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Beginning of the letter (informal)

Dear Name,

• I am sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but I was very busy with my exams. How are
• Sorry that I haven’t written for ages, but I’ve been very busy studying. I’m writing because…
• How are you? I am sorry that l haven't written for a long time, but I've been really busy.
Anyway, I thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that I've just passed my driving test!
• Thank you very much for your last letter. It was great to hear from you after so many
• It has been a while since I last wrote to you and now I would like to...
• I have not received any letters from you for around three months so I just wanted to ensure
if everything is alright. I would like ...
• It's been so long since we last met. I felt letter can also be a good way for communication.
• Thank you a lot for your last letter. It was a nice surprise to hear from you. I'm sorry I haven't
written to you earlier but I had to concentrate on my exams.
• How are things? I'm sorry that I haven't sent you an email but I've been really busy lately.

2. Closing (informal)
• Convey my regards to your parents and Say hi to my cute brother.
• Take care and write to me
• Though there is too much to tell you, I can't write it down. Hope you come here soon, So that
we can talk.
• I can’t wait to hear back from you.
• I look forward to hearing from you.
• Well, that's all my news for now. Please write back and let me know what you've been up to
since I heard from you last. Say "hi" to your family, too. I promise I'll come back and visit all
of you as soon as I can.
• Well, that’s all from me. Let’s keep in touch, I always look forward to your letters.
• Hope to hear from you soon. Drop me a line, please. And give my regards to your family.

3. Signature (informal)
• Best wishes,
• Kind regards,
• Best regards,
• Lots of love,
• Love,
• All the best,
• Lots of love,
4. Beginning of the letter (semiformal)

Dear Sir/Madam/Mr. Smith/Ms. Smith/Dear Michael Cairns,

• I am writing in regard to …
• I am writing to request …
• I am writing to inform you that…
• I am writing to
• Thank you very much for your letter.

5. Closing (semiformal)
• I would be very grateful if you could allow me …
• I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
• Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
• To sum up, I have to state that…

6. Signature (semiformal +formal)

• Kind regards,
• Sincerely yours,
• Sincerely,
• Best regards
• Respectfully

7. Beginning of the letter (formal)

Dear Sir/Madam,
• I am writing to inquire about…
• I am writing in connection with…
• Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
• I am writing this letter with regards to …
• I am writing in response to…

8. Closing (formal)
• Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
• I look forward to hearing from you.
• I would be grateful if you could/ would …

9. Phrases:
• Apologizing

Please accept my sincere apologies for…

I am very sorry about…

Sorry for…

• Asking for help

I’d be grateful if you could…

I would appreciate it if you could…

Could you please…

• Asking for information

I am writing to enquire about…

I am writing to find out about…

I would like to know about…

• Closing

I look forward to hearing from you,

I look forward to seeing you,

I look forward to meeting you,

• Complaining

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with…

I am writing to express my annoyance with…

I’m not happy with…

• Expressing satisfaction

I was delighted to learn that…

I was thrilled to hear that…

I was very glad to hear that…

• Expressing concern

I am writing to express my concern about…

I was very sorry to learn that…

I was really sorry to hear that…

• Giving bad news

I regret to advise you that…

I regret to inform you that…

I am sorry to tell you that…

• Giving good news

I am pleased to advise you that…

I am delighted to inform you that…

I am happy to tell you that…

• Giving reasons

This is due to…

This is a result of

… This is because…

• Making suggestions

Perhaps it would be useful to…

Perhaps it would be possible to…

It might be helpful to…

• Thanking

I am extremely grateful for…

I really appreciate…

Thank you for…

• Connection

1. To my mind – на мою думку

2. I must admit that - я мушу визнати, що

3. To sum up the main points… - підсумувавши головне

4. I agree with you on that point – я погоджуюсь з тобою в цьому

5. What I'd like you to consider is… - що б я хотіла взяти до уваги

6. In fact - насправді

7. However - хоча

8. On the other hand – з іншої сторони

9. Moreover – крім того

10. Furthermore – також, крім того

11. Additionally – на додаток

12. Finally – на заключення

13. Obviously - очевидно

14. As a rule – як правило

15. In conclusion – на заключення

16. Besides – крім того

17. For instance- наприклад

18. to summarize – щоб підсумувати

19. therefore – таким чином

20. First of all – перш за все

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