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NAME: Dave Nathaniel B.

CRS/YR/SEC: BSIT 2B DATE: June 15, 2020

Directions: Analyze each statement and write the letter of your choice on the blanks provided.
___B__1. He initiated the game volleyball in 1895.
a) A. Halstead
b) W. Morgan
c) P. Libaud
d) R. Acosta
__B___2. He suggested the name “volleyball” because it described the game of volleying the
ball back and forth over the net.
a) A. Halstead
b) W. Morgan
c) P. Libaud
d) R. Acosta
__C___3. He was the first president of the international volley ball federation.
a) A. Halstead
b) W. Morgan
c) P. Libaud
d) R. Acosta
_____4. He is the incumbent president of International Volleyball Federation.
a) A. Halstead
b) W. Morgan
c) P. Libaud
d) R. Acosta
____A_5. The country which contributed spiking and revolutionized volleyball to become a
highly competitive sport.
a) USA
__B___6. This is a german version of volleyball during the middle ages.
a) Faust ball
b) Mintonnete
c) Handball
d) Shuttle ball
__B___7. The rule on the rotation of players before serving was first introduced in _____.
a) 1896
b) 1912
c) 1914
d) 1916
__A___8. It is the movement in the USA that helped spread and make volleyball popular
__A__9. This country won most number of world championships and Olympics titles in men’s
a) USA
_A___10. This country dominated men’s volleyball in the world volleyball championships and
Olympics games in the 80s.
a) USA
__C___11. The last time the Philippines women volleyball team won the gold medal in the
a) 1989
b) 1991
c) 1993
d) 1995
__D__ 12. This best describes W. Morgans volleyball in its early beginning.
a) There were an unlimited number of players on both sides
b) There was no prescribed number of hits either side before volleying it over the
c) There was no rotation of players
d) All of the above
___D__13. This statement is true about volleyball
a) Volleyball is a sport for everyone played by both sexes young and old.
b) It is interesting, easy to learn, and is fun.
c) It is a game for recreation and fitness
d) All of the above.
____B__14. This kind of ball was used to play volleyball for the first time in 1895.
a) Soccer ball
b) Handball
c) basketball
d) rugby
__D____15. This contributes to the popularity of a sport.
a) Media coverage
b) Number of spectators
c) Number of players
d) All the above

Name: Dave Nathaniel B. Dameg


Directions: discuss the following meaningfully.

1. Why did it take long before volleyball was played in the Olympics?
- Before volleyball was officially accepted by the International Olympic
Committee (IOC), it was a demonstration sport in the 1924 Summer Olympics
in Paris. After it had been accepted in 1964, the IOC attempted to exclude the
sport from the 1968 Games. But protests from players and avid fans kept it on
the roster.

2. Why do they keep changing the rules of volleyball?

- Other changes were made to lighten up calls on faults for carries and double-
touches, such as allowing multiple contacts by a single player ("double-hits")
on a team's first contact provided that they are a part of a single play on the
3. How would you explain: “volleyball is a sport for everyone”.

- I can say that volleyball is a sport for everyone because volleyball is a great
team sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It is the
fact that it can be played year-round in both an indoor and outdoor setting.
Aside from the pure enjoyment of the game. it’s a great bonding activity for
friends and family. It acts as an alternative and highly effective way of
reaching your fitness goals in a fun engaging way. Others simply love the
game and play volleyball for pure enjoyment

4. Why are the Europeans, especially the Russians, dominated the world of
volleyball tournaments?

- The FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship is an international volleyball

competition . Russia (as Soviet Union) have won six times, and they are the
only team to have . At that point, the tournament was still restricted to Europe.
It clearly demonstrates how volleyball was originally dominated by European
5. How can you, as a student, make volleyball a popular sport in our country?

- As a student, I will make volleyball as a popular sport in our country by

showing those benefits in playing volleyball. And by playing this and
recommend it not only in my classmates or friends but also in my family.

Name: Dave Nathaniel B. Dameg


Directions: Draw the facilities and equipment in volleyball.

1. COURT- identify each line and write the standard measurement/ dimension including its
length and width.






2. BALL- indicate its spherical measurement and weight.

25.6” 26.4”/65-67 cm circumference

8.15”-8.4”/ 20.7-21.3cm diameter

3. NET- indicate measurement (length and width).


29’6 (9m)

Antenna ( 32”
80 cm)
Mens =
Women’s =


NAME: Dave Nathaniel B. Dameg CRS/YR/SEC: BSIT 2B

Directions: Give the meaning of the different terminologies and mechanics of volleyball.
1. Ace - refers to when a player serves the ball and the opposing team is unable to
pass it.
2. Antenna - is a vertical rod that is located on the top of each end of the volleyball
3. Assist - awarded to a player who passes the ball to a teammate who attacks the
ball for a kill
4. Attack - Also called "hitter" or "spiker". An offensive player who tries to hit the ball
to end a play and ultimately earn a point for his team.
5. Attack attempt - is recorded any time a player attempts to attack (hit
strategically) the ball into the opponent's court.
6. Back set - occurs when you set up an attacker on your team who is behind you.
7. Backrow attack - occurs when one of the three back row players attacks the ball
and contacts it at the top of the net.
8. Block - This move/contact is made by a player at the net to prevent the ball from
coming over when an opposing player is sending the ball over the net.
9. Blocking error – occurs whenever an official calls a blocker for a violation
(almost always the violation is contacting the net) that results immediately in a
point or side out.
10. Center line - The boundary that runs directly under the net and divides the court
into two equal halves.
11. Court dimension - 59 feet from end line to end line and 29 feet, 6 inches wide
(18m x 9m).
12. Defensive Specialist - s a player that substitutes in for any player. Theoretically,
the D/S can play any position on the court, including front row
13. Dig - The first contact made after an attacker from the other team sends the ball
over to the defensive team is said to be a “dig”. Digs can be made with the
forearms, open or closed hands or any other part of the body.
14. Down-Referee - It's the R2's job to watch the team receiving the serve and call
out rotation faults that occur. Discreetly signal 4 hits, double contacts, back row
blocks or back row attacks. The R1 may desire help for judging when to call ball
handling or judgment on legal/illegal back row attacks or blocks.
15. FIVB/IVBF - Federation Internationale de Volleyball / International Volleyball
16. Floater - is a serve that does not spin.
17. Focus - To concentrate attention or effort. To direct toward a common center or
18. Foot fault - occurs when the server fails to keep both feet behind the baseline
until he has served
19. Forearm pass - involves hitting the ball in a controlled manner to your
teammate. The forearms are made into a flat platform, positioned ready for the
ball to come into contact. The arms aren't necessarily swung when passing.
Swinging the arms will result in a less controlled pass.
20. Foul - Hitting the ball into the net
21. Free ball - When a team sends the ball over the net to their opponents with their
22. Held ball (carry) - This refers to when the ball comes to rest in a player's hand or
if there is a prolonged touch with the ball. For example, this often occurs often
when a player attempts to set the ball.
23. Hit - To offensively strike the ball in an effort to terminate the rally for a sideout or
point. The hit can be either an overhand or underhand shot so long as the hit is
made to terminate the rally.
24. Jump serve - is a type of serve where the serving player increases power and
serve height by jumping to hit the ball.
25. Kill - succesfful attack that terminates a play or rally resulting in an immediate
point or side out by the team making the kill.
26. Let serve - occurs when the served ball hits the top of the net, but still makes it
over the net and to the opponent's side of the floor.
27. Libero - is a defensive specialist position in indoor volleyball
28. Line Shot - The simplest way to describe this shot is to imagine a left outside
hitter who is right-handed receiving a SET from her right side
29. Line Judge - determine whether balls on or near the sideline and end line
nearest to you are in or out.
30. Mintonette - in history, 1895, the first volleyball game, originally called
31. Overhead pass - is a ball handling skill used to direct the ball to the target by
contacting the ball with both hands. The ball is played up overhead using a
setting type motion. Using the hands to play the ball is often preferred over
passing with the forearms because the hands have greater ball control.
32. Pass - The act of receiving and delivering the ball to the setter. Technically, a
pass is made by joining the arms from the elbows to the wrists and making
contact with the ball on the forearms in an underhand motion to direct the ball to
the setter. The pass is considered the most important fundamental element of
33. Ready position - your feet are shoulder width apart and parallel to each other
with whole body squared and facing the net.
34. Red card - can be issued by the referee for the first instance of Rude Conduct. It
is recorded on the scoresheet and results in loss of service (if applicable) and a
penalty point to the opposition.
35. Rally point score (RPS) - a side has only one serve. ... At the beginning of the
game and when the score is even, the server serves from the right service court.
When it is odd, the server serves from the left court.
36. Rotation - In volleyball, you rotate clockwise. If your team wins the point when
the other team is serving, then the person in the front right moves to the right
back, becoming the new server. If your team is serving and you win a point, you
do not rotate, but stay in the same position.
37. Screening - requires intentional movement for the purpose of hiding the server
or ball. If they were waving their arms or moving over to block a specific player's
view it would be screening.
38. Serve - The first contact that starts every rally is called a “serve”. The player
who serves is called the “server”.
39. Setter - is much like the quarterback in football or the point guard in basketball.
They are in charge of the offense. They decide who should get the ball and
when. It doesn't matter how good a team's hitters are if it doesn't have a setter
that can consistently deliver a good ball to hit.
40. Side out - occurs when the team that served the ball fails to win a point on the
play, resulting in a loss of serve to the opponent. Under the rally scoring system
now used internationally, there are no side-outs in the traditional sense of the
41. Underhand serve - is a type of serve in which the player holds the ball in one
hand, swings the other in an arc motion below the waist and strikes the ball from
the bottom with a fist to put it in play. In an underhand serve, the player does not
toss the ball up in the air, as in other serve attempts.
42. Up Referee - The main referee. He/she stands up on a stand.
43. USAV - United States Volleyball (formerly USVBA) USPV – UNITED STATES
44. Yellow card - a warning. There is no further penalty.

Name: Dave Nathaniel B. Dameg CRS/YR/SEC: BSIT 2B
Directions: analyze each statement and write the correct answer on the space provided.
Court 1. The rectangular structure, 59 feet from endline to endline, and 29 feet
and 6 inches wide (18mX9m).
Block 2.the first line of defense where one or more players successfully
terminate a rally or play in their favor by stopping the ball from traveling over the net.
Antenna 3. The vertical rods along the outside edge of the net extending 32 inches
above the net to indicate out-of-bounds along the sideline.
Ace 4. A serve that results directly in a point without further action by players
on the serving team.
Assist 5. Passing or setting the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill.
Center Line 6. The boundary that runs under the net and divides the court into two
equal playing areas.
Second Official or R2 7. He/She is a secondary referee. He/She stands on the
floor at the opposite end of the net as the up-referee.
Float serve 8. A serve with no spin that follows an unpredictable path.
Yellow Card 9. A warning given by the up-referee.
Red Card10. A more severe sanction given by the up-referee
Up Referree11. The main referee. He/She stays up on a stand.
UNDERHAND SERVE 12. A more conservative, “safer” and accurate serve than the
overhand serve.
Rotation 13. The collective clockwise movement of player on a team around their
side of the court following a side out.
Rally Point Score 14. Simply put, every play will result in appoint regardless of who
Ready Position 15. The flexed yet comfortable, posture a player assumes before
moving to the point of contact.

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