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Farmer Abdulla Field

G9 Integrated Math I
(Score: /100)

The goal of this performance task is to give you an opportunity:

a) To add, subtract and multiply polynomials in order to solve real-world problems.

b) To use perimeters, areas and volumes in order to solve real-world problems.
c) To practice real-world situations on factoring completely first- and second- degree binomials and
trinomials in one variable.
d) To make connections and to communicate your mathematical thinking clearly and accurately.

Farmer Abdulla is your cousin and you want to help him with his field layout since you work for a
landscaping company. Also, you are good at math, so you are also going to help him with his budgeting issue

Your cousin Farmer Abdulla
Farmer Abdulla Field Layout: Figure not Drawn to scale

Farmer Abdulla is planting a garden this spring. He wants to plant squash, pumpkins, corn,

beans, and potatoes. As the cousin landscaper, you came up with the plan for the field layout

in meters as shown in the figure above.

Use the figure and knowledge of polynomials, perimeter, area and volume to answer the following questions:

(Note: the dimensions of a rectangle are its length and width)

1) Write a simplified polynomial expression that represents

a) The length of the south side of the field. (3pts)

b) The perimeter of the pumpkins field. State one reason why the perimeter would be
useful to Farmer Abdulla. (4pts)

c) The area of the potatoes field. State one reason why the calculated area would be
useful to Farmer Abdulla. (4pts)

d) The area of the corn field. (5pts)

2) Farmer Abdulla would like his bean plants to grow to a height of (x + 3). Write a simplified
polynomial expression to find the volume of the bean plants if they reach a height of (x + 3).
In Questions 3, 4, 5 & 6 use x = 5 meters and y = 6 meters.
3) Calculate the area of the beans field. What unit would the area of Farmer Abdulla’s beans
field have? (5pts)

4) Calculate the dimensions of Farmer Abdulla’s field. (6pts)

This year, farmer Abdulla has a budget of $3000 to fence his field
and to buy fertilizers.

5) Farmer Abdulla decided to fence his whole field by using a metal wire that costs $10 - $40 per roll.
Each roll is 8 meters long.

Choose a number for the cost of one roll of metal wire from the given $10 - $40 per roll.
(Note: it is ok to choose a decimal for the cost of one roll. For example, it is ok to choose
$12.50, $15.25...)

Use the number of your choice to calculate the cost of the metal wires materials Farmer Abdulla
will be using.
(Note: Farmer Abdulla can only buy whole rolls, i. e., he can’t buy a part of a roll)
6) Farmer Abdulla uses fertilizers materials for his planting that cost $6 - $35 per bag.
Each bag can be used for an area of 30 m2.
He fertilizes his field 3 times a year.

Choose a number for the cost of a bag of fertilizers from the given $6 - $35 per bag.
(Note: it is ok to choose a decimal for the cost of one bag of fertilizers. For example, it is ok to
choose $7.25, $18.75...)

What is the yearly cost of fertilizers that Farmer Abdulla uses?

(Note: Farmer Abdulla can only buy whole bags, i.e., he can’t buy a part of a bag)

7) Does Farmer Abdulla has enough money to achieve his goal of fencing his whole field and of fertilizing
his land? Show your calculations. (6pts)

If yes, how much money will he have left? Suggest what to do for his field with the remaining money.
Be specific.

If not, suggest what should farmer Abdulla do to be able to achieve his goal. Be specific.
8) Farmer Abdulla realized he forgot to include a zucchini field into his field layout. He plans to use
half the length and half the width of the squash field in order to plant zucchini.

a) Write a simplified polynomial expression that represents the area of the new zucchini field.


b) Draw the zucchini field on the given field layout above. Label the dimensions of the zucchini field.

9) Farmer Abdulla has another piece of land in which he would like to plant three additional fields of
produce. Find, in meters, the dimensions of each field given the area (Hint: factorize completely each
polynomial). Draw each field separately and label its dimensions.

a) The area of the strawberry field is 16x2 + 4x.

b) The area of the cucumber field is x2 – 4x – 21.
c) The area of the tomato field is x2 – 36.
Product/Performance and Purpose:
Your project:

● Should be in the form of a Word document or Google Docs that includes an introduction that
summarizes the Project work and in which you specify which math skills, rules or formulas
you are going to use in each part. (8pts)
● Text and calculation parts should be typed and drawings must be accurately drawn and fully labeled
using any App or your computer. (3pts)

Standards & Criteria for Success: (18pts)

Your project must meet the following standards:
● All calculations must be shown in details. (2pts)
● Math symbols and notations must be used. (2pts)
● Variables and key terms/formulae must be defined. (2pts)
● All written work is legible. Make sure to label each question. (2pts)
● All mathematical responses are well organized in full sentences. (2pts)
● A final paragraph in which you write about the following: (8pts)

o What was difficult in this task?

o What did you learn from it?

o What might you do differently if you were Farmer Abdulla? Specify and give persuasive reasons.

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