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Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534

Freshwater input into the coastal ocean and its relation

with the salinity distribution off austral Chile (35–551S)
Paola M. Da! vilaa,*, Dante Figueroab, Erna Muller
. b
Departamento de Oceanograf!ıa, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanograficas, ! Chile
Universidad de Concepcion,
Departamento de F!ısica de la Atmosfera !
y el Oceano, !
Facultad de Ciencias F!ısicas y Matematicas, ! Chile
Universidad de Concepcion,

Received 30 December 1999; received in revised form 30 December 2000; accepted 8 February 2001


The southern coast of Chile is characterized by high discharge of freshwater into the South Eastern Pacific Ocean.
The latitudinal distributions of the freshwater input through rivers and continental precipitation are here discussed in
relation with the salinity distribution found in the coastal zone. All river basins that discharge into the Pacific Ocean
between 351S and the southernmost part of Chile (ca. 551S) were selected in order to estimate the meridional
distribution of the freshwater input off central-south Chile. Maximum values of the mean annual river discharge were
found at 421S, 461S and 501S with volumes of 2470, 3480 and 3344 m3 s1, respectively. The total amount of freshwater
obtained between 351S and 551S is 27.8  103 m3 s1, using the river basin fluxes, and 33.5  103 m3 s1, using
precipitated water. The seasonal mean salinity anomaly shows basically negative values in summer and positive values
in winter, indicating less (more) salty water in the warm (cold) period. Possible explanations for that are discussed in
terms of seasonal variations of river flow, wind stress and solar radiation. Objective salinity fields were also used to
estimate the effect of the river discharge on the coastal ocean through the fraction of freshwater (Kf ) in the marine
system, calculated with different column thickness. Maximum values of Kf are located at 441S, and from 501S to 541S,
and a minimum Kf is observed at 491S. This last latitude corresponds to a zone of no significant freshwater discharge.
Although the correlation between mean annual freshwater input and salinity at three selected distances offshore (75, 30,
and 10 km) are small, their sign seems to express the physics of the relation. The absolute correlation values increase
towards the shore. In the case of the mean annual salinity distributed at 75 km offshore, significant correlation
coefficients were found at 10 and 50 m depth, while at 10 km offshore a significant correlation was found at
all considered depths, except at the surface. The correlation coefficients of the monthly mean freshwater input and
salinity (both averaged to one degree of latitude), calculated at certain latitudes, show negative correlation values
in the latitude range of 38–421S, although they are not significant except for the case of 401S. r 2002 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Freshwater; Salinity; South Eastern Pacific; Chile (35–541S)

1. Introduction

Large volumes of freshwater input through river

*Corresponding author. discharge and runoff in coastal marine zones,
E-mail address: (P.M. D!avila). besides marine precipitation, can cause salinity

0278-4343/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 7 8 - 4 3 4 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 7 2 - 3
522 !
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534

and density anomalies that affect the dynamics of Chilean austral channels, some lakes and fjords
the coastal circulation (Royer, 1979; Xiong and (Sievers et al., 1993; Sievers and Prado, 1994; Silva
Royer, 1984). This is particularly true for regions et al., 1995, 1997, 1998). These studies show that
having intense precipitation rates. One of these the interior sea is basically formed by a two-layer
regions is the South Eastern Pacific Ocean off structure. Low salinity (due to freshwater dis-
austral Chile (Neshyba and Fonseca, 1980), also charge, high precipitation rates and coastal runoff)
one of the less studied zones of the world ocean and a temperature distribution, dependant on the
(Strub et al., 1998). local radiation conditions, characterize the top
Several factors contribute to the existence of layer. Consequently, these waters have low den-
high discharge of river fluxes off Southern Chile. sity, in the surface layer of 20–30 m thick. On the
First, the austral location of this part of South other hand, relatively high salinity, low tempera-
America makes it to be severely affected by ture and high-density water characterize the
subpolar low-pressure systems, associated with bottom layer. The main characteristic of this
high precipitation rates (Romero, 1985). Second, two-layer structure is the presence of a sharp
two north–south chains of mountainsFthe Coast- vertical salinity gradient between them with an
al Mountains, and the higher Andes Mountains- offshore flow in the top layer and an inshore flow
Fact as topographic barriers enhancing the at the bottom layer.
terrestrial precipitation on their western sides, Several authors (Silva and Neshyba, 1979;
contributing to the formation of rivers of pluvial Neshyba and Fonseca, 1980; Sievers and Nowlin,
regimen (Romero, 1985). The high altitude of the 1988) have already observed the remarkable,
Andes Mountains also benefit the accumulation of permanent salinity minimum existing off austral
precipitated water in the form of ice and glaciers, Chile. It produces a density gradient directed
which eventually discharge into the sea through offshore, normally to the coast, possibly causing
rivers characterized by nival regimens. On the the formation of a coastal baroclinic current. This
other hand, the geomorphology of the southern current would have similar characteristics to the
coast of Chile is very irregular due to the existence Alaska Coastal Current (Royer, 1981, 1983;
of a large number of archipelagos and channels. Johnson et al., 1988; Kowalick et al., 1994), and/
All these facts transform the southern Chilean or to the Norwegian Coastal Current (Mysak and
coasts into a very complicated system, where Schott, 1977; Oey and Chen, 1992), observed off-
three kinds of river regimens can be found, i.e. shore the Alaska and Norway coasts, respectively.
pluvial, nival and mixed pluvial–nival regimens In spite of the dynamical importance that this
(Ferna! ndez and Troncoso, 1984). salinity minimum off austral Chile can have, no
Published information concerning the seasonal attempt has been made to relate it to freshwater
behavior of the freshwater in austral Chile is input. The aim of this study is to present
scarce, as regional studies of the inter-annual latitudinal distributions of the freshwater entering
variability of the river flows have usually empha- into the ocean off austral Chile through rivers and
sized aspects of the central part of Chile (e.g. precipitation data over the continent and to look
Aceituno and Vidal, 1990). Devynck (1971) shows for their relation to the salinity there. As shown in
that the precipitation pattern between 351S and Fig. 1, the study area for the salinity distribution
431S has a seasonal signal with maximum values is located between 351S and 581S of latitude,
from June to August. South of 431S no seasonal and between 701W and 901W of longitude. The
behavior can be detected. relation between freshwater and salinity is studied
The effect of the high freshwater input into only between 351S and 551S, along three lines at
the Chilean austral coastal zone has not been ca. 75, 30 and 10 km offshore from an idealized
adequately studied. As a consequence, the coastline (see Fig. 1). This was done in order to
dynamics of the circulation along the continental avoid the influence of very local features such as
shelf south of 421S is poorly known, although fjords and inland seas and to study the variation of
there are studies of the interior sea that include the the salinity in the direction offshore the coast.
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534 523

freshwater was considered to be a line source in the

corresponding range of latitudes. Finally, another
group of rivers represents the river fluxes coming
from archipelagos or small islands, and may
therefore be considered as coastal runoff.
The freshwater input was also independently
estimated from the pluviometric map of Devynck
(1971), longitudinally integrating bands of one
degree of latitude of the precipitation over the
continent west of the Andes Mountains. This
generated a latitudinal distribution of volume of
water precipitating in the continental part of the
study zone. An alternative estimation of the
freshwater input from precipitation was also
obtained integrating over the river basin areas,
but the results are not significantly different
from the ones obtained just through the zonal
Concerning the salinity distributions, the objec-
tive salinity fields of Levitus et al. (1994) were used
Fig. 1. Study area considered for the salinity distributions. The
for the calculation of the seasonal and monthly
solid, point-dashed and dashed lines show the position chosen anomalies in the study area (35–581S, 70–901W),
for the determination of the latitudinal distribution of both the with a spatial resolution of one-degree of longitude
annual mean salinity and the freshwater fraction at 75, 30 and and of latitude. In order to avoid the influence
10 km offshore from a smoothed coastline. of very local features, such as fjords and inland
seas, latitudinal salinity distributions for the three
curves shown in Fig. 1 were interpolated. These
2. Methods lines lay 75, 30 and 10 km offshore an idealized
coastline. Salinity data from the Atlas Oceano-
In order to estimate the input of freshwater gra! fico de Chile (SHOA, 1996) were also used for
through river discharges along the coast of central- comparisons between salinity and river flow
south Chile, all the river basins that discharge into discharge at certain latitudes.
the Pacific Ocean between 351S and 551S were The salinity of Levitus et al. (1994) was used to
selected from the Chilean DGA (1987) handbook. calculate the fraction of freshwater (Kf ) in the
In that study, a simple hydrological budget was marine system as defined by Blanton and Atkinson
applied to every Chilean river basin between 161S (1983). The relation between Kf and salinity is
and 551S in order to obtain terrestrial precipita- inverse meaning that if Kf increases the salinity
tion, river fluxes, and evaporation. The data diminishes as Kf represents a dilution of salinity
represent a 30-year (1951–1980) period. The river due to the freshwater input, i.e. the volume of
fluxes correspond to the discharge measured at the freshwater (in m3) that extends over a water
mouth of the rivers. This means that human column of unit area. If D is the depth of the
activities are already considered in the total river bottom of the considered water column and S0 is
flux discharge. Some of the rivers ‘‘basins’’ have some base salinity (for example a constant
more than one point of discharge, as they actually value of 35) then the freshwater fraction can be
represent the coastal discharge of several river calculated as
basins that, being contiguous and rather small, Z
were considered together in the evaluation of the S0  S
Kf ¼ dz: ð1Þ
hydrological budget. In this case, the source of D S0
524 !
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534

If the salinity’s profiles are assumed as lineal 3. Results

function of depth between the surface and the
depth D then the freshwater fraction can be 3.1. Salinity
expressed as
% The annual mean salinity fields in the study area
Kf ¼ S01 DðS0  SÞ; ð2Þ
are shown in Fig. 2 for 0, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 m
where S% is the mean salinity in the considered depth. Every dot in the figure represents a salinity
depth range value from Levitus et al. (1994). The annual mean
value of the surface salinity in the whole study area
S% ¼ 12 ðSS þ SD Þ; ð3Þ
is 33.94 psu. This mean value diminishes rapidly if
where SS and SD are the surface and depth D only areas nearer to the coast are considered. For
salinity, respectively. In this study, the calculations example, areas between the coast and 851W, 801W
of Kf were performed according to Eq. (2) whose and 751W have mean surface salinity of 33.87,
goodness was verified calculating the Pearson 33.72, and 33.42 psu, respectively. These values
correlation coefficient between the salinity profiles should be compared with a salinity of 34.35 psu
till 50 m depth and their respective linear fits. In the that corresponds to the zonal mean value of the
case of the salinity distributed at 30 km offshore surface salinity of the whole Pacific (1501E–701W)
the coast, values of r > 0:70 with Po0:05 were for the latitude range used in this study. It is
observed in 18 of 21 cases (one case for every degree apparent from Fig. 2 that during the whole year
of latitude) indicating that the assumption is two regions of low salinity exist, located in the
justified. Similar results were obtained within the coastal zone around 451S and 52–531S. An
salinity distributed at 75 and 10 km offshore. horizontal salinity gradient extends offshore,
Blanton and Atkinson (1983) used Eq. (2) with normal to the coastline, as the salinity increases
a unique depth D of 15 m. In this study, four from 33.0 psu near the coast up to 33.8 psu
different depths D were used (10, 20, 30 and 50 m), offshore (at 801W). The salinity also increases
all referred to the surface. In order to make the with depth. Near the coast, it has values of
results comparable, Kf values were standardized to 33.6 psu at 50 m depth, increasing to 34.0 psu at
10 m depth, dividing Eq. (2) by D and multiplying 100 m depth. The strength of the horizontal
it by 10 m. salinity gradient also diminishes with depth,
The standardized freshwater fraction was calcu- although a significant gradient is still present at
lated along the three lines (75, 30 and 10 km 50 m depth.
offshore) shown in Fig. 1. The monthly variations In order to analyze the seasonal variability of
of the freshwater fraction were also examined. the salinity, Fig. 3 shows the seasonal distributions
In order to look for spatial relations, linear of the salinity anomaly at 10, 20, 30 and 50 m
Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated depth. During (austral) summer there is a negative
between the latitudinal distributions of the mean anomaly off the most southern part of continental
annual freshwater input and both surface salinity Chile (summer water is less salty than the annual
and freshwater fraction. In the study of seasonal mean), with a sharp gradient directed offshore.
relations, cross correlation analysis were done The anomaly diminishes with depth and with the
between monthly mean distributions of surface distance offshore. During fall the anomaly weak-
salinity and freshwater input. This was only ens but can still be observed between 481S and
calculated at certain latitudes between 381S and 531S, up to 851W offshore. In winter the anomaly
431S. The reason of choosing this sub-region for is centered offshore at 821W and 501S, and is
the analysis is that the distributions of the river positive, indicating that the water is saltier than its
flux discharge and the salinity data are more annual mean. During spring a positive anomaly is
reliable. The salinity distribution used here was also found near the coast between 481S and 531S.
obtained from the Atlas Oceanogra! fico de Chile Fig. 4 shows the latitudinal distribution of the
(SHOA, 1996). annual mean salinity along the line lying 75 km
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534 525

Salinity (psu) 0m Salinity (psu) 10m offshore (see Fig. 1) at four depths (10, 20, 30 and
50 m), using the data of Levitus et al. (1994). Two
-38 -38 zones of very low salinity are observed around
44–461S and around 52–531S, with values decreas-
ing up to 33.2 at 441S, in the case of 10 m depth.
-43 -43
Relatively high salinity values are found at 491S.


This figure also shows a smooth increasing of the

-48 -48 salinity with depth.

-53 -53
3.2. Freshwater fraction (Kf)

Fig. 5 presents the annual mean of the standar-

-90 -85 -80 -75 -70
-90 -85 -80 -75 -70 dized Kf with 10, 20, 30 and 50 m of column
LONGITUDE LONGITUDE thickness obtained for 75 km offshore. Note that
Salinity (psu) 20m Salinity (psu) 30m the horizontal axis is inverted, in order to
emphasize the relation between salinity and fresh-
-38 -38
water fraction. In the case of 10 m depth, maxi-
mum values of Kf are located around 44–451S
and 531S, with magnitudes larger than 0.5 m. A
-43 -43
minimum value around 0.3 m is observed at 491S.


The curves of the Kf versus latitude for the four

-48 -48 considered depths are strongly correlated, the Kf
values diminish with depth.
The monthly variability of Kf for each latitude
-53 -53
in the range 35–551S (figure not shown) shows a
maximum freshwater fraction in March, particu-
-90 -85 -80 -75 -70
-90 -85 -80 -75 -70
larly south of 451S, with values larger than 1.0 m
LONGITUDE LONGITUDE south of 501S. The monthly variation of Kf from
351S to 421S is rather smooth, with values in the
Salinity (psu) 50m Salinity (psu) 100m
range of 0.3–0.5 m. Similar results were found at
30 and 10 km offshore with Kf proportionally
-38 -38
larger than those of 75 km offshore.

-43 -43 3.3. Freshwater input estimated from river flows



-48 -48
As it was already mentioned, the river flux
data were obtained from DGA (1987). Fig. 6
shows the latitudinal distribution of the freshwater
-53 -53
of every river basin of the study area (filled circles),
annually averaged (note the inverted horizontal
-58 -58
axis). Maximum values of the individual flux
-90 -85 -80 -75 -70 -90 -85 -80 -75 -70
LONGITUDE LONGITUDE discharges were found for rivers lying around
46–471S and between 501S and 521S, with values
Fig. 2. Annual mean salinity distribution at 0, 10, 20, 30, 50
up to 3500 m3 s1, approximately. A more use-
and 100 m depth. Grid resolution one degree of latitude and one
degree of longitude (Levitus et al., 1994). The isolines have an ful latitudinal distribution of the river fresh-
interval of 0.2. water contribution was obtained by integrating
the river flux discharges in the intervals of one
degree of latitude from 351S to 551S, as shown
526 !
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534

Fig. 3. Seasonal salinity mean anomaly distributions for summer, fall, winter, and spring (from top to bottom page) at 10, 20, 30 and
50 m. The isolines have an interval of 0.1. The solid (dashed) line corresponds to positive (negative) anomaly values.
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534 527

Fig. 6. Annual mean river discharge of the main river basins

(filled circles) and its integrated values every one degree of
Fig. 4. Latitudinal distributions of the annual mean salinity at latitude (inverted triangles). An inverted horizontal axis is used.
10, 20, 30 and 50 m depth 75 km offshore.

in the same figure (inverted triangles). In this

case, maximum values of 2470, 3480 and
3344 m3 s1(1lat)1 were found at 421S, 461S and
501S, respectively.
In order to show the variability of the fresh-
water during the year, Fig. 7 shows annual
distributions of the three river regimens found in
the study area. Most of the rivers have a pluvial
regimen, characterized by maximum fluxes from
June to August, during the austral winter, and
minimum values from December to March, during
the austral summer (Fig. 7a). The nival regimen
has a maximum freshwater discharge during the
austral summer, when ice melting takes place
(Fig. 7c). Finally, the mixed regimen is character-
ized by high discharges during winter and
summer (Fig. 7b) as both rainfall and ice melting
water influence them. Although it is difficult to
determine the latitudinal extension of the river
regimen domains, this study suggests that in the
Fig. 5. Annual mean latitudinal distribution of the standar- study area pluvial, mixed and nival regimens
dized freshwater fraction (Kf ) using 10, 20, 30 and 50 m column exist between 35–431S, 43–471S, and 47–541S,
thickness, 75 km offshore. An inverted horizontal axis is used. respectively.
528 !
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534

Fig. 7. Monthly mean distribution of some rivers off central-south Chile: (a) pluvial regimen, (b) mixed regimen and (c) nival regimen.
Data were extracted from DGA (1987).
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534 529

3.4. Freshwater input estimated from precipitation

The freshwater input into the coastal zone was

also estimated from a pluviometric map of Chile
(Devynck, 1971). Integrating the continental part
of the study region, between 37.51S and 521S,
a total freshwater input of 33.6  103 m3 s1 was
obtained. The independent estimation of the fresh-
water input using the hydrological balance for the
latitudes 35–551S did provide a total amount of
33.5  103 m3 s1, i.e. a very similar value. On
the other hand, a total of 27.8  103 m3 s1 of
freshwater input was calculated from the river
fluxes between 351S and 551S.
Fig. 8 shows the latitudinal distributions of the
freshwater input estimated from the pluviometric
map of Devynck (1971), and the corresponding
distributions of both the precipitation and the
freshwater flux calculated from the hydrological
balance (DGA, 1987). Although in this figure the
freshwater input estimated from Devynck (1971)
Fig. 8. Latitudinal distribution of the annual mean precipita-
seems to have less spatial variability than the tion estimated from the pluviometric map of Devynck (1971)
discharges obtained from the hydrological balance (circles) and from the hydrological balance equation of the
method, the total freshwater fluxes obtained using DGA handbook (1987) (squares). The annual mean river flux
both methods are quite similar. estimated from this last source is also shown (triangles). In all
cases data are presented every one degree of latitude. An
inverted horizontal axis is used.
3.5. Correlation between salinity, freshwater and Kf

In Fig. 9, the river flux salinity and the Kf

parameter are shown at 75 km offshore with a between salinity and freshwater can be rejected if
resolution of one degree of latitude. The two last jtjXtð0:025; 19Þ : Although the correlation values are
variables show a similar variability, as they are small, their sign seem to express the physics of the
closely related. It can be observed that the relation. The absolute correlation values increase
minimum freshwater flux observed at 491S coin- to the shore, showing that the freshwater effect in
cides with maximum values of salinity and Kf : On the salinity is stronger in that direction. In the case
the other hand, the maximum values of freshwater of the mean annual salinity distributed at 75 km
flux observed at 461S and 501S are also coincident offshore, significant correlation coefficients
with the minimum values for salinity and Kf : (Po0:05) were found at 10 and 50 m depth, with
The relation between mean annual freshwater values of 0.48 (Po0:041) and 0.49 (Po0:04),
input and salinity at the three selected distances respectively. At 30 km offshore, significant correla-
offshore is shown in Table 1, using the correlation tion was found at 10, 20, and 50 m depth with
coefficient (r), the index of correlation (r2 ), the values of 0.58 (Po0:012), 0.54 (Po0:019) and
statistic t and the probability for a valid correla- 0.55 (Po0:019), respectively. At 10 km offshore,
tion (P). The number of considered latitude points a significant correlation was found at all consid-
is 21 while the t-student value for a two tail ered depths, except at the surface. The relation
analysis with a 95% confidence level and 19 between mean annual freshwater input and Kf at
degrees of freedom is tð0:025; 19Þ ¼ 2:093: According the three distances offshore is shown in Table 2. As
to Zar (1984), the hypothesis of no-correlation the relation between the two variables is direct, the
530 !
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534

freshwater input and salinity (both averaged to

one degree of latitude) were calculated at certain
latitudes (see Table 3 and Fig. 10). In this case, the
salinity was obtained from the Atlas Oceano-
gra! fico de Chile (SHOA, 1996). The results show
negative correlation values in the latitude range of
38–421S, although they are not significant except
for the case of 401S with a value of 0.78 and
Po0:01: In this case, the t-Student value for a two
tail analysis with a 95% confidence level and
19 degrees of freedom is tð0:025; 10Þ ¼ 2:22: Cross
correlation values were also calculated to see if
there were time lags in the relation between the
variables. The only case where a significant cross
correlation coefficient was found was at 401S
(r ¼ 0:65) with a time lag of +1, i.e. the salinity
lying one month behind the freshwater input.

4. Discussion

The seasonal salinity anomaly in the study area

shows mainly negative values in summer and
positive in winter, indicating less (more) salty
water in the warm (cold) period. As mentioned
before, the river regimen varies with latitude, from
Fig. 9. Annual mean latitudinal distribution of the freshwater a winter-centered pluvial regimen in the northern
fraction, salinity (at 75 km offshore) and river flux output, part of the study area to a mixed and a summer-
integrated every one degree of latitude. centered nival regimen in the southern region. This
means that the maximum freshwater discharge
rates, found south of 501S, belong to zones where
sign of the correlation is positive. No correlation mixed and nival regimens domain exists. The fact
with probability values less than 0.05 were found of finding negative anomalies in summer and
at 75 or 30 km offshore, although the correlation positive in winter could be attributed to the type
values increase towards the coast. Finally, the of river regimens existing in the study zone. It must
correlation coefficients of the monthly mean also be considered that there must also be a time

Table 1
Correlation between annual mean latitudinal distributions of freshwater and salinity

Depth 75 km offshore 30 km offshore 10 km offshore

r r2 t P r r2 t P r r2 t P

0 0.14 0.021 0.58 0.569 0.28 0.078 1.17 0.261 0.33 0.11 1.40 0.17
10 0.48 0.234 2.21 0.042 0.58 0.334 2.84 0.012 0.62 0.39 3.20 0.005
20 043 0.181 1.88 0.078 0.54 0.296 2.60 0.019 0.59 0.35 2.95 0.009
30 0.41 0.165 1.78 0.094 0.46 0.214 2.09 0.053 0.50 0.25 2.33 0.03
50 0.49 0.236 2.23 0.041 0.55 0.297 2.60 0.019 0.59 0.35 2.90 0.01
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534 531

Table 2
Correlation between the annual mean latitudinal distributions of freshwater and standardized Kf

Depth (m) 75 km offshore 30 km offshore 10 km offshore

r r2 t P r r2 t P r r2 t P

10 0.33 0.107 1.38 0.186 0.44 0.193 1.95 0.068 0.45 0.20 2.02 0.06
20 0.27 0.070 1.10 0.287 0.38 0.148 1.67 0.115 0.43 0.18 1.92 0.07
30 0.26 0.066 1.06 0.305 0.36 0.129 1.54 0.144 0.42 0.17 1.87 0.08
50 0.29 0.084 1.22 0.241 0.38 0.142 1.63 0.123 0.43 0.18 1.92 0.73

Table 3 should occur in this period. During autumn–

Correlation between freshwater input and salinity (SHOA, winter, on the other hand, the meridional wind
1996) monthly means at selected latitudes stress weakens, inducing less eastward Ekman
Latitude r r2 t P water transport. This could induce positive anom-
aly salinity, as the surface water does not remain
381S 0.51 0.26 1.89 0.087
391S 0.19 0.037 0.62 0.55 so long along the coast as it occurs during spring–
401S 0.78 0.61 3.97 0.002 summer. In fact, Xiong and Royer (1984) observed
411S 0.24 0.06 0.80 0.44 salinity anomalies at the surface layer of the Gulf
421S 0.43 0.018 1.50 0.16 of Alaska that were related mainly to freshwater
discharge, as well as to wind stress, both mechan-
isms inversely related to the salinity.
The solar radiation could also play a role in the
lag between the freshwater discharge and its effect existence of surface low salinity in summer, as it
on the salinity distribution. induces a seasonal thermocline that prevents
The relation between the effect of the wind stress vertical mixing. The existence of stratified waters
and the salinity distribution has not been studied can also be a consequence of the freshwater input,
here, although some arguments can be presented. inducing the presence of a halocline.
It must be first noted that the meridional drift of The latitudinal distribution of the freshwater
the high pressure system of the Southeast Pacific, input estimated from river flows (in this case
to the south in spring and to the north in autumn without latitudinal averaging) has two points of
(Saavedra and Foppiano, 1992), is responsible maximum outflow around 451S and 501S (Fig. 6).
for the north–south drifting of the zone where Both points correspond to coastal discharge areas
the meridional wind changes its sign. In fact, the that have more than one source of freshwater into
meridional wind stress is northward (southward), the ocean. When a latitudinal distribution was
north (south) of this point, where latitude varies calculated for one degree interval of latitude,
seasonally. The southward wind stress should maximum values were found at 421S, 461S, and
induce an eastward Ekman water transport, piling 501S (Fig. 6). The new latitude of maximum
up freshwater near the coast. However, examining outflow detected at 421S is related to an area of
the oceanic and the coastal winds in the study area coastal zone discharge (line source) plus a river
it has been observed that the wind stress is more basin with a unique point of freshwater output of
intense during spring–summer than during au- 1060 m3 s1 (the Yelcho River, 42.971S, 72.751W).
tumn–winter period (Da! vila and Figueroa, in The total amount of freshwater estimated from
press). As a consequence of this, the already the DGA hydrological balance resulted very close
mentioned pile up effect of the water should be to the one obtained from the Devynck pluvio-
more intense in spring–summer than in autumn– metric distribution, although the latitude ranges
winter. As more freshwater is piled up during are slightly different. The reason for that is that
spring–summer, more negative salinity anomalies both latitude ranges include the zone of higher
532 !
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534

precipitation, i.e. 38–521S. It means that the areas

not covered by the present estimations from
Devynck are zones with relatively small precipita-
tion. If one compares these results with the global
amount of precipitation of 3.5 Sv (Schmitt, 1995),
the precipitation measured in the latitudinal range
considered in this study represents 1.0% of the
global input. The total river flux input in the study
area, 27.8  103 m3 s1, can also be compared with
the estimation of global river flux input of 1.3 Sv
(Schmitt, 1995). It means that the contribution of
this part of the terrestrial land is ca. 2.1% of the
total world freshwater input. The proportion of
the river flux contribution to the global freshwater
input is larger than the proportion of contribution
of the local precipitation to the global precipita-
tion. It can be caused by the small rate of
evaporation, characteristic of these latitudes, and
the very high precipitation values found in some
locations, up to 7000 mm yr1 found around
49–511S, near Guarello Island (Devynck, 1971).
These local precipitation values are rather high
if one considers that, for the Northeastern
Pacific ocean, Reed and Elliott (1979) reported
precipitation rates up to 1000 mm yr1, and
Dorman and Bourke (1979), using weather
stations near the coast, found values up to
1800 mm yr1.
The correlation found between annual mean
latitudinal distributions of freshwater flux and
both salinity and Kf ; at the three considered
meridional lines (75, 30 and 10 km offshore), shows
that the coefficients increase toward the coast, as
expected, as the influence of the freshwater input
is stronger near the coast. Although the absolute
values of the correlation coefficients are rather
small, they correspond to the physics of the mixing
processes that take place in the study area. On
the other hand, in the case of correlation
between monthly mean distributions of river flux
and salinity, results depend strongly on the
particular latitude considered. In this case, an
inverse relation was also observed, although the
Pearson correlation coefficients were not much
Fig. 10. Monthly mean river flux (F) and salinity (.......) from
This study does not consider the precipitation
the Atlas Oceanogr!afico de Chile (SHOA, 1996) between 381S
and 421S. over the ocean. Although this precipitation could
be another cause for the low salinity values found
P.M. Davila et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 521–534 533

in this area, its latitudinal variation should be acteristics to the southern Chile, as the Gulf of
rather similar to the corresponding meridional Alaska (Royer, 1979).
distribution of the freshwater discharge. For this Future studies will require systematic measure-
reason, the rather low correlation found between ments (annual series) of river flux discharge at the
the continental freshwater contribution and the river mouths and salinity distributions near the
coastal salinity probably do not improve signifi- coast. This will allow to calculate better correla-
cantly taking into account the precipitation over tion coefficients between both variables, and to
the ocean. In any case, any future study of study some expected consequences of the high
the relation of the salinity and the freshwater freshwater discharge into the ocean, among them
should include the contribution of the marine the possible existence of high-speed coastal bar-
precipitation. oclinic currents.

5. Conclusions
This research was supported by the Grant
The freshwater flux entering into the ocean at 96.012.005-1.0 of the Research Directorate of the
the most southern portion of austral Chile is !
University of Concepcion, Chile. During part
responsible for the decrease of the surface layer of the research one of the authors (PD) was
salinity. This can be established through two ways. supported by the Deutsche Akademischer Aus-
First, the seasonal salinity anomalies observed at tauschdienst (DAAD), and the other (DF) was
different depths show the influence of the fresh- supported by the Chilean National Fund for
water river discharge. The positive and negative Advanced Studies in Priority Areas (FONDAP–
salinity anomalies, present during the summer Humboldt Program) of CONICYT, Chile.
and the winter seasons, respectively, indicate the
prevalence of mixed and nival river regimens in the
southernmost portion of the continent. This, References
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