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ONL 16 Modes of Oc orpy LAulCs 13 to 2a —I_.0__phishing Lxpedibon “happen One pay to unmas. re Offer pan — asc for him to_he_able to_kaow! and ‘cate informakon or fads_Yhal are 10M ——— picslon ‘Of ite aig pa.ty,, whigh_are chara (OC Ksues_MnvoWwd inthe case Ty _furmotes. of these moder ¢ of _detinny —— = —— Y—Narrow_dowia,_or ee! “jhe_bdéle_186UCS epee — npr n_the_case ODES OF 1)S: DVE RY * pepostion pend ee Depo. Iho0_befol¢_achon_o_pending_qa/tal ————— deposition in _perpetuam _cei_me mona fie 9 4x idftog dtones_to_pai ___-—_—"“5- )Ocquest fot_ad mission __S)__ Pmducion_or_inspecion_et documcnk * thitgs —. 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Scanned with CamScanner sunat_js ~ —ine ca fo. denorron ? —NOL male td. provided fanned tegarding any master Trelovan +9 the cubiet on Aettrse on man "relates ty a aim or W_depostion, he toren? he dag US te deposton may. je 104 dno oC in ee “ bai : efor tae deoshon tay eae —— minister of hy eat fan_emnady or ihe ig loteale ne Ot the_congul_gonet ay, consul, vice — Of before ay af te Fepulblic_of fhe ES a ~ Peton_Of office nied M-c_commiction or tts moat War is a com on2 slat a ete negating ~—Commssion_s_an_incnument_ictied by_a_couf___— WAGE Ody competent-inauralia_q_ foreign or_id AO ay other au p aut hoaly of the ——————— OuA ot _tibunal that} —Ahi_addnrsed_t0_an_offiver_desiqnaitd_py_name of _desuipiive five. On_the_ofher_pand, letters foqaiony_ 3a nchvment —_ sein the _name_or_authonly of tre _coult or Mbynal__ tpot_tssucd_tt. b fida)__ > yetters_Ogahny_are_addeecced bo judi nh auihory_in_ot feign county. t-may_he—applicd __ fot_and_isued only alice a_commissioa_hac heen __ Scanned with CamScanner ie ncd_and ereuieg } — May-a-deposion_ py __1na_depesinon. ee *D endence ? ror whet puppet NE tenet pany. case, hie ceposttion " —Used tor any uipoxe,: 2—10_estabish_a_daim or acest FO! the_purtoxe_of conitadich — Ng OF. t impeaching him ithe _scchFcs lf the _deponent_| ——____ ae an 8 te the—punpose_of_contadictng him of_mpeaching_ hie Aeshfics: execpt tt_the_watness_or aleponcnr 5 | oleae ot_ecsides_more_than_100_bilomokers_ fom the __— Qutof frGl_or the wines 4 unable fo attend ofIsn'y_DEcause_of age_or_come_ofher_tofitmnity —— OC the pay tecMiying is unable to procure th | attendance of fhe wimness or _dc¢poncnt_by_mcans of _cubpoena or such otier_ex cephonal dreumsan. e5_ | CONDINO NRA. 2x A001 NA TO oo ~_(f the wimness_ic_a_prosecution_wntness,_his Conditional ___ examination may only be taven pefpre the Covfr ___ ere. the_cace ending. a Te jhe _uatness 6 a_alness for the accused, his | ondiiondl_ekamination may le _tabLen_pefore_a______ Sudge_ot_petore_o_memmer_of the Philiacinc_bar_oF good ctanding: - Scanned with CamScanner | Aaacuadl us Hinat Comma dled Uda Path de. \__0n_Athhutdi 19, 201. _puibionead ili. he. |_qaedihion 0s_amudnent 04 gudgemend An She cid | 04 _apptale sn_andis_tr_maldidy cmd sh cards the Lauawludion final and sAsdind ony. the le only apts _tout_that viateca__. the mating niuth_zudgemtal hia Au —§, : ; adie erat AAD ea ee eI Scanned with CamScanner ———} feitiin 39 tke 13 frad'dia_ hat st a g d = | "aon the portly uho haa to _cauina__. 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