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Control of Industrial Automation

V.M. Chadeev, N.I. Aristova

V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences
Moscow, Russia,

Abstract — Automation is the only humane way to increase production, even a medium-sized production, is now initially
labor productivity in the country. The control theory of planned as an automated one [2]. Until recently,
automation invariant to technological operation types, an underdeveloped countries with cheap labor resources were
invariant model and automation capabilities frontier are used for these purposes. But now the automata are cheaper
discussed. The connection between the cost of a robot and the even there. Automata are used so widely that it is time to
production automation of its components is analyzed. The automate their production. Automata are diverse - from
robotic system, which is the main instrument of industrial primitive ones, capable only to transfer a detail from point A to
automation, is considered in terms of a closed self-reproducing point B, to highly intelligent robots.
system. An invariant theory allows estimation of the product
cost in automated production. The synergetic effect is estimated On the terminology in this article: automaton and robot are
arising from the industrial feedback, when robots are used to synonyms, the cost and human work time are also
automate the production of elements of the robots themselves. synonymous, as in Adam Smith.
Keywords — labor productivity, technological operations; The cost of performing technological operations by an
industrial automation; control of automation; automaton; automaton will be discussed. Two factors are important here.
robot; model invariant to technological operations; robot The resource of any robot is limited and during its lifetime it is
service life; cost of robot operational time able to perform only a limited number of technological
operations [4]. On the other hand, the work invested in the
production of an automaton must be recovered, otherwise an
I. INTRODUCTION automation is meaningless. Embedded labor is the cost of
The main value of a man (and mankind) is free time. It assembling itself, of purchased parts and complex components,
allows thinking about the future. The amount of free time is which might be produced in the automated manufacturing [5].
determined by the productivity of labor in society. The history How to take all this into account?
of mankind is the history of the growth of labor productivity.
An increase in labor productivity can be achieved due to II. SCALE OF AUTOMATION
many factors: cheap labor resources, strengthening of human Automation penetrates into all spheres of human activity,
exploitation, training of workers, organization of production. relieving a person of routine, heavy and dangerous work.
All these methods have been and are being used now. These Industry is no exception. Using the same criterion, the maximal
methods are mobile, require low initial expenses, but are saving of human efforts, it is possible to imagine methods of
limited by the physiological capabilities of a person, as it is automated solution of the tasks of different levels, which face
inscribed in the labor code (duration of the work day, power humanity. The increase in labor productivity is important at all
loads, climate conditions, etc.) levels from global to individual. Here are examples of levels:
Alternative to the intensification of human exploitation and Automation of energy production by tokamaks. At the
the only humane way to increase labor productivity is the planet level.
production automation. Any arguments about the growth of
unemployment, the narrowing of the market and other Robotization of Japan or automation of Russia. At the
economic categories are fakes. The automation of production country level.
should lead by law to a reduction of the working day duration Automation of car production. At the industry level.
in industry and an increase in the salaries of those who are not
replaced by automata. Automation of the production of telephone, window, table,
Nowadays, automation of production is a common thing.
The term production in this article means a real physical
production. Unlike the virtual one in office, it is associated III. INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION
with the manufacturing of parts and the assembly of real The general tendency of the development of industry
physical products [1]. Automata used in industry are intended consists in the displacement of humans from the production
for performing a variety of technological operations. Any cicle and the replacement of them by automata. First of all,
such a replacement occurs in mass production (nuts, bolts,

978-1-5386-0798-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

pens, telephones, macaroni, etc.). With expanding the where bi is the duration of technological operation of i-th
capabilities of automata and their cost reduction, their use in type, pi is the probability of correct execution of technological
batch production becomes profitable. operation of i-th type. Operator «◦» between the operation
notations describes the transformations, which happen with the
As for the automata themselves, an important trend should variables during the execution of technological operations.
be specially noted. As the area of application of automata in
the production of consumer goods expands, their own The above formula means that if some technological
production becomes serial, and even mass for some positions. operation B(b, p) consists of two successive operations B1 and
B2, then its parameters b and p are related to the parameters of
Here a fundamental transition of quantity to quality the initial operations as
happens: the automation of their own production becomes
profitable. There is an industrial feedback, according to which
the products (automata) manufactured on the conveyor are b  b1 b2  p  p1 p2 
used on the same conveyor to automate their own production.  

Industrial feedbacks have existed for a long time. Now they

are numerous, but hardly noticeable. A typical example of their B. Model of automaton
occurrence. Microchips for control of stepper motors are The formal description of an automaton includes: list of m
products of mass production. In the manufacturing of these types of TO; execution times of all types of TO, bi, where
microchips, automata are used (for example, for packaging). (i=1, 2,…,m); probability of the correct execution of all types
Inside the automata, the motors operate controlled by these of TO, pi, where (i=1, 2,…,m).
C. Product model
IV. CONTROL OF AUTOMATION The formal description of a product includes: list of m
Nowadays, production of any level is initially designed as types of TO that must be performed to manufacture the
an automated one. To implement such a production there is a product; the number of identical operations of each type, ni,
wide range of automation equipment (robots, automata) of necessary to manufacture the product (i=1, 2,…, m).
different cost and different capabilities. The problem arises of
choosing an automation scheme that would ensure, for VI. PRODUCT COST
example, a minimum cost of the product. To solve this type of
The cost of any product is a sum of costs of execution of
problem, a production model that is invariant to the types of
technological operations was developed.


The formal production model includes: model of  G   gi ni  
technological operation (TO), model of automaton (or a system i 1
of automata), product model.
where gi is the time of execution of technological operation
A. Model of technological operation of type i by a worker, ni is the number of identical
Each TO is described by two parameters: the execution technological operations of type i, m is the total number of
time, b, and the probability of a correct execution, q. It should technological operations of all types.
be noted that for our purposes (selection of the optimal
automation scheme) the physical form of the technological The manufactured product will be nondefective with the
operation does not matter, since it is completely determined by probability
the duration of the operation and the probability of rejection (1-
q). m
Formal technological operations, which will be used to
 P   qini  
describe technological processes, have two important
properties. i

Additivity of the operation execution times. This property is where qi – is the probability of the correct execution of
obvious if there are no overlapping operations. technological operation of type i by a worker. The average cost
Multiplicativity of the probabilities of correct execution. of the nondefective product is

Both properties can be combined in one formula and for

two operations performed by an automaton they obey the    G / P  
following equation:

 B1 (b1 , p1 )  B2 (b2 , p2 )  B(b1  b2, p1 p2 )  

VII. COST OF THE AUTOMATED MANUFACTURING OF A The (6) describes the manufacturing of a robot by a human
PRODUCT and a previous-generation robot. The parameters of the
manufacturing and manufactured robots can be different. To
The cost of robot manufacturing in an automated
take this into account, let us rewrite the (1) as
production process consists of two components

 R( )  G( )   ( ) B( )    RN ( )  G( )  N 1 B( )  

where G(α) is the direct cost of human work for robot where RN is the cost of a robot from the N-th generation,
assembly, B(α) is the cost of time of robot work, λN-1(α) is the cost of a unit of woking time of a robot from
α is the degree of automation of production process, this is (N-1)-th generation.
a vector, the components of which correspond to the degree of We will assume that the manufacturing and manufactured
automation of each specific type of technological operations, robots have the same designs and the same lifetimes. Then,
λ(α) is the cost of a unit of working time of the robot using (11), we can write the differential equation for α. For this
involved in the production of the robot. The cost of a unit of purpose, we will divide both sides of the (11) by T. Then, we
working time of a robot is defined as the ratio of its cost, R, to obtain
the lifetime (resource) of the robot, T. It can be expressed as
 N ( )  G( ) / T  N 1 B( ) / T  
   R / T  
The solution of this equation is
The human costs in (6) are described by the equation

G( ) 1  B( ) / T 
N ( )   0 B( ) / T  
 
 G( )   (1   i ) g i hi   T 1  B( ) / T
i 1
where λ0 – is the initial cost of the unit of woking time of a
where m is the number of types of technological operations robot, which equals
that are necessary to manufacture a robot, this index will be
further omitted in the notation of the sums but the summation
over all operations both automated and manual will be  0  R0 / T   gi hi / T  
gi is the time of execution of technological operation of Automation of the production of robots by robots is
type i by a human, physically possible only if the cost of the manufacturing robot
hi is the number of identical operations of type i, which are B(α) is less than its resource T. In this case, the ratio B(α)/T
needed to manufacture a robot, from (8) is less than 1, and the asymptotic solution will be

αi is the degree of automation of technological operation of

type i, and vector G( )
  ( )   
T  B( )
  1  2   i   m (9)

defines the schema of production automation, all VIII. EXAMPLE OF THE COST CHANGE DYNAMICS DUE TO
components are in the range 0   i  1 , where
The factory 1 produces small motors. The cost of the
i  1,2,m , at i =0 all work is done by a human, at i =1 manufacturing of the small motor is
all work is done by a robot.
The time spent by a robot in (1) can be decomposed as
 M 0   gi ni  

 B( )   i bi hi i   where ni – is the number of identical operations of type i,

which are necessary to produce a small motor.
where bi is the time of execution of technological operation The factory 2 produces robots using the small motors
of type i by a robot. produced by the factory 1. The cost of the robot is
R0   gi hi  M 0 
 
1 Time of execution Number of
where M0 – is the cost of the manually manufactured small Type of technological operations
motor. of operation by a needed for
opera- manufacturing a
The factory 1 decided to reduce the small motor cost by 2 tion human robot motor robot M0 R0
means of the automation of their production. For the 3 g b n h g*n g*h
automation, the robots from the factory 2 were used. The cost 4 1 4 5 4 12 16 48
of the automated manufacturing of the small motor will be 5 2 3 12 4 20 12 60
6 3 3 240 4 10 12 30
7 4 23 4 6 8 138 184
 M1   (1  i ) gi ni  0 ibi ni  
178 178
10 T 1000 0 0,5
In general, the production automation can be profitable or
unprofitable. It depends on the capabilities of robots and their The table 1 also contains the cost of the manual production
cost. Let us postpone the details of optimization and consider of the small motor (cell F8), which equals 178 and was
the case when the automation leads to the reduction of small calculated using the formula
motors cost, i.e. when M0>M1.
The factory 1 will increase its competitiveness by reducing 4
the small motor cost. The factory 2 will reduce the robot cost
by using the cheaper small motors. Naturally, the cost of a unit
 M 0   g i ni  
i 1
of the working time of the next-generation robot, 1, will equal
R1/T, i.e. will be less than 0. and the cost of manual manufacturing of the robot (cell
It should be noted that for the automation, the design of H8), which equals 500 and was calculated using the formula
product does not change! The factory 1 always manufacture the
small motors of the same design, the factory 2 always
manufacture the robots of the same design. The small motors  R0   gi hi  M 0  
of different generations do not differ by design – they are
twins. Similarly, the robots of different generations, delivered TABLE 2. DYNAMICS OF THE COST CHANGES
to the factory of small motors, do not differ from each other by A B C D E F
design – they are also identical twins. 1 Small motor manufacturing
2 Number of
What is changed? 0 1 2 3 4
3 Robot used no R0 R1 … R
A mystery happens. The symbiosis of two factories leads to 4 Cost of small
a consequent reduction of the cost of both small motors and motor
M0=178 M1=46 M2=38 … M=22
robots. Design does not change while the cost is reduced! 5 Vector of the
There are several points, which need to be clarified here. of small (0,0,0,0) (1,0,0,1) (1,0,0,1)….. (1,1,0,1)
We are talking about the succession of generation. It means motor
that if the robot of new generation, e.g. N-th, was produced in production
the factory 2, but in the factory 1 the robot of the generation 6 Robot manufacturing
(N-1) is still in use and its resource is not ended, it makes no 7 Number of
0 1 2 j 
sense to replace it. They are twins. But as soon as the (N-1)-th
8 Robot used no R0 R1 … R
generation robot dies, it is necessary to replace it by the 9 Small motor
cheaper robot from N-th generation. Therefore, the rate of used
M0 M1 M2 … M
evolution of an automation system depends on the lifetime of a 10 Robot cost R0=500 R1=314 R2=226 R=
robot: the shorter the lifetime of a robot, the faster the 11 Cost of the
evolution can be. unit of the
0,5 0,314 0,226 0,119
What happens? working time
The progressive displacement happens of a human by
cheap robots in the production process. This is the sense of The data in table 2 shows the changes in the cost of small
automation. motors and robots with generations of automation. The
calculation of the cost was performed using the following
Let us investigate the dynamics of changes in the cost of formula:
small motors and the cost of a unit of working time of a robot
with automation of production and the succession of robot
generations. Table 1 shows the initial data for calculations.
for motors 3. Within the framework of this model, a set of parameters
of technological processes has been chosen, which makes it
possible to describe unambiguously arbitrary industrial
 Mk   (1   i ) g i ni  k 1  i bi hi   processes, regardless of their physical content.
4. A technique for the formal description of an arbitrary
for robots technological process is developed, including manual and
automated production.

 Rk   (1  i ) gi hi  k 1 i bi hi  Mk   5. An algorithm is developed to calculate the cost of the

product as a function of the degree of automation.
6. An estimation of the synergetic effect resulting from the
IX. DIGITAL AUTOMATION industrial feedback is obtained, when robots are used to
automate the production of the elements of the robots
Digital electronics is widely used in the design and
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