Reading Passage

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Bank Job Written English 289 290 Bank Job Written English

Bank Job Written English Management is a set of processes that can

keep a complicated system of people and
technology running smoothly. The most
Reading Passage central characteristics of management
include scheduling, accounting, organizing,
Prepared by staffing, controlling, and problem –solving.
M Mostafa Kamal Leadership is a set of processes that generates
( Author of a number of books including organizations in the first place or
How to Learn Written English) acclimatizes them to expressively changing
situations. Leadership outlines what the
Nature of questions impending should look like, brings into the
line people with that vision, and inspires
a) Thematic questions them to make it happen despite the obstacles.
b) Contextual meaning This distinction is absolutely crucial for our
purposes here: successful transformation is
c) Multiple choice
70 to 90 per cent leadership and only 10 to 30
d) Summarizing the passage percent management. Yet for historic
motives, numerous organizations today don’t
have much headship. And almost everyone
thinks about the problems here as one of
(01) managing change. For most of this century,
6 Govt. Banks & 2 Financial Institutes as we created thousands and thousands of
Senior Officer 2019 large organizations for the first time in human
Read the following passage and answer the history, we don’t have enough good
questions below : managers to keep all those bureaucracies
20 functioning. Thus many companies and
academies developed management programs
Bank Job Written English 291 292 Bank Job Written English

and hundreds and thousands of people were take over. But with continued success, the
stimulated to learn managing on the job. And result mostly of market dominance, the
they did. But, people were taught little about problem often goes unaddressed and an
leadership. To some degree, management unhealthy arrogance begins to evolve. All of
was emphasized because it’s easier to teach these features then make any renovation
than leadership. But even more so, struggle much more problematic. Arrogant
supervision was the chief item on the managers can over evaluate their current
twentieth-century outline because that’s what performance and competitive position, listen
was needed. For every entrepreneur of poorly, and learn slowly. Inwardly focused
business builder who was a leader, we needed employees can have difficulty seeing the very
hundreds of managers to run their ever forces that present threats and opportunities.
growing enterprises. Regrettably, for us Bureaucratic cultures make it a smother for
today, this importance on management has those who want to respond to shifting
often been longstanding in corporate cultures conditions. And the lack of leadership leaves
that dishearten workers from learning how to no fore inside these organizations to break
lead. Ironically, past success is usually the out of the morass.
key ingredient in producing this outcome. Questions
The condition, as I have perceived it on many a. Why, according to the author, is a
cases, goes like this: victory creates some distinction between management and
degree of market supremacy, which in turn leadership crucial?
produces much progress. After a while
b. Why did companies and universities
keeping the ever larger organizations under
control becomes the primary challenge. So develop programs to prepare managers
attention turns inward, and managerial in such a large number? Explain.
competencies are nurtured. With a robust c. How has the author defined
importance on supervision but not on management? Explain.
headship, administration and an inward focus
Bank Job Written English 293 294 Bank Job Written English

d. Why does the attention of large c) The author defines management as a set of
organizations turn inward? processes that can keep a complicated system
e. Why people were taught little about of people and technology running smoothly.
The salient features of management include
leadership in management programs ?
scheduling, accounting, organizing, staffing,
Explain. controlling and problem-solving. To some
Answer extent, management is easier to learn than
a) According to the author a distinction leadership.
between management and leadership is d) Victory over some other organizations
crucial for the purpose of attaining success in creates market supremacy to some extent for
transformation in cases of expressively a large organization and this results in much
changing situation. Leadership accounts for progress. Afterwards, keeping the ever larger
70 to 90 percent transmission while organizations under control becomes
management contributes here only 10 to 30 challenging. Thus, to establish control within
percent. the organization, inward attention is
b) Companies and universities developed emphasized and management competencies
programs to prepare managers in such a large are nurtured.
number because in this century thousands e) People were taught little about leadership
and thousands of large organizations were in management programs because
created for the first time in human history, but management was easier to teach than
enough good managers to keep those leadership. Apart from this, supervision was
bureaucracies were not made. With the help the top most emphasized matter in the
of these programs hundreds and thousands of twentieth century to manage ever growing
people acquired management skills that business organizations.
helped them running the organization
smoothly. (02)
4. Govt. Banks
Bank Job Written English 295 296 Bank Job Written English

Officer (General) 2019 school work and their friends. Thus, Mother
Teresa did not act at once. Instead, she
Read the following passage and answer the waited until she was eighteen years old to
questions below: decide that she wanted to be a missionary in
20 India. Before going to India, however, she
Mother Teresa passed away on 5 December had to undergo training first learning about
1997. People all over the world mourned her being a nun and learning to speak English.
passing because she was such an enormous Even, after reaching India in 1929, Mother
inspiration. Even after her death, there are Teresa continued her training. By then, she
people everywhere continuing the work that had taken on the name of Teresa.
Mother Teresa had started years ago. In India, Mother Teresa had the first glimpse
Mother Teresa was born in Albania in 1910. of the poverty of the people around her. She
Her real name was Agnes. From a young age, started off as a teacher and the young children
her parents taught her and her siblings the loved her for her kindness and patience. She
importance of being charitable. Her mother even took care of those who were sick. Soon,
taught her by example, often welcoming the Mother Teresa felt that she had to do more.
poor or sick into their house or going out to What she really wanted to do was to care for
help them. Mother Teresa was also taught the the poorest of the poor, people who were cast
importance of religion. As a child, she aside by society. She understood that to help
enjoyed going to church, even joining the them, she had to experience their life. She
choir and learning how to play a musical was willing to sacrifice all that she had to live
instrument called the mandolin. among them. She ate only rice because that
When Mother Teresa was twelve years old, was all the poor could afford. She even went
she had the desire to dedicate her life to serve for medical training so that she would know
God. However, being so young she was not how to help the sick.
yet sure what to do. After all, most children All her life, Mother Teresa helped these
of her age were only concerned with their people out of love and compassion for them.
Bank Job Written English 297 298 Bank Job Written English

People like Mother Teresa are few and far inspiration for many people in different parts
between. of the world.
b) Mother Teresa’s mother taught her the
Questions importance of being charitable. For example,
a) What do you understand by people her mother taught her to welcome the poor
‘mourned her passing’? Why are people still and sick into their home or going out to help
continuing Mother Teresa’s work after her them. She was also taught the importance of
death? religion.
b) In what way did Mother Teresa’s mother c) In paragraph 3, it has been mentioned that
teach her by example? before going to India she had to undergo
c) Referring to paragraph 3 give evidence that training to speak English i.e, she did not
Mother Teresa did not know English initially. know English initially. Two qualities of
Give two qualities of Mother Teresa that mother Teresa that made her well-loved
made her well –loved . include kindness and patience.
d) What motivated Mother Teresa to help d) The love of young children motivated
those who were extremely poor? Mother Teresa to help those who were
e) What did the writer mean when he wrote extremely poor.
that people like Mother Teresa are ‘few and e) The writer by people like Mother Teresa
far between’ (last paragraph). are ‘few and far between’ meant that people
Answer like her were seldom found in the world
a) By the words, ‘people mourned her because she dedicated her life to serve the
passing’ I understand that people expressed sick, helpless and abandoned people. For that
their great sorrows on her physical demise she left her country for India and experienced
from this transient world. People, are still a lot of hardship in her life.
continuing Mother Teresa’s work after her
death because her sacrifice for the welfare of (03)
sick and helpless mankind created enormous 5 Govt. Banks: Officer (cash) 2019
Bank Job Written English 299 300 Bank Job Written English

Accumulation of plastics is considered a

Read the following passage and answer the serious problem because most of the methods
questions below : used to dispose them result in some type of
20 damage to the environment. Though
Plastics form an important part of somewhere between 500 million to one
synthetics—plastics are also polymers. Since trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide
most plastics can be easily molded into any each year, most plastics wastes end up
shape after heating, they are used for making littering roadside and form ugly dumps that
a variety of objects of different shapes and harbor many disease causing organisms.
sizes. Plastics are poor conductors of heat Plastics dumped in water bodies pose a threat
which make them suitable for making to aquatic life, plastics that get buried prevent
handles of cooking vessels, for use in rain water from seeping into the ground. This
refrigerators, and for making containers in affects the growth of plants. When plastics
microwave ovens. are burnt, they produce toxic gases and
Plastics are also poor conductors of smoke.
electricity and that is why they are used as Questions
covering materials in electrical appliances, a) How do the plastics affect the growth of
cords and writing. Plastics are insoluble in the plants?
water and, therefore, used for making bottles, b) What are the hazards associated with the
buckets and other containers. Most plastics disposal of plastics?
are inflammable. However, they do not c) What is produced when plastics are
corrode or rust and so mostly used in homes burnt?
and laboratories. d) What does the word synthetic denote?
Despite many different uses of plastics, there e) What do you learn after reading the
are environmental and health hazards passage?
associated with their disposal. This is because Answer
plastics are non-biodegradable.
Bank Job Written English 301 302 Bank Job Written English

a) Plastics that get buried prevent rain water

from seeping into the ground and thus affect Read the following passage and answer the
the growth of plants. questions below :
b) There are severe environmental and 20
health hazards associated with the disposal Once people wore garlic around their necks
of plastics. Millions of plastics bags which to ward off diseases. Today most Americans
are consumed worldwide each year are would scoff at the idea of wearing a necklace
thrown away roadside after use. These of garlic cloves to enhance their wellbeing.
harbor many disease causing organisms. However, you might find a number of
Besides, plastics dumped in water bodies Americans willing to ingest capsules of
pose a threat to aquatic life. pulverized garlic or other herbal supplements
c) Toxic gases and smoke are produced in the name of health.
when plastics are burnt. Complementary and alternative medicine,
d) The word ‘synthetic’ denotes a substance which includes a range of practices outside of
made artistically especially to imitate a conventional medicine such as herbs,
natural product. Plastics form an important homeopathy, massage therapy, yoga and
part of synthetics—plastics are also acupuncture, hold increasing appeal for
polymers. Americans. In fact, according to one
e) After reading the passage, I learn that estimate, 42% of Americans have used
inspite of having a number uses of plastics, alternative therapies. In all age groups, the
they invite myriad abuses including use of unconventional healthcare practices
environmental and health hazards. Thus, we has steadily increased in the last 30 years, and
should be cautious and avoid using plastics the trend is likely to continue, although
in our everyday life. people born before 1945 are the least likely
to turn to these therapies.
(04) Why have so many patients turned to
3 Govt. Banks: Officer (cash) 2018 alternative therapies? Many are frustrated by
Bank Job Written English 303 304 Bank Job Written English

the time constraints of managed care and c) Based on the information given, what kind
alienated by conventional medicine’s focus of person would be least likely to seek out
on technology. Others feel that a holistic alternative
approach to healthcare better reflects their medical treatment?
beliefs and values. Others seek therapies that d) The passage indicates that alternative
relieve symptoms associated with chronic treatments are increasingly being used by
disease, symptoms that mainstream medicine mainstream medical
cannot treat. professionals because---
Some alternative therapies have even crossed e) What is the title of the passage? What do
the line into mainstream medicine, as you learn after reading the passage?
scientific investigation has confirmed their
safety and efficacy. For example, physicians New words: ward off Zvovb scoff at AeÁvfv‡e
may currently prescribe acupuncture for pain e¨½ Kiv , pulverized weeY©, complementary and
management or to control the nausea alternative medicine cwic~iK I weKí Jla,
associated with chemotherapy. Additionally, alienate n¯ÍvšÍi Kwiqv †`Iqv, holistic approach
many US medical schools teach courses in mvwe©K c`‡ÿc|
alternative therapies, and many health
insurance companies offer some alternative Answer
medicine benefits. a) The main idea of the passage is increasing
use of unconventional health-care practices
a) What is the main idea of the passage? among Americans over the last few decades
Example briefly. and growing popularity of alternative
b) According to the passage, which practice medicine rather than mainstream medicine.
would not be defined as alternative b) According to the passage, practices such as
medicine? herbs, homeopathy, massage therapy, yoga
and acupuncture would not be defined as
alternative medicine.
Bank Job Written English 305 306 Bank Job Written English

c) Based on the information given, people production by adopting scientific methods

born before 1945 would be least likely to seek which are similar to hydroponic agriculture
out alternative medical treatment. practices whereby plants can be grown on the
d) Alternative treatments are increasingly water in a bio-land or floating bed of water
being used by mainstream medical hyacinth, algae or other plant residues.
professionals because scientific investigation Floating gardens ( locally known as Dhap)
has confirmed their safety and efficacy. In are age old practice of crop cultivation in the
addition, many US medical schools teach southern floodplains of Bangladesh. The
courses in alternative therapies, and many unique hydroponic production system was
health insurance companies offer some developed in the hands of the locals by using
alternative medicine benefits. their traditional knowledge for agricultural
e) The title of the passage is growing practice and livelihood. Bio-diverse
popularity of alternative medicine. After vegetables and species crops are grown
reading the passage, I learn that because of sustainably over the years on floating
some constraints of mainstream medicine, substrata made mainly of water hyacinth and
and fruitful healing of using alternative other minor aquatic weeds on flooded water.
medicine, a large number of people in The land with water is used for production of
America have shown their inclination fish in the open water and crops on the
towards alternative medicine. floating beds. Thus, it ensures a sustainable
(05) utilization of agro biodiversity, natural
4 Govt. Banks & 1 Financial Institute resources and multiple use of the land.
Officer (cash) 2018 Floating agriculture practices have minimal
Read the following passage and answer the infrastructures and cost can also be kept low
questions below: 5@5 because raw materials for the construction of
= 25 floating beds are readily available from local
In some parts of Bangladesh, farmers are waterways. This gives the opportunity to
using their submerged lands for crop many people living in this area to cultivate
Bank Job Written English 307 308 Bank Job Written English

using this technique. The advantages of Questions

floating garden agricultural heritage system a) Describe how the Dhap is considered a
are manifold. The floating beds are made of type of hydroponic agriculture practice.
free, locally abundant materials, especially b) What are the economic benefits of
water hyacinth. This is considered to be one floating bed agriculture?
of the most dangerous invasive species due to c) Why is water hyacinth called notorious
its high reproduction speed but in this weed?
particular farming system, this notorious d) How does agro-biodiversity maintain
weed is converted to most useful resources. through Dhap?
Since crops could absorb prime nutrients e) How does the idea ‘ woe turns into
such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous wealth’ resemble with this paragraph?
from the floating beds and below water, there
is almost no need for fertilizer input. After Answer
collecting water hyacinth, bamboo is laid on a) Floating garden locally known as Dhap is
a dense layer of water hyacinth to enable considered a type of hydroponic agriculture
people to stand on it, and more water practice because
hyacinth is piled on top to make compact. Dhap is almost a scientific method
The eventual thickness depends on the similar to hydroponic agriculture practice
duration of water logging, for it must be able whereby plants can be produced on the
to float during that time. To accelerate the water hyacinth, algae or other plant residues.
process, the previous year’s decomposed bed b) Floating bed agriculture which is
or raft can be used. Because it allows better practiced in some parts of Bangladesh has a
control over this plant, some researchers have lot of economic benefits because it requires
noted the greater productivity of floating bed minimal infrastructure and low cost as raw
practices compared with traditional land materials for the construction of floating
based agriculture. beds are readily available from local
Bank Job Written English 309 310 Bank Job Written English

c) Water hyacinth is called notorious weed

because it is one of the most dangerous
invasive species owing to its high
reproduction speed.
d) Dhap maintains agro-biodiversity
growing bio-diverse vegetables and species
of crops sustainably
over the years on floating gardens as
plants are cultivated on the water in bio-land
or floating bed of water hyacinth, algae or
other plant residues.
e) Because of high reproduction speed,
water hyacinth is regarded as one of the
most dangerous invasive species. But this
notorious water hyacinth can be used to
grow crops. In this way, the idea, ‘woe turns
into wealth’ resembles with this paragraph. (06)
Rupali Bank Ltd: Officer 2019
Read the following passage and answer the
questions below:
5@4 = 20
We can never get people to act morally by
providing reasons of self interest, because if
they accept what we say and act on the
reasons given, they will only be acting self-
interestedly, not morally. By refuting this
claim, it would be stated that the substance of
Bank Job Written English 311 312 Bank Job Written English

the action, what is actually done, is more e) Give a suitable title for the passage.
important than the motive. People might give Answer
money to help those in extreme poverty a) The ethical argument that is given in this
because their friends will think better of them passage is that the substance of the action
if they do, or they might give the same what is actuallydone is more important than
amount because they think it is their duty. the motive.
Those helped by the gift will benefit to the b) Ethics in my view are set of conducts
same extent either way. This is true but crude. which distinguish between the right and the
It can be made sophisticated if it is combined wrong. People living in a group or society
with an appropriate account of the nature and practise ethical behaviour to promote way of
function of ethics. Ethics is a social practice living and ensure interest of the individuals
that has evolved among beings living in of that particular group or society.
social groups, and it promotes way of living c) The term sophisticated stands for
that are in the interests of individuals living sharpened, modern, and refined with
in groups. Ethical judgments can do this by technology. In this reading passage,
practicing and encouraging actions in sophisticated refers to effective and fruitful
accordance with these values. way in using ethical conduct for benefiting
people to a great extent.
Questions d) The role of ethical judgment is to bring
a) What the ethical argument is stated in this greater betterment and welfare for the
passage? individuals living in a society as it praises and
b) Follow the idea stated above and encourages actions in accordance with social
formulate the definition of ethics in your values.
own words. e) A suitable title of this passage is ‘ ethics in
c) What does the term sophisticated stand ensuring greater welfare to a large number of
for? individuals.
d) What is the role of ethical judgments?
Bank Job Written English 313 314 Bank Job Written English

(07) Bangladesh Bank where a big chunk of funds should go in

Assistant Director (General ) 2018 research and development. In fact, the need
emerged years ago following the
Read the following passage and answer the commendable achievement of genome
questions below 5x4 sequencing of jute plant by Bangladeshi
= 20 scientists and researchers. It is commonly
Recently, the Bangladesh Jute Mills acknowledged that the only way the
Corporation (BJMC) announced a project to country’s jute industry can shed much of its
develop industrial village for diversifying sluggishness is by producing more and more
jute products in major jute producing diversified products in keeping with
districts. The government is also reportedly consumer’s preferences at home and abroad.
taking up a balancing, modernization, It is more about product development,
rehabilitation and expansion (BMRE) project innovation and adaptation than just
for the state-owned jute mills at a cost of producing more traditional products or
5350 million. Jute, believed to be one of the dishing out funds to energize state-owned
key drivers of the economy has no doubt, sick mills. In order for the desired
suffered much neglect over the decades due diversification to take place the government
mainly to improper planning. In fact, high needs to work out a systematic plan which
prospect of this fiber as the most among other things should provide ample
environment- friendly and cheaply available scope for research and development.
one could not be made good use of. Stray a. Why is jute considered as one of the key
initiatives were there, but lack of concerted drivers of Bangladesh economy?
efforts and financing was the main b. Explain BMRE by following the
impediment to prepare a detailed and information of the passage.
comprehensive roadmap. And it is here that c. What does the term ‘stray initiatives’ stand
planning matters. Experts, including industry for?
insiders, believe that one of the crucial area
Bank Job Written English 315 316 Bank Job Written English

d. What should be the best value of fund d. The best value of fund allocated by the
allocated by the government in the jute government in the jute sector should be
sector? upto date research and development which
e. Give a suitable title for the passage. will result in more and more diversified
products that can satisfy consumer’s,
Answer desire in home and abroad.
e. A suitable title for the passage should be ‘
a. Jute is considered as one of the key drivers
Jute Industry : Limitation and Prospects’.
of Bangladesh economy because this fibre
is the most environment friendly and
(08) Bangladesh Bank
myriad diversified products can be made
Officer (General ) 2018
of jute to meet up the demands of
consumers from home and abroad.
Read the following passage and answer the
b. BMRE stands for balancing,
questions below:
modernization, rehabilitation and
5*4 =20
expansion. It is a project taken by the
After the striking political theater that
government with a view to developing
unfolded recently at the forbidding border
industrial villages for diversifying jute
between North and South Korea, it seems
products in major jute producing districts.
almost mean spirited to cast aspersions on
The estimated cost of the project is $ 350
Kim Jong-Un’s motives or to be
apprehensive about talks Mr. Kim is expected
c. The term stray initiatives stand for such a
to have in a few weeks with President Trump.
measure that is set aimlessly taken having
These contacts, after all, stand in stark
a detrimental effect on the targeted goal. In
contrast to the scary talk of nuclear
this reading passage stray initiatives
exchanges of only a few months ago, and
means ineffective steps taken earlier by
meeting face –to-face seems better than saber
Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation.
rattling. Mr. Kim’s meeting with the dovish
Bank Job Written English 317 318 Bank Job Written English

South Korean President, Moon Jae in, was Answer

heady stuff, minutely choreographed to stir a) The motive of Kim Jong-un’s ,North
the hopes and longings of a nation bitterly Korean highest leader, prior to the long
divided for seventy years. Every scene was expected meeting with the US President
suffused with symbolism: the joint steps Donald Trump over nuclear exchanges
across the concrete stab that marks the made everyone worried about the future
border, which on member of the Kim dynasty of power-play continued in Korean
had ever breached before; the banter and the peninsula.
hand holding; the soil heaped on a tree b) Saber rattling stands for intimidating
planted when the Korean War ended in an one country by showing off military
armistice in 1953; the honor guard in 19th power especially by experimenting
century imperial robes. The ‘Panmunjom nuclear weapons.
Declaration’ signed by the two leaders was c) The symbols found available in the
similarly upbeat, promising to rid the Korean passage include :
peninsula of nuclear weapons and to finally i) ‘In stark contrast to’
negotiate a peace treaty. ii) ‘Scary talk’ means frightening
a) Which issues made everybody worried discussion or talking about terrible
about the future of power play matter.
continued in Korean peninsula ? d) Panmunjom Declaration will help bring
b) What does the phrase ‘saber rattling’ peace in Korean Peninsula through
stand for ? making these two ever hostile countries
c) Find out and account for the symbols free from nuclear weapons and finding
available in the passage. ways to negotiate peace treaty. If it
d) What benefit may the World get from happens, the world will get rid of the
‘Panmunjom Declaration’? risk of another nuclear war which may
e) Write a suitable title for the passage. kill millions of people.
Bank Job Written English 319 320 Bank Job Written English

e) The suitable title of the passage may be man-made, but the vast majority of experts
‘A Peace Treaty in Korean Peninsula’. believe that one of the major causes of
climate change is the burning of fossil fuels,
which are the primary energy source for
modern societies. The resulting gases –
carbon dioxide, methane, fluorocarbons, and
nitrous oxide among others – are released
into the atmosphere. There, these gases
combine with water vapor and prevent the
sun’s infrared rays from radiating back into
space. The trapped solar radiation contributes
(09) Sonali Bank Ltd. to increased air temperature. In this way
Senior Officer 2018 gases function much as do the glass panes of
a green-house. Newly released gases will
Read the following passage and answer remain in the atmosphere for thirty to a
the questions below : hundred years; since greenhouse gas
5*4=20 emissions continue to rise, their buildup in
Climate change may produce hundreds of the atmosphere is expected to increase over
millions of environmental refugees, which is time. Automobile exhaust, along with
an environmental justice concern. Those industrial power plants and agricultural
refugees may be displaced by rising tides, operations, produce most of the gases that
storm damage and changes in agricultural lead to climate change. Deforestation also
production. Residents of low-lying islands contributes to the warming because there are
and low flood-prone countries may be fewer trees and other plant life to absorb
dislocated as sea levels rise and river floods carbon dioxide before it reaches the
become harder to control. Some skeptics atmosphere.
dispute whether the changes are entirely a) Give a suitable title for the passage.
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b) Explain the term ‘environmental d) The consequences of emitting detrimental

refugee’. rays include increasing the air temperature
c) Why do many professionals disagree which is responsible for making the planet
with some skeptics? warmer with the passage of time.
d) What are the Consequences of emitting e) Forestation means more and more plants
detrimental rays? which absorb greater amount of carbon
e) How does forestation contribute in dioxide before it reaches the atmosphere. As
decreasing the global warming? a result, trees contribute in decreasing the
global warming.
a) A suitable title for the passage should be
(10) Sonali Bank Ltd.
‘Causes and Consequence of ever increasing
Officer (cash) 2018
climate change.’
b) Environmental refugees are those who Read the following passage and answer the
become refugees because of the consequence questions: 20
of degradation of various elements of Marina Hills High School is fighting
environment such as rising tides, storm pollution in an unusual way. It’s planting
damage, changes in agricultural production, trees. In an effort to fight pollution and help
rising sea levels and uncontrolled flood. the environment, the Marina Hills Ecology
c) Many professionals disagree with some Club offers free trees to institutions willing to
skeptics over the reasons of climate change. plant them on their grounds. Among those
Some skeptics do not agree that the changes that took advantage of the offer was Marina
are fully man made but many professions Hills High School. After consulting with his
firmly believe that one of the major causes of teachers on where to plant the trees, principal
climate change is man made especially Max Webb contacted the Ecology Club.
burning fossil fuels as a primary source of But when the seedlings arrived, Webb had an
energy by modern people. idea. Instead of planting the young trees in
Bank Job Written English 323 324 Bank Job Written English

front of the school, he thought it would be a) What would be the most appropriate
better to put them behind the school, where headline for this article?
the sun gets very hot in the afternoon. b) What did the Ecology Club do for
‘It gets so hot inside the building that the Marina Hills High School?
students start to sweat during their afternoon c) What problems does Principal Webb
classes’, said Webb. “Now the shade from talk about?
our trees will bring them some relief’. d) What can be inferred from the article
‘There was no argument from the teachers’, about eucalyptus and willow trees?
he added. ‘When I proposed the idea, e) What does Principal Webb imply
everyone said, ‘Now why didn’t I think of about the local birds?
that!’ The relief won’t come until the trees
grow taller, but the school will not have to \
wait long because it requested two species of Answer
trees that grow quickly. a) The most appropriate headline for this
‘Time is key and we wanted our trees to get article would be – An exceptional idea to
big fast,’ said Webb. “We were given a wide fight pollution’.
choice, from shrubs to fruit trees. We b) Ecology Club provided Marina Hills High
requested eucalyptus and willow trees,” School with trees free of cost in an effort to
Webb said he was also looking forward to combat with pollution with a view to
finally seeing some wild life in the school protecting environment.
yard at Marina Hills High School. c) Principal Webb talked about the problem
“If all you have a grass lawn with no trees, of excessive hot that they were facing in the
you can’t expect the local birds to come and school in the afternoon hours. For that he
visit,” said Webb. “They have no place to emphasized on planting the trees behind the
make their nests. Now that will change, and school with a view to reducing the level of
we’ll be able to see birds from our classroom heat in the afternoon classes. All the teachers
windows”. supported him without any argument.
Bank Job Written English 325 326 Bank Job Written English

d) Eucalyptus and willow trees are the trees language and it is the one that children utter
which big faster than most other trees. As before they know how to talk. This language
Marine Hills High School was seeking quick is not articulate, but it is accentuated,
solution of excessive temperature that the sonorous, and intelligible. The using of our
students and teachers had to face in the own language has led us to neglect this, even
afternoon hours, they chose these two trees so far as to forget it altogether. Let us study
giving up the option of fruit and other trees as children, and we shall soon acquire it again
the most suitable for the school. from them. Nurses are our teachers in this
e) Principal Webb implies about the local language. They understand all their nurslings
birds that mere grass lawns cannot attract say, they answer them, they hold really
local birds to make their nests. For this, trees connected dialogues with them. And
are highly required. Thus, by planting trees although they pronounce words, these words
they can attract birds in the school premises. are entirely useless; the child understands,
not the meaning of the words, but the accent
which accompanies them. To the language of
the voice is added the no less forcible
language of gesture. This gesture is not that
of children’s feeble hands; it is that seen in
(11) Agrani Bank Ltd. their faces. It is astonishing to see how much
Officer (cash ) 2018 expression these immature countenances
already have. From moment to moment, their
Read the following passage and answer
features change with inconceivable
the questions below:
quickness. On them you see the smile, the
wish, the fear, spring into life, and pass away,
All our languages are the result of art.
like so many lighting flashes. Each time you
Whether there is a natural language, common
seem to see a different countenance.
to all mankind, has long been a matter of
a) When do children utter language?
investigation. Without doubt, there is such a
Bank Job Written English 327 328 Bank Job Written English

b) Who are our teachers in natural Once, an ant who had come to drink at a
language? steam fell into the water and was carried
c) Where do we find the language of away by the swift current. He was in great
gesture? danger of drowning. A dove, perched on a
d) Give a suitable title of the passage. nearby tree, saw the ant’s danger and dropped
a leaf into the water. The ant climbed onto
Answer this and was carried to safety. Sometime after
this, a hunter, creeping through the bushes,
a) Children utter language before they
saw the dove asleep, and took a careful aim
know how to talk. Though the language
with his gun. He was about to fire when the
that children utter is not clear, it is
ant, who was nearby, crawled forward and bit
pronounced voiceful and
him sharply on the ankle. The hunter missed
his aim, and the loud noise of the gun
b) In natural language nurses are our
awakened the dove from her sleep. She saw
the danger and flew swiftly away to safety.
c) We find the language of gesture in the
Thus, the ant repaid the dove for having
faces of children, not in their feeble
saved its life in the foaming current to the
d) A suitable title of the passage should be
‘A different pattern of acquiring a
1) Why did the ant come to the stream?
natural language by children.’
2) Why did the dove drop a leaf into the
3) Why was the dove in danger?
Bangladesh Bank
4) What does the word ‘aim’ in this
Assistant Director (General Side) 2017 passage mean?
5) How did the ant repay the dove for his
Read the following passage and answer the
questions: 20
Bank Job Written English 329 330 Bank Job Written English

(revival), which promised so much for

Answers humanity. What people have been and are
1. The ant came to the stream to drink water. still being taught to prize are money, success,
2. The dove dropped a leaf into the water to control over the lives of others, and the
save the life of the ant that was about to die acquisition of more objects. Modern social,
falling into steam water. political and economic system, whether
3. The dove was in danger because she was capitalist, fascist or communist, reject the
sleeping on a tree and a hunter lying in basic principle that the free and creative
wait in a bush saw the sleeping dove and unfoldment of every man, woman and child
attempted to shoot her soon after watchful is the true measure of the worth of any
observation. society. Such unfoldment requires
4. The word ‘aim’ in the passage means understanding and imagination, integrity and
‘target’ to kill the sleeping dove. compassion, co –operation among people,
5. The ant, once rescued from sure death by and harmony between the human species and
the philanthropic effort of the dove, repaid the rest of nature. Acquisitiveness and the
his generosity by disrupting the target and pursuit of power have made the modern man
attention of the hunter aimed to shoot the an aggressor against everything that is non-
dove while in sleep on a tree. human, an exploiter and oppressor of those
who are poor, meek and unorganized, a
(13) pathological type that hates and distrusts the
world, and suffers from both acute loneliness
Bangladesh Bank (Cash Officer 2017)
and false pride.
Read the following passage and answer the The need for new renaissance is deeply felt
questions: 20 by those sensitive and conscientious men and
Power and possession have been the central
women who not only perceive the
pursuits of modern civilization. For a long
dimensions of the crisis of our age but who
time, they blocked out or distorted other
also realize that only through conscious and
features of the Western Renaissance
Bank Job Written English 331 332 Bank Job Written English

co-operative human effort may this crisis be 3. Western renaissance could not make
met, and probably even overcome. total impact on today’s humanity as
power and possession have been the
Questions: main pursuits of modern civilization and
1. According to the passage, why has thus, other features were kept aside for a
modern man turned out to be the enemy long time.
of everything that is non-human? 4. The word ‘non-human’ best describes
2. Which is one of the requirements for the behavior of the modern man.
bringing out the best in man? 5. The approach that the author is
3. Why could not Western Renaissance advocating to be adopted by the society
make total impact on today’s is conscious and co-operative human
humanity? effort. Through this approach the crisis
4. Which best describes the behavior to of modern world may be met and
the modern man? overcome.
5. Which approach does the author (14)
advocating to be adopted by the Janata Bank Ltd. (Executive officer 2017)
Read the following passage and answer the
Answers: questions: 20
History with its flickering lamp stumbles
1. According to the passage, modern man
along the trail of the past and kindles with
has turned out to be the enemy of
pale gleams the passions of the former days.
everything that is non-human because of
What is the worth of all this? The only guide
eagerness and the pursuit of power.
to a man is his conscience; the only shield to
2. Free and creative unfoldment of every
his memory is the rectitude and sincerity of
man woman and child is one of the
his actions. It is very imprudent to walk
requirements for bringing out the best in
through life without this shield, because we
Bank Job Written English 333 334 Bank Job Written English

are so often mocked at by the failure of our 3) According to the author, rectitude and
hopes and upsetting of our calculations; but sincerity of our actions are such unique
with this shield, however the fates may play, features that help us reach the pinnacle of
we march always in the ranks of honour. honour smiling away the initial failure of our
Questions: 4) The extract is taken from Sir Winston
1) What would be the best meaning of the Churchill – a politician.
word ‘conscience’ in the given context?
2) What would be the appropriate (15)
replacement of the word ‘however’ in the Agrani Bank Ltd : (Senior Officer 2017)
expression however the facts may play? Read the following passage carefully and
3) How are rectitude and sincerity of our answer the questions given below : 20
action help us ultimately, according to the Bangladesh is in a position today to
author? champion a revolution in the micro finance
4) From which category of the eminent industry, a revolution that necessitates the use
person’s speech the extract is taken : religious of technology and innovation. Such a
preacher / businessman/ teacher / politician? revolution would push, the microfinance
industry into the next generation. Just as the
Answers: country broke away from the tradition that
1) The best meaning of the word ‘conscience’ banking is only for the privileged and rich
in the given context is own reasoning and people, it can once again break away from the
judgment over the incidents that people come tradition that technology and innovation is
across in their everyday life. only for the sophisticated and rich industries.
2) Appropriate replacement of the word Micro finance is a major industry in
‘however’ in the expression however fates Bangladesh and currently it serves more than
may play is nevertheless. 26 million borrowers. With technology and
innovation, however, micro finance
Bank Job Written English 335 336 Bank Job Written English

institutions in Bangladesh could serve more 3. How can micro finance institutions serve
people who do not have access to finance greater number of people?
using branchless banking. They could 4. What is meant by the expression ‘to help
improve access to financial services with the their financial bottom line?
help of mobile banking and automated teller 5. What should be the most suitable title for
machines – innovations that can be rolled out the passage?
even in rural areas. They could expand their Answers:
product and service offerings to include 1) Banks in Bangladesh broke away from the
savings, insurance, money transfers and tradition that banking is only for the wealthy
remittances. In addition, micro finance and affluent people of the society.
institutions could make their day-to-day 2) In aspect of operation, micro- finance
operations more efficient by allowing institutions can bring revolutionary change
institutional headquarters to have up-to-date by introducing technology and innovation
information about work being done in branch that was earlier considered fit only for
offices and liaising with loan officers spread sophisticated and rich industries.
throughout the country. Micro finance 3) Micro finance institutions can serve
institutions can do so at a lower cost without greater number of people who are out of the
fully overhauling their operations and thus financial services by adopting some
save money to help their financial bottom innovative activities which include the use of
line. branchless banking, expanding and
Questions: improving the services of mobile banking
1. What tradition did banks in Bangladesh and automated teller machines.
break away from? 4) The term ‘to help their financial bottom
2. In what aspect of its operation can micro line’ means to raise net earnings or net profits
finance institutions brings about a that are derived after deducting all expenses
revolutionary change? from the revenues. In other words, it means
Bank Job Written English 337 338 Bank Job Written English

the improvement of overall financial user application, ubiquitous access over

condition of the institution. mobile and other touch points, and adopting
5) The suitable title for the passage should be a banking mechanism which is not only
‘Revolution in micro finance institutes in secure but also reassuring to the customer.
Bangladesh’. Technology is most important element of
financial inclusion strategy and an enabler of
all others. Of the various selection criteria,
cost is perhaps the most important. This
certainly does not mean buying the cheapest
(16) package, but rather choosing that solution
which by scaling transaction to huge volumes
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Ltd: (SO) 2017
reduces per unit operating cost. An optimal
Read the following passage carefully and mix of these strategies would no doubt offer
answer the questions given bellow: 30 an innovative means of expansion in the
Creating affordability is crucial in tapping the unbanked market.
unbanked market. No doubt pricing is a tool, Questions:
but banks also need to be innovating in right- 1) What should be the most suitable title of
sizing their proposition to convince the passage?
customers that they can derive big value even 2) What according to the passage are the
from small amounts. One way of doing this is benefits one can obtain from a bank account?
to show the target audience that a bank 3) What can the banks do to engage the
account is actually a lifestyle enabler, a customers permanently once the latter is
convenient and safe means to send money to hooked to the banks?
family or make a variety of purchases. Once 4) What should be the determinant factor in
banks succeed in hooking customers with this choosing technology for financial inclusion?
value proposition they must sustain their
interest by introducing a simple and intuitive
Bank Job Written English 339 340 Bank Job Written English

5) Explain the strategies suggested in the expansion in the unbanked market include
passage that will offer an innovative means convincing and inclusion of customers who
of expansion in the unbanked market? are out of banking system, and ensuring
Answer: access over latest technological devices with
1) The suitable title of the passage is Bank’s reasonable cost.
strategy to capture unbanked market.
2) With having a bank account one can obtain (17)
some benefits which include sending money Southeast Bank Ltd.
to family in a safe and convenient way, Probationary Officer 2017
making variety of purchases and assisting in Read the following passage and answer
better lifestyle. the questions (1-4)
3) Once the customers are hooked to the Former Indian President and eminent missile
banks, the banks can take some initiatives to technologist Mr. APJ Abul Kalam said that
engage the customers permanently. These sustainable economic growth and prosperity
include maintaining interest through can help a country reduce the risk of terrorism
introducing a simple and automatic – one of the most pressing problems now
application, providing universal access over troubling different corners of the world.
mobile and other touch points and adopting “People get involved in terrorism out of
secure and confident banking mechanism. frustration and failure to meet their economic
4) Cost should be the determinant factor in needs.’ He said while on tour in Dhaka. Only
choosing technology for financial inclusion a sustainable economic development of a
.This certainly does not mean purchasing the country can put an end to terrorism, the
cheapest package, but rather choosing such a scientist emphasized, and offer an alternative
one that can reduce per unit cost by cure at a time when the world is conducting a
transacting huge volumes. ruthless ‘war on terrorism’. Addressing an
5) The strategies suggested in the passage interactive programme with leading
that will offer an innovative means of businessmen, professionals and
Bank Job Written English 341 342 Bank Job Written English

entrepreneurs, Mr. Kalam suggested finding economic war on terrorism

out the root cause of terrorism and looking for
proper remedial measures. “The higher the 4. According to the passage:
economic growth, the lower will be incidents a) There is a negative relationship between
of terrorism.’ he told his audience. terrorism and economic development.
1)The most appropriate title of the passage b) There is a positive relationship between
is : terrorism and economic development.
a) Terrorism in the subcontinent b) c) There is a no relationship between
Religious values and terrorism terrorism and economic growth.
c) An interactive programme on terrorism d) There is both positive and negative
d) Economic prosperity can drive out relationship between terrorism and economic
terrorism development.
2) According to the passage, people are Answer : 1.d 2.d 3.c
involved in terrorism because of: 4.a
a) Political ideology
b) Conflict between neighbouring countries (18)
c) Regional disparities Bangladesh Bank
d) Frustration stemming from economic
failure Assistant Director (Freedom Fighter
3. The theme of the passage is: Quota 2015)
a) A country should take a hard line Read the following passage and answer the
against terrorism questions. 5 X 6 = 30
b) A country should attain a high degree Polythene bag is certainly the most popular
of economic prosperity carrying container in our country. Jute gunny
c) A country should ensure sustainable bags and the likes of it are on the verge of
economic development extinction before the practical utility of the
e) A country should conduct a ruthless polythene bags. The reasons are quite simple.
They are cheap, easy to handle and
Bank Job Written English 343 344 Bank Job Written English

convenient. In a lower middle income frequently submerged in water. In this regard,

country like ours, it is only natural that low we can recall arguably the long lasting flood
price of polythene bag is more than enough in 1998 when flood water remained in many
reason for its being the favorite one. parts of Dhaka for over two months.
Moreover, polythene bag is available Polythene bag is also a potential threat to our
everywhere. Then why should one go for cultivable land as it is not biodegradable
something else? In spite of all its utility, it (capable of being decomposed by natural
cannot be denied that polythene is causing means). And it is because of this
havoc on our environment. characteristic that polythene does not mix
We are accustomed to throwing polythene with soil; it remains unchanged lie as a strong
bag anywhere and everywhere as soon as block through which nothing can pass. As a
their need is over. On an average 55 lakh result, natural working of the different
pieces of polythene bags are being used in elements in soil is certainly obstructed that
Dhaka city alone. Most of this huge quantity ultimately weakens the fertility of soil.
of used and then thrown out polythene bags However, it is happy news that the ban of
find their way into the drains and sewerage production, distribution and marketing of
pipe blocking the easy and regular flow of polythene shopping bag has already been
waste which might result in the complete imposed through the country. The common
breakdown of the drainage system. In fact we citizens also responded in welcoming the
often see the horrible sight of waste and move.
poisonous water gushing out of the manholes
and flooding nearby places. Questions
Again, during the rainy seasons, this kind of a. What is the main idea of the passage?
blockage by polythene bag poses interruption b. What is on the verge of extinction? Why
on the way of rain water flowing to the drains is it on the verge of extinction?
and it mainly because of the polythene that c. What are the reasons of polythene bags
many low lying areas of Dhaka city are being popular among the citizens?
Bank Job Written English 345 346 Bank Job Written English

d. How does the use of polythene bags soil. In this way, the use of polythene bags
affect the fertility of cultivable land? affects the fertility of cultivable land.
e. How does the use of polythene bag affect e. A large quantity of polythene bags is used
the drainage system? in city everyday. A significant portion of it
f. How should the citizens modify their is thrown out after the necessity is over.
behavior to solve the problem? These thrown-out polythene bags find
their ways into the drains and sewerage
pipe. The ultimate result is blockage the
Answers drainage system.
a. The main idea of the passage is the reason f. The citizens should realize the
of cheap popularity of polythene bag, the consequence of using polythene bags and
negative impact of its use and necessity of should congratulate the law of banning
people’s awareness in responding the ban polythenes. By doing this, the citizens can
of use of polythene. modify their behavior to solve the
b. Jute gunny bags and other products similar problem.
to jute bags are on the verge of extinction
because of widespread use of polythene (19)
bags by people. Bangladesh Bank
c. The reasons of polythene bags being Officers (General Side) 2015
popular among the citizens are low price, (2) Read the passage and answer the
availability, convenience to carry and questions:
handle and unconsciousness of people 4 X 5 = 20
regarding the bad effects of polythene Advertising helps people recognize a
bags. particular brand, persuades them to try it, and
d. Polythene bags does not mix with soil. tries to keep them loyal to it. Brand loyalty is
Rather, it remains unchanged and affects perhaps the most important goal of consumer
natural process of the different elements in advertising whether they produce cars,
Bank Job Written English 347 348 Bank Job Written English

canned foods or cosmetics. Manufacturers 15 development in advertising increase the

want their customers to make repeated need for talented
purchases. The quality of the product will workers.
5 encourage this, of course, but so, too, will In the past, the majority of advertising was
effective advertising. aimed at the traditional family bread
Advertising relies on the techniques of winner—father, non-working mother, and
market research to identify potential users two children. Research now reveals that
of a product. Are they home makers or only about 5%-6% of households fit this
professional people? Are they young or stereotype.
old? Are they city dwellers or country Instead, society is fragmented into many
dwellers? Such questions have a bearing groups, with working mothers, single
on where and when ads should be placed. people and older people on the rise. To be
By studying readership breakdowns for most successful,
newspapers and magazines as 20 advertising must identify a particular
10 well as television ratings and other segment and aim its message toward that
statistics, an advertising agency can decide group.
on the best way of reaching potential Advertising is also making use of new
buyers. Detailed research and marketing technologies. Computer graphics are used
expertise are essential today when to grab the
advertising budgets can run into thousands 22 attention of consumers and to help them
of millions of taka. see products in a new light. The use of
Advertising is a fast paced, high pressure computer graphics in commercial
industry. There is a constant need for advertisement for canned goods, for
creative ideas that will establish a instance, gave a new image to the tin can.
personality for product in the public’s
mind. Current Questions
a. What does the passage mainly discuss?
Bank Job Written English 349 350 Bank Job Written English

b. The word “this” in line 5 refers to what? advertising agency are the professions, age
c. Which characteristics of the probable and living place of the buyers.
users should be looked upon by the d. In line 22, phrase ‘in a new light’ means
advertising agency to reach them? new dimension with color and shape.
d. What is the meaning of the phrase “in a e. According to the passage, the new
development nmeans more research on
creative ideas
e for advertisement,
identification of
w particular segments of the
light” in line 22 ? potential buyers, the use of new
e. What is the new development in technologies especially graphics and so
advertising as mentioned in the passage? on.

Answers: (20)
a. The passage mainly discusses the
Bangladesh Bank
objectives of advertisement, research
Officers (General Side)
technique to make advertisement
effective, role of advertising agency to Read the following passage carefully and
draw the attention of the potential buyers answer the questions based on it.
through creative advertisement, recent In most discussions of cultural diversity,
change in advertisement sector and the use attention has focused on visible, explicit
of modern technology in advertising. aspects of culture, such as language, dress,
b. In line 5, the word “this” refers to food, religion, music and social rituals.
‘repeated purchases’ that is mentioned in Although they are important, these visible
the just previous sentence. expressions of culture, which are taught
c. The characteristics of the probable users deliberately and learned consciously, are
that should be looked upon by the only the tip of the iceberg of culture. Much of
culture is taught and learned implicitly or
Bank Job Written English 351 352 Bank Job Written English

outside awareness. Thus, neither cultural governments, and the legal system are
insiders nor cultural outsiders are aware that collection sites for invisible cultural
certain “invisible” aspects of their culture differences. If the differences were more
exit. visible, we might have less
Invisible elements of culture are important to misunderstanding. For example, if we met a
us. For example, how long we can be late man in a court those who was wearing exotic
before being impolite, what topics we should clothes, speaking a language other than ours,
avoid in a conversation, how we show and carrying food that looked strange, we
interest or attention through listening would not assume that we understood his
behavior, what we consider beautiful or thoughts and feelings or that he understood
ugly—these are all aspect of culture that we ours. Yet when such a man is dressed
learn and use without being aware of it. When similarly to us, speaks our language, and does
we meet other people whose invisible culture not differ from us in other obvious ways, we
assumptions differ from those we have may fail to recognize the invisible cultural
learned implicitly, we usually do not differences between us. As a result, mutual
recognize their behavior as cultural in origin misunderstanding may arise.
Differences in invisible culture can cause
problems in cross cultural relations, conflicts Questions
may arise when we are unable to recognize 1. What is the main purpose of the
other’s behavioral differences as cultural passage?
rather than personal. We tend to misinterpret a) To explain the importance of invisible
other people’s behavior, blame them or judge aspects of culture.
their intentions or competence without b) To describe cultural diversity.
realizing that we are experiencing cultural c) To point out that much of culture is
rather than individual differences. learned consciously.
Formal organizations and institutions such as d) To explain way cross-cultural conflict
schools, hospitals, work places, occurs.
Bank Job Written English 353 354 Bank Job Written English

2. The word “Deliberately” is closest in

meaning to-
a) slowly b) accurately
c) randomly d) intentionally
3. The author implies that institutions
such as schools and work places-
a) teach their employees about cultural (21)
Bangladesh Bank
b) are aware of cultural differences.
Assistant Director (General side) – 2014
c) reinforce invisible cultural differences.
d) share a common culture. Read the passage and answer the
4. The word “exotic” could best be questions:
replaced by- 5 X 6 = 30
a) improper b) foreign c) outdoor d) formal It is not enough to define ‘democracy’ by
Ans: (1) a (2) d (3) c (4) b words alone: it must be defined by its
Note: a) Passage wU invisible aspects of methods. And it is certainly one of the
culture wb‡q Av‡jvPbv K‡i‡Q| methods of democracy to accept, as final, the
(b) deliberately- mywPwšÍZ fv‡e, intentionally decision of the majority on the various issues
B”QvK…Z that arise. But this is not the whole method of
fv‡e democracy. Democracy is being confused
(c) Gi answer last para Gi wØZxq jvB‡bB Av‡Q with majority rule as a result of concentrating
(collection sites)| on what is only a part of these methods. What
we call the coming of democracy has been the
progressive extension to every person of the
right to choose a representative in parliament.
The very name of parliament from the old
French parle-le-ment, or ‘speak the mind’
Bank Job Written English 355 356 Bank Job Written English

and the method of parliament is the method The word progressive in the passage
of debate and dialogue. Spokesmen of the means advancing.
minority, or minorities, participate in this e) What is meant by ‘majority rule’ in the
dialogue just as freely as spokesmen of the passage?
majority. The vote comes at the end; but what A system in which power is held and
comes at the end is not necessarily what lies exercised by the largest number of
at the heart of the system. The debate is more members.
important than the decision. For, it is the
debate that makes it possible for opinions to
be formulated and exchanged. The debate
enables representatives of different points of
view to persuade one another of the merits of
their case. In this process the minority
participates on equal terms.
a) The best title for the passage will be-
Democratic system in true sense of the
b) The word “House” in the passage
Parliament or Legislative Body of the state (22)
c) The passage suggests that-
Bangladesh Bank
Democracy allows both the majority and
Assistant Director-2013
the minority to raise voice and share
opinions equally. Read the following passage and answer
d) The word “progressive” in the passage the questions below 5@6=
means- 30
Bank Job Written English 357 358 Bank Job Written English

The debate over environment development 2012, global greenhouse gas emissions
relationship is not new. However, for the last witnessed a 40% rise instead of the set target
few decades, this relationship has become of 5.2% average reduction in industrial
extremely crucial for reasons that we, each countries under Keoto protocol. On the other
and every citizen of the globe, and hand, the LDCs have been condemned to
particularly of Bangladesh experience each double exposure to run away globalization
day. The path of development engineering of and climate change, making them ‘double
the developing countries after decolonization losers’. For example: Bangladeshi garment
started with growth based trickle down ideas. products end up paying 4-5 times more tariff
Then came growth with equity followed by to enter the US market than other industrial
basic needs approach and participatory countries. On top of this, the imposed burden
development. Subsequently sustainable of climate change is pulling us decades back.
development which embodies all these With a population half of the US, but 65 times
previous strategies, with only one new smaller in territory, Bangladesh, is regarded
element added i.e. environment as a development paradox, with its average of
sustainability, came in the mid 1980s. This 6% growth a year during the last few years.
developmental tool developed a consensus Bangladesh is regarded as a test-case of
based on three dimensions—economic, sustainable development, given its socio-
social and environmental. economic and physical-geographical
How has environmental sustainability parameters. The question is: How can
affected globalization? Human-induced countries like Bangladesh develop
climate change is universally agreed to be the sustainably under this model of
Red Light of global unsustainability. The globalization?
glaring contradiction is that while the Questions
industrial countries press for adopting newer a) What would be an appropriate title for
market mechanisms for emissions reduction, the above passage?
they do not commit to binding reductions. In
Bank Job Written English 359 360 Bank Job Written English

b) What path has the developing e) Bangladesh has maintained 6% annual

economies travelled during their growth over the last few years in spite of
development process after having huge population in a small
decolonization? territory. That is why the example of
c) What makes sustainable development a Bangladesh is termed as a development
unique developmental tool? paradox.
d) What makes Bangladesh a ‘double
loser’ according to this passage?
e) Why is the example of Bangladesh
termed as a ‘development paradox’?

a) The effects of environment on sustainable
b) During development
process after decolonization, the
developing countries have started with Bangladesh Bank
growth based trickle down ideas followed Assistant Director-2012
by two approaches basic needs approach
(06) Read the passage and answer the
and participatory development.
c) A consensus which is based on three
4 X 5 = 20
dimensions—economic, social and
The urban population in Bangladesh is
environmental makes sustainable
increasing rapidly. In the last decade, the
development a unique tool.
number of people living in the country’s
d) According to the passage
capital Dhaka almost doubled from 5.3 to 9.3
two aspects—globalization and climate
million. This development has led to an
change make Bangladesh double losers.
increase in the demand for relatively
Bank Job Written English 361 362 Bank Job Written English

inexpensive and ready to eat foods as many contamination. Finally, since foods are often
urban residents spend most of the day outside stored and sold on open trays, germs from
of the house and have little time and money waste collected on the streets are easily
to spend on food. Rapid urbanization also transmitted.
turned street food vending into an important Several measures could address the food
business; in Dhaka alone, around 2,00,000 safety concerns of the street food sector in
people earn their living by selling street Bangladesh. The Government should
foods. In Bangladesh, street foods include formulate realistic laws, rules and regulations
cholaboot, dalpuri and samucha as well as on street food vending, establish adequate
drinks like sugarcane juice and lassi. Other infrastructural facilities and develop plans of
popular snacks are ghugoni singara and action for implementation of street food
different types of cakes. Recent evidence vending. But rules and regulation alone are
suggests that street foods in Bangladesh are not enough. Food safety and quality control
highly contaminated with germs that can measures need to be strengthened for
cause diseases and illness such as typhoid, example through regular inspections
fever, hepatitis, gastroenteritis, dysentery and adulteration can largely be reduced: There is
related infections. Contamination is the result also a need to train street food vendors on
of a combination of factors, including the proper food handling, preparation, protective
unhygienic environment in which the foods display and safe storage. Enhancing public
are prepared and stored and improper awareness and media advocacy on the safety
handling and preparation practices. and nutritional aspects of street foods would
Vendors generally prepare food with their also be an important complement to such
bare hands, passing on germs to what they measures.
have on offer. The water used to prepare Questions
foods and to clean cooking and eating a) What is the main message of the above
utensils and sometimes even the swab cloths paragraph?
used for drying are another source of
Bank Job Written English 363 364 Bank Job Written English

b) Describe the street food vendors preparing foods, impure water

industry of Bangladesh highlighting at used in preparing food, swab clothes used
least three features. in for drying foods and open trays which
c) What are the main sources of street food are used to store and sell food.
contamination in d) Diseases and illness such as typhoid,
Bangladesh? fever, hepatitis, gastroenteritis, dysentery
d) What type of diseases and illnesses and related infections are associated with
are associated with street food street food contamination in Bangladesh.
contamination in Bangladesh? e) Formulating realistic laws, rules and
e) What measures can be adopted to regulations, establishing adequate
improve the hygiene of street food infrastructure facilities, developing plans
industry? of actions for implementation of street
food vending, strengthening safety and
Answers quality control measures, enhancing
a) The main message of the above paragraph public awareness and so on can be adopted
is how safety and quality of food sold in to improve hygiene of street food industry.
the street of urban areas can be ensured.
b) Three features of street (24)
food industry of Bangladesh are as
Bangladesh Bank
follows- (i) Street food industry is the
Assistant Director-2010
main source of livelihood of around
2,00,000 people in Dhaka alone. (ii) These Read the following passage and answer
foods are mainly inexpensive and ready to the questions below: 4 X 5 = 20
eat. (iii) These foods are also highly In complete defiance of the court order and
contaminated with germs. notices served by the Department of
c) Main sources of street food contamination Environment (DoE) to install Effluent
in Bangladesh are the bare hands of the Treatment Plants (ETPs) most of the
Bank Job Written English 365 366 Bank Job Written English

industries falling under the severe and heavy non-compliant ones. The government also
polluter categories, have been found to needs to look into the realities why large
release their effluents in the rivers, canals and number of the polluters are becoming non-
marshy lands surrounding the capital. And compliant. On this source, the Bangladesh
surprisingly, though some of the industries Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters
have complied with the order to install ETPs Industry Association (BKMEA) president’s
they are also defaulting on their uses. The explanation of the non-compliance by some
reason that they have not been using their polluters is worth attention. The authorities
ETPs, according to reports, is that it adds to need to discuss the issue with these industries
the cost of their products. Their fear, if they especially about the ‘master plan’ the
use ETPs, they would lose out to the non-user President of BKMEA has talked about. But
rivals in terms of production costs. This is once a solution is reached, the government
undoubtedly a logic to reckon with so long as should no more entertain any further excuse
the defaulters on the court and DoE orders are from the industries concerned regarding
able to get away with their defiance. meeting the dead line. The Monitoring and
In fact, without a proper implementation Enforcement unit of the DoE needs more
mechanism, the court order remained largely implementation muscle to force the toxic
ignored. And seeing that a large number of effluent producing industries to comply with
industries in the red category have ignored its orders and then install and operate the
the DoE notices. There is reason to believe ETPs. The proper enforcement of the
that the government needs to further Environment Conservation Act should not be
strengthen its enforcement mechanism to looked upon merely as a concern to protect
ensure that the polluters are compelled to only the environment, but it should also be
abide by the orders. Moreover, those going treated as a credibility challenge before the
by the government order can also expect that government.
their compliance is paying dividends in the Questions
long run, especially in comparison with the a) What is the best title of the passage?
Bank Job Written English 367 368 Bank Job Written English

b) What is the main objective of the long run and protection of environment is
passage? another effect of it.
c) According to the passage, what is the e) The ways to ensure compliance are
institutional lacking of the government reaching consensus by the government
which is largely responsible for non- and business leaders regarding installation
compliance of court order? and use of ETPs paying dividends to the
d) What are the effects of compliance to users and fining to the non-users,
install and use of ETPs? strengthening monitoring and regulation
e) According to the passage, what is the by Department of Environment (DoE).
appropriate way to ensure compliance
by the industries to install and use of (25)
Bangladesh Bank
Assistant Director-2009
a) Installation of ETPs for the protection of
environment. English comprehension: 4X
b) The main objective of the 5 = 20
passage is installation of ETPs complying The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
court order for the protection of the (PRSP) approach, initiated by the IMF and
environment. the World Bank in 1999, results in a
c) Department of environment (DoE) lacks comprehensive country based strategy for
adequate manpower for monitoring and poverty reduction. The introduction of
enforcement of installation of ETPs and PRSPs was a recognition by the IMF and the
this is the institutional lacking of the World Bank of the importance of ownership
government which is largely responsible as well as the need for a greater focus on
for non-compliance of court order. poverty reduction. PRSPs aim is to provide
d) The effects of compliance to install and the crucial link between national
use of ETPs is receiving dividends in the publications, donor support and the
Bank Job Written English 369 370 Bank Job Written English

development outcomes needed to meet the their support around the priorities articulated
united Nation’s Millennium Development in the PRSP, and by harmonizing and
Goals (MDGs), which are centered on simplifying their policies and practices was
halving poverty between 1990 and 2015. also highlighted. The latest in-depth
PRSPs help guide Fund and Bank assessment conducted jointly by IMF and
concessional lending as well as debt relief World Bank staff further emphasized the role
under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries PRSPs can play in balancing the different
(HIPC). Five core principles underlie the tensions inherent in the formulation of
PRSP approach. These are: (i) country national development strategies, notably
driven, promoting national ownership of between realism and ambition, and between
strategies through broad based participation domestic accountability closely related to
of civil society; (ii) result oriented and ownership and external accountability vis-a-
focused on outcomes that will benefit the vis donors and other development partners.
poor; (iii) comprehensive in recognizing the The IMF’s 2007 review clarified the
multidimensional nature of poverty; (iv) parameters of Fund staff’s involvement in the
partnership oriented, involving coordinated PRSP process, emphasizing that IMF support
participation of development partners should be focused on policy advice and
(government, domestic stakeholders and technical support in the design of appropriate
external donors); and (v) based on a long- macroeconomic frameworks and macro
term perspective for poverty reduction. economically critical structural reforms.
Key messages from reviews of past PRSPs
include: the importance of country Questions
ownership; realism, flexibility and better i. What are the main objectives of PRSP?
prioritization in setting goals and targets; and ii. Discuss the core principles of PRSP?
more open discussion of alternative policy iii. What are the major lessons for the
choices. The need for donors to enhance the donors from the review of past PRSP?
overall effectiveness of aid by better aligning
Bank Job Written English 371 372 Bank Job Written English

iv. What should be the areas of IMF’s setting goals and targets and more open
involvement in the PRSP process? discussion of alternative policy choices.
v. How can PRSP reduce poverty? iv)The areas of IMF’s involvement in the
PRSP process should be limited to policy
Answers advice and technical support in the design
i) The main objectives of PRSP are of appropriate macro-economic
providing the crucial link between frameworks and macro economically
national publications, donor support and critical structural reforms.
development outcomes needed to meet the v) PRSP can reduce poverty by guiding Bank
United Nation’s Millennium Development for concessional lending and ensuring debt
Goals targeting to reduce poverty to half relief for the heavily indebted poor
between 1990 and 2015. countries.
ii) Core Principles of PRSR are—(a) country
driven, promoting national ownership of (26)
strategies through broad based
Bangladesh Bank
participation of civil society; (b) result
Assistant Director-2008
oriented and focused on outcomes that will
benefit the poor; (c) comprehensive in English comprehension: 4 X 5 = 20
recognizing multidimensional nature of The theoretical links between openness and
poverty; (d) partnership oriented, growth are strong. First, the presence of an
involving coordinated participation of import duty or restriction creates an anti
development partners; (e) based on a long export bias raising the price of importable
term perspective for poverty reduction. goods relative to exportable goods. Removal
iii) The major lessons for the Donors from of this bias through trade liberalization will
the review of past PRSP include the encourage a shift of resources from the
importance of country ownership; realism, production of import substitutes to the
flexibility and better prioritization in production of exports, which will generate
Bank Job Written English 373 374 Bank Job Written English

growth in the short to medium run as the Numerous empirical studies have examined
country adjusts to a new allocation of the relationship between different measures
resources more in keeping with its of openness and economic growth. Typically
comparative advantage. these studies construct a measure of the
Furthermore, the traditional Heckscher-Ohlin openness of trade policy and then see if it is
theory of trade states that under certain statistically related to growth across a large
assumptions, countries will export the goods number of countries. Over the 1990s, there
that make intensive use of their most was a growing conviction that openness was
abundant factor. Thus, if developing good for growth due to the results of some
countries are characterized as labour- visible and well promoted cross country
abundant and developed countries as capital- studies, all of which found strong positive
abundant, then trade liberalization should association between openness and growth
encourage a shift of resources towards the later on; however, these studies have been
production of labour intensive exports by strongly criticized, among other things, on
developing countries. This in turn should the ground that the measures of openness
increase the demand for labour, generate used in these papers are flawed and weak
growth and reduce poverty. The theoretical econometrics. This adds to earlier concerns
models of ‘endogenous growth’ have been that the results are dependent on the chosen
constructed suggest that openness is measure of openness and the specification
positively associated with growth. Such used.
models suggest that openness spurs growth
through numerous channels, including: (i)
embodiment of technology, (ii) availability Questions
of inputs (iii) associated technical assistances a) What is the main focus of the above
and learning; and (iv) reduction of paragraph?
networking costs. b) How can trade
liberalization reduce poverty?
Bank Job Written English 375 376 Bank Job Written English

c) In what ways trade liberalization spurs flawed and weak econometrics used in
growth? these papers.
d) What are the major e) The empirical studies concluded that the
drawbacks of the empirical studies on growth through trade liberalization are
“openness and growth”? dependent on the chosen measure of
e) Did the empirical studies conclude that openness and the specification used.
trade liberalization promotes growth?
Bangladesh Bank
a) The main focus of the above paragraph is
Assistant Director-2006
the relationship between different
measures of openness and economic Read the following passage and answer the
growth. questions. 4 X 5 = 20
b) Trade liberalization can reduce poverty by During the 1970s the World Bank invested
increasing the demand of labour through a heavily in the development of monitoring and
shift of resources towards the production evaluation (M & E) systems, especially as
of labour intensive exports by developing part of lending to agriculture and rural
countries. development. The Bank’s commitment of M
c) Trade liberalization spurs growth through & E continued in 1980s but the way in which
numerous channels. These are ___ (i) these activities were carried out in the 1980s
embodiment of technology (ii) availability was radically different from before, most
of inputs, (iii) associated technical notably by the deliberate separation of
assistance and learning; (iv) reduction of ‘monitoring’ from ‘evaluation’. By the early
networking cost. 1980s, there was disenchantment with the
d) The main drawbacks of the empirical notion of including substantial M & E
studies on “openness and growth’ are components in projects. M & E activities
were major data collection exercises that
Bank Job Written English 377 378 Bank Job Written English

diverted attention from simple monitoring to 02. Impact evaluations will be conducted
implementation. More importantly they by--
failed to collect data to monitor impact. a) M & E systems b) project management
Monitoring was to be the direct responsibility
of project management, and was to range c) external agency d) selected projects e)
from monitoring imputes to simple and rapid donor agencies.
techniques to beneficiary assessment. Formal 03. The appropriate title of the
impact evaluations were recommended only comprehension
for selected projects, to be conducted would be-
typically by an external agency and with a) Separation to monitoring from
close support from the Bank. These evaluation.
guidelines were accepted by other major b) The World Bank introduces new
donor agencies. guidelines for M & E.
c) Formal impact evaluation
Questions recommended.
d) Impact assessment is no longer function
01. The major change in the Bank’s policy
of M&E.
in the early 1980s was--
e) No need for evaluation of project
a) least priority in data collection
b) monitoring does not require data
04. The Bank refers to-
a) Commercial Bank
c) separation of monitoring form
b) Development Bank
c) The World Bank
d) monitoring should be direct
d) Investment Bank
responsibility of project management.
e) Data Bank.
e) least priority in monitoring and
05. The key lesson of the M&E systems of
the Bank during the 1970 was-
Bank Job Written English 379 380 Bank Job Written English

a) Poor management of the projects. in 1970s, have served a very useful purpose
b) Too much emphasis on data collection in unearthing the inequalities that women
for project management. face in societies. But the advancement of
c) Failure to collect data to monitor information technology has helped women to
impact. spread their campaign globally. This is
d) Evaluation was forgotten. undeniably one of the positive attributes of
e) M&E systems of the Bank were not cost globalization that stresses on bridging the
effective. digital divide and bringing everyone together
under a global village. However, at the same
Answer time, the growth of technology enabled
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a services such as picture message on cell
Note: 1 Gi answer i‡q‡Q 5th line G; 2 Gi phones and tomography on the internet has
answer i‡q‡Q †k‡li jvB‡bi Av‡Mi jvB‡b; 5 Gi amplified sexual assaults on women and
answer i‡q‡Q line 7 & 8 G| ‘gendered’ people. Although Bangladesh still
(28) languishes at the technological backyard of
Bangladesh Bank Asia, these vices are already starting to tell on
Assistant Director-2006 the society, especially on women and
children. Clearly, more needs to be done to
Read the following passage and answer the bring about changes in gender power
questions: 15 relations. It would take long to achieve a
For obvious reason, the globalization debate semblances of equality between men and
is long and unending. As we focus on the women, but charge of attitude should start at
gendered impact of globalization on women some point sooner the better.
of Bangladesh, we find that the socially
manufactured roles of women in the society Questions
have served to enhance the interest of men at a) Why do women in Bangladesh face the
the expense of women. Branches of study problem of inequality?
that focuses on women, said to have started
Bank Job Written English 381 382 Bank Job Written English

b) What impact does technology have on globalization on the women of

women power? Bangladesh.
c) What should be appropriate title of the d) To improve the status of women in
passage? Justify. Bangladesh some other steps ought to be
d) What ought to be done to improve the done to bring about changes in gender
status of women in Bangladesh? power relations and change in attitude
e) What is the position of Bangladesh in should also be made.
technology? e) Bangladesh is still languishes in case of
technology in Asia and a lot needs to be
Answer done to bring about changes in gender
a) The women in Bangladesh face the power relations.
problem of inequality because of societal (29)
roles that made for women but go in Midland Bank Ltd.
favour of men. Management Trainee officer - 2015
b) Technology has both positive and negative
Read the following passage carefully and
impact on women power. Advancement of
answer the questions based on it:
technology has enabled women to spread
Comfort is now one of the causes of its own
their campaigns worldwide. At the same
spread. It has now become a physical habit, a
time, the growth of technology has made
fashion, an ideal to be pursued for its own
an easy access to picture message and
sake. The more comfort is brought into the
pornography which make women
world, the more it is likely to be valued. To
vulnerable to sexual assaults.
those who have known comfort, discomfort
c) The appropriate title of the passage should
is a real torture. The fashion which now
be “The impact of globalization on women
decreases the worship of comfort is quite as
of Bangladesh.” This title is justified
imperious as any other fashion. Moreover,
because the passage deals in the effect of
enormous material interests are bound up
with the supply of means of comfort. The
Bank Job Written English 383 384 Bank Job Written English

manufactures of furniture, of heating to use the mind when the body is cold and
apparatus, of plumbing fixtures cannot afford aching.
to let the love of comfort die. In modern
advertisement they have found a means for Questions
compelling it to live and grow. A man of 1. How do people manage to keep the love
means today, who builds a house, is in of comfort alive?
general concerned primarily with the comfort a) By pumping in more comfort goods in the
of his future residence; he will spend great market.
deal of money on room air conditioning and b) By sacrificing high profit on comfort
interior decoration, and having spent he will goods.
regard his house as perfect. His counterpart c) By targeting youths in the sales campaign.
in an earlier age would have been primarily d) By appealing to the emotionality.
concerned with the impressiveness and 2. Why does the author value comfort?
magnificence of his dwelling with beauty, in a) It helps to project one’s image.
a word, rather than comfort. The money our b) It help to project your values.
contemporary would spend on decoration and c) It encourages a blend of materialistic and
air-conditioning would have been spent on spiritual thinking.
marble stair cases, frescoes, pictures and d) It facilitates mental life.
statues. I am inclined to think that our present 3. What was characteristic of affluent man
passion for comfort is a little exaggerated. of an earlier age?
Though I personally enjoy comfort, I have a) He used to put higher premium on comfort.
lived most happily in house devoid of b) His emphasis was on beauty.
everything that Anglo-Saxon deem c) He was replying much on advertisements.
indispensable. However, comfort for me has d) He believed more in simple and cheaper
justification: it facilitates mental life. things.
Discomfort handicaps thought: it is difficult
Bank Job Written English 385 386 Bank Job Written English

4. What changes, according to the author, Read the following passage carefully and
has taken place in the attitude towards answer the questions based on it:
comfort? A well-established Bangladeshi industrialist
a) It is taken for granted in the modern way in a recent article on ways to strengthen the
of living. economy of Bangladesh has drawn attention
b) It has become now an ideal to be pursued to the problems of inflation and industrial
for its own sake. sickness among other things. One of the main
c) It is now believed that discomfort reasons for industrial sickness in our country
handicaps thought. has been the fact that business and industrial
d) Comfort helps body and mind to function managers have not been able to look beyond
effectively. the immediate future. They have report
5. Why would manufacturers of various favorable results for the current year-higher
devices not permit comfort to die? profits and large dividends to the
a) They want to manufacture more and more shareholders. The planning horizon has
comfort goods. hardly ever exceeded five years. Investments
b) Manufacturers are mainly interested in have been inadequate for new plants towards
creating new things. diversification and expansions.
c) Their prosperity is closely linked with the Modernization and asset creation has
people’s desire for comfort. seriously lagged behind. In business, growth
d) Manufacturer’s emphasis is on producing is needed for survival. One has to grow if one
beautiful things. does not want to be wiped out. This is
particularly true today with liberalization of
Answer: 1) A 2) D 3) B 4) A 5) C imports and increasing competition.
Moreover, growth and higher productivity
(30) create employment and higher employment
Midland Bank Ltd. creates larger markets both for industrial and
Trainee Assistant Officer - 2015 consumer products. For this, there is a need
Bank Job Written English 387 388 Bank Job Written English

for the creation of a larger and a more stable c) They are more concerned with immediate
middle class that is a larger number of people net gains than for developmental activities.
who can afford more and more of goods and d) They are less concerned for payment of
services. Even after forty two years of dividends to shareholders.
independence, our industrialists have not 3. The leading industrialist attributes
been able to shed the petty shopkeeper’s industrial sickness mainly to-
mentality and our highly educated a) Laconic in five year plans.
management has tagged along merrily and b) pre occupations of managers with matters
without concern. unrelated to business.
c) higher profits and larger dividends to
Questions shareholders.
1. According to the passage, growth and d) lack of foresight among managers.
increasing productivity lead to- 4. According to the passage, the net gains
a) imposition of restrictions on imports. pursued by managers are at the cost of-
b) employment and thus provide outlet to a) diversification, modernization and asset
industrial and consumer products. creation.
c) encouragement to export of excess b) availability of markets for industrial and
consumer goods. consumer products.
d) disproportionate surplus of commodities. c) inflation and industrial sickness.
2. Which of the following shortcomings of d) liberalization of imports and increasing
Bangladeshi industrialists has been competition.
highlighted by the author? 5. “The planning horizon has hardly ever
a) They invest unreasonably high amount on exceeded five years” implies that-
diversification and expansion. a) planning should not be for a period of less
b) They are reluctant to maintain the five years.
shopkeeper mentality. b) the planning process is very time
Bank Job Written English 389 390 Bank Job Written English

c) the planners are not inclined to think of the may date back to pre-Colombian times.
future. Experiments carried out on several hundred
d) five-year period is too short for successful patients indicate that ordinary sugar in high
implementation of plans. concentrations is lethal to bacteria. Its suction
effect eliminates dead cells, and it generates
Answer: 1) B 2) C 3) D 4) D 5) C a glasslike layer which protects wounds and
ensures healing.
Another example of folk medicine which
scientists are investigating is that of Arab
(31) fishermen who rub their wounds with a
National Bank Ltd. venomous catfish to quicken healing. This
Probationary Officer - 2015 catfish excretes a gel-like slime which
scientists have found to contain antibiotics, a
Read the following passage carefully and
coagulant that helps close injured blood
answer the questions based on it:
vessels, anti-inflammatory agents, and a
Many folk cures which have been around for
chemical that directs production of a glue like
centuries may be more therapeutic than
material that aids healing.
previously suspected. A case in point is that
It is hoped that by documenting these folk
of penicillin. Alexander Fleming did not just
remedies and experimenting to see if results
randomly choose cheese molds to study when
are indeed beneficial, an analysis of the
he discovered this very important bacteria
substances can be made and synthetic
killing substance. Moldy cheese was
substances can be developed for human
frequently given to patients as a remedy for
illness at one time. Fleming just isolated what
was about the cheese which cured the patient.
In parts of South America, a powder obtained
1. This passage is mainly about-
from grinding sugarcane is used for healing
infections in wounds and ulcers. This usage
Bank Job Written English 391 392 Bank Job Written English

a) Using folk medicines in place of modern Answer: 1) C 2) B 3) B 4) D 5) D

b) Antibiotics in the field of medicine. (32)
c) The validity of folk remedies and their use Bank Asia Ltd.
for advances in modern medicines. Management Trainee/Probationary
d) Isolating antibiotics in cheese, sugar and
Officer - 2015
2. The word “therapeutic” is closed in Read the following passage carefully and
meaning to - answer the questions based on it:
a) physiological b) medicinal The consequences of global warming can no
c) traditional d) psychological longer be ignored. Islands are sinking into the
3. It can be inferred from the passage that sea. The entire world knows the disaster to be
Alexander Fleming- caused by global warming. As the sea level
a) discovered moldy cheese continue to rise, many countries including
b) suspected medicinal properties of mold Bangladesh face the prospect of partially or
c) isolated infectious patientsd) enjoyed full disappearing into the sea. The prospect of
eating cheese Bangladesh losing 20 percent of its land
4. According to the passage would spell disaster for at least 20 percent of
a) bacteria feed on sugarb) kills unhealthy its over 150 million people. At least twenty
cells percent of the earth’s long space is similarly
c) glass is formed from sugar d) sugar threatened by global warming. The
promotes healing consequences for the countries to be
5. The gel-like substance which promotes submerged by the sea partially or fully would
healing comes from- be disastrous. Global warming would not
a) catfish bodies b) Arab fishermen spare even some of the cities of relatively
c) coagulants d) catfish venom more developed countries. Among them,
Bank Job Written English 393 394 Bank Job Written English

Bangkok, Manila and Jakata also face grim Questions

prospects. 1. What was the rate of increase in global
Climate change, no doubt, calls for a warming in the last century?
collective response from the international a) 20% b) 40% c) 60%
community. Experts have called for a drastic d) 100%
reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from 2. What is main cause of global warming
the burning of fossil fuel. But there has been as inferred from the passage?
less of action and more of lip-service so far. a) A continued rise in sea levels b) Emission
The United States is responsible for of Carbon di oxide
approximately one-fourth of world’s carbon c) Melting of Ice-caps in the polar continents
dioxide emission.
In the twentieth century, global warming d) Frequent droughts in many parts of the
doubled from 0.4 degree to 0.8. But the earth
temperature would rise sharply, unless 3. What should be the most appropriate
checked, in the coming year. By 2100, the sea title of the above passage?
level is expected to rise by 60 centimeters. In a) Consequences of Global Warming b)
the worst-case scenario, however, the sea Causes of Global Warming
could rise by 3.5 meters due to the melting of c) Sharp Rise in Temperatured) Adverse
ice caps in the Artie and Antarctic. Global Effects on Agriculture
warming is causing droughts in many parts of 4. What is the meaning of the word ‘lip-
the earth. A change in rainfall patterns has service’ in the second paragraph of the
become a matter of worry across the world passage?
global warming is also adversely affecting a) A plan followed by actionsb) A promise
agriculture. with commitment
c) A promise not followed by actions d) A
blank firing
Bank Job Written English 395 396 Bank Job Written English

5. What is the critical message of the harsh to the ears it becomes noise. Serious
passage? harm can be caused to people if they are
a) Global warming is having an adverse regularly exposed to sounds exceeding 70
effect on agriculture decibels. Because of the growth of urban
b) Global warming is causing droughts in population and the increasing use of machine
many parts of the earth in our everyday life there has been a general
c) A collective effort is needed from the increased in the level of sound around us. On
international community towards combating an average people in the cities are exposed to
the effects of global warming. sounds ranging from 30 to 90 decibels or
d) Global warming is changing the patterns even more. A study in Japan has found that
of rainfall in many parts of the earth. housewives who live in the city were exposed
to almost the same amount of sound that a
Answer: 1) D 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) D factory worker was exposed to at his or her
workplace. The occupations that the study
found to be the noisiest were factory work,
truck driving and primary school teaching.
Many developed countries are trying to
control sound pollution by careful town
(33) planning and developing public awareness.
AB Bank Ltd. In Holland schools are not allowed near air
Management Trainee Officer - 2015 ports and houses which are situated near
airports are provided with special types of
Read the following passage carefully and
insulation to limit the sound heard inside the
answer the questions based on it:
The unit by which the loudness of sound is
measured is called a decibel. According to the
UN the normal tolerable and pleasant level is
simply called sound. But when it is sharp and
Bank Job Written English 397 398 Bank Job Written English

a) What is a decibel and what is it used In Bangladesh the retirement age for
for? government employees in 59 years, for
b) When does sound become a noise and university teachers 65 years and for Supreme
what is the threshold in decibel? Court Judges 67 years. But this does not
c) How does Holland control sound near mean that after this age people suddenly
airports and what is its policy regarding become useless and unfit to work. These
locating primary schools? people are an asset to society with knowledge
Answer that only experience can bring. In the
a) Decibel is a logarithmic unit of describing developed countries social security is
a ratio of two values of a physical quantity. provided by the government in the form of
It is usually used for measuring the post retirement and old age benefits, so that
loudness of sound. these people get free medical facilities and
b) Sound becomes noise when it is sharp and can also be economically independent. In
harsh to the ears. The threshold of it is the Bangladesh, government employees are
sound that is more than 40 decibel. granted a pension and there are a few
c) Holland controls sound near airports by facilities at the government hospitals for the
providing special types of insulation to old but these are hardly enough. Besides, the
limit the sound heard inside the building. majority of our female population does not
It’s policy is not permitting primary belong to the working class. They are
schools to be set up near airports. housewives and are not eligible for any
pension. According to the National Bureau of
(34) Statistics, about 6% of the population of
AB Bank Ltd. Bangladesh is aged people which came to
Management Trainee Officer - 2015 about 13.3 Million people in 2000. This
includes male and female elderly people both
Read the following passage carefully and
from the villages and towns.
answer the questions based on it:
Bank Job Written English 399 400 Bank Job Written English

These people have served their nation and knowledge which is highly essential to
their families through the years. In their old make things happen.
age, it is their right to expect service in return. c) The number of elderly people, according
Their physical health have started to the National Bureau of Statistics, is 13.3
deteriorating and they need as much care and million in 2000. This includes male and
consideration as possible. The government female elderly people both from the
still does not have any system to meet the villages and town.
health and economic needs of this large (35)
population. Trust Bank Ltd.
Management Trainee Officer - 2015
Read the following passage carefully and
a) What are the different retirement ages
answer the questions based on it:
in Bangladesh?
The Alaska pipeline starts as the frozen edge
b) Why are retired persons considered as
of the Arctic Ocean. It stretches southward
across the largest and northern most start in
c) What is the number of elderly people in
the United States, ending at a remote ice-free
Bangladesh and who do they include?
seaport village nearly line 800 miles from
where it begins. It is massive in size and
a) There are different retirement ages for
extremely complicated to operate. The steel
various professionals in Bangladesh. The
pipe crosses windswept plains and endless
retirement age for the government
miles of delicate tundra that tops the frozen
employees is 59 years; the same for the
ground. It weaves through crocked canyons,
university teachers and supreme court
climbs sheer mountains, plunges over rocky
judges are 65 and 67 respectively.
crags, makes its way through thick forests,
b) Retired persons are considered as assets
and passes over or under hundreds of rivers
because they have experienced based
and streams. The pipe is 4 feet in diameter up
to 2 million barrels (or 84 million gallons) of
Bank Job Written English 401 402 Bank Job Written English

crude oil can be pumped through it daily. Today, despite enormous problems of
Resting on H-shaped steel racks called climate, supply shortages, equipment break
“bents”, long sections of the pipeline follow downs, labor disagreements treacherous
a zigzag course high above the frozen earth. terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement,
Other long sections drop out of sight beneath and even theft, the Alaska pipeline has been
spongy or rocky ground and return to the completed and is operating.
surface later on. The pattern of the pipeline’s
up-and-down route is determined by the often
harsh demands of the arctic and subarctic Questions
climate, the tortuous lay of the land, and the 1. The passage primarily discusses the
varied compositions of soil, rock, or pipeline’s
permafrost (permanently frozen ground). A a) operating costs b) employees
little more than half of the pipeline is elevated c) construction d) All of these
above the ground. The remainder is buried 2. The word “it” in line 4 refers to-
anywhere from 3 to 12 feet, depending a) pipeline b) ocean c) stage
largely upon the type of terrain and properties d) village e) None of these
of the soil. One of the largest in the world, the 3. According to the passage, 84 million
pipeline cost approximately $8 billion and is gallons of oil can travel through the
by far the biggest and most expensive pipeline each.
construction project ever under taken by a) Day b) Week
private industry. In fact, no single business c) Month d) Year e) a & b
could raise that much money, so 8 major oil 4. The phrase “Resting on” is closest in
companies formed a consortium in order to meaning to-
share the costs. Each company controlled oil a) Consistent off b) Supporting by
rights to particular shares of land in the oil c) Passing under d) Protected with
fields and paid into the pipeline-construction e) All of these
fund according to the size of its holding.
Bank Job Written English 403 404 Bank Job Written English

5. The author mentions all of the following pressure area is deepening or becoming
as important in determining the shallow and whether a front is increasing or
pipeline’s route EXCEPT the- decreasing in intensity. They are also able to
a) Climate b) Lay of the land itself determine whether an air mass is retaining its
original characteristics or taking on those of
c) Kind of soil & rock d) Local vegetation the surface over which it is moving. Thus, a
e) None of these most significant function of the map is to
Answer: 1) D 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) D reveal a synoptic picture of conditions in the
atmosphere at a given time.
All students of geography should be able to
interpret a weather map accurately. Weather
maps contain an enormous amount of
information about weather conditions
existing at the time of observation over a
large geographical area. They reveal in a few
minutes what otherwise would take hours to
(36) describe. Bangladesh Meteorological
National Bank Ltd. Department issues information about
(Probationary Officer – 2014) approaching storms, floods, frosts, droughts,
and all climatic conditions in general. Twice
Read the following passage carefully and
a month it issues a 30 day “outlook” which is
answer the questions based on it:
a rough guide to weather conditions likely to
A weather map is an important tool for
occur over broad areas of Bangladesh. These
geographers. A succession of three or four
30 day outlooks are based upon an analysis of
maps presents a continuous picture of
the upper air levels which often set the stage
weather changes. Weather forecasters are
for the development of air masses, fronts and
able to determine the speed of air masses and
fronts; of determine whether an individual
Bank Job Written English 405 406 Bank Job Written English

Considerable effort is being exerted today to c) satellite reports d) changing

achieve more accurate weather predictions. fronts
With the use of electronic instruments and 3. The observation of weather conditions
earth satellites, enormous gains have taken by satellites is advantageous because it-
place recently identifying and tracking a) is modern b) uses electronic
storms over regions which have but few instruments
meteorological stations. Extensive c) enables man to alter the weather
experiments are also in progress for weather d) gives the scientist information not
modification studies. But the limitations of obtained readily otherwise
weather modification have prevented 4. A weather map is synoptic because it-
meteorological results except in the seeding a) summarizes a great deal of information
of supper cooled, upslope mountainous b) appears daily
winds which have produced additional or c) shows changing fronts d) can be
graphic precipitation on the wind ward side interpreted accurately
of mountain ranges. Nevertheless they have 5. At the present time, experiments are
provided a clearer understanding of the being conducted in-
fundamentals of weather elements. a) manipulating weather
Questions b) determining density of pressure groups
c) satellites d) 30- day “out
1. One characteristic of weather maps not
mentioned by the author in this passage
Answer: 1) C 2) B 3) D 4) A 5) A
a) barometric pressure b) fronts c) thermal
changes d) frost
UCBL Bank Ltd.
2. The thirty day forecast is determined by
(Trainee Officer – 2014)
a) daily weather maps b) upper Read the following passage carefully and
air levels answer the questions based on it:
Bank Job Written English 407 408 Bank Job Written English

Active primarily at night and at dusk and harmoniously. Food is commonly towed out
dawn, musk rats nonetheless may be seen at to the feeding platforms, which can be
any time of day in all seasons, especially distinguished from the houses by plant
spring. Excellent swimmers, these aquatic cuttings and other scattered debris from
rodents spend much of their time in water eating. Houses are kept immaculately clean,
propelled along by their slightly webbed hind with litter deposited on logs and rocks
feet and using their rudder like tail for outside. Droughts and flooding are common
guidance, they can swim backward or hazards faced by these rodents, causing
forward with ease. They dislike strong periodic population fluctuations.
currents and avoid rocky areas. Their mouths Overcrowding, especially when it occurs
close behind protruding incisors, thus during fall or winter, causes fighting among
allowing them to chew underwater. They can individuals, forcing many to travel several
remain submerged for long periods, miles overland to seek a new place to live.
travelling great distances underwater. One
muskrat was filmed under water for 17 Questions
minutes, coming to the surface for air for 3
1. What does the passage mainly discuss-
seconds, then submerging for another 10
a) Animals that live near water.
b) Physical characteristics of the musk rat.
Their large houses commonly contain one
c) The living habits of the musk rat. d)
misting chamber with one or more
Musk rat houses.
underwater entrances. Houses constructed
2. Which of the following is not mentioned
along banks may have several chambers,
as a characteristic of the muskrat?
each with one or more tunnels leading
a) Bushy tail b) Webbed feet
underwater. The houses and feeding
platforms are added to as long as they are
c) Swimming ability d) Ability to stay
used; they usually house only one individual,
under water
though several musk rats may live together
Bank Job Written English 409 410 Bank Job Written English

3. How can one tell the difference between language in which motions stand for litters,
musk rat houses and feeding platforms? words and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the
a) Houses have more chambers than feeding mute have had to resort to this of expression.
platforms Many of these symbols of whole words are
b) Houses are cleaner than feeding platforms very picturesque and exact and can be used
c) Feeding platforms can hold d) Houses internationally; spelling, however, cannot.
are underwater Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by
4. The author mentions overcrowding as- certain actions, either intentionally or
a) being rare in musk rat houses b) the unintentionally. A wink can be a way of
reason many musk rats must relocate flirting’s or indicating that the party is only
c) the reason litter surrounds the musk rats joking. A nod signifies approval, while
house shaking the head indicates a negative
d) a cause of flooding during fall or winter reacting.
Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be
Answer found in Braille (a system of raised dots read
1) C 2) A 3) B 4) B with the fingertips), single flags, Morse code,
(38) and smoke signals. Road maps and picture
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. signs also guide, warn and instruct people.
(Management Trainee Officer – 2013) While verbalization is the most common
form of language, other systems and
Read the following passage carefully and
techniques also express human thoughts and
answer the questions based on it:
Ever since humans have inhabited the earth,
they have made use of various forms of
communication. Generally, this expression of
1. Which of the following best summarizes
thoughts and feeling has been in the form of
this passage?
oral speech. When there is a language barrier,
communication is accomplished through sign
Bank Job Written English 411 412 Bank Job Written English

a) When language is a barrier, people will

find other forms of communication. Answer
b) Everybody uses only one form of 1) A 2) C 3) C 4) C
c) Nonlinguistic languages is invaluable to
foreigners. YouTube@ Mostafa Kamal Sir
d) Although other forms of communication
exist, verbalization is the fastest.
2. Which of the following statements is not
a) There are many forms of communication
in existence today.
b) Verbalization is the most common form of
c) The deaf and mute use an oral form of
d) Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by
body language.
3. Which form other than oral speech
would be most commonly used among
blind people?
a) Picture signs b) Body language
c) Braille d) Signal flags
4. How many different forms of
communication are mentioned here?
a) 5 b) 7 c) 9 d) 11

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