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Title of Project Vegetable Production (Bell pepper,Eggplant, Onion, sakurab,cucumber

and Kamates)
Supported Value Chain [] Horticulture [ ] Aquaculture [ ] Handwoven Goods
CSG Names



Location Barangay Natangcopan, Pantao ragat, Lanao Del Norte

Type of Project [] Livelihood [ ] Community Engagement [ ] Community
Partner: [] EcoWEB [ ] Maradeca
Project Proponents Name CSG/Position Tel Signature
All members of Bogy.
CSG (Refer to Natangcopan
the DL) Community
Project Summary

The project will be realized by conducting a series of training to the proponent prior to the
implementation of the project for their own preparedness, by this, the CSG decides to engage in
production only. They will be planting some of the high value crops that they already know and also had
a moderate experience on it, such as:
 Bell Pepper
 Eggplant
 Onion
 Sakurab
 Cucumber and
 Tomatoes

The CSG will be primarily doing the plantation or producing the mentioned high value crops and during
the harvesting, they are targeting the nearest municipalities as one of their prospect markets, such as;
Linamon, Iligan and Baloi, LDN.

During the conduct of value chain presentation on April 28, 2021, they were mentioned that PLAN
International could assist them in looking for a buyer or assist them in accessing the public market in
Iligan City for them to dispose their harvested crops.

Smart will be responsible on the production of onions and sibujeng

Pamana will be responsible on the production of bell pepper and eggplant
Reprap will be responsible on the cucumber and Tomatoes
Why is the assistance needed?
The proponent of this livelihood project are composed of IDPs and Host community member, around
year 2017 there was a conflict arise between the Philippine army and Maute group that forces the
community to evacuate their homeland and leave most of their personal belongings/assets. Most of the
community of city of Marawi evacuated to the neighboring municipalities specifically to their relatives.

Through this main reason, they became more vulnerable in many aspects, such as: abject to poverty,
recruitment and considering any illegal activities just to survive and feed their family.

If the project will be realized. It can help them to uplift their economic condition and also it also supports
their durable solution since during the conduct of Participatory LOearning in Crisis on November 12,
2019 most of the identified IDPs choose to integrate within the current locationg were they evacuated
(Bogy. Natangcopan).

Risk and Assumptions (Implementation Challenges/Conflicts)

During the CSG meeting conducted last April 28 year 2021, some/majority of the proponent mentioned
key issues/challenges that may become a barrier for the realization of the implementation of the project,
such as:
1. Since they are only integrated to the brgy., they don’t have specific farming land.
2. Most of the CSGs needs to be trained on farming (see the recommended trainings)
3. They need proper tools and if possible they can be provided equipment to start farming
4. The type of soil in brgy. Natangcopan should undergo a testing or need to be tested first to
clearly identify what are the possible high value crops that suits to their soil.
5. Un available of Water supply.

ANNEX A – CMG Concept Note

Required goods and services

Item Detailed Description and Specification Unit Quantity

 Shared Service Facilities    

Allocated to CSGs
Farming animals
Seedling tray

Farming Boots
Farming Gloves
Small Farmor (Tractor)
Farming cap
Trelis Net
Climbing rod
Grass cutter
Hand trowel
Water pail
Knapsack sprayer
Wheel barrow
Micromatic weighing scale
Planstic crate
High quality control
Item Detailed Description and Specification Unit Quantity
Project Management
Any training related to
farming (specifically to
their identified crops)

Organic Fertilizer Training

Vegetable and Spices
Production Training
Post-harvest-Handlinga and
Cost-share Counterpart

Item Estimated Value (Php) Provider

Approximately 3 hectare 300,000 BLGU (Bogy. Chairman)
Labor 50,000

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