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Position of adverbs (Adverb Gi Ae¯’vb)

Position of adverb A‡bK ¸iæZ¡ w`‡q co‡Z n‡e KviY GwU writing G e¨cKfv‡e e¨eüZ
(1) Adverbs of manner
GB Adverb Øviv †Kvb wKQz how, in what way †Z N‡U eySvq| †hgb-
angrily, happily, fast, slowly, suddenly, well, quickly, heavily, carefully,
silently, softly etc.
Position: AwaKvsk mgq clause ev evK¨vs‡ki †k‡l e‡m hw` adverb Gi Dci †Rvi †`Iqv
nq| †hmKj adverbGi †k‡l ly Av‡Q Zv gvSLv‡b em‡Z cv‡i hw` adverb wU verb A_ev
object Gi †P‡q Kg ¸iæZ¡c~Y© nq| adverb wU KL‡bv KL‡bv cÖ_‡gI em‡Z cv‡i|
end-position: He went away silently. She did the work slowly.
mid-position: She slowly began to feel better again
They happily sacrificed their lives for their motherland
initial-position: Suddenly I had an idea.
Passive sentance Gi †ÿ‡Î adverb of manner cÖvqB verb Gi past participle
form Gi c~‡e© e‡m| This is common with adverbs that say how well
something is done.
adverb+passive past participle
Everything has carefully been checked.
He was badly injured. The fort was well planned.
(2) Adverb of place
Adverb of place (e.g. here. there, everywhere, nowhere, outside, inside
etc) mvaviYZ ev‡K¨i †k‡l e‡m| ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡ZI emv‡bv hvq we‡kl K‡i literary wirting
Gi †ÿ‡Î| ‡hgb-
(a) He was found nowhere. (Zv‡K †Kv_vI cvIqv hvqwb)
(b) We searched it everywhere. (c) He was there.
(d) She’s sitting at the end of the garden
(e) Don’t throw orange peel out of the window.
Here Ges there Øviv KL‡bv sentence ïiæ nq| †m‡ÿ‡Î position nq-
Here/There +verb +subject
Here comes Greenline bus. There goes Tamal.
wKš‘ Pronoun subject comes directly after here and there.
Here it comes. There she is.
(3) Adverb of time
Adverb of time (afterwards, in june, last year, daily, weekly, finally,
before, eventually, already, soon, now, then, yet, today, tomorrow, still
etc.) AwaKvsk †ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨i †k‡l e‡m| ïiæ‡ZI e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| wKQz wKQz mid positon
G em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-
(a) We will go there tomorrow.
(b) They will inform us today.
(c) We will start now.
(d) Every month she has new hair style.
(e) I have already paid the bill.
(f) He will soon be home.
(4) GKwU Verb Gi c‡i hw` `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK adverb _v‡K Zvn‡j cÖ_‡g adverb of
manner Zvici adverb of place Ges me‡k‡l adverb of time e‡m| †hgb-
(a) Our Chairman spoke fluently at the meeting last night.
(b) He was brutally killed at his house last night.
(c) They silently left the place that night.
(d) He heard his teacher attentively in the class yesterday.
(5) Adverb of frequency hv ‘How often’? Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j cvIqv hvq (e.g,
always, never, often, rarely, usually, generally, sometimes, occasionally,
Adverbs of frequency Relative frequency
always 100%
almost always 99%
usually/generally 80%
often 70%
sometimes 40%
occasionally 30%
seldom/rarely/hardly 5%
almost never 1%
never 0%

Before the Principal Verb

(i) wZwb cÖvqB Zvi MÖv‡g hvb|
He often goes to his native village.
(ii) Avgiv cÖvqB f~`„k¨ †`L‡Z hvB|
We often visit landscape.
(iii) ev‡qwR` memgq mZ¨ K_v e‡jb|
Byojid always speaks the truth.
(iv) wZwb KL‡bvB wg_¨v K_v e‡jb bv|
He never tells a lie.
(v) A‡bK M„wnYx Le‡ii P¨v‡bj †`‡L bv ej‡jB P‡j|
Many housewives rarely watch news channels.
(vi) wZwb mvaviYZ mKvj 6 Uvq Nyg †_‡K D‡Vb|
He usually gets up at 6 am.
(vii) wZwb cÖvq KL‡bvB Kv‡Ri RvqMvq Lvevi wb‡q hvb bv|
He almost never takes lunch to work with him.
After ‘Be’ Verb
(i) Zvi Awd‡m †h‡Z me mgq †`wi nq|
He is always late for office.
(ii) gwnjvwU me mgq wUwf wmwiqvj wb‡q _v‡K|
The lady is always with TV serial.
(iii) Zv‡`i‡K KL‡bvB GLv‡b Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡bv nq bv|
They are never invited here.
(iv) wZwb memgq Zvi cwiev‡ii A‡_©i ms¯’vb wb‡q wPwšÍZ|
He is always worried about his family finances.
(v) GKRb a~gcvqx Zvi ¯^v¯’¨ wb‡q DwØMœ _v‡K bv ej‡jB P‡j|
A smoker is seldom anxious about his health.
KL‡bv KL‡bv frequently, sometimes, occasionally ev‡K¨i †k‡l ev ïiæ‡ZI em‡Z
cv‡i| †hgb-
gv‡S gv‡S wZwb GLv‡b Av‡mb| Sometimes he comes here.
wZwb cÖvqB wj‡Lb| He writes often.
Between verb to have and the principal verbs
(i) wZwb memgq mevi Rb¨ b¨vqwePvi K‡i‡Qb|
He has always done justice to all.
(ii) ‡m cÖvqB e¨emv ïiæ Kivi K_v †f‡e‡Q|
He has often thought of starting a business.
(iii) Avwg KL‡bvB Av‡gwiKv hvBwb|
I have never been to America.
(iv) Avgiv KL‡bvB Zvi Ab¨vq myweav cÖZ¨vkv Kwiwb|
We have never sought his undue favour.
(v) GB fzj wm×v‡šÍi Rb¨ Zviv me mgq Avd‡mvm Ki‡e|
They will always repent for this blunder.
(vi) Avgiv gv‡S gv‡S G ai‡Yi KvR K‡iwQ|
We have sometimes done this type of work.
(vii) GKRb jÿ¨nxb gvbyl KL‡bvB Zvi j‡ÿ¨ †cuŠQv‡Z cvi‡e bv|
An aimless person can never reach his goal.
(viii) wknve mv‡ne Rxe‡b KL‡bvB †Kvb e¨emvwqK mdjZv cvbwb|
Mr. Shihab has never got any business success in life.
(6) Adverb hLb †Kvb Adjective A_ev Ab¨ †Kvb Adverb ‡K modify K‡i ZLb
adverb H adjective ev adverb Gi c~‡e© e‡m| †hgb-
a) This novel is very interesting (adjective ‡K modify K‡i‡Q)
b) He speaks so fast (adverb ‡K modify K‡i‡Q)
c) I am quite unwell today (adjective ‡K modify K‡i‡Q)
(7) Only hv‡K modify K‡i Zvi c~‡e© e‡m| †hgb-
a) He only eats and sleeps. (‡m ïay Lvq Avi Nygvq)
b) We have met only once or twice. (Avgiv ïay GK `yevi mvÿvZ K‡iwQ)
c) You will only see what he does. (Zzwg ïay †`L‡e †m Kx K‡i)
d) I will allow only Rita and Sita. (Avwg ïay wiZv Ges mxZv †K AbygwZ w`e)
e) She takes only a piece of bread at night.
(8) Enough mvaviYZ adjective Ges adverb Gi c‡i e‡m| †hgb-
a) I cannot run very fast. I am not fit enough.
b) Let’s go. We have waited long enough.
c) He is going to apply for the job. He is experienced enough.
d) He is not clever enough to deceive you.
e) Our chairman is considerate enough.
(9) Enough mvaviYZ noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m| †hgb-
a) I cannot run very fast. I don’t have enough strength.
b) Do you have enough experience?
c) She has enough money to buy a car.
d) The man is not tall enough to touch the ceilling.
wmwjs ¯úk© Kivi gZ †jvKwU h‡_ó j¤^v bv|
e) Mr. Rakib is not rich enough to establish a hospital.
ivwKe mv‡ne GKwU nvmcvZvj cÖwZôv Kivi gZ abx bv|
f) The girl is not intelligent enough to tackle this matter.
‡g‡qwU GB welqwU †gvKv‡ejv Kivi gZ h‡_ó PvjvK bv|
g) They are not considerate enough to help us.
Zviv Avgv‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Kivi gZ h‡_ó mywe‡ePK bv|
(10) Quite, pretty, rather, and fairly GB adverb ¸‡jv mvaviYZ be verb
(am/is/ are/was/were), verb to have (have, has, had) Gi c‡i e‡m Ges G‡`i
evsjv A_© †ek|
Ô†ekÕ gv‡b nj less than ‘very’ but more than ‘a little’. †hgb-
a) It’s quite cold this morning. (AvR mKvjUv †ek VvÐv)
b) It’s pretty cold this morning.
c) It’s rather cold this morning.
Dc‡ii wZbwU ev‡K¨i A_© GKB| AviI wKQz Examples
a) I’m surprised you have not heard of him. He is quite famous / pretty
b) You should take warm clothes with you. It’s quite cold outside.
wb‡Pi AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ¨ Kiæbt-
a) I quite like cricket but it’s not my favourite sport.
b) Tomal lives quite near me.
Rather is similar to quite and pretty. Avgiv cÖvqB rather ‡K negative idea eySv‡Z
e¨envi Kwi| †hgb-
(a) Sumi is rather shy. She doesn’t talk very much.
(b)The weather is not so good. It’s rather cloudy.
(11) Quite also means ‘completely’ †hgb-
a) She was quite different from what I expected.
b) I quite agree to your proposal.
c) Are you ready? ‘Not quite’ (= not completely)
(12) Too Ges enough Gi ‡ÿ‡Î Avgv‡`i gv_vq ivL‡Z n‡e too gv‡b Lye †ewk Ges
enough gv‡b h‡_ó|
wb‡Pi Example ¸‡jv jÿ¨ Ki‡j cÖ‡qv‡Mi ‡ÿ‡Î G‡`i Kx cv_©K¨ Av‡Q Zv †evSv hv‡e|
a) It is too much. (GUv Lye †ewk)
b) It is enough. (GUv h‡_ó)
c) There were too many people and not enough chairs.
d) He works too hard.
e) You don’t work hard enough.
f) The girl is too young to get married/ The girl is not old enough to
get married.
g) These boxes are too heavy to carry.
(13) Adverb of degree/completeness
These adverbs say how completely something happens.
Examples: completely, almost, nearly, quite, partly, fully, somewhat.
(Auxiliary verb & Principal verb _vK‡j `ywU verb nq gvSLv‡b)
Avwg Zvi bvg cyivcywi fz‡j wM‡qwQjvg|
I had completely forgotten his name.
‡m KvRwU AvswkK K‡i‡Q|
He has partly completed the work.
Zviv KvRwU cyivcywi K‡i‡Q|
They have fully completed the work.
The book is quite interesting. (eBwU †ek gRvi)|
Avgiv cÖvqB KvRwU †kl K‡iwQ|
We have almost finished the work.
‡m AvR wKQzUv Amy¯’|
He is somewhat sick today.

Passage translation using position of adverbs

‡mw`b wQj ïµevi| mvßvwnK QzwUi w`b| gv‡K©UwU eÜ wQj| ZvB gv‡K©‡U †jvKRb †Zgb GKUv
wQj bv| hv‡`i Riæix KvR wQj ZvivB ïay gv‡K©‡U wQ‡jb| GB my‡hv‡M GK`j wec_Mvgx
AvZZvqx Zv‡K Zvi wbR Kvh©vj‡q we‡Kj wZbUviw`‡K wbg©gfv‡e Lyb K‡i| Ly‡bi cwiKíbv
ev¯Íevq‡bi ci Lybxiv wbivc‡` cvwj‡q hvq| NUbvi ci cywjk cÖkvmb b‡oP‡o e‡m| MwVZ nq
K‡qKwU Z`šÍ KwgwU| wKš‘ AZ¨šÍ cwiZv‡ci welq Lywbiv GL‡bv wPwýZ nqwb| wbn‡Zi cwievi
cÖkvm‡bi AKvh©Ki D‡`¨v‡Mi Kvi‡Y Mfxi nZvkv cÖKvk K‡i‡Qb| cywjk gvgjvwUi †Kvb K~j
wKbviv Ki‡Z bv cvivq me‡P‡q Avkvev`x gvby‡livI nZvk nIqv ïiæ K‡i‡Qb| wbn‡Zi evev
wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GKRb Aa¨vcK| wZwb A‡bK eo cwÐZ Ges m¤§vbxZ e¨w³| wZwb GKgvÎ
†Q‡j‡K nvwi‡q cvMjcÖvq| cyiv cwievi evKiæ×, †kvKvnZ| mvaviY gvbyl DwØMœ, gg©vnZ Ges
AvZ¼MÖ¯Í| Avgiv †kvK mšÍß cwievi‡K mg‡e`bv RvbvB| Avgiv mKj nZ¨vKv‡Ði `„óvšÍg~jK
wePvi PvB|
KwVb k‡ãi A_©t wec_Mvgx AvZZvqx misguided assailant; b‡oP‡o emv become alert;
AZ¨šÍ cwiZv‡ci welq a matter of great regret; wbn‡Zi cwievi the family of the
deceased; evKiæ× dumb stuck; †kvKvnZ overwhelmed with grief; AvZ¼MÖ¯Í
panic stricken.

That day was Friday. It was weekly holiday. The market was closed. So,
the number of people was fewer in the market. Those who had emergency
work were in the market. Taking this as a chance, a group of misguided
assailant killed him brutally at his own office at about 3 pm. The killers
fled away safely after they had accomplished the killing mission. After
the incident, the police department became alert. A number of probe
committees were formed. But it is a matter of great regret that the killers
have not been identified yet. The family of the deceased has expressed
deep frustration because of ineffective measures of the administration.
Even the most optimistic people have started getting frustrated as the
police could not make any visible progress of the case. The father of the
deceased is a university professor. He is a great scholar and respected
person. He has almost lost his sense losing his only son. The entire family
is dumb stuck and overwhelmed with grief. General people are worried,
shocked and panic stricken. We condole the family afflicted with grief.
We expect exemplary punishment for all killings.

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