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Vocabulary Exercises: Compound Adjectives

Do the exercises below on compound adjectives and click on

the button to check your answers
Choose the correct answer

1. well- mannered
2. brand- new
3. deeply- rooted
4. short- sighted
5. old- fashioned

Choose the right compound adjective from the exercise above.

1. When Brian got his promotion, he bought a brand-new  


2. Look at Leila . She's wearing an old-fashioned  skirt. She

found it in her grandmother's drawer.

3. Nancy is such a short-sighted  girl. She can't even read

what's on the blackboard.

4. Some people think that we should preserve the deeply-

rooted  traditions of countries.

5. Cathy is a well-mannered  girl. She's very polite.

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ocabulary Exercise - Vocabulary Related to Brain Drain

Do the exercise below on the vocabulary related to brain

drain and click on the button to check your answers.
Choose the right words:

1. A lot of developing  countries are facing the challenge of human

capital flight  .
2. Something should be done to stem  this phenomenon.
3. One way to deal with this problem is to provide high wages  and good
working conditions  for highly skilled  people to keep them in
their home  country.
4. Brain gain  occurs when developed  countries receive technically  
qualified people.

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