2005 Skandia Elevator Product Design To Meet The ATEX Directive

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2005 Skandia Elevator product design to meet the ATEX directive.

The user directive states:

If you handle materials which may form an explosible atmosphere in your plant
you have to comply with the European ATEX Directive 99/92/EC or popularly
called “ATEX 137”

Fine dust may under certain conditions represent an explosion hazard. For a dust
explosion to occur both a dust cloud and an ignition source have to be present.

An atmosphere of dust may be explosible if:

 the dust is flammable and

 the particle size is below 0,2-0,5 mm and
 the dust is dispersed and mixed with air into a dust cloud with correct
concentration (normally above 30 g/m3)

The dust cloud may ignite if an ignition source with sufficient energy is present inside
the dust cloud.

The effects from a dust explosion may represent a severe hazard to both personnel and
equipment and measures should therefore be taken.

In order to avoid a dust explosion occurring the directive states that an employer shall
take appropriate measures in order of priority in accordance to the following basic

1. prevent an explosible atmosphere occurring, or if not possible:

2. avoid ignition of the atmosphere by controlling ignition sources , or if not possible
3. reduce effects of the explosion to an acceptable level

The places where an explosible atmosphere may occur shall be classified into zones on
the basis of the frequency and duration of the explosive atmosphere. The explosive
atmosphere is present in the form of a cloud of combustible dust if mixed in air. The
classification is divided into three zones 20, 21 and 22.

An explosive atmosphere
Zone 20 is present continuously, or for long periods or frequently.
Zone 21 is likely to occur in normal operation occasionally.
Zone 22 is not likely to occur and if it occurs only for a short period.

The user should always inform the manufacturer whether the equipment is to handle
explosive material. He must specify the product to be handled (inside the machine) and
the environment were the machine is to be located (outside the machine).

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The manufacturer directive states:

If you are producing equipment that is used in areas or processes where there is
a risk of fire or explosion, then you have to comply with the European ATEX
Directive 94/9/EC or popularly called “ATEX 100a”

A manufacturer of handling equipment has the responsibility to inform the customers

how the products are intended to be used.

The recommendation is based on both the internal and external classification of zones.
A machine that fulfils the demands for each zone is divided into Categories as follows:

Zone Zone Machine

inside outside category
20 Free II 1D/0D
20 22 II 1D/3D
21 Free II 2D/0D
21 22 II 2D/3D
22 Free II 3D/0D
22 22 II 3D/3D

Each manufacturer of equipment to be used in a potential explosive atmosphere must

make a risk assessment. Skandia Elevator has chosen to make the risk assessment
with a professional ATEX consultant. The risk assessments are then sent to a notified
body for use in case of an accident caused by a Skandia product.

Skandia Belt & Bucket Elevators.

The practical tests we have done with grain (14% moisture content) in a drying and
storage plant shows a dust concentration inside the elevator as complies with Zone 22
and the external atmosphere is unclassified.

If a Skandia Dust & Chaff Extractor is fitted on the elevator outlet, the full elevator is set
under vacuum and effectively vacuum cleaned and the dust concentration becomes
lower. Especially for indoor installations, the atmosphere around the elevator becomes
less dusty when using a Dust & Chaff Extractor.

It is likely to believe that Skandia Industrial Elevators quite often are operating in plants
handling material as is classified to comply with Zone 21.

As it is very hard for an end user to decide the Zone classification of a material, we have
decided to upgrade the design on all our industrial elevator models SEI as standard to
become Category II 2D/0D Elevators (to internal handle Zone 21 material and external
atmosphere unclassified)

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If the elevator operates in a plant where the external atmosphere is classified as Zone
22, electrical motors and switches must be upgraded. This is known as a Category II
2D/3D Machine.

The SEI elevators cannot be used for handling dust and chaff or material classified as
Zone 20 without extra protection. This is known as Category II 1D/3D Machine. Please
contact Skandia Elevator for additional information.

Explosion panels:

If explosion panels are going to be used, it should on a >6 m high elevator be fitted two
panels at the top and two panels close to the elevator boot. For higher elevators a pair
of panels should be added every 6 m.

Having located the risk factors in the “risk assessment”, the ATEX Directive states that
there are three matters of principle to eliminate the risk factors – to be done in the
following order.

1. Reduce the explosive atmosphere.

(Dust extraction and routines for cleaning).

2. Prevent the ignition sources becoming activated.

(If the relevant ignition sources are eliminated, the explosion risk is also

3. In case of an explosion - reduce the effect of the explosion.

In the Skandia SEI Elevators we have, according to the directive, eliminated the
relevant ignition sources becoming activated. Explosion panels are therefore not
needed to comply with the Category II 2D/0D requirements.

When installing explosion panels the risk of personal and structural damage must be
considered. Relieving the explosion pressure outside the elevator may injure people in
the vicinity. It may also create a secondary explosion by forming a new dust cloud from
any outside dust layers which can then ignite.

This secondary explosion is likely to be much stronger than the first explosion.
Therefore any explosion relief panels must be vented safely outside the building.

Skandia Chain & Flight Conveyors

Skandia Chain & Flight Conveyors which operate with low chain speed (lower than 1
m/second) do not produce any ignition sources with strong enough ignition energy to
cause fires or explosion when handling Zone 21 material.

All Skandia commercial and industrial conveyors are classified as Category II 2D/0D
Conveyors. Motors and switches can be upgrades as on the Elevators.

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