Integrated Service Learning Experience (ISLE) : - K - .:.C - 1 - rYJ - !? Fvri'.,cl rJ-,,1

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Integrated Service Learning Experience (ISLE) 10th Grade Kennedy Catholic High School

Student Name: __l)_ o_ ""
__ , _Y_c....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Theology TNcher: (YI(<.· Ro,I f 0 ,-., Period: _ .::,__

Parent/Guardian Printed Name: ;\/) /l I NI 1 (A yr:: /1/ Signature:._ _;_

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Keep track of your hours, the type of volunteer work you do, which CST you are living out and the organizations you serve here.

Community Organization#l: __.:.c_1.1_ 1___________ Who did you serve?

_K 7VI~ LI. J.:, neevi I
Supervisor: rYJ - !? pi 1,, Supervisor Signature:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date Time Hours Served Detailed Job Descriotion & Whv You Served This Person Catholic Social Teachina
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Community Organl:ration#2: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Who did you serve? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Supervisor: Supervisor Signature:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date Time Hours Served Detailed Job Descriotion & Whv You Served This Person Catholic Social Teachina



Total Hours of Service: 13

(5 per semester)
let Sofia Lopez
Mon 5/ 17/202110:04 AM
To: Don Tran

Hi Don,

Thank you for your email and for joining us for the Lancer Day of Service on Saturday, May 8 t h. This email is a confirmation that you have completed your 5 hours of service for
semester 2 by attending this event. You may attach this email as your confirmation s ignature to you r ISLE timesh eet. Please let me know if you have questions.

Take Care,

Sofia A. Lopez she/her

Campus Minister & Theology Teacher
I.SL E. Service Coordinator
Jpho E Kennedy Catholic H i g ~
140 S 14 0th SI - Bunen, WA 98168
2 06.957.971 8 ·········--················

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