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Management Theory and Practice

April 2021 Examination

Ques 1. ABC Ltd. is facing a huge inventory cost and wastage of resources and would want
to take the help of JIT and Lean Manufacturing to solve their issues. Can you guide them
on the same?
Ans 1.

Lean management is a process of organizing and handling work with a moto to improve the
performance of a company the profitability and quality of the production technique of the
company. The lean management assists in to upgrade process by lowering operations, which are
unnecessary, complications and poor in the basis of quality costs. It has two main goals:
employee success and full customer satisfaction.
Lean management depends on principles of four-pointers:
1. Concerning customer’s necessity   
2. Raising awareness and uniting employees
3. Understanding, Analysing and sorting out problems
4. Decreasing production time
Lean management has spread. The concept is also frequently evolving and several variations
exist, as is the case with lean purchasing, which focuses on operational excellence for
procurement departments.
The conception is also often progressing and some variations exist, as is the case with lean
buying, which concentrates on operational brilliance for acquirement departments and sections.

Concept and Analysis

Inventory of just in time (JIT) is a scheme that producers use just when they are needed to
manufacture, to minimize waste, and to improve performance, and thereby lower the cost of
innovation. In specific, producers must accurately anticipate their needs. JIT continues the form
of over bundling waste, surplus inventory, and substance waiting. ABC Ltd's initial plan will

help fix the difficulties. The aim of Just-in-Time is for a producer to just figure out what is
required and in the amount necessary. The initial design was designed for an advantageous
purpose. By taking into account JIT's layout, a producer has a high degree of control of the
whole production chain, which simplifies the rapid response when the customer requirements
change. If a producer uses JIT models, the production of a favorite commodity can be maximized
easily. On the other hand, the production of less common goods can be reduced. Examples are
restaurants, cafeterias, snack bars, and so forth, which have implemented the JIT model. During
lunch and dinner, these food centers use this model to feed their customers daily. Fast-food
centers have burger patties, cheese, and any other commodity in the freezer, but JIT helps
producers to figure out whether workers at multiple assembly stations are needed to fulfill the
specifications of those manufacturing phases. More mixable workers will rely on better
manufacturing that has smaller fault costs, lower rates, and maximizes customer loyalty.

To make JIT possible, management must reinvent the whole workflow of the business, from raw
material intake to the finished product. At the same time, supply ties could include closer sites,
different manufacturers, and dealers, who would supply the least amount of information. The
problem that JIT would require smaller orders is one negative. Therefore, new settlers could be
appropriate since a minimum order is required. The disparity in cost could counterbalance the
low price of the directory, even though someone pays much higher rates. All over the business, a
radically new way of thinking is required. Staff must realize and adjust JIT's whole process
where appropriate because job flows are slowing down and recommendations to fulfill consumer
demand. There would be a substantial investment in time and effort. The system would never
gain momentum within the company.

JIT and Lean are often fooled, but the meanings are completely different. They are often misled.
The focus of Lean Management is on leveraging productivity to add value for the consumers,
while JIT emphasizes efficiency.JIT can be used as a single feature or as part of Lean
Manufacturing. Lean production consists of — mass production, just in time, versatile — mass
customization, agile, fast. The concept of what JIT and its consumer importance are taken by
Lean manufacturing takes its course. In the process of lean management, the organization must
determine whether the product's features add original benefit. Lean's first theory is that any step
of a commodity procedure must add an oh value in quantity. The key benefit of JIT is the

deduction of the raw substance, the stock price of goods, and the inventory. Cost differential will
offset the directory's low price, even though one pays far higher prices. A fundamentally
different strategy is expected in the organization. Workers must enforce and change the entire
process of JIT, as jobs are dwindling and market demand proposals are being made.

ABC Ltd. that is facing a huge inventory cost and wastage of resources can solve their issues by
taking the help of JIT and Lean manufacturing. These two will help enough to solve. The
company can benefit on the customer side as well as on the business side as JIT works on the
business side and Lean management works on the customer side. The company must remember
that JIT has the elements that are – a system pull, production flow, task time. It will solve all
issues and problems as soon as possible. So these two are effective, impactful, timesaving ways.

Ques 2. An entrepreneur wants to set up an organization dealing in manufacturing of toys

and has hired you as a consultant. Can you please guide him about the functions of
Ans 2.

Management is defined as an economically and efficient preparation and regulation phase of a
company's operation for certain purposes. A complex mechanism involves different elements and
activities. These practices vary from organizational tasks such as marketing, financing,
purchasing, etc. Instead, they are common to any kitchen regardless of its degree and status.
Various scholars have categorized management roles. There are four main management roles, i.e.
planning, coordination, management, and monitoring, according to George & Jerry.

In certain cases, management is an important part of life and everywhere human attempts are
made to accomplish the necessary goals. Management is necessary. If they run life or business,
the fundamental ingredients of management are still at stake. Management is a set of concepts
relevant to the activities of strategy, planning, management, and supervision and the application
of these principles to the efficient, efficient and productive exploitation of the physical,
operational, human, and information resources of organizations.

Concept and Analysis

For a toys manufacturing company, first of all, its needs


It is the core management function. It addresses the development of a future course of action in
advance and decides on the most appropriate course of action to achieve the predetermined
objectives. "Planning decides at an earlier stage - what to do when to do & how to do, according
to KOONTZ. It bridges the difference between where we are and where we want to be." A plan
is an action plan for the future. It's a problem solving and decision-making exercise. Planning is
the establishment of action courses to achieve the desired objectives. Planning is thus a
systematic reflection on how pre-determined objectives can be achieved. Planning is necessary if
human and non-human resources are to be used properly. It's all over, it's an intellectual activity
that helps avoid confusion, uncertainty, risks, wastes, etc.


It combines physical, financial, and human resources and develops productive relationships with
them to achieve organizational goals. Henry Fayol says: "The organization of a company means
providing it with all necessary or its work, i.e. raw materials, instruments, capital, and
personnel." Organizing a company means determining and providing the organization's structure
with human and non-human resources. Organization as a process means:

 Activity Identification.
 Grouping of activities classification.
 Duties assignment.
 Authority delegation and responsibility creation.
 Coordination of relationships between authority and responsibility.


It is the job of controlling and sustaining the organizational structure. Personnel in recent years
have become more important because of technological advances, the growth in business size, the

complexity of human behavior, etc. The main aim is to put a correct person in the right job, i.e.
square stitches in square holes and circular stitches in round holes. Personnel includes:

 Planning of workers (estimating manpower in terms of searching, choose the person, and
giving the right place).
 Selection & Choice, Recruiting.
 Education & Growth.
 Compensation
 Evaluation of results.
 Awards & Transitions


It is the part of the management process that applies operational strategies to accomplish
organizational purposes effectively. The life-spark of the business is considered, which
stimulates the behavior of people as planning, organization, and employees are merely
preparations. The level is the inert-personnel element of management which directly addresses
the control, direction, supervision, and encouragement of the subordinate in the achievement of
organizational objectives. The following elements are given in the direction:

 Supervision- means supervision by their supervisors of the work of subordinates. It's a

watch to handle jobs and staff.
 Motivation - indicates the subordinates are to be motivated, driven, or encouraged to
work. For this reason, it can be used positive, negative, monetary, and non-monetary
 Leadership- is a mechanism in which the boss directs the work of the subordinates and
lets them work in the right way.
 Communications- is the transmission by individuals of knowledge, experience, thoughts,
etc. It's an intelligibility bridge.


It includes measuring conformity with expectations and, where applicable, correction of

violations to ensure the achievement of organizational objectives. The purpose of the control is

to ensure that everything takes place in compliance with the requirements. Controls then have the
following steps:

 Normal value establishment.

 Present output assessment.
 Comparison of real output and variance where available.
 Fixed behavior.

In this study, it's clear that, for any toy manufacturing company, first of all, its needs
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, and Controlling. Management is an integral aspect of
life in certain situations and human sacrifices are made everywhere to meet the required
objectives. It is important to handle it. The basic ingredients in management are still at stake
whether they are involved in life or business. Management is several principles that apply to
strategic, planning, management, and surveillance practices and their execution with a view to
the reliable, successful, and sustainable exploitation of organizations' physical, financial, human,
and intelligence resources.

Ques 3. XYZ Ltd. is facing a lot of internal conflicts of late. One of the main reasons
attributed to the same is cultural differences
a. Can you explain the different types of conflicts that arise in organizations due to cultural

Ans 3a.

Conflicts in workplaces are defined as a dispute or mistake, arising from real or assumed
disagreements between the members of the group in their needs, values, resources, and
relationships. When two or more individuals meet on the job, disagreement happens when views
regarding each task or decision vary.

Concept and Analysis

Three types of conflicts in an organization, like

Task Conflict

The first of the three kinds of workplace disagreements, a clash of duties, frequently includes
particular problems about the job assignment of workers and can include disagreements on the
allocation of resources, discrepancies of opinion on practices and regulations, control of work
standards and evaluations, and the perception of fact. The mission dispute can seem the easiest to
be settled of the three forms of conflict discussed here. But the mission dispute also turns out to
be more fundamental and nuanced than at first sight. For example, colleagues who disagree over
which of them should attend a conference outside the city may have a broader disagreement
based on a sense of rivalry.

Relationship Conflict

The second of three kinds of disputes, conflicts between relations, is due to variations in attitude,
style, taste, and even style. People in groups that don't normally work along in the real world
often get together and have to learn and get along. It's also no wonder that conflict of
relationships in organizations may be normal. Assume that a person has encountered a permanent
conflict with a colleague, be it on job duties, personality discrepancies, or some other issue. The
individual might invite the colleague to lunch before turning to a boss and try to get acquainted.

Value Conflict

The latest of the three conflict types, Value Conflict, can emerge from fundamental identity and
value discrepancies that may include political, theological, legal, natural, and other profound
values. While politics and religion are frequently debated in organizations, conflicts over
principles occur as regards decisions and policies, for example, whether or not a client with
connections with a corrupt government is enforcing a policy of affirmative action.

It examines that about the operating environment, there are several approaches to recognize
conflicts. For this research, this study describes conflict as a mechanism in which persons or
organizations respond to other entities that have frustrated their plans, aims, values, or actions or
are about to frustrate them.

3b. Can you also suggest some important techniques of Conflict resolution
Ans 3b.

If disputes are not resolved, efficiency and coordination may be detrimental. The use of
organizational dispute mediation techniques helps create a safe work climate. Conflict resolution
requires expertise in teamwork, problem management, and decision-making. Conflict handling in
a variety of different styles may be tackled. Each approach uses the same management skills, but
these types can vary.

Concept and Analysis

Listen, Then Speak Out

Believe it or not, only the first most significant step in settling a dispute is responding to an
employee's concern. Both the parties concerned should clearly listen and understand the essence
of the conflict thoroughly and then continue troubleshooting.

Gather the Group

As a representative, you will need a conference to address the problem with all interested
stakeholders. Allow everyone to speak; it is a valuable opportunity for everybody to hear the
disagreement and to understand it fully. It can also speed up a resolution that satisfies everyone
to attend a community meeting.

Be Impartial

They should not show some kind of opinion that favors one person over the other in a leadership
role. If they are partial towards an individual, strive to find a fair and rational compromise on
both sides.

Do Not Postpone Conflict Resolution

Fix the dispute straight away. The condition could otherwise increase and influence the
efficiency of employees. Be sure you do not deal with the situation too soon or cautiously, so
your judgment will affect the actions and results of your employees directly.

Promote Teamwork

Motivation and support are solid. Remember their workers to complete tasks requiring
teamwork. This is one of the most successful strategies for dispute resolution. It would help
workers truly understand the value of coordination.

Broadcast Praise

As above, the strength and incentive to appreciate others who are modeling teamwork and
cooperation in any confrontation can be multiplied. This motivation can be expanded. Try
offering acceptable models in such situations because conduct modeling can be dangerous if the
model includes unwanted components.


One participant in the dispute can in certain situations decide to withdraw from the debate and
encourage the other person to consent. Alternatively, in certain situations, one side may attempt
to stop the confrontation entirely by staying quiet.

It is clear that, Conflict management with the belief that the team will profit from disagreements.
There is also a need to build a good environment for successful conflict management, allowing
people to think originally and to offer their ideas and views without fear. And the participants are
motivated by a very open and constructive mind to overcome the tension between themselves.

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