also be applied for construction of submerged sills and reefs.

In the past, the design of geotextile systems for various coastal applications was based
mostly on rather vague experience than on the general valid calculation methods.
However, the increased demand in recent years for reliable design methods for protective
structures have led to the application of new materials and systems (including geotextile
systems) and to research concerning the design of these systems. Contrary to research on
rock and concrete units, there has been no systematic research on the design and stability
of geotextile systems. However, past and recent research in The Netherlands, USA,
Germany and in some other countries on a number of selected geotextile products has
provided some useful results which can be of use in preparing a set of preliminary design
guidelines for the geotextile systems under current and wave attack (Pilarczyk, 2000). The
results from the recent, large scale tests, with large geobags, can be found on the website:

The main (large) fill-containing geosystems (geobags, geotubes and geocontainers filled with
sand or mortar) and their design aspects are briefly discussed below. For more detailed
information on these and other coastal protection systems and measures applied nowadays
throughout the world, together with recommendations and guidelines, the reader will be guided to
the relevant manuals and publications (see references and websites).

Geobags can be filled with sand or gravel (or cement, perhaps). The bags may have different
shapes and sizes, varying from the well-known sandbags for emergency dikes to large flat shapes
or elongated "sausages" (see Figure 11). The most common use for sandbags in hydraulic
engineering is for temporary structures. Uses for sand- or cement-filled bags are, among other
· repair works (see Figure 11);
· revetments of relatively gentle slopes and toe constructions;
· temporary or permanent groynes and offshore breakwaters;
· temporary dikes surrounding dredged material containment areas.

Because this material is easy to use and
cheap, it is extremely suitable for
temporary structures. A training groyne
is a good example. The working of a
groyne is difficult to predict in advance.
That is why it is a good procedure to
make such a construction using a
relatively cheap product first, to see how
one thing and another works out, and
subsequently either make improvements
or, after some time, a permanent
structure. Above a flow velocity of 1.5
m/s, the geosystems filled with sand
cannot be used because the sand in the
systems is no longer internally stable.

Figure 11 Application of geobags

Sandbags can be placed as follows:

1. As a blanket: One or two layers of bags placed directly on the slope. An "interlocking"
problem arises if the bags are filled completely. The bags are then too round. A solution is
not to fill the bags completely, so that the sides flatten out somewhat, as a result of which the
contact area becomes larger.
2. As a stack: Bags stacked up in the shape of a pyramid. The bags lie half-overlapping with the
long side parallel to the shoreline.

When installing geosystems, one should see to it that this does not take place on a rough
foundation. Sharp elements may easily damage the casing of the element. Geosystems must not
be filled completely. With a fill ratio of approximately 75% an optimum stability of the elements
is reached. A sound soil protection is necessary if gravel (sand) sausages are used in
circumstances where they are under attack of flow or waves. Stability criteria arediscussed in
Pilarczyk (2000). The first indication on stability, based on small-scale tests, is given below:

- Stability on slopes
⎛ Hs ⎞ 2.5
⎜ ⎟ =
⎝ ∆ D ⎠cr ξ op
For sand-filled bags the relative density is including water in pores (∆=1).

- Stability of crest elements of breakwaters around SWL (for units lying parallel to the axis of a
H/∆ b = 1 (2)
In which ‘b’ is the width of the unit.

More recent, large scale tests, with large geobags, can be found on the website:

Figure 12. Large-scale tests Wave Flume Hannover

Stability criteria Hannover (Restall et al., 2004):

- on the slope


where D=L.sinα, with L= the length of geobag placed perpendicularly to the structure face.

-stability of the crest elements of slope structure

where Rc is the distance between the crest and the Still Water Line.

Tube system
Geotube is a sand/dredged material filled geotextile tube made of permeable but soil-tight
geotextile. The desired diameter and length are project specific and only limited by installation
possibilities and site conditions. The tube is delivered to the site rolled up on a steel pipe. Inlets
and outlets are regularly spaced along the length of the tube. The tube is filled with dredged
material pumped as a water-soil mixture (commonly a slurry of 1 on 4) using a suction dredge
delivery line (Figure 13). The choice of geotextile depends on characteristics of fill material. The
tube will achieve its desired shape when filled up to about 80%; a higher filling grade is possible
but it diminish the friction resistance between the tubes.

Figure 13. Filling procedure of Geotube

Tube can be filled on land (e.g. as dikes for land reclamation, bunds, toe protection or groyns) or
in water (e.g. offshore breakwaters, sills of perched beaches, dikes for artificial islands or
interruption of gullies caused by (tidal)currents). The tube is rolled out along the intended
alignment with inlets/outlets centered on top. When a tube is to be placed in water, the effects of
buoyancy on the tube geotextile prior to filling as well as on the dredged material's settling
characteristics must be considered. In order to maximize inlet/outlet spacing, an outlet distant
from the inlet may be used to enhance the discharge of dredged slurry and thereby encourage and
regulate the flow of fill material through the tube so that sufficient fill will flow to distant points.
The tube will achieve its desired shape when it is filled up to about 70 to 80% of the theoretical
circular diameter or a height equal to about a half of the flat width of the tube; a higher filling
grade is possible but it diminishes the frictional resistance between the tubes.

Commonly, the filter geotextile (against scour) and flat tube are fully deployed by floating and
holding them in position prior to beginning the filling operation. The filter geotextile is often
furnished with small tubes at the edges when filled with sand holds the filter apron at place. This
apron must also extend in front and behind the unit, commonly 2 times the height of the entire
structure or 2 to 3 times the local wave height.

Container system
Geocontainer is a mechanically-filled geotextile and "box" or" pillow" shaped unit made of a soil
tight geotextile. The containers are partially prefabricated by sawing mill widths of the
appropriate length toegether and at at the ends to form an elongated "box". The "box" is then
closed in the field, after filling, using a sewing machine and specially designed seams (Figure 14).
Barge placement of the site-fabricated containers is accomplish using a specially configured

barge-mounted crane or by bottom dump hoppers scows, or split barges. The containers are filled
and fabricated on the barge and placed when securely moored in the desired position. Positioning
of barge for consistent placement - a critical element of constructing "stacked" underwater
structures - is accomplished with the assistance of modern surveying technology. The volume of
applied geocontainers was up to 1000 m3.

Figure 14 Filling and placing of geocontainer

The advantage of these large barge-placed geocontainers include:
* Containers can be filled with locally available soil, which may be available from
simultaneous dredging activities;
* Containers can be relatively accurately placed regardless of weather conditions, current
velocities, tides, or water depths;
* Contained material is not subject to erosion after placing;
* Containers can provide a relatively quick system build-up;
* Containers are very cost competitive (for larger works).

General Design Considerations

When applying geobags, geotubes and geocontainers the major design considerations/problems
are related to the integrity of the units during filling, release and placement impact (impact
resistance, seam strength, burst, abrasion, durability), the accuracy of placement on the bottom
(especially at large depths), and the stability under current and wave attack.

The geotextile fabric used to construct the tubes is designed to:

* contain sufficient permeability to relieve excess water pressure,
* retained the fill-material,
* resist the pressures of filling and the active loads without seams or fabric rapture,
* resist erosive forces during filling operations,
* resist puncture, tearing, and ultraviolet light.

The following design aspects are particularly of importance for the design of containers:
a) Change of shape of units in function of perimeter of unit, fill-grade, and opening of split barge,
b) Fall-velocity/equilibrium velocity, velocity at bottom impact,
c) Description of dumping process and impact forces,
d) Stresses in geotextile during impact and reshaping,
e) Resulting structural and executional requirements, and
f) Hydraulic stability of structure.

Some of these aspects are briefly discussed hereafter.

Shape and mechanical strength of geotubes. For the selection of the strength of the geotextile
and calculation of a required number of tubes for a given height of structure, knowledge of the
real shape of the tube after filling and placing is necessary. The change of the cross-section of the
tube depends on the static head of the (sand)slurry. Depending on this static head, the laying
method and the behaviour of the fill-material inside the tube, it is possible that the cross-sectional
shape of the filled tube (with a theoretical cross-section with a certain diameter, D) will vary from
a very flat hump to a nearly fully circular cross-section. More recently, Silvester (1985, 1990)
and Leshchinsky (1995, 1996) prepared some analytical or numerical solutions and graphs
allowing the determination of the shape of sand- or mortar-filled tubes based on some
experiments with water. The Leshchinsky's method (PC-program) combines all the previous
developments and can be treated as a design tool.
The design of the shape of the geotube is an iterative process. To obtain a proper stability of the
geotube and to fulfill the functional requirements (i.e. required reduction of incoming
waves/proper transmission coefficient the width and the height of the tube (= a certain crest level)
must be calculated. If the obtained shape of geotube does not fulfill these requirements a new
(larger) size of a geotube must be taken into account or a double-line of tubes can be used.

Dumping process of containers and practical uncertainties. A summary of various forces
during the dumping and placement process is given in Figure 15 ( Pilarczyk, 2000).

1. The required perimeter of geotextile sheet must be sufficient enough to release geocontainer
through the given split width bo for a required cross-sectional area of material in the bin of barge
Af (or filling-ratio of fill-material in respect to the max. theoretical cross-section). The derivation
of the required minimum length of perimeter of geotextile sheet is given in (Pilarczyk, 2000).
After opening of the split of a barge the geocontainer is pulled out by the weight of soil but at the
same time the friction forces along the bin side are retarding this process. Due to these forces the
tension in geotextile is developing at lower part and both sides of the geocontainer. The upper
part is free of tension till the moment of complete releasing of geocontainer. The question is how
far we are able to model a friction and the release process of geocontainer.

Figure 15 Development of forces during dumping of geocontainers

2. Geocontainer will always contain a certain amount of air in the pores of soil and between the
soil and the top of (surplus) geotextile providing an additional buoyancy during sinking. The
amount and location of air pockets depends on soil consistency (dry, saturated) and uniformity of
dumping. The air pockets will exert certain forces on geotextile and will influence the way of
sinking. The question is how to model in a proper way the influence of soil consistency and air
content on shape and stresses in geotubes/geocontainers.

3. The forces due to the impact with the bottom will be influenced by a number of factors:
* consistency of soil inside the geocontainer (dry, semi-dry, saturated, cohesie, etc.) and its
physical characteristics (i.e. internal friction);
* amount of air;
* permeability/airtightness of geotextile;
* strength characteristics of geotextile (elasticity/elongation vs. stresses, etc.);
* fall-velocity (influenced by consistency of soil; saturated soil diminish amount of air but
increases fall speed);

* shape and catching surface of geocontainer at impact incl. effect of not horizontal sinking
(i.e. catching of bottom with one end);
* type of bottom (sand, clay, soft soil, rock, soil covered with rockfill mattress, etc.) and/or
type of sublayer (i.e. layer of previous placed containers).

During the impact the cross-sectional shape of geocontainer will be undergoing a continous
reshaping; from cone shape, first probably into a transitional cylindrical shape, and through a
certain relaxation, into a semi-oval shape or flat triangular/rectangular shape dictated by soil type,
perimeter and elongation characteristics of geotextile. The question is how far we are able to
model this impact phenomena and resulting forces/stresses in geotextile. The impact forces with
the bottom are a function of the fall velocity (dump velocity) of a geocontainer.

4. In final situation the geocontainers will perform as a core material of various protective
structures or as independent structure exposed to loading by currents and waves, and other
loadings (ice, debris, ship collision, vandalism, etc.). In most cases the geocontainers will be
filled by fine (loosely packed) soils. The question is how these structures will behave in practice
under various types of external and internal loadings.

Practical note: The prototype experience indicate that geocontainers with volume up to 200 m3
and dumped in water depth exceeding 10 m have been frequently damaged (collapse of seams)
using geotextile with tensile strength lower than 75 kN/m, while nearly no damage was observed
when using the geotextile with tensile strength equal or more than 150 kN/m. This information
can be of use for the first selection of geocontainers for a specific project. The placing accuracy
for depths larger than 10 m is still a problem (Bezuijen et al., 2004)

Durability. Durability of geotextiles is frequently coming question especially concerning the

applications where a long life-span is required. Geotextile is a relatively new product. The first
applications are from 60's. Recently, we have tested in the Netherlands some 30-years old
geotextiles used as a filter in revetment structures. In general, these geotextiles were still in a
good conditions (still fulfilling properly the prescribed filter and strength functions). The
technology of geotextiles is improved to a such extend that the durability tests under laboratory
condition indicate the life-time of geotextiles at least of 100 years (when not exposed to UV

There is no problem with durability of the geosystems when they are submerged or covered by
armour layers. However, in case of exposed geosystems the UV radiation and vandalism are the
factors, which must be considered during the design. All synthetics are vulnerable to UV. The
speed of UV degradation, resulting in the loss of strength, depends on the polymer used and type
of additives. Polyesters (PET) are by nature more light stable than, for example, polyamide (PA)
and polypropylene (PP). As an example, the Dutch tests with geosynthetic ropes (stabilised and
not stabilised) exposed to various environment have provided the following results (see Table)
concerning the strength of the surface yarns after 3 years (in %) in comparison with the original

To avoid the problem with light degradation the fabrics must be properly selected (i.e. polyester)
and UV stabilized. As the period in which the fabric is exposed is short (in terms of months), no
serious problems are to be expected. In case of more or less permanent applications under
exposed conditions the fabric must be protected against direct sunlight. There is a number of
methods of surface protection for geosystems. To provide additional UV and abrasion protection
to the exposed sections of tubes, a coating of elastomeric polyurethane is often used. This coating,
however, has a tendency to peel after about a number of months and therefore, has to be re-

fabric type land-climate sea-climate intertidal zone 50 m under
ebb-flood the sea
PET: stabilised 63% 62% 94% 93%
PA : stabilised 33% 8% 85% 91%
PA : no 14% 6% 80% 71%
PP : stabilised 41% 46% 93% 95%
PP : no 1% 16% 92% 95%
Note: the geosynthetics under water and in the intertidal zone show very little degradation in
strength in comparison with geosynthetics placed on land; in the inter-tidal zone the geosynthetics
are covered very soon by algae which provide very good UV protection.

The permanent surface protection by riprap or blockmats is a rather expensive solution and it
will normally be applied only when it is dictated by necessity due to a high wave loading or
danger of vandalism or other mechanical damage ie. boating, anchoring, etc. In other cases it will
be probably a cheaper solution to apply a temporary protection of geotextile tubes by an
additional layer of a strong geotextile provided with special UV-protection layer. This extra
protection can be realized by adding the highly U.V.-stabilized nonwoven fleece needled onto the
main fabric. The function of this felt layer is also to trap the sediment particles and algae, which
give again extra U.V.-protection.


Structural design aspects of low-crested structures are relatively well described in a number of
publications (Ahrens, 1987, Uda, 1988, Van der Meer, 1987, 1988, CUR/CIRIA, 1991, US
Corps, 1993, Pilarczyk&Zeidler, 1996, Vidal et al., 1992, 1998, etc). Some useful information on
the design of breakwaters on reefs in shallow water can be found in Jensen et al. (1998).
Usually for submerged structures, the stability at the water level close to the crest level will be
most critical. Assuming depth limited conditions (Hs=0.5h, where h=local depth), the (rule of
thumb) stability criterion becomes: Hs/∆Dn50=2 or, Dn50= Hs/3, or Dn50=h/6, where Dn50=
(M50/ρs)1/3; Dn50 = nominal stone diameter and M50 and ρs= average mass and density of stone.
The upgraded stability formulas for LCS structures, including head effect and scour, can be found
in (Delos, 2005;
It should be noted that some of useful calculation programs (including formula by Van der Meer)
are incorporated in a simple expert system CRESS, which is accessible in the public domain
( or Useful information on functional design and the
preliminary structural design of low crested-structures, including cost effectiveness, can be found
in CUR (1997). Alternative solutions, using geotubes (or geotubes as a core of breakwaters), are
treated in (Pilarczyk, 2000). An example of this application can be found in (Fowler et al., 2002).


The author does not intend to provide the new design rules for alternative coastal structures.
However, it is hoped that this information will be of some aid to designers looking for new
sources, which are considering these kinds of structure and improving their designs.

Offshore breakwaters and reefs can be permanently submerged, permanently exposed or inter-
tidal. In each case, the depth of the structure, its size and its position relative to the shoreline
determine the coastal protection level provided by the structure. To reduce the cost some

alternative solutions using geosystems can be considered. The actual understanding of the
functional design of these structures needs further improvement but may be just adequate for
these structures to be considered as serious alternatives for coastal protection.

Continued research, especially on submerged breakwaters, should further explore improved

techniques predict shore response and methods to optimise breakwater design. A good step
(unfortunately, limited) in this direction was made in a collective research project in the
Netherlands (CUR, 1997). Research and practical design in this field is also the focus of the
“Artificial Reefs Program” in New Zealand (, the International Society for Reef
Studies (ISRS) (, and the European Project DELOS (Environmental
Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures, 1998-2003) (
Also, the past and recent research in The Netherlands, USA, Germany and in some other
countries on a number of selected geotextile products (geosystems) has provided some valuable
results, which can be of use in preparing a set of preliminary design guidelines for the geotextile
systems under current and wave attack (Pilarczyk, 2000).

The following conclusions can be drawn on application of geosystems based on the actual
developments and experience.
* Geosystems offer the advantages of simplicity in placement and constructability, cost
effectiveness, and minimal impact on the environment.
* When applying this technology the manufacturer's specifications should be followed. The
installation needs an experienced contractor.
* When applying geotubes and geocontainers the major design considerations/problems are
related to the integrity of the units during release and impact (impact resistance, seam strength,
burst, abrasion, durability etc.), the accuracy of placement on the bottom (especially at large
depths), and the stability.
* Information presented on the stability criteria in (Pilarczyk, 2000) and some recent publications
will be of help in preparing the preliminary alternative designs with geosystems.
* The geotextile systems can be a good and mostly cheaper alternative for more traditional
materials/systems. These new systems deserve to be applied on a larger scale. However, there are
still much uncertainties in the existing design methods. Therefore, further improvement of design
methods and more practical experience under various loading conditions is still needed.
* The state-of-the-art of the actual knowledge on the geosystems in hydraulic and coastal
engineering can be found in Pilarczyk (2000), Lawson (2003), Bezuijen et al. (2004), and Restall
et al., (2004).

These new efforts will bring future designers closer to more efficient application and design of
these promising coastal solutions. The more intensive monitoring of the existing structures will
also help in the verification of new design rules. The intention of this literature search is to uncover
the technical information on these systems and make them available for the potential users. It will
help to make a proper choice for specific problems/projects and it will stimulate the further
developments in this field. International cooperation in this field should be further stimulated.


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