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Lesson Frog Neuromuscular Junction – Pre-Lab Prep
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Quick check

Which statement regarding individual skeletal muscle cells is true?

They are coupled through gap junctions to neighboring cells.

They are referred to as bers.

They have an inherent rhythmicity.

Which statement regarding a single stimulus to a nerve supplying a skeletal muscle ber is true?

It causes a response in that ber that is only a fraction of the maximal possible contraction.

It results in a single twitch.

It results in several distinct contractions.

Which statement regarding skeletal muscle studied under conditions where the length is held constant is true?

It is said to be under isometric conditions.

It is una ected when the length is altered.

The muscle is doing external work.

How long does a single muscle twitch last?

A much shorter time than a single action potential.

About the same time as a single action potential.

Much longer than a single action potential.

In a whole skeletal muscle, which statement regarding motor units is true?

Each motor unit consists of a single nerve axon supplying one muscle ber.

Motor units are all of the same size.

Motor units have di erent excitatory thresholds.

In a whole skeletal muscle, which statement regarding an increase in strength of contraction is true?

It does not involve an increase in force generated by individual motor units.

It involves recruitment of motor units.

It is only possible when all of the motor units are of the same size.

Which of the following statements regarding fatigue in isolated muscle is true?

It does not a ect the strength of contraction.

It occurs equally in all bers.

It re ects depletion of ber energy supplies.

Certain South American indigenous tribes used tubocurarine on the tips of arrows to paralyze animals. How does
tubocurarine do this?

Tubocurarine blocks attachment of acetylcholine to the motor endplate receptors.

Tubocurarine blocks release of acetylcholine from the nerve terminals.

Tubocurarine blocks the breakdown of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase.

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