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Kuching Ultra Official Links

Organized by:

In case of emergency on race day, please contact: -

Race Directors

Awang : +60168782809

Josh: +60168882794

Race Secretariat: +6011 1087 2890


1 Event schedule

2 Race pack collection

3 Mandatory equipment

4 Drop bag / Midpoint Special Need bag service

5 Flag-off time, Cut-off time

6 Prizes, Verification of winners

7 Course information, Water station, Check point


8 General race info, rules and regulations

Date Time Activity Venue

1.3.2019 11.00am - 6.00pm Race Pack Collection M-Hotel


2.3.2019 11.00am – 4.00pm Race Pack Collection M-Hotel

(Saturday) 2.00pm • Drop-bag & Midpoint special need bag
counter opens
• Mandatory check-in counter opens for
4.00pm 100KM category flag-off

8.00pm Mandatory check-in counter opens for


10.00pm 70KM category flag-off

3.3.2019 12.00am Mandatory check-in counter opens for M-Hotel

(Sunday) 50KM

2.00am 50KM category flag-off

2.00am Mandatory check-in counter opens for


4.00am 30KM category flag-off

6.00am Mid point bag (for 100KM category) arrives

from CP6

9.00am Prize Giving

10.00am 30KM category cut-off

12.00pm 50KM, 70KM & 100KM category cut-off

1.00pm Drop-bag counter / Race Site Closes

* The Organiser reserves the right to change the schedule of events as and when necessary. Any
change(s) will be communicated to the participants.

Date : 1 March 2019 (Friday)
Time : 11.00 am – 6.00 pm

Date : 2 March 2019 (Saturday)

Time : 11.00 am – 4.00 pm

Venue : M-Hotel Kuching, Tower A, Lobby

Hock Lee Centre,
Jalan Datuk Abang Abdul Rahim,
93450 Kuching, Sarawak

Race Pack Collection Process

Items required:
- IC / Passport
- Registration/confirmation slip
- Indemnity form (available at Race Pack collection)


Items required:
- Indemnity form (with assigned bib number)
- Mandatory items


Items required:
- Indemnity form (Stamped after mandatory items inspection)

Please note that:-

1. Only the registered participant is allowed to collect the bib provided
that he/she has passed the mandatory items inspection.

2. During flag-off, only the registered participant with a valid bib is allowed
to be in the starting pen.

3. Anyone found to be using another person’s bib will be disqualified (“DQ”)

immediately and will not be allowed to start / continue.


There will be water stations (WS) set up at intervals along the route. However,
participants are required to be self-sufficient during the run.

The following mandatory equipment – according to each category - MUST be

carried at all times during the run. There may be random checks along the
route and at the finish line. Any participants found without any of the
mandatory equipment will be DQ or receive a time penalty according to the
table below.

Item Category Penalty

100KM 70KM 50KM 30KM
Valid bib ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DQ
Hydration bladder/bottle with min. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DQ
1 litre capacity
Headlamp (must be switched on ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DQ
between 6.30pm to 7.00am)
Spare batteries for headlamp ✓ ✓ ½ hour
Reflective vest (must be worn ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 hour
between 6.30pm to 7.00am)
Blinker (must be switched on ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DQ
between 6.30pm to 7.00am)
Whistle ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ½ hour
Mobile phone (charged and able ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 hour
to call out)
Route map (digital or printed) ✓ ✓ ✓
Personal drinking cup for hot/cold ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ No cup
drinks (No cups will be provided at = no
WS/CP) drinks

Recommended items
• Cash (to buy drinks or food along the way)
• Hydration Salt / Electrolytes
• Gels / Food
• Anti-chafing cream
• Sunscreen
• Sunglasses
• Cap/Visor/Hat
• Long-sleeved shirt
• Raincoat / waterproof jacket

There will be drop bag service at the finishing line at M-Hotel for all participants.

The drop bag counter will open at 2.00pm, 2 March 2019 (Saturday) and will
be located at M-Hotel, Tower A, Lobby.

Midpoint Special Need Bag (Only applicable to 100KM category)

▪ Participants that wish to use the midpoint special need bag service must
deposit their midpoint bag at the drop bag counter at M-Hotel between
2.00pm to 4.00pm, 2 March 2019 (Saturday).

▪ Request to deposit the midpoint bags after 4.00pm, 2 March 2019

(Saturday) will not be entertained.

▪ The midpoint bag will be delivered to CP6 and will be sent back to the
finishing line after the COT for CP6. Participants may collect their midpoint
bag at the finish line from 6.00am, 3 March 2019 (Sunday).

General note for all participants

▪ Midpoint special need bag: A clear plastic bag will be provided at the bag
drop counter. Please keep to the size requirement below.

▪ Please be reasonable with the size and weight of your drop bag / midpoint
special need bag. Transportation and storage space (and the crews’
upper body strength) is limited.

▪ Please do not keep any valuable items in the drop bag / mid-point bag.
The Organiser will not be responsible for any loss or damage or theft of the
drop bag / mid-point bag or the contents.

▪ All drop bag / mid-point bag must be collected by 1.00pm, 3 March 2019

▪ Please present your bib to collect your bag.


Flag-off / Cut-off time

Category Flag-off time Cut-off time

Date Time CP Date Time Total COT

100km 2.3.2019 4.00pm CP6/KM51 3.3.2019 2.30am 20 hours
CP10/KM90 3.3.2019 10.00am
Finish Line 3.3.2019 12.00pm
70km 2.3.2019 10.00pm CP5/KM39 3.3.2019 6.00am 14 hours
CP10/KM56 3.3.2019 9.30am
Finish Line 3.3.2019 12.00pm
50km 3.3.2019 2.00am CP10/KM39 3.3.2019 10.00am 10 hours
Finish Line 3.3.2019 12.00pm
30km 3.3.2019 4.00am Finish Line 3.3.2019 10.00am 6 hours

Mandatory check-in

All participants must check-in at the starting line and collect your timing tag
BEFORE flag-off. Participant(s) that fails to do so will be deemed as DNS (Did
Not Start).

Mandatory check-in counter will be at M-Hotel, Tower A, Lobby. The check-in

counter will open 2 hours before the respective flag-off times.


Top 5 finishers for each category will receive a trophy and voucher/products
from sponsors. 1st to 5th Place 6th to 10th Place

Verification of Winners

All potential winners are required to report to the secretariat counter (located
at M Hotel, Tower A, Lobby) no later than one (1) hour after crossing the
finishing line.

Potential winners will be verified by the Organiser and the following documents
are required:-
1. Original NRIC or passport
2. Original Bib number
3. Winners tag

The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify the potential winner(s) that fails
the verification process. Only the actual winner can collect the award during
the prize giving.


We won’t be conducting boring race briefing but please do watch this watch
this video for E-Briefing at your own time before the event:

GPX file can be downloaded from the website:


GPX file can be downloaded from the website:


GPX file can be downloaded from the website:


GPX file can be downloaded from the website:


Course marking
• Please keep to the side of the road that has the course marking. This is to
avoid runners getting lost at junctions and roundabouts.

• If you don’t see any markers for more than 500m, stop and trace back
your course to the last seen marker.

• Timing will be recorded by way of a timing chip. The timing results link will
be posted on the Kuching Ultra website and FB page.

• All participants must check-in and collect their timing chip before flag-off.
Any participant that fails to do so will be deemed as DNS.

• During the run, all participants must ensure that their timing chip is ‘scanned’
by the marshal (in orange vest) at the relevant CP/Finish line. Failure to do
so can result in the participant being deemed DNF or DQed.

• For ease of scanning, we suggest that you wear the timing chip bracelet
on your wrist.

• Participants are not allowed to run with another person’s timing chip.
Anyone found doing so may be DQed.

• The timing chip bracelet will be collected by the Organiser at the finish line.

• In the event you wish to discontinue/withdraw from the run, please inform
the marshal at the closest CP or the patrol crew.

• If you are unable to make your way to the nearest CP, please check in at
the finishing line and/or call the Organiser to inform that you are
withdrawing from the run.

• Upon the DNF, the marshal will collect your timing chip and mark your bib
by cutting the corner.

• The COT will be enforced strictly. Failure to meet the COT will be deemed

• The COT for the relevant CP will also be enforced strictly. Participants must
depart from the CP by the stated COT. (e.g. For 50KM category, the COT
for CP10 is 10.00am. This means that 50KM participants must depart CP10
by 10.00am.)

• There is no road closure during this event. Please keep to the side of the
road. Pedestrian pavement should be used when available.

• Look both ways before crossing the road or junction. Be aware of traffic.

• Reflective vest, head lamp and blinker must be kept on between 6.30pm
(2 March 2019) to 7.00am (3 March 2019).

• In the event the marshal deems it unsafe for you to continue with the run
(e.g. injury, medical condition, thunderstorm), you will be asked to stop.
Please be sensible about your own well-being. You can always come back
for Kuching Ultra 2020.

• There will be patrol vehicles along the route marked with blinker light should
you need help along the way.

Runner’s responsibilities
• Participants must complete the run on foot by their own ability and within
the respective COT.

• Mandatory equipment must be carried at all times during the run.

• Runners must understand the unique nature and requirements of

competing in an ultra-long distance road running race. He/she will be
running all day and night on the road. He/she must have undertaken the
necessary training to compete in such a race.

• Runners will be responsible for his/her own safety by having the ability and
skills to deal with any problems that may be encountered during a race of
this nature.

• In the event of a runner meeting another runner who is in health difficulty

or injured, he/she must stop to help and inform the race organizer to seek
for medical assistance.

• Runners suffering the following medical conditions ARE NOT ALLOWED to

participate in this event:

1) Congenital / rheumatic / myocarditis and other heart conditions

2) Hypertension (not allowed to compete in the 70KM and 100KM
3) Coronary heart disease, coronary arterial disease
4) Serious arrhythmia
5) Any other medical conditions which can be fatally aggravated by

Personal support crew

• Personal assistance/support crew is not allowed along the route. You may
however buy drinks/food from the shops, stalls and vending machines
along the route.

• Personal support crews are only permitted at the CP. Participant(s)

accepting assistance outside of CP (apart from medical emergencies),
may be DQed.

• Pacers are strictly not allowed.

Prohibited actions
Participants will be DQed / incur a time penalty for:-

• Running with another person’s bib / timing chip

• Running without a valid bib / timing chip

• Not carrying the mandatory equipment during the run (including failing to
switch on the head lamp/blinker during the required hours)

• Route cutting (taking short cut)

• Cheating (e.g. using prohibited drugs, using transportation, using substitute

runner(s), etc.)

• Failing to abide by the instructions / rules / regulations of the Organizer /

marshal / medic

• Using pacer(s) / personal support crew

• Unsportsman-like behaviour (e.g. pushing other runners, refusing to follow

marshal’s instruction, threatening marshal/other runners, etc.)

Changes to the route / COT / Cancellation of the event

• The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the route / CP / COT
at any time and without any prior notice.

• In the event of adverse weather conditions, the flag-off time(s) may be

postponed for 6 hours at most, after which time the event may be

Image rights
• Each participant expressly foregoes his/her image rights for the
photos/videos taken during the event.

• By participating in the event, the participant agrees to allow their name,

results, photos or videos to be used for any legitimate purpose by the
Organiser without payment or compensation.

Starting / Finishing Line

• There are toilets located at M Hotel.

• There are however no public shower facilities. Change of clothes can be

done at the toilet.

• There will be medics stationed at certain CP and also at the finish line.

Food & Beverages

• Light snacks and beverages are available for participants at the finish line.

• F&B is strictly for participants only.

Medal & Finisher shirt

Participant’s entitlement Medal Finisher shirt
Finisher within COT ✓ ✓
Finisher outsider COT ✓ X

• The finisher medal will be given at the finishing line (arch).

• Finisher shirt will be given at the counter near the finishing line.


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