Fitt Principle and Workout

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Jose Duarte

Professor Grace Apiafi

HED 044

22 May 2021

FITT Principle and Workout

Frequency of Exercise:

The objective is to build muscle and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. This
requires a 5 day training week in order to reach this fitness goal. Leaving a day rest period in
between resistance training workouts. This would allow the muscles sufficient time to rest and
recuperate. 2-3 of these training days will be focused on the major muscle groups
(chest,back,arms,legs,shoulders, and abdominal). 1-2 sessions of intense cardio to balance out
your workout regimine.

Intensity of Exercise:

To build muscle and strength, it is important to lift heavier weights. Also get used to
increasing the tension in your muscles as you retract your reps. In other words, slow down your
reps in order to get the full burn. On average, a person in their 20’s should be aiming for a heart
rate of about 124 to 186 beats per minute while completing these workouts. To build muscle,
make sure resistance loads are greater than 60% of your 1 RM. The longer the burn the better.
Your workout schedule should look similar to this: Monday (Chest/Tricep) Tuesday
(Back/Bicep) Wednesday (Rest), Thursday (Shoulders/Legs), Friday (Cardio), Saturday
(Chest/Tricep), Sunday (Rest).

Time of Exercise:

Since we are looking to build muscle. It is important that we shorten our reps and
increase weight and intensity. Try and aim for sets of 5-7 while upping your weight by 5 pounds
after each set. Complete 4 sets for each compound workout. Look to do 5 exercises for each
muscle group before completing your workout. Intensity on the last set should increase
substantially in order to promote a healthy cardiovascular system. Shoot for about 10-12reps on
your last set to optimize max potential. Look to rest 2-3 minutes between each set. Always
remember, the heavier the weight, the longer the rest.
Type of Exercise:

This should be a hybrid of Aerobic and Anaerobic workouts which promote strength
training and cardiovascular exercises. Chest exercises can include the barbell/dumbbell bench
press, incline/decline bench press, dumbbell flys, and cable crossovers. These exercises target
some of the major muscle groups in the body. Back exercises can also include deadlifts,
bent/T-bar/seated rows, and pull ups. These resistance exercises should tighten up the back and
increase muscle and strength. Barbell squats, and hip thrusts are great workouts for leg day. As
well as other cardiovascular activities like running, hiking, and playing basketball. Remember to
exercise larger muscle groups first before small. This optimizes your strength and conserves your
energy. An optimal workout should allow ample time for each exercise.

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