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Chapter 6

6.1 Conclusion

In conclusion, the effectiveness of inventory management should improve in all the aspects, the industry
can still strengthen its position by looking into the inventory should be fast moving so that warehouse
cost can be reduced, the finished goods have to be dispatched in feasible time as soon as manufacturing
is completed, and optimum order quantity should be maintained, cost can be minimized. We can
conclude that Inventory Management System keeps the day by day data record. It benefits to save the

6.2 Limitation

 Efficient inventory control methods can reduce but cannot eliminate business risk.
 The control of inventories is complex because of there are thousands of products. The staff face
problem to find the actual products because they are not divide category wise.
 This system is one admin user.

6.3 Future Development

 Barcode system can be added in this system.

 Full automation system can be added.
 System will be web based.
 System will be multiple admin user.
 Stock return handling.
 Make different servers for different groups and stores.

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