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2018 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing

IoT Integration for Adaptive Manufacturing

Christos Alexakos, Christos Anagnostopoulos, Apostolos Fournaris, Christos Koulamas, Athanasios Kalogeras
Industrial Systems Institution
ATHENA Research Center
Patras, Greece
{alexakos, anagnostopoulos, fournaris, koulamas, kalogeras}

Abstract— The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has revolution and a new production paradigm, characterized by
emerged as a concept for the integration of the Internet of Things higher flexibility, configurability, and agility. IIoT actually
(IoT) in the industrial domain, posing a variety of challenges and represents a generalization of the Industrie 4.0 platform [2].
emphasizing among others in interoperability and integration
aspects with Shop Floor and Plant layer systems. Present work The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) [5] represents a
builds on top of previous work related to the integration of the second platform with leadership in the field. IIoT vision has
different systems in the manufacturing environment automation such constituent elements as dynamic composition and
pyramid. This classical hierarchy involves three layers: the automated interoperability, intelligent and resilient control,
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), the Manufacturing data management, data analytics and advanced data processing,
Execution System (MES) and the Shop Floor. A further issue is connectivity, integrability, interoperability and composability,
relevant to the semantic integration of IoT sensors with resilience, safety and security [6].
manufacturing systems. The present paper presents a complex
system architecture which allows both the aggregation of data Both platforms propose reference architectures to facilitate
generated by IIoT devices, and the automated reaction of the IIoT adoption. A document for the mapping and alignment of
manufacturing environment to either detected and diagnosed, or the Reference Architecture Model for Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)
predicted events based on this data. [7] and the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA)
[8] has recently been made available by the two platforms [9].
Keywords— IIoT; adaptive manufacturing;systems integration;
manufacturing automation
Further to sensing technologies and their networking
protocols, fundamental technologies associated with the IIoT
are higher level protocols such as multicast DNS (mDNS)
I. INTRODUCTION [10] for resource and service discovery, or application
The Internet of Things (IoT) [1] has revolutionized a wide protocols like Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) [11]
range of applications in different domains of human activity. It targeting constrained resource devices and their synchronous
is relevant to the networked interconnection of things, e.g. research/response interaction, Message Queue Telemetry
smart everyday objects. Embedded systems enable the Transport (MQTT) [12] being an asynchronous publish
integration of interconnected smart things, efficiently subscribe protocol on top of Transmission Control Protocol
communicating and interacting with other smart things and (TCP), and Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
humans. [13] also employing asynchronous publish / subscribe over
A subset of the IoT, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
has emerged as a concept for the integration of IoT in the The IIoT is relevant to other domains further to the
industrial domain. IIoT faces additional challenges with manufacturing paradigm. Such domains comprise critical
reference to its superset IoT, related to the need for appropriate infrastructures, e.g. energy grid, transportation, smart buildings
architectures and technologies for design and management of and smart cities. Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are widely
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and the unified approach used in the above usecases that present similarities to
towards safety and security issues, to name a few [2]. manufacturing systems. For instance, they involve similar
technologies like sensors, controllers, sensor networks, and
There are two main platforms that deal with the wider data acquisition systems. They also present similar
adoption of the IIoT. Industrie 4.0 [3] represents a high-tech requirements such as continuous operation and need for
strategic initiative in Germany aiming at the penetration of resilience.
information and communication technologies (ICT) in the
manufacturing domain. Deployment of CPS in the The paper focuses on the integration of IIoT devices in
manufacturing environment makes possible monitoring and manufacturing processes. This integration has two aims: to
synchronization between the factory floor and the cyber ICT achieve a) faster and safer data exchange among manufacturing
space. In this context, the manufacturing domain is transformed systems and IIoT systems and b) information unification, in the
into a more efficient, collaborative and resilient space [4], sense that data transmitted must be easily translated in order to
making possible the production of high-quality, low-cost mass be computer-understandable by all involved systems.
specialized products. Wider adoption of CPS in the The paper builds on top of previous work of the authors
manufacturing domain, actually leads to a fourth industrial related to the actual implementation of the Manufacturing
Work supported by projects VISETAK, PALMIS and I3T, co-financed
by Greece and the European Union – European Regional Development
Fund (NSRF/EPAnEK I3T-5002434).

2375-5261/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 146

DOI 10.1109/ISORC.2018.00030
Execution System (MES) by a Multi Agent System (MAS) of reference to both manufacturing assets and IoT devices. Its
autonomous software agents with different roles. This allows in proposed flat hierarchical architecture serves this goal.
fact to completely dissolve the MES introducing a flat Furthermore, its proposed Multi Agent System with the
hierarchical scheme in the manufacturing environment that is increased autonomy of software agents that it introduces
in line with the current state of the art as presented by IIoT enhances the merging of IT and OT technologies contributing
prevalent reference architectures. This work is extended with to a greater degree of flexibility and agility. Edge intelligence
reference to thing connectivity by enhancing intelligence to the is introduced close to the IIoT devices enabling data storage
“edge” of the network which is also in line with the current and manipulation. The overall architecture proposed can
state of the art. The proposed architecture is in line with the support asset performance management services, as industrial
current state of the art and more specifically the architectural assets are handled by special agents, the Resource Agents that
axis of RAMI 4.0 and the functional viewpoint of the IIRA. can provide asset specific information to higher layer services.
Cybersecurity is out of the scope of the presented work.
The paper is structured as follows. Section II presents prior
work, which the presented approach is based on. Section III
describes the proposed system architecture. Finally, III. PRIOR WORK
conclusions are presented in Section IV. The PABADIS’PROMISE (P2) project [14], at a relatively
early date, extended the ideas of distributed control systems, in
II. IIOT CHALLENGES IN MANUFACTURING order to overcome the limitations of classical manufacturing
systems. The project employed an innovative control and
The integration of IIoT in manufacturing is driven by a
networking architecture, incorporating both manufacturing
huge market potential of between 900 billion USD and 2.3
resources and products, and ranging across all three layers of
trillion USD on a yearly basis up to 2025. The main research
the traditional manufacturing environment automation
challenge is the combination of a number of enabling
hierarchy: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), MES and Shop
technologies. Such technologies comprise IoT, Cyber Physical
Floor layer. MES is especially fully decentralized through the
Systems, Cloud and Cognitive Computing.
application of software agent middleware. The resulting MAS
Traditionally, there is a split between Information enables, through appropriate interfaces, direct access from the
Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) in the ERP layer down to the Shop Floor layer. When it comes to
industrial domain [2]. OT starts with physical assets and things, interoperability issues in the manufacturing environment,
and moves towards industrial control systems. IT starts with P2Ontology [15] presents the necessary semantics enabling a
data and their models and moves towards data driven P2 MAS interoperable software agent paradigm.
infrastructures. Their combination makes it possible to inject IT
According to the P2 architecture, product orders issued by a
ideas in OT resulting to advancements in the manufacturing
customer trigger at the ERP module level the creation of a
number of Order Agents. Each of these software agents is
Asset management is critical in manufacturing, more and committed to a specific production task. Each production task
more with reference to advanced production models, such as needs to enroll a number of resources in the manufacturing
mass customization. Information systems and their induced environment, being sensing or control equipment. Each
seamless integration and interoperability of things can provide resource is controlled by a Resource Agent, exposing to the
improved capacity with reference to asset monitoring and whole manufacturing environment the relevant resource
management. Self-configuration, self-optimization and self- abilities. The Ability Broker serves the role of gathering the
diagnosis can be some of the challenges introduced in this different Resource Agents exposed abilities. A mapping
sense. between the existing abilities and the requested capabilities for
an order to be fulfilled is necessary, leading to the Order
Data use and analytics is quite important for a number of Agents to negotiate with Resource Agents their schedule and
services in the manufacturing domain. Big data generated by allocate resources to their tasks.
physical things and their enterprise connectivity to the cloud
poses new challenges for data aggregation and analysis. The VISETAK system extended P2 work towards IoT
device integration [16]. It dealt both with semantic integration
The need for advanced intelligence in the industrial of IoT devices and the extension of the P2 MAS, making
environment also moves intelligence down to the local network possible the adequate integration of IoT devices in the
level or directly into devices. Thus, fog or edge computing manufacturing process workflow. Semantic integration of IoT
emerge as additional challenges. devices was achieved by adopting the Semantic Sensor
As more and more intelligent things participate in the Network Ontology (SSN). Each IoT device is assigned a MAS
industrial domain and are networked with the cloud, Sensor Agent, resulting from the enrichment of the P2 MAS
exchanging information, the level of overall exposal is agent role model for IoT integration needs. The resulting
increased. Thus, risk of cyberattacks is enhanced significantly. VISETAK MAS is depicted in Fig. 1.
Cybersecurity poses a challenge with an eye also to the mission
critical character of industrial control systems. IV. IIOT INTEGRATION IN THE MANUFACTURING ENVIRONMENT
Work in this paper deals with a number of the The ǿǿȠȉ integration system architecture must provide three
aforementioned challenges. First of all, it addresses the issue of basic functionalities. The first would be to enable a wide
interoperability and integration in the industrial domain with network of IoT devices exchanging data according to

standardized application protocols. The second would be to applications, that need the same IoT device data for further
allow timely IoT device data acquisition for consumption at the analysis.
MAS-implemented MES layer, as well as by higher level
enterprise information systems. Finally, it should be supported In this context, the presented architecture is improved, as
to “translate” device data information to MAS ontology terms, the collection of data and the configuration of IoT devices has
allowing the MAS to appropriately detect and diagnose events been undertaken by a lightweight software implementation that
and accordingly respond to them. is able to act as middleware without adding significant
overhead. The presented architecture actually moves
intelligence to the “edge” of the network, introducing some
middleware mediation, thus removing the need for heavy
protocol stacks on e.g. sensing equipment to allow their remote
interaction to the MQ (Message Queue) Server.

A. IoT Devices and Network Technology Choices

The parts of the novelty detection architecture that have
been assigned to execute in the edge of the system, close to the
monitored resources, were implemented using a range of
embedded devices. These devices are of different capabilities,
interconnected under a wireless sensor network of
heterogeneous IoT technologies. The chosen application level
integration technology is RESTful (Representational State
Transfer - REST) Web Services over Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as
content format. Resource constrained wireless sensor nodes are
coupled through embedded gateways translating HTTP/JSON
to the underlying CoAP/CBOR (Concise Binary Object
Fig. 1. VISETAK MAS Architecture
Representation) equivalents. However, all CoAP accessed
wireless nodes are also accessible from any CoAP-enabled
Fig. 2 depicts the basic components of the system device directly through Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). This
architecture, as well as how it interoperates with the installed multi-level access becomes seamlessly feasible by using URIs
enterprise and production systems. (Uniform Resource Identifier) for sensor identification,
separating the access, node, sensor and information or
configuration resources in the URI path.
Thus, let sensor “s1”, attached to a node with an FQDN
(Fully Qualified Domain Name) of “”,
containing a REST resource such as “/dtct/inf/bufSz”,
representing in this case a buffer size. Then, if it were accessed
directly from a CoAP capable controller, the leaf resource URI,
i.e. the URI of a CoAP Resource that does not contain other
resources, would be “coap://”.
On the other hand, if it is accessed through a generic HTTP to
CoAP gateway, it will be
“”. Thus
the gateway will be able to directly DNS (Domain Name
Service) resolve the sensor node FQDN embedded to its URL,
and forward the request.
All sensor nodes execute the aforementioned sampling,
storage, feature extraction, classification and novelty detection
services. Their operation is externally controlled through a
well-structured set of resource URIs, accessed through HTTP
Fig. 2. Overall IIoT – Manufacturing Systems Integration Architecture
or CoAP GET/POST/PUT REST operations. The most
The presented architecture builds on top of, and improves important information and configuration resources which
the one proposed in [17] and depicted in Fig. 1. In this earlier indirectly explain the internal operation of the signal
version http gateways are used, so as to integrate MAS with processing engines have as follows:
IoT devices. This approach suffers certain drawbacks. • /info: The set of implementation dependent not
Overhead is induced, increasing transmission times of data configurable parameters, such as basic buffer size,
between gateways. Furthermore, Sensor Agent computational maximum number of buffers, the maximum number of
time is increased, by the number of additional systems and sliding windows for the acquired signal processing, the

supported sampling rates and the maximum number of storage, processing and network transfer, radio
supported state descriptions, etc. communication capabilities and mid-quality
analog to digital converters.
• /config: The set of configurable parameters of the
embedded detection engine, such as the chosen An instance of this latter class of nodes has been
sampling rate, the sliding windows size and step, the implemented using off-the-self hardware components and
sample scaling factor the monitoring period, etc. widely used IoT operating systems. The hardware is based on a
two processor board system structure, separating the
• /stateset: The set of configurable state descriptions and application from the communication processor, coupled with a
thresholds over which the distances of the calculated number of exchangeable sensor interface boards.
feature matrices are compared, in order to generate a
novelty event The sampling, signal processing, and detection components
execute in a Freescale FRDMK64F embedded board, while the
• /event: The (observable) resource of the last event IoT networking stack, namely the IEEE-802.15.4 wireless
triggered by the node. This is the structure that is sent to interface and the IPv6, RPL and CoAP components, are
the upper software layers, periodically, on-demand or implemented over the CC2538 base Openmote board. The two
on a novelty detection basis, encapsulating the whole parts are connected through an Xbee compatible shield and
information of the feature-extraction, classification and communicate over a serial line protocol. The Openmote board
novelty detection chain. Its Java POJO equivalent is implements the networking protocols and wireless interface,
depicted in Fig. 3 based on the CC2538 SoC (System on Chip), and
communicates with the Freescale board through a serial
connection. The system and its structure are presented in Fig. 4.

Fig. 3. Main embedded event information structure

A classification of measurement classes in terms of sensing Fig. 4. Low-end vibration monitoring embedded node with event detection
elements and relevant qualities is possible. capabilities

• At the lower end, there are simple scalar sensors, Still, high quality vector sampling requirements are always
such as temperature sensors. This class does not present and these can be satisfied by larger and power intensive
impose high sampling bandwidth and processing embedded devices capable to support and power industrial
requirements, and thus can be supported by grade IEPE vibration sensors. This case has been covered by a
resource constraint embedded devices and low sensor node based on the DT9837B USB (Universal Serial
bandwidth IoT networking technologies. Bus) acquisition system from Data Translation, controlled by
• At the other extreme, there are high quality, an embedded PC (Personal Computer) or tablet device which
multiple axis vibration monitoring requirements. provides the developed interfaces to the IIoT infrastructure,
For this class higher power and processing based on HTTP/JSON Web-Services, as presented in Fig. 5.
resources may be needed, in order to handle more
complex data streams and interfaces to industrial
grade IEPE (Integrated Electronics Piezo Electric)
vibration sensors.
• In between, there are nodes that can still provide
for series and vector measurements, further to
simple scalar sensors, but with lower sampling
rates, and accuracy needs. Such nodes can be
supported by hardware with mid-processing
power, adequate flash and Random-Access Fig. 5. High-end vibration monitoring embedded device with UI and event
detection capabilities
Memory (RAM) space for signal acquisition,

B. IoT sensors Data Aggregation The main reason for using this two-step approach in the
The IoT devices, although installed inside the presented architecture, instead of directly integrating the IoT
manufacturing environment, operate independently having sensors to the MAS, is in order to minimize the needed
their own network infrastructure for data exchange. The computational effort on the part of MAS. This approach
challenge here lies on how to timely transmit generated events achieves an abstraction of the protocols, the networks and the
to the integrated manufacturing systems allowing the latter to functionalities of the devices, with reference to the MAS.
respond accordingly. IoT device data aggregation bears two Finally, the MAS only receives data, without any need for
steps. The first is relevant to the periodic invocation of web additional tools for setup or configuration. On the other hand,
services via CoAP or HTTP protocols in order to receive this approach enables the collection of recorded data from other
collected data and events. The second is to forward data systems used in the enterprise without interfering with the
received through these service invocations to the appropriate manufacturing process.
systems in the enterprise environment.
C. Utilising the IoT Data from the MAS
The first step is carried out by iIoT-Collect, a software
middleware application. For the implementation of the second At the MAS, each Sensor Agent is subscribed to the
step a Message Queue (MQ) Server is used, which acts as a associated queue of the MQ Server and waits for messages
mediator for the other enterprise and manufacturing systems from the respective IoT device. When a new message arrives,
ensuring proper data transmission to them. its content, depicted in JSON format, is converted into JAVA
classes and is then parsed according to the ‘translation’ rules
iIoT-Collect is an implemented lightweight IoT platform, described in [15] to P2 Ontology and SSN Ontology terms. The
standing up to the specific needs of the presented architecture. translated information is thus ‘understandable’ by the agents in
This platform is composed of three main modules: a) the the MAS system.
scheduler, b) the invoker, and c) a GUI (Graphical User
Interface). The scheduler constantly checks the platform After the Sensor Agent interprets the information sent by
internal database for devices, which retrieval action is included the device, it processes it. In the case of an event, the agent
in the next time frame (usually 1 sec). The devices found are initiates the associated protocols for the response actions that
submitted to the invoker, which is responsible to invoke their must be taken in the manufacturing environment. In most of
services and forward the response to the MQ Server. The GUI the cases, where the IoT devices monitor a feature related to a
provides administration services to users such as registration machine, an event is forwarded related to the absence of a
and configuration of a new device and monitoring of the machine ability at the shop floor layer. The Sensor Agent
existing ones. iIoT-Collect is implemented with python and notifies the Resource Agent Supervisor about the forthcoming
MySQL, and supports both HTTP and CoAP, while MQTT absence of the particular ability and the latter forwards the even
protocol integration is under development as well. Independent to the associated Resource Agent. The Resource Agent, checks
of the application protocol used, final data is published in the the ERP placed orders, that it is responsible to carry out, and
MQ Server abiding to the initial JSON data structure. informs the appropriate Order Agents for the lack of the ability.
The Order Agents then re-initiate the negotiation protocol in
After data is retrieved from a sensor, it is essential to be order to locate an alternative resource that provides the specific
accessed from the other systems in the enterprise or ability. In this context, rescheduling of the production is
manufacturing environment. In our presented case, it is of achieved.
upmost important that the MAS is informed of an event
generated by an IoT device. Furthermore, collected data is V. CONCLUSIONS
quite useful to be stored in a NoSQL database for further
analysis, e.g. advanced predictive analytics. The MQ Server This paper presents a novel approach for integrating IoT
provides the appropriate functionalities to meet the devices in the manufacturing process. More specifically, the
aforementioned requirements quickly and safely. The MQ proposed complex system is able to efficiently gather
Server is able to maintain a large number of queues of information from IoT devices. Furthermore, when an event is
messages, which subscribed consumers can read. For each detected it can automatically respond to it, utilizing a
device, a queue is configured with reference to the MAS and manufacturing automation multi-agent system that orchestrates
one additional queue for any other third system. In the and monitors the production process and has direct access to
previously presented example of the s1 sensor, and assuming the control devices of assets at the Shop Floor. The presented
that a NoSQL database is used for storing all collected data, the architecture enhances previous work that it is based on by
MQServer needs to have two queues: a) the moving intelligence to the edge of the network. Middleware is
mas_s1_n1_domX_com_queue, which is consumed by the used in order to provide mediation services to sensing
MAS Sensor Agent, and b) the nosql_ equipment.
s1_n1_domX_com_queue, which is consumed by the mediator When compared to existing IIoT Reference Architectures,
script that saves the data to the NoSQL database. By our proposed architecture is well mapped to RAMI 4.0 with
maintaining these two queues, both systems may retrieve the reference to its proposed flat hierarchy introduced via
necessary data without delays. For the MQ Server VISETAK-MAS. Furthermore, work presented deals with the
implementation the Rabbit MQ is used, an open source Asset, Integration, Communication and Information layers of
message queue server able to serve up to 60.000 messages per the RAMI 4.0 architecture axis, while providing interfaces to
second. the upper layers. With reference to IIRA Functional Viewpoint,

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