9 Useful Tips To Consider in A Project: Digital Transformation

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9 useful tips to consider in a

Digital Transformation

Everyone is smart about politics Games for Business has been present on
and football, but only a selected the market since 2006 with its gamification-
based solutions. Our goal is to make
few do them well. It’s a bit similar
people love learning again, to provide
to digital transformation. We hear
an experience-based, efficient tool for
so much about it that we get the acquiring new knowledge, and to help
sense it’s all over the news. Still, for organizations transfer their contents
many, it remains something rather effectively. Our platform has been
mysterious, which they are reluctant successfully applied in the entire employee
to start dealing with. In this article, lifecycle from the recruitment phase,
you will read 9 practical tips from onboarding, internal trainings, all the way to
László Fazekas, Head of Marketing retention projects.

at Games for Business, which will

We work with international clients from
help once you start your journey.
North America, Asia and Europe, such as
BP, KPMG, Coca-Cola, IKEA, NN, or Generali.
We worked on digital transformation
projects with Hungary’s major financial
institutions, among others with ERSTE Bank
and CIB Bank (Intesa Sanpaolo Group).

Games for Business has launched its

special digital transformation training
solution in 2018. It essentially provides a
learning system with integrated content for
corporations, with the help of which their
digital switchover can be accomplished more
efficiently. Our solution supports the success
of their comprehensive projects, as well as the
László Fazekas - Head of Marketing
engagement and development of employees.
Copyright © 2019 Games for Business - All Rights Reserved
To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
We come across the topic of digital
transformation or digitalization in countless
conferences and professional articles.
Hopefully, no one needs an explanation
nowadays about the importance of this
subject. Gartner’s 2018 Digital Dexterity at
Work survey revealed that 90% of corporate
leaders’ top priorities can only be achieved
with the help of technology. Moreover,
we can also read about digitalization’s
significance in the potential market growth,
profitability, both employee and customer
level satisfaction rates of a corporation.

Many believe the above-mentioned goals

can be more easily achieved by hiring
younger employees (e.g. generation Y and
Z) whose digital dexterity is much stronger
than the preparedness of older colleagues.
However, the survey has clearly shown
that there is no significant correlation in
this regard, as less than 1 in 10 employees
possess the level of digital know-how
which could substantially help companies
efficiently reach the above-mentioned goals.

Copyright © 2019 Games for Business - All Rights Reserved

To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
Read the following 9 tips that
will help you if you undertake
a digital transformation project.

We will cover 3 main issues on this topic:

How to get ready for your company’s

digital transformation project?

How should you reduce the

resistance of your colleagues?
What’s an effective training like?

How should you manage the

training? What are the aspects you
will definitely need to consider?

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To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
How to get ready for your company’s
digital transformation project?
Prepare the basics

Digital transformation is not a project you
will come up with on Monday and launch on
Wednesday. It needs preparation. It needs
planning. It requires a lot of preparatory
work in order to be effective and successful,
but at the end of the day, this is also another
project, so handle it accordingly.
Take the necessary time to think it through.
Assign a project manager. Map the actual
situation in the organization. Involve the
leaders of affected areas and talk to them
a lot. Do not leave out any important areas
only to save yourself a few meetings.
Listen to others’ experiences and failures.
Learn from their mistakes and apply their
successful solutions. Make the CEO and the
leadership support your case. If they are not
on your side, it will be a rough road, even if
you set off.
If you have everything, summarize your
knowledge and create a strategy that you
will follow.

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To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
Dare to redesign

No one likes to talk about their failures. But
we should. It’s crucial.
You need to accept the possibility that you
won’t succeed at first try.
Even if you did everything you could in order
to succeed. Was it not up to you? That’s life.
Many of us are fundamentally afraid of big
change that turns their life and work upside
down. We need to adapt, learn something,
discover something new. All this takes effort.
You might fail in convincing your colleagues
to invest their energy into the project. So it
might fail, or it might work differently than
you’d expect. It doesn’t matter. You must try
Because if you keep putting it off, you will
only worsen your chances, exponentially.

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To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
‘Digital transformation? Does
that have something to do
with robots? Will artificial
intelligence replace me in my

I’m not kidding. These are indeed the types
of concerns in the minds of your employees.
They are afraid of digital things, mainly
because they are not familiar with them.
Of course, no one says that AI won’t affect
certain jobs in the future, but this is mostly a
bit further off.
Explain and make them understand what this
is all about and what you hope to achieve
with it. Don’t let them keep guessing about it
on their own. Be clear and transparent.

Copyright © 2019 Games for Business - All Rights Reserved

To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
How should you reduce the resistance of your
colleagues? What’s an effective training like?
The vast majority of digital transformation projects fail due to the opposition of employees.
Therefore, breaking down these walls is of paramount importance. In order for employees
to embrace and comprehend digital transformation, it is highly recommended to launch a
related awareness training as part of your digital transformation project.

Up-to-date and practical


The contents of the training are crucial. If reduce their gap. Differentiate between these
your employee feels like they are learning and groups based on their background knowledge
completing training in vain, not only will their level or some other criteria, in order to provide
knowledge be superficial (or useless), but as much of a customized solution as possible.
their confidence and commitment towards Consider who your users will be. Maybe your
their organization will also suffer. There is company employs rather senior colleagues.
no such thing as an “average employee,” but If that’s the case, don’t force a smartphone
generalizing often makes it easier to deal with app as a tool just to be able to brag how fancy
things. When creating learning contents, take a project you’ve managed. Don’t be afraid to
into account that not everyone is on the same apply a desktop tool. Even if your supplier is
level. Provide the opportunity for catching up. pushing the smartphone app. You are the one
Those who possess some level of background who knows your employees, you will know
knowledge will excel and shine, while others what will work and what won’t, what you need
starting with a disadvantage will be happy to and what you don’t.
Copyright © 2019 Games for Business - All Rights Reserved
To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
’Oh, no!
Yet another boring training.’

Based on the employees’ past experience,
unfortunately, training usually triggers
their resistance. They mostly hate the
thing in advance. It’s crucial to change this
attitude, because learning and acquiring
new knowledge should be a positive
experience, as opposed to the “necessary
evil.” In order to achieve this, you can apply
several solutions. One such potential tool
is gamification. The gamified approach
lifts employees out of their work context
and transfers knowledge in an interesting
and engaging environment. This format
makes learners much more open to process
the knowledge/contents you want to pass
on. With the help of gamification, you can
set goals for them in the learning process
that are easier or more difficult to complete.
You can offer creative or valuable prizes to
provide the external motivational element as
well. Based on our experience, the time spent
with learning in a well-structured system
occurs predominantly outside of work hours.

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To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
It matters a lot how knowledge
is acquired

It’s worth splitting the learning process into
smaller, shorter phases. Don’t push 250-page
materials on your employees in one piece.
Break them down to sections and topics.
Make them continuously feel that they are
accomplishing and completing a part, and
make it clear what is ahead of them and
what they can reach.
So make the entire process and your
expectations clear and transparent. This will
boost internal motivation in your learners.

Copyright © 2019 Games for Business - All Rights Reserved

To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
How should you manage the training?
What are the aspects you will definitely
need to consider?
Communication, communication,

It’s an ancient mantra, nevertheless always
relevant. Without proper communication,
your digital transformation project will not
be successful. That’s a fact. Don’t fight it.
Why would you keep it quiet that the project
exists? Your goal is to involve as many as
possible to make it efficient. Work for it!
Figure out how it will reach and make as
many as possible within the company
participate. You circulated a memo or a
newsletter, but engaged only a few? Map
out your possibilities better. Think about
the available tools, interfaces, channels and
solutions to reach your employees.
Create a plan for who, where, how, when,
why and with what message you will
deliver in order to reach your final goal.

Copyright © 2019 Games for Business - All Rights Reserved

To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
Deal with your data!

Yes, this is frequently discussed, but at least
as often ignored or not well executed. Make
it your first step to defining well ahead what
you wish, what you can and what you will
measure during the duration of the project.
Once you have a plan, you have already
made a huge step in the right direction.
Many skip this phase and remember late
that, oops, this should have been done.
Don’t make this mistake.
If you defined what you will measure, then
make sure to measure it. Collect your
data consequently and analyze it. And
most importantly, draw the necessary
conclusions. If conclusions and follow-up
steps are not executed, you will deprive
your organization of a major productivity
boosting factor.

Copyright © 2019 Games for Business - All Rights Reserved

To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
Find your suitable partners

There is no universal solution for digital
transformation. There are similar cases,
recurring needs and similar solutions,
however, digital transformation, as a whole
project, will be a unique and crucial stage in
the life of every company.
Look for providers in the market who
have experience, and won’t use your
organization for experiments.

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To contact Games for Business, please visit: gamesforbusiness.com
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