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Rizza Mermejo

Principle of Christian Leadership Final Exam

1. Is Leadership a gift or acquired skill?

I have read an article that’s says “Leaders are made, not born”. Personally, a
person is gifted leadership as what the Bible says God giving Spiritual gifts to each and
every one of His children. Some have the gift of leadership, some teachers etc. Thus, I
believe that it’s a gift. On the other hand, it can be acquired skill if learned by training,
perception, practice and experience over time. The idea that people are born leaders is
flawed. Some people are naturally extrovert, assertive, even charismatic, but those alone
don’t make the effective leader. The greatest leadership learning is accomplished through
experience. The effective leader is a life-long learner and the motivation for wanting to
be a leader is another matter. You have to want it to have it. We can acquire the skill just
in different degree.

2. Differentiate Leadership from Administration.

The definitions of leadership and management are very similar. While leadership
entails the well-being of your team and motivating them, administration involves
ensuring that your team meets its goals and they have all the resources to do so. The
distinguishing factor between leaders and administrators is that leaders initiate new
structures or procedures to achieve organizational goals or objectives, whereas
administrators utilize existing structures or procedures for this purpose.

3. What is Good and Godly Leadership to you?

A good leader is one who meets the expected results in a team, who motivates and
does the necessary measures to ensure the effectiveness or the success of a given
situation. A godly leader on the other hand is rooted in the Word of God. His ways and
values or basically everything that he does follow the standards of what God wants, not
what he wants. Ultimately it is God who directs every step and He does is follow that and
incorporate that to the team.

4. Using your self-projection, what kind of leader are you?

As I project myself, I am the kind of leader who leads democratically and I want
everybody to participate in giving ideas, working the project and motivates them to do
the work. I want everyone to enjoy their work and not drag their feet into doing such.

5. As a Christian Leader, what kind of educational platforms are you going to propose
during this pandemic that would ensure quality education and produce godly
As a Christian leader I think holding online care group is one way to ensure
quality education by getting connected with people and just be a comfort in a small way
but can greatly impact a life of a person. Right mind can lead into the right kind of
emotions and will result eventually in doing the right actions. To acquire quality
education, first we should acquire healthy and strong mental disposition.

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