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Conference Call on January 20, 2011
Call of Order: Dennis Sandquist called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Association
of County Planners to order at 3:05 p.m. EST.

Roll Call: The roll call verified the following members in attendance:

Board Members Present: Dennis Sandquist, Charlie Compton, James Davenport, Judy Francis, Tim
Brown, Keith Cubic, Mike Harper, Mike Kayes and Joe Scorcio

Board Members Absent: Robert Hill, Royce Manico and Frank Miles

Minutes: Joe Scorcio moved to approve the minutes of October 7, 2010 as amended. Tim Brown
seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Finance Report: Mike Harper recapped his printed report, showing a balance of $1,818.02 as of
December 31, 2010. He indicated that NACP had been registered in Nevada for another year. He
indicated that renewal notices will be sent to members in March. Keith Cubic moved to accept the
financial report. Tim seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Awards Program: Dennis indicated that the discussion at the last meeting led to a more specific awards
program than in the past. Tim agreed to take the lead with Judy and Dennis as a team. Judy suggested
that it would be great to involve past winners in subsequent years as a way to build the program.

NACo Staff Liaison Update: James Davenport was unable to attend the last meeting, so Charlie Compton
provided comments on the summary report he had provided. They both presented information
regarding upcoming meetings.

NACP By-Laws Revisions: Charlie presented the proposed revisions to the bylaws intended to bring the
elections and board make-up into closer alignment with the corresponding CPD positions and election
cycles. Keith moved, and Joe seconded to send the proposed amendment to the membership at least
30 days before the Annual Meeting in Boston so that ratification can occur at the Annual meeting.
Dennis agreed to distribute the proposed amendments to the members before March 10th. The motion
carried unanimously.

NACP Research Proposals: James sought feedback on some possible research projects he had outlined
in an attached report. After discussion, James will draft a white paper and article on the wind turbine
siting topic, which seemed mostly applicable to county planners. A future webinar or conference session
will be discussed later.

Website: Judy indicated that 1400 unique visitors had hit the website in 2010. 57% via search engines,
23% via direct connections and 20% via referrals from other sites.

Other Business: Nothing to report.

Next Board of Directors Meeting Date and Time: The next meeting will be Thursday March 10, 2011 at
2:00 p.m. EST (11:00 a.m. PST).

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. EST.

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