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Which are the communication barriers you see in the above case? How do over come


VIACK ia a company that supplies things to government sector and his offices are located in
different place due to locations of the talent and clients base. They have their own software
which contain collaborative tools for their communication and following are the barrier in it.

Physical barrier

Some physical barrier are piesen in this case such as distance, noise, physical arrangements as its
offices are located in different places like sale office in Washington DC.


Distance is also a barrier in communication because their offices are present in different places
so due to distance the clarity of data is not available.


It is from external sorce and affacts the communication process it affects accuracy.

Physical arrengment

The physical arrangements are also a barrier for this organization to some extant because the
arrengment of source like money makes etc

Semantic barrier

The use of difficult and multiple use of language word become a barrier for this organization
because they belong to different place and speak different language to it is a barrier in

Organizational barrier
As it is the case study of an organization so some barrier are also located to regulation structure
and culture

Poor planning

Poor planning is also a barrier which contain encoding, decoding channel selection bad signals
the cone is poor planning

Strcture complexities

As this organization is at different place and its strcture is a complex strcture so the structive
complexities is a communication barrier for te flow of information.

Organizational distance

Organizational distance is also a communication barrier for this organization because it have
different barrier and have a distance in it which contain barrier for organization.

Information over load

In this organization have different branches so the information overload will be held and become
a barrier for communication. Subordinate can not understand it.

Wrong timing

Wrong timing is also barrier for the organization because is the time of sending and receving
information is not same that the sender and receiver both are not present at the same time then it
cause a problem for communication.

How to overcome them

To overcome these barrier we have to made some stratagies which help us to overcome these
barrier . different stratagies are used in different situations.

1) Take the receiver seriously

2) Take in mind the 7c’s of communication
3) Deliver the messages completely
4) Proper feedback
5) Listen attentively and carefully
6) Made organizational structure as simple as possible.
Identify different channel of communication used by VIACK which according to you
is most effective channel and why?
The different channel of communication used by VIACK are web based , face to face,
headset and collaboration tool the different channel that are used for the communication in
As they have discussed in the case study that they have their own software in which they
used the collaboration tool for the communication so the first channel is web based that
they communicate with each other through the internet and from this channel even if they
are at different place but they work in same condation as they are working in the same
office and same building. They take and give order to each other through internet even if
they are far place from each other. They also used web-based application and collaboration
The other channel of communication which is used by VIACK is face to face
communication. This is still a channel used is VIACK for communication that the higher
authorities use this even when they face any problem in their organization or if they have to
launch a new product in the organization and from this the staff feel valued and supported.

Accordeing to my point of view the most affective channel for the communication is web-
based because accordin g to my point of view in this modern age every body have equal acess
to the internet and in this organization have proper structures so the communication channel
using internets more affective system

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