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Escribe las siguientes oraciones en inglés utilizando sus diferentes formas: afirmativa, negativa e
interrogativa. Ten presente el tiempo gramatical pedido.
Read Leer Cook Cocinar
Chicken Pollo Dinner Cena – la cena
Lose Perder Weight Peso
Wear Usar – Vestir Many Muchos(as)
Things Cosas Uniform Uniforme
Everybody Todo el mundo Show Mostrar
Soon Pronto Hour(s) Hora(s)
1. Nosotros tenemos que leer ese libro para mañana.
(+) We have to read that book for tomorrow
(-) We don’t have to read that book for tomorrow
(?) Do we have to read that book for tomorrow?
2. Mi esposa tuvo que cocinar pollo para la cena.
(+) My wife had to cook chicken for dinner.
(-) My wife didn’t have to cook chicken for dinner.
(?) Did my wife have to cook chicken for dinner?
3. Tu tendrás que perder peso pronto.
(+) You will have to lose weight soon.
(-) You won’t have to lose weight soon.
(?) Will you have to lose weight soon?
4. John tiene que hacer muchas cosas.
(+) Present John has to do many things.
(-) Past John didn’t have to do many things.
(?) Future Will John have to do many things?
5. Ustedes tienen que usar uniforme todos los días.
(+) Future You will have to wear uniform every day.
(-) Present You don’t have to wear uniform every day.
(?) Past Did you have to wear uniform every day?
6. Todo el mundo tiene que mostrar el pasaporte en el aeropuerto.
(+) Present Everybody has to show the Passport in the airport.
(-) Past Everybody had to show the Passport n the airport.
(?) Future Everybody will have to show the Passport at the airport.
7. Yo tengo que trabajar 8 horas y ella tiene que trabajar 6 horas
(+) Past I didn’t have to work 8 hours and she didn’t’ have to work 6 hours.
(-) Future I won’t have to work 8 hours and she won’t have to work 6 hours.
(?) Present I have to work 8 hours and she has to work 6 hours.

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