Fauji Foundation Education System Assignment Winter 2020: (Objective Part) Q1: Choose The Correct Answer: (1x10 10)

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Assignment winter 2020


Name (In Capitals) Roll Number

Subject computer Class 7th

Maximum Marks 25 Time allowed 1.45 min

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total

Maximum Marks 10 10 5 - 25

Obtained Marks

(Objective Part)
Q1: choose the correct answer: (1x10=10)
1. A spread sheet is also known as_________
2. ___________, _________ and ___________ are examples of popular spreadsheet
3. There are ___________ rows and ____________ columns in an excel worksheet in 2003
version of excel
4. The cell with dark border is known as_______________.
5. A formula in excel always starts with_______________
6. The shortcut keys to insert new row in excel sheet is___________________
7. The fixed line spacing:
8. __________ Key is used to move to the beginning of worksheet.
9. The ______________ in excel contain any combination of letters, numbers and non-
numeric characters
10. ________________is a rectangular block of continuous cells.

Answer the any Four of following Short Questions: (5*2=10)
I. What is mail merge?
II. What are the basic steps involve in creating mail merge?
III. What is the difference between entries and merge field?
IV. State method of inserting merge field by shortcut keys?
V. What are the options you can see while printing merge document?
Answer any 2 of the following long question: (1*5=5)
Q1: elaborate the role of step 3 in mail merge with detail?

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