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Jl. Jend. A. Yani 117 Surabaya 60237 Telp. 031-8410298 Fax.031-8413300
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Name: Muchammad Isa Zidan Sanjaya - C

NIM/Class: D75219041


A. Write your identity directly in the assignment sheet.

B. Name your file by your full name and class, ex: NABILA-D.
C. Choose the correct form, gerund or infinitive, or both

1. I don't feel like (to cook/cooking) anything new, so start (to eat/eating) your fish like
everybody else.
2. I can't imagine (to live/living) without electricity.
3. We are supposed (to arrive/arriving) before 12, but these trains are usually late.
4. Though I normally hate (to get up/getting up) early, the teacher insisted on (to
leave/leaving) the school before 8 for the excursion.
5. Don't forget (to close/closing) before (to leave/leaving).
6. I must remember (to remind/reminding) the students that this grammar point needs (to
7. He says to her, "Don´t forget (to hand/handing) in the papers in time."
8. And so she has kept (to talk/talking) about her plans with her parents for months.
9. We had worked hard all morning, so at midday we stopped (to have/having) a coffee and
a sandwich.
10. Did you remember (to buy/buying) that bag of apples I asked you to get. We need those
apples for the cake this evening.
11. If you are getting so many headaches, you should try (to see/seeing) a specialist at the
hospital. It could be something serious.
12. We regret (to inform/informing) you that you have failed the first part of the test. You can
go home now if you wish.
13. You should stop (to go/going) to that biker club. It's taking up too much of your time.
14. It's strange that I remember (to go/going) to school the first time when I was five but I
don't remember when we moved house a year later.
15. I tried (to stop/stopping) the thieves but they were both on motorbikes and it was useless
running after them.
16. You must regret (to tell/telling) your sister about her husband now. She has never been
the same since.
17. I can’t bear (to have/having) so much responsibility.
18. There are two types of people: type A and type B. Type A people are driven, ambitious
and pushy. They lead busy lives. They walk and eat quickly, can`t stand queues, and hate
(to be/being) kept waiting.
19. They rarely have any spare time since they prefer (to fill/filling) every moment.
20. Type B people lead a much healthier lifestyle. They often go for long walks, they take
their time and they enjoy (to eat/eating) their meals slowly.
21. They set aside free time and know when to stop (to work/working). As a consequence
they suffer from fewer stress-related conditions.
22. No one wanted (to miss/missing) the opening game at PacBell Park¹. Fans didn't mind (to
wait/waiting) in line to buy the last few tickets for sale. Fans enjoyed (to look at/looking
at) the nine-foot statue of Willie Mays at the entrance.
23. The real Willie Mays was standing on the pitcher's mound getting ready (to
throw/throwing) the first pitch. Willie Mays was remembering (to hit/hitting) home runs
in the old park. Several people mentioned (to miss/missing) the old park, but not the cold
weather conditions there.
24. Most people decide (to take/taking) public transportation to the game. Some admitted (to
like/liking) the experience. Others risked (to drive/driving) and later found it difficult to
park. CalTrain regretted not (to plan/planning) for the large number of fans who wanted
to take the train. In the future, CalTrain plans (to add/adding) more trains. Planners
suggested (to arrive/arriving) at the park early to avoid traffic problems. They anticipated
(to have/having) a "full house".
25. Food service at the park was greatly expanded. Most fans liked (to have/having) more
choices. Other fans thought the park needed (to lower/lowering) its prices. The park
permits fans over 21 (to drink/drinking) beer. However, the park forbids (to
drink/drinking) hard alcohol. A few fans still choose (to bring/bringing) their own food.
The park doesn't allow fans (to enter/entering) with glass bottles. Park officials avoid (to
let/letting) fans bring anything that could be thrown on the field.

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