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Private schools vs.

public schools
Education is an important part of raising children and preparing
them to live successful lives. For many families, finding the right
school environment isn't as easy as enrolling at the local public
school. With the information available today about learning
differences and 21st-century skills, not all schools can
adequately meet the needs of every student. Determining if the
local school is meeting your child's needs or if it's time to switch
schools can be challenging.

Private school tuition vs. public school taxes

Everyone pays taxes, so you are already supporting the public

school system. Why pay for both, you might ask yourself? The
fact is that in numerous provinces and states, you can get tax
breaks when you send your child to private school over a public
school. This tax break can come in many different forms
depending on what state or province you are in.

As public schools face budget cuts that lead to larger class

sizes and fewer resources, many private schools continue to
flourish. However, a private school can be expensive. To
decide if it's worth the investment, examine these major
differences between public and private schools.

Class Size

Class size is one of the major differences between public

schools and private schools. The class size in urban public
schools can be as large as 25 to 30 students (or more), while
most private schools keep their class sizes closer to an
average of 10 to 15 students, depending on the school.

Smaller class sizes also mean that teachers can give students
longer and more complicated assignments, as the teachers
don’t have as many papers to grade. For example, students at
many academically challenging college-preparatory private
schools write 10- to 15-page papers as juniors and seniors.

Private school  vs. public school admission

Private schools are allowed to expel students and can choose

not to allow certain students admision. In fact, many private
schools are difficult to get in to. Public schools allow all
students, regardless of religious creed, academic abilities, or
any other factor.

Sending your child to a private school means enrollment is

selective and demands are uniformly higher versus a public
school where they will be exposed to a wider variety of people
and abilities. In today's world, both are likely to incorporate
students from various cultures and backgrounds.

Teacher Preparation

While public school teachers always need to be certified,

private school teachers often don’t need formal certification.
Nevertheless, many are experts in their fields or have master’s
or even doctoral degrees. While it is very difficult to remove
public school teachers, private school teachers generally have
contracts that are renewable each year.

Preparation for College or Post-High School Life

Many public schools do a good job of preparing students for

college, but some do not. A recent study found that even A-
rated public schools in New York City have remediation rates of
over 50 percent for their graduates who attend the City
University of New York. Most college-preparatory private
schools do a thorough job of preparing their graduates to
succeed in college; however, this too varies based on the
individual school.

Student Attitudes
Because private schools often have selective admissions
processes, they are able to choose students who are highly
motivated. Many private school students want to learn, and
your child will be surrounded by classmates who regard
academic achievement as desirable. For students who aren't
challenged enough at their current schools, finding a school full
of highly motivated students can be a major improvement in
their learning experience.

Public school vs. private: quality of education

Private school and public school administrators and educators

all do their best to create the best learning environment
possible. There are excellent public schools and there are
excellent private schools.

The immersive environment also means that many private school

students attend school for more hours in the day than do public
school students, because private schools offer afterschool programs
and a longer schedule. This means less time to get in trouble and
more time to get involved in activities.

Meaningful Academics and Activities

Because private schools don’t have to follow state laws about what
to teach, they can offer unique and specialized programs. Parochial
schools can offer religion classes, while special-education schools
may provide remedial and counseling programs to help their
students. Privates schools also often offer highly advanced programs
in the sciences or arts

In the final analysis

As a parent, you need to decide for yourself. Visit schools and

see what the schools and teachers are like. We think the option
of private school is a good one and gives parents alternatives
they may want to pursue in finding the right education for their

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