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Business Tools for Management

TOPIC 8: Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Dr. Matthew Beck
ITLS, Business School

The University of Sydney Page 1

8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Decision Analysis

Management decisions are often complex because they involve:

– Risk and uncertainty
– Multiple objectives
– A complex structure
– Multiple stakeholders

The mind has limited information processing capacity and memory:

– To cope with complexity we tend to simplify problems
– This can lead to inconsistency and biases

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Decision Analysis

Choosing a holiday:
– liveliest nightlife
– least crowded beaches
– most sunshine
– most modern hotels
– lowest cost

Choosing a supplier:
– best after-sales service
– fastest delivery time
– lowest prices
– best reputation for reliability

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Decision Analysis

Modelling helps breakdown complex problems:

– More easily understood
– Less confronting to analyse
– Provides a logical basis for a decision

Modelling does not replace the human element:

– A means to overcome intuitive limitations
– Used in conjunction with reasoned insight and past experience

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Decision Analysis

MODEL Results

Symbolic World



Real World


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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Decision Analysis

The best way to attack a complex problem:

– Start with a verbal description
– Use this to develop a flowchart
– Try and use math to express the links in the flowchart

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Decision Analysis

No model is never 100% perfect:

– All models abstract reality

Incorporate enough detail into your model so that:

– The result meets your needs
– It can be analysed in the time you have to devote the process
– It is consistent with the data you have available

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Decision Analysis

Descriptive Models:
– Describe what happens in a system when something changes

Deterministic Model:
– A model in which all data are known with certainty
– Determines an optimal outcome / strategy

Probabilistic Model
– Data is not fixed rather occurs up to a probability
– We examine how likely different outcomes are

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Decision Analysis

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet Principles

Start with a simple model and then layer in complexity

Make sure your model is neat and tidy:

– No one will use it if they can’t understand it

Understand the terminology:

– Inputs: Values that are given to us (we cannot control them)
– Decision Variables: Inputs into the model over which we do have control
– Outputs: Results of the modelling process which we use for decision making

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet Principles

You must:
– Use a clear & logical layout to the overall model
– Have clear headings for different sections of the model and for all inputs,
decision variables and outputs
– Use relevant cell formatting to highlight the key components

You should maybe:

– Put different parts of a model on separate sheets
– Use range names
– Use cell comments
– Text boxes for assumptions, lists, or explanations

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Example of Model Building

Step 1: Study and Understand the Problem

– Simon is a desert pie wholesaler.

– Simon must make a profit in order to stay in business (desired output)

– Marketing and manufacturing constraints mean that he cannot alter the size
or quality of the pies (inputs)

– The retail price of pies is a markup of the wholesale cost.

– Simon concludes the wholesale pie price is his most critical decision (decision

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Example of Model Building

Step 2: Identify the relevant factors in the Real World

– Don't think about the model at this stage, rather what you want from the
model and what you need to put into the model

– Profit is the performance measure – what contributes to profit?

Pie Price
Cost of fillings
Cost of dough Model PROFIT
Processing Cost
Fixed Cost

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Example of Model Building

Step 3: Construct the flowchart or visual representation


Revenue Total Cost



Unit Pie Unit Cost Unit Cost

Pie Price Fixed Cost
Processing Cost Filling Dough
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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Example of Model Building

Step 4: Create mathematical formulas to replace links:

– Profit = Revenue – Total Cost;
– Revenue = Pie Price*Pies Demanded;
– Total Cost = Processing Cost + Ingredients Cost + Fixed Cost

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

The Great Threads Company sells jumpers by mail order:

– Planning to print a brochure and undertake a direct mail campaign

The costs of printing the brochure are:

– Fixed cost of $20,000 for setting up the print run
– Additional charge of $0.10 a catalog for printing
– Cost of postage is $0.15 per brochure
– Also include a reply paid envelope will will cost $0.20 if used for an order

The average size of a customer order is $40:

– Based on past sales cost of the order is 80% of value

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

The plan is to send 100,000 catalogs

Build a spreadsheet model to answer the following questions:

1. How does a change in the response rate affect profit?

2. For what response rate does a company break even?

3. If the company estimates a response rate of 3%, should it proceed?

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

Enter the input values that we are given:

– These are located in Column B
– What we don’t know yet is the response rate

Use formulas to link the inputs to create outputs:

– Number of orders = Response Rate * Brochures Posted
– Revenue = Average Order Size * Orders
– Variable Costs (Mail) = (Printing + Posting Costs)*Brochures Posted
– …

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

1. Use a Data Table

– How does a change in the response rate
affect profit?

– Enter a sequence of possible values for

the response rate starting in D19 and
enter a link to the profit value in Cell E13
(see the previous slide)

– Highlight the entire table, including the

cell where we just entered the link

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

1. Use a Data Table

– How does a change in the response rate affect profit?

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

1. Use a Data Table

– How does a change in the response rate
affect profit?

– Enter the cell reference for the response

rate from the original table (B12) in the
column input cell. Column is used because
the response rates are in a column in our
data table.

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

1. Use a Data Table

Great Threads Direct Mail Example
Profit vs Response Rate





0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%




Response rate

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

2. Use Goal Seek

– For what response rate does a company break even?

From the data table in the first question:

– Profit goes from negative to positive when the response rate is somewhere
between 5% and 6%.

We want to pursue a goal (profit = 0), buy seeking a value that

gives us that result (response rate = ?)

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

2. Use Goal Seek

– For what response rate does a company break even?

Tools > Goal Seek

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8. Decision Analysis & Spreadsheets

Building a Descriptive Model

3. What if predicted response rate = 3%?

– On the surface we would say no (3% = a loss)

– This may only be short term thinking

– People who response to direct mail are more likely to order again

– The company makes $7.80 per order. If each of the respondents ordered
two or more times, say, the company would earn 3000 x $7.80 X 2 =
$46,800 more than appears in the model, and profit would then be

– The moral is that we must not use the model results alone, but use them
as a compliment to decisions we make.

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