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Salman Javed

16 April, 2020.

I might want to express my most profound thankfulness to each one of the individuals who gave
me the likelihood to finish this report. An exceptional appreciation I provide for our instructor
Ma’am Mariyam Azam whose commitment in animating proposals and consolation, helped me
to arrange my task particularly recorded as a hard copy this report. Numerous individuals,
particularly my colleagues have made significant remark proposals on my paper which gave me
a motivation to improve the nature of the task.

Executive Summary:
To investigate female discernments about the purposes behind the lack of education with
reference to family related elements and economic related elements. Poverty, poor family
support, personal reasons, books and learning environment, teachers and teaching system are the
main causes of lack of education of women in rural areas of PunjabChild labor, lack of interest in
study, discouragement from male family members, poverty, no support from families are the
main reasons. We have to work on it if we want to decreased the ratio of illiteracy of women in
rural Punjab.Trust in non-formal projects, appropriate timings, arrangement of female
instructors, recognition about learning focuses, mindfulness about advantages of teaching kids
and hindrance of youngster Labor, youngster work, sexual orientation hole, availability,
Impetuses are helpful for us want to decreased the ratio of illiteracy of women in rural Punjab.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction:........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Background Information:.............................................................................................................5
1.2 Statement of the Problem:............................................................................................................5
1.3 Significance of the Study:............................................................................................................5
1.4 Scope of the Study:......................................................................................................................6
1.5 Limitations of the Study:.............................................................................................................6
2 Methods of the Study:..........................................................................................................................6
3 Review of Related Literature:..............................................................................................................6
4 Discussion:..........................................................................................................................................7
5 Results and Conclusion:....................................................................................................................10
6 Recommendations:............................................................................................................................10
7 References:........................................................................................................................................12
8 Appendices:.......................................................................................................................................12

1. Introduction:

1.1 Background Information:

Instruction is generally viewed as a way to improve cultural and singular prosperity, and it has
been proclaimed and recognized as a fundamental human right. The world has seen a few
enhancements in school enlistments over the most recent 15 years (UIS, 2014). The principle
reasons of high dropout rates are shortage of sources, overambitious focuses on, an absence of
political responsibility and common association, and inadequate approaches. These are the
principle deterrents in accomplishing Universal Primary Education targets.

Vast greater parts of respondents of late surveys are incredulous of the low quality of state
funded schools and anticipate more, particularly regarding huge understudies' quality per class,
low quality offices and unmotivated instructors. Territorial incongruities, sexual orientation
segregation, low planning, poor instructor preparing, low family salary are significant
foundations for moderate instructive progress (Farooq, 2015). The key difficulties to Pakistan's
training are: (I) absence of access to instruction; and (ii) low quality of instruction; (iii) value;
and (iv) administration.

1.2 Statement of the Problem:

The two principle targets were:

1. To investigate female discernments about the purposes behind the lack of education with
reference to family related elements.
2. To investigate female recognitions about purposes behind the lack of education with
reference to economic related elements.

1.3 Significance of the Study:

To meet access and opportunity focuses of instruction, the world has held hands through
Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGsThe five areas from
which test was attracted to get immediate advantages of the investigation and the instruction
framework both formal and non-formal will be recipient by implication. Requirements

1.4 Scope of the Study:

In this report I discussed about the reasons of lack of education of women in rural areas of
Punjab and also their solutions

1.5 Limitations of the Study:

This examination is constrained to five regions of Punjab, for example Gujrat, Jehlum,
Chakwal, Rawalpindi, and Atock.

2 Methods of the Study:

Current study planned to investigate view of females about dropout of youngsters, juvenile
Populace Test Instrumentation Procedure, Pilot Testing Data Collection Procedure what's more,
grown-ups concentrating in non-formal training division in five regions i.e., Gujrat, Jhelum,
Chakwal, Rawalpindi and Attock. A blended techniques research configuration was utilized to
test the wonder.

3 Review of Related Literature:

Out-of-younger students are separated into two classifications: dropped out and never enlisted.
The which means of dropout in the writing differs in light of dissimilarities in guidelines and
tutoring frameworks over the world. Financially less created nations like Pakistan have seldom
had any substitute instruction and preparing programs for school dropouts. From this time
forward, the youngsters who neglect to finish tutoring face financial outcomes in their future
lives. Youngsters furthermore, youngsters make up a huge part of Pakistani society.

4 Discussion:


Table 1: Perception about poverty.

Disagree Agree
Q Statement Slightly Agree Agree
Completely 5+6
1 15.1 47.5 33.8 81.3
Learners from poor families
2 18.7 46 33.8 79.8
Lack of education increases generally
at the time of crop harvesting season
3 23.3 30.9 44.6 75.5
The parents want learners to work for
family income
4 27.3 33.1 36 69.1
Parents like to involve girls to work at
home instead of going to learning
5 29.5 30.9 36.7 67.6
When families of learners migrate from
one place to another they leave


Table 2: Perception about family support.

Disagree Agree
Q Statement Slightly Agree Agree
Completely 5+6
1 20.9 39.6 38.8 78.4
Parents do not give importance to girls.
2 25.9 33.1 39.6 72.7
Families discourage girls to continue
3 32.4 43.2 21.6 64.8
Learners discontinue education to care
for a sibling or family member

Personal Reasons:

Table 3: Perception about individual reasons.

Disagree Agree
Q Statement Slightly Agree Agree
Completely 5+6
1 12.9 50.4 34.5 84.9
Due to illness learners discontinue to
attend literacy centre
2 29.5 51.8 18 69.8
They leave due to difficulty in
3 48.9 30.9 19.4 50.3
learners leave due to difficulty in
4 48.2 19.4 28.8 48.2
learners hate to studies and leave
5 69.1 20.9 7.2 28.1
In the absence of friends at literacy
centre they leave it

64% Women cannot read and write.

36% women
64% men

64% Women in rural Punjab are illiterate.

5 Results and Conclusion:

1) The destitution is principle reason of lack of education.

2) Passive backing of poor families to their dropped out students to proceed with instruction.
3) Father or male individuals from family debilitate congruity of females' training.
4) Family individuals see that congruity of instruction isn't strong for better acquiring by their
5) The learning condition of proficiency focuses isn't alluring for students to proceed with their
training there.
6) The offices and instructors' conduct are not urging to dropped outs.
7) Lack of enthusiasm for training.
8) The accreditation and acknowledgment of education focuses like a school is suspected out in
the open.
9) The educators are not happy with their activity structure.
10) The youngsters need to work to help their family acquiring.
11) Parents movement starting with one place then onto the next for procuring reason causes
brokenness of kid's training.
12) Poor families lean toward kid work rather kid's coherence of instruction.

6 Recommendations:

Trust in non-formal projects:

Non-formal techniques require make up for lost time projects to help the out of younger
students to proceed with instruction and for their maintenance it needs to guarantee them that
they may come to the same level as their school-going peers before they are mainstreamed
into formal school when prepared. Just on the off chance that they need to be instructed.

Appropriate timings:

To draw in the students to come and proceed with training in Non-Formal focuses the
timings might be adaptable and appropriate to the neighborhood network day by day life
living styles. It would be useful for families and networks to overseeing better tutoring. It
will be particularly valuable where youngsters are occupied with work, for example, working
in the fields during planting or gathering seasons.

Arrangement of female instructors:

The arrangement of female educators may lessen the dropout rate as our social standards
demoralize the progression of instruction of young ladies in co-training focuses or with male
instructors particularly in country territories.

Recognition about learning focuses:

The females see that these focuses dislike appropriate tutoring framework so they neglect to
draw in the dropouts. It should be increasingly open area interest in non-formal training area
for improving the nature of instruction.

Mindfulness about advantages of teaching kids and hindrance of youngster


The guardians might be made mindful of advantages of youngster’s instruction and not to
including them in kid work. linkages ought to be made between proficiency division/focuses
and specialized or professional foundations, so students expecting to begin work ought to be
caught up in such establishments.

Youngster work:

The guardians might be made mindful of advantages of youngster’s instruction and not to
including them in youngster work. The mindfulness projects might be started for guardians to
urge them to 36 proceed with their kid’s instruction.

Sexual orientation hole:

Main considerations that frustrate maintenance in non-formal training learning focuses

incorporate neediness, social requirements for young ladies training, lack of education of
guardians and parental worries about wellbeing and versatility of their little girls frustrates
female instruction.


Openness of learning focuses must be improved in country regions, with the goal that
guardians can send their youngsters particularly young ladies to close by learning focuses
without agonizing over their wellbeing.

7 References:


8 Appendices:

Instruction is generally viewed as a way to improve cultural and singular prosperity, and it has
been proclaimed and recognized as a fundamental human right Moreover, avoiding dropout has
not been a principle arrangement driver in these bargains. At present, around 33% of grade
school going age youngsters are out of school, 42% of the complete populace (matured 10+) is
uneducated. At the national level, around 66% of ladies of matured 15+ can't peruse and
compose, and 35% of the young ladies stay out of school. Sexual orientation Parity Index if there
should arise an occurrence of interest in essential training is 0.82. It is evaluated that over 6.7
million kids are out of school, and dominant part of them (62%) are young ladies (UNESCO,

The table 4-1 shows that: Heavy majority of the females (81 %) view that mostly learners from
poor families drop out from non-formal education in rural areas. About 70% of the females
perceive that parents like to involve their daughters to work at home instead of sending them to
learning centers.About 55% of the females think that illiterate parents do not support their girls
to continue their education. About 73% of the females perceive that families discourage the
continuation of girl’s education and 78% perceive that parents do not give importance to girl’s
education in rural areas To investigate female discernments about the purposes behind the lack of
education with reference to family related elements and economic related elements. Child labor,

lack of interest in study, discouragement from male family members, poverty, no support from
families are the main reasons. We have to work on it if we want to decreased the ratio of
illiteracy of women in rural Punjab.Trust in non-formal projects, appropriate timings,
arrangement of female instructors, recognition about learning focuses, mindfulness about
advantages of teaching kids and hindrance of youngster Labor, youngster work, sexual
orientation hole, availability, Impetuses are helpful for us want to decreased the ratio of illiteracy
of women in rural Punjab.


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