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Bachelor of arts in english language studies

Spiel: What is bachelor of arts in english langauge?

Bachelor of english language studies or abels is a four year degree program that
centers on practical and theoretical aspects of english as a language. It focuses on the
liniguistic study of the english language including its features, syntax, morphology,
phonology, semantics, pragmatics, grammar and lexicon.

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The program is offered in major universities including ust, u.p. And our alma mater,

The abels or the bachelor of arts in english language studes program is originally
bachelor of arts in english, or abe. In 2018, abe is separated into two graduate
programs called abels ( bachelor of arts in english language studies ) and ablcs
( bachelor of arts in literature and culture studies ). This change that happened
recently might have become a challenge to how the academe presented the english
language studies.

Generally, there is nothing wrong with how the abels program is presented,
considering that there is a structured syllabus that is properly aligned to the the new
ched curriculum or memorandum. According to the ched memorandum order number
24 series of 2017, section 5, the english degree program shall adapt the name bachelor
of arts in english language studies or abels. Along with the ched memorandum order
number 21 series of 2017, naming the degree program bachelor of arts in literature
and culture studies. In 2018, the polytechnic university o the philippines is one of the
first ones to adapt to this memorandum.

Although changes were made to the curriculum, there is generally nothing wrong with
how it is presented. Instead, there are gaps that hinder the recognition of abels as a
program that is separated to just focusing on.. Studying literature. Proper information
dissimination of information and informative publication marerials should have been
presented to differentiate abels with ablcs. Although it may be cleared to the students
and most people in the academe, the confusion is ongoing to most people.

The lack of proper information dissemination to explain the change in the curriculum
of english studies is evident to different institutions. The pup website itseld has
inconsistensies in showing the difference between abels and ablcs as a program with
different focus. The main portal only describes the abe program in detail as part of the
undergraduate program offerings, while it shows abels program in a subtitled list of
the program offerings under college of arts and letters. The abels and ablcs program is
still not described in detail in the pup portal, which is the main source of information
for the students.
Visual: Present screenshots of the said nconsistencies

So how can the academe freshen its perspective and improve the presentation of abels
as a linguistic program?

Visual: Create modernized solutions

That is suited for the flexible learning and technological advancement of education
1. Creating proper publication materials for abels and ablcs to differientiate them.
Including fixing the main website or pup portal to avoid confusion. The portal should
provide a proper discription of abels and adding a subtitle indicating ( former abe )
2. Creating flyers, including an actual handbook for abels and ablcs programs, that
students can avail instead of presenting the syllabus by itself.
3. Disseminate information properly about the differene of abels and ablcs, indicating
the different focus of the program through promotional materials that can be shared in
social media platforms.

As an english language studies student, it is emphasized that it’s focus is not on

literature. However, the technical and stylistic study of literature and non literature
texts is used to improve the reading skills of the linguistic students.
Many studies emphasized the importance of reading as a core skill that is needed in
linguistic processes, as well as learning processes that is required to be equipped in
studying english studies as a program.

Ig mattigly from haskins laboratory in yale emphasized the importance in analyzing

the relationship of reading and linguistic processes, further explaining how reading
employs the same linguistic processes as listening. Eb ryan and m. Semmel in their
journal article “reading as a constructive language process” Explains that reading,
along with listening should be considered as a core linguistic process because of how
it is naturally done everywhere. K. Rogde., a. Hagen., m. Melby and a. Lervag in their
research “the effect of linguistic comprehension instruction on generalized language
and reading comprehension skills, a systematic review.” Emphasized the relationship
of reading and language as a medium of instruction. The vocabulary and grammatical
narrative affecting reading comprehension. This further proves that language and
linguistic skills goes hand in hand with reading as one of the core tools in learning
english studies as a program.

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It is also said in the module that instead of the usual reading of texts as done in
philosophy and historical studies, the english language studies differ in terms of the
intensity of readings that contain “high-verbal energy”. Most of the readings are
focused on understanding and sharpening the linguistic skills by improving reading
comprehension by studying the relationship between the technical components of the
text and the linguistic devices that are used.

To further explain how reading is done differently as it is much necessary in english

language studies, it should be given as an example that peter barry provided a list of
identifiable sub skills regarding reading, three of it includes

1. The overall structure.

Looking at the structural patterns provides context clues to help in text
comprehension. Macro patterns are analyzed features of the texts that is cohesive to
other devices of the language in order to convey context and character behavior.
2. Similarities beneath apparent dissimilarity, or vice cersa.
This feature can often be seen in victorian novels, hiding the dissimmilarities between
the presented similarities and vice versa, that can only be seen through thorough
reading comprehension.

3. Distinguishing between overt and covert content

Through reading comprehension of the literary work, the apparent and the real content
of the text can be distinguished.

So, if you are fond of reading, interested in learning the complexities of english and
interested to be exposed to a program that promises a wide range of job options. Why
don’t you try looking up for english language studies?

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