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Driving Violation and

No. Investigation Form 5D

Driving Violation and Investigation Form 5D.

Incident Details:

Location: MJN – DS1

Time of
Date of Incident:27-02-2020 11:30:00
Department: Drivers

Driver Name: Karim Hilal Contract No: MFD-IFMS-001 Site: Majnoon

Departmental Hisham Mendil

Managers Name:

To Be Completed by the Journey Planning Manager:

Description of The Incident:

- At approx. 11:30am on the 27th Feb 2020 the Mercedes Benz flatbed plate # 149519 (bottled
water delivery truck) hit the Jersey barrier at DS1 while leaving the site after delivering water
at Karama Camp.

To be completed by the Project Manager:

Actions Taken:

- The driver was stopped by the road safety officials (at DS1) and he complied.
- A written statement was obtained from the driver (see attached).
- Arrangements were made the following day to restore the Jersey barrier to its original position.
- The driver was advised accordingly and a TBT conducted for the drivers to observe caution
while driving, turning and passing through gates and barriers (see the TBT record and
supporting photos attached).

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Doc. Driving Violation and
No. Investigation Form 5D

Project Manager:

Investigation Outcome:

- The driver miscalculated the actual position of the Jersey barrier while turning the truck and hit
the Jersey barrier. The Jersey barrier tilted from the impact.

Has the Driver received a disciplinary: ( X) Yes ( ) No

- A verbal warning has been given to the driver.
Has the Driver violated the Road Safety Transport Plan before?: NO

If yes – how many violations?: None

Journey Planner : Hisham Mendil

Date: 01-03-2020

Additional Comments/ Notes/ Witness Statement: NA

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