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Ferdinand Magellan Voyages of Discovery – Circumnavigation, is a nice story where

Magellan with his companion travel around the world just to find the island in which rich in any
spices. Accidentally they landed in Philippines where Magellan died. Watching “Ferdinand
Magellan Voyages of Discovery” really amaze me. Seeing how hard they do just to survive.
I saw how Magellan strive just to find the spices island. And I felt pity seeing them
suffering of Starvation and knowing how hard their work is and happy at the same time seeing
how happy Magellan is, when they reach pacific ocean and also seeing them surpassing all
circumstances they’re experiencing specially when his people rebelled on him really amaze me
and when they suffer famine, till the time that the mission is already out of their mind because
they only focuses on how they can survive.
Magellan stand as a good leader. He taya his all even he’s not so sure where they
should go. And I really appreciate him because even he himself does not know where direction
they are travelling, he still not let his people know the struggle they are currently experiencing,
instead he killed all those who rebelled on him. He really stand as a leader, not just a leader but
a good leader because he has the attitude that a good leader must have.
Nobody know who killed Magellan. He died without knowing that what he had done
made known. And also it is better that he died. Because surely they will be capture by the
Portuguese because he will surely take the route where they pass through and even if they will
be not capture by the Portuguese, I don’t think so they can still survive in the area where there
are many island.
For me Magellan deserves recognition for all his efforts and specially for discovering
that the world is round.

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