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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL and MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL and WATER ENGINEERING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING It Tcws103 Main Examination Paper ‘May 2017 This examination paper consists of 7 pages Time Allowed: 3 hours Total Marks: 100 Special Requirements: GRAPH PAPER Examiner's Name: Eng. V.V.DESAL INSTRUCTIONS, 1, Answer all questions 2. Use of calculators is permissible MARK ALLOCATION ‘QUESTION MARKS: L 40 2. 25 3. 20 Sate 4, 15 TOTAL 100) Page 1 of 7 ight: National University of Science and Technology, 2014 ede PE, eiBeabsay tad Cpe wh set aij) Loker ona raed ot Non can Ae un Ge ~ Bea ecwintey — [eLDg) = Cee mages line Wek dete coe ets ee: Oparct QUESTIONONE, — ~R ON pee one el ed ef Mere POE Sy to of ator pols ‘The characteristic dead load and characteris ic live load carried by a 450x450 column are 770 KN and 330 kN respectively. The colum: also subjected to a characteristic clockwise moment of 80 kN-m at the base of the column. « A Design a reinforced concrete base and sketch the reinforcement in the base for the column assuming Grade 35 conerete and Grade 460 reinforcement. QOVKNIiaE nda Belem ag ance sen ee ES Marks 40 QUESTIONTWO = tcwmde caniinowmey vo Sy AES ee vangromes BSE A rectangular foundation 6m x 3m carries a uniform pressure of 300KN/m? near the surface of a soil mass. m GdhwesN SNENE Oud Cakkerrene Me (a) Determine the vertical stress at a depth of 3m below the centre of the foundation. ~ Conumal ERG Marks 10 (b) Determine the vertical stress at a depth of 3m below a point (A ) in the figure E i au LE i ee g i 6 30m i 3.0m ic i ifA) Marks 15 ‘Total Marks 25, 1yae d Gua QUESTION THREE (i) Whatis the purpose of Injection Grouting ii) Deseribe the various materials used in grouting. m=" ¢ F9 See (iii) Deseribe the method of Injection grouting. Pe ane sobiea 0" chy ipan COepeate sana, Sole a” Scope (estar cee Marks 20= QUESTION FOUR (A) Define and explain the term “ Soil stabilisation” Marks 5 (B) Write short notes on the following: () Soil stabilisation by the use of admixtures ii) Dewatering of ground soils i) Sand drains (iv) Vibro flotation : Marks 10 Par \ on c= e 4, = $Boer . promust) 7 SEY BS 8110-3:1985 os Ay oz sueaq paauojutau Atbuts pa/Sy oot ot so | Be nay Uul/N se 0c se Lo oy oe oF 2wu/N ,pa/W Chart No. 2 Table 3.10 Cross-sectional areas of groups of bars (mm") Barsize unter of bars om ~ 1 2 3 4 aie route 3 0 6 m3 588370988 8 503 tor S12 282028205 10 7S 157236 SA 08S 2B 07788 2 "3s a52 5657792905 1020 «1130 16 21 402030121410 atti 210 20 34 BAS 1260570890 2200-2510 28303140 25 4o1 9821470 t960 24502950 sak 28302010 2 ao 16102810 3220S ozawa 7280 20 12 2510770 sa30 6280» 7540 «8800101001300 12600 Table 3.22 Cross-sectional area per metre width for various bar spacing (mm*) ‘ar size Spacing oF bars (rom) — %0 7 100 25 15075 20028) 300 6 565 a7 233 mo wks a 1010 on 503 wr 35 e282 10 15701050 735 ee we ok oe 2 m0 15101130, rr a ee ee es) 16 m0 2680210100 ag 20 so 4190 34025102090 tags 1281050 25 9820 55003830 3270210 2a) 18801680 2 16100 10700 oto x04 4003220260 *0 25100 1690012600 10100360 71mg) Sawa 0.45ton Stress block Neutral axis Sepinxen.d SEE A Rectang “Te procedure fr te desig of rectangular beams isa fllows (@) Cabell Mfr concrete K” fb? where Kis obtained rom Table 23. Table 23K’ factors for beams rere! | ovo 's 0 8 2 veuesk’ o1ss om arse ons 04 (©) TEMES M, forthe concrete the area of tension reinforcement dis aula from: oie #35, )2 ‘where: is cbtine from Table 24 for diferent values of K. Table 24 Lever arm and neviral axis depth factors for beams K=Mfbd ea (005] 006) 0.07008] oor |o.00|o104| 010 jas | 0130) 0132) 0140 .144]0150| 0156 cov=tue) jas4lora|asiloso} age | os7 | oa7 | 086 | ose | oxz | 0x2 | 081 | o90 | 077 [0775 n= tea} arafars|arsfoze| 025 | oz» | 030 | 032 | 035 | 038 | 040 | 043 | 045 | a47| 050 a 2 i 1% nto Tob votes none eciuten below the corner of a uniformly-jog Fe length & and breadth 2, is FWP 41) pe tn? 42 a Fm eT mE +1 tan 1 27m? +n? 4 1) eee ted m+ a4] and 1 NIN The coefficients m and n are interchangeable, Volues of £ Fig. 124 tnfluence coeficients for the “ertical component of stress below the corner ofa ‘miformly-toaded rectangular arog LE

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