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Write a critical essay on Caliban.

The Tempest was written by William Shakespeare in 1610 which is the last plays he wrote alone. It is a
play with magical incidents, suspension of the laws of nature, and a happy ending. In The Tempest,
Caliban is one of the important and interesting character. It is the supreme blamed and bloody drama
of Genesis.

Caliban is a brutal and deformed slave to Prospero who is a good and noble magician and lives with
his daughter Miranda. In the play, Caliban represents pure nature. He is a very complex character and
is referred to as a monster by the other characters in the play.

Caliban is the son of the witch Sycorax who lives in the island. He demands that the island is his by his
birthright. He says Prospero that, “This island's mine, by Sycorax my mother,Which thou takest from
me.” He considers himself as the rightful owner of the island and Prospero as a usurper. Prospero’s
view of Caliban becomes somewhat justified in a twisted sense when it is revealed that Caliban
attempted to rape Miranda. This revelation justifies his slavery and can make one see him as ugly,
dangerous savage. Caliban is very hard to sympathize with as he is constantly scheming to regain
ownership of his island. All he complains about is his lack of power over the island. He never seems to
complain about his work, which is mostly picking up wood, fishing, and anything he would have to do
to survive on the island.

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