Unit 8 Progress Test A: Grammar

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Unit 8 Progress Test A

1 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. Rewrite the sentences.
1 I will play football every Saturday, but then I gave up.
1 My sister is leaving her books continually on my bed.
2 My uncle would have a small house in the mountains, but then he sold it.
3 She would keep changing channels on the TV. It’s really annoying!
4 I used to go to a live rock concert for the first time two years ago.

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use will, used to, would,
or the present continuous.
1 We __________________ (live) just outside London, but now we live in the countryside.
5 My dog __________________ (always come) when I whistle for him. He’s very obedient.
6 My brother and I __________________ (often camp out) in the back garden when we were young and pretend we
were cowboys.
7 It’s so annoying. Peter __________________ (leave) his computer on all night, even though I’ve asked him several
times to switch it off.
8 My dad __________________ (always worry) about getting his car dirty.

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Plus Tests 1 Unit 8 Progress Test A

3 Choose the correct answers.
1 I was going to / was to invite you to the party, but Dave says he’s already asked you.
9 Ben was excited. The day had finally arrived when he was to have found / would find out the results of the
10 They were arriving / to have arrived two hours ago, but unfortunately their train has been delayed.
11 I was just about to / would leave when he turned up 20 minutes late.
12 I was upset when he moved because I knew I would / was about to never see him again.
13 My parents wanted to know where I was meeting / to meet my friends that evening.
14 Fiona was to have eaten / about to eat her burger when she noticed a fly on the bread.
15 We were to have had / were about to have a test this morning, but the teacher was ill.
16 Anyway, I had my sports bag with me, as I was to play / was playing tennis with my best friend later that day.
17 We were about to / going to have Coq au Vin for dinner, but Mum dropped the chicken earlier in the day.

Mark: ___ / 10

4 Choose the correct answers (A–C).
1 Have you got any more ___ about the job?
A ad B asap C info
18 In addition to his regular hours, he’s working a lot of ___ to earn extra money.
A commission B duties C overtime
19 It’s my ___ today and you forgot!
A bday B irl C eta
20 John surprised everyone by handing in his ___ yesterday. He’s got a new job somewhere.
A contract B notice C post
21 She’s a paramedic, ___ she works in medicine, but not at a hospital.
A i.e. B e.g. C Dr
22 Twenty-eight different countries belong to ___ , whose goal is to safeguard its members’ freedom and security through
political and military means.

Mark: ___ / 6

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words or abbreviations.

1 My last job was very poorly paid, but I’m earning a much better s____________ now.
23 There is no cure for the A____________ virus, which affects about 36.7 million people worldwide, including children,
but medical treatment can control the disease.
24 The band is on tour at the moment. Their next g____________ is at a theatre in Oxford.
25 Some people enjoy doing s____________ work, but I prefer regular hours every day.
26 I hate writing letters and reports, but you can’t escape doing p____________ in this job.
27 We watched a new si____________ on TV last night. It was really funny!
28 James was really bad at his job and always late. He got the s____________ after three weeks.

Mark: ___ / 7

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Plus Tests 2 Unit 8 Progress Test A

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.

complain design electric independent join promote record

1 She studied IT, and now she’s a web ____________ for a big international company.
29 Oh no! The light has stopped working. Let’s phone an ____________ .
30 He’s going to be ____________ next year, and then he’ll be earning a lot more money.
31 I work in construction. I’m a ____________ .
32 He plays in a band with some friends at the weekend, but he dreams of being a famous ____________ artist one day.
33 It’s an interesting job, but I work ____________ and hardly ever see my colleagues
34 Unfortunately, as our hotel is right in the city centre, we have to deal with a lot of ____________ about noise.

Mark: ___ / 7

Use of English
7 Complete the dialogue with the words below. There are two extra words.

charge details duties experience for of part qualifications record tour used with
Interviewer Good afternoon. Thank you for coming. Please sit down.
Tom Thank you.
Interviewer Can I check I have your correct 1____________ ? You’re Tom Sanderson? Twenty-one Hillview Terrace?
Tom Yes, that’s right.
Interviewer And you’re applying 2____________ the post of cashier?
Tom Yes.
Interviewer You do realise that this only a 3____________-time position, don’t you? It isn’t a full-time post.
Tom Yes, that’s fine. I’m a music student, so I need to divide my time between studying and working.
Interviewer What 4____________ do you have?
Tom I have seven GCSEs and two A-levels in music and economics.
Interviewer Can you tell me about your previous work 5____________ ?
Tom My dad 6____________ to have a shop, and I would sometimes help there on Saturday mornings.
Interviewer What were your main 7____________ ?
Tom Well, it was quite informal. I was mostly putting things on shelves, but I sometimes worked on the till.
I always enjoyed dealing 8____________ customers.
Interviewer I see. And what are your hopes for the future?
Tom I’d like to be a store manager one day. I’d love to have my own music shop and be in 9____________ of a
Interviewer You like music, then?
Tom Oh, yes! My dream is to become a famous rock guitarist and go on 10____________ around the world. For
now, though, I’m quite happy to be focused on studying and earning some money.

Mark: ___ / 10

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Plus Tests 3 Unit 8 Progress Test A

8  8 Listen to five monologues. Match speakers 1–5 with sentences A–F below. There is one extra
A Speaker ___ is giving a lecture.
B Speaker ___ is reading a news bulletin.
C Speaker ___ is answering a question at an interview.
D Speaker ___ is giving a friendly speech.
E Speaker ___ is giving a friend some good news.
F Speaker ___ is telling an anecdote.

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Plus Tests 4 Unit 8 Progress Test A

9 Read the text. Are the senteces true (T), false (F), or not given (NG)?
1 According to the text, employers and employees can both benefit from zero-hours contracts. ____
35 To maintain their statutory employment rights, employees on a zero-hours contract have to
accept any work they are offered. ____
36 Campermum42 always accepts the work she’s offered. ____
37 AmandaP has found her experience of being on a zero-hours contract disappointing. ____
38 Billykidd was offered a zero-hours contract as a plumber. ____

Zero-hours contracts
For those that don’t want to work nine-to-five, five days a week, zero-hours contracts can be
an appealing option.
On zero-hours contracts, employers offer employees varying amounts of work from week to
week. Employees can choose how much or little of this work they want to take on. They have
statutory employment rights, meaning that they receive at least the basic minimum wage, paid
holiday and rest breaks, but they are also free to work for other employers at any time.
Zero-hours contracts are on the rise in the UK, with about 2.5% of the workforce employed on
this basis. They are most commonly used in retail, healthcare, food processing and hospitality
(restaurants and cafés), allowing employers to have a ‘pool’ of staff that they can use flexibly
as and when they need them.
With the idea of a ‘job for life’ pretty much a thing of the past these days, zero-hours contracts
allow people to build ‘portfolio careers’, dividing their time and skills between two or more
positions. On the downside, as employers aren’t required to provide employees a minimum
number of working hours each week, they can leave employees feeling stressed, uncertain
and vulnerable.
Are zero-hours contracts a force for good, giving people the freedom to follow their dreams
during their working life, or are they little more than an opportunity for employers to take
advantage of people’s desperation to find paid work? What do you think? We’d love to hear
your views and experiences.
campermum42 I’m very happy being on a zero-hours contract. It gives me the
flexibility to work when my children are at school and then to take time off when I need to.
The element of choice really suits me.
Amanda P I work at a café on a zero-hours contract. When I started, my manager said that
I’d get about 25–30 hours a week. That started OK, but now I don't usually get more than 20.
Sometimes it’s only eight hours. I don’t know whether to look for other work or keep hoping
that they’ll increase my hours. If I was offered a full-time contract, I’d definitely take it.
billykidd I was going to take on a zero-hours contract, but my uncle advised me against
it, saying it would be better to wait and find a job that’s more secure. I’m still unemployed, and
I now regret not taking that job. At least I’d have got some work experience.

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Plus Tests 5 Unit 8 Progress Test A

10 Imagine you have seen an advert for a two-week course for adventure sports. Write a letter to apply for
a place on the course. Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing.
Paragraph 2: Give details about yourself.
Paragraph 3: Say why you want to go on the course.
Paragraph 4: Ask some questions about the course.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Plus Tests 6 Unit 8 Progress Test A

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