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hu Challunms
*LaskA_wiaed uaduaship hcd maks p s - E
Co-0aolnation _diiuu oithin th tmpany
AAalaALdnnshp conLeans LOhn hoosinghad
vendehs en Keung_and Dpaaionauzng ompa
leunch h h aduca_digitaliZauon
tAck ACouusag_l
J_dwelop mi
RLak enhouse falunt_to Suuppoat
SlnduuMAy H:0 initialiveA
Oiauuui oiK intgaing dala hom yoAiOA SDLE
to enaslu inutial onnLLUvil4
uk knuoluqqahour tuhnelLA qies VendesA and
1 outsoALing pauunis thcul Lould hulpLnLeu
LDL Lnit auvee

22 Ln dussty 60 oil enhanu an th machini aund

humanAOLs ia mnuy.auing incustay
aNinQ thi aDnofonO wsJupetitive fask to bh
LLhanial ond openng p Uh CALOLAV Sidu Jo

inieALonnLeltdn einaihinu_And systems in adu4_

lo achieve optimwm pesloamanieio_impOve
efauend andpAnduuvitiesOhuAcas industy 5 OP
iS CDnsidud to yinnth inleuacuoas
humns and machinsu a colLaboualion beloun
lalaat puusion oaulomalcd letnoLOgy_OAA
bmanú utia hinking _and Caualiyils lnduuly
5.0 ualu even highiA Valuobs han inclutuy 0
beaue humanshandlu duign_ Jhtsponsb1lIys

3) emantaetusiaG_ apaDLEK Ohu a puDduut
atw entensivi usag idissasambud inlo
LDnponundAhuA t omponuals au S.egaugaridand
ALusab_ Lompontg au ALuMa ounuGbu_
ChallingA 2 Nano mamyatluun
Delaping_puodutuon techniqus thar au
LionDw and pLOdule viaat qiue
Contaotung ikpuision qJAAksLmbly
lesiiaqliabilily and establishing mlhOds

*Mintaining nanOsalu panpeuia ondqualury -

nano- Sustem duung hagh Aa akdbegh yolumi

Lh pundiut orA pAoduu on

AASSLsinp Jlu enyiuRamatal elhiialand soual imput

52 7h lhaing Lhaiatiusu q Smau pateu

a visahiuy Lonnv y_and aupnemus Eactou es
haveJDn4 diid Dn_ulomalon ur
Smauttaliai a iak dlis tBALupt mAuih puuLes
au alsls laAAAA LeibDu Munhauman
ioluKinaen hiaugh du dus Bmo.dun tuhnolog-
i Smalacloy syshemLan liasn_asd
adaptin nial ALal tims Aial timi enahuing
JacloeUhu Jaa mDu aii han thase

4) n clusIus 50 oilb uhivouluOni _manyactuun

AtemAalhots_th gtoh by iking adaLy Clul,
ptlelAYD0Ak away LOm humauns OhuLven
posihl lndeLgnt aMbOIJand syiterns
penlhau u manyacluiap Sueply chauns on
DADducton shaptoos fo oun upuudn d wed.
ndustaH5-0 0LL iataa pADoluuviy -and

DjntAaliDnal epiutnyb enisDnmintaleyAtndy

dl LODAk injsy OnolShD Alun puoducuonfimi
yLusLonlua_Io innmioiaL intution, n duual4
20 0 L CALel_maA n a n i h tak4 auOL
A lug umhA oolar eiU bi CAAaLAd in l -
inleluGani SuKtomA Aun AL And e bok
pLegaammang_mainlais en tAainnp S h i d i n
ApiunOkn dhd IwenuDn a nuo buud
AANALGcuuag obol Fuh eamoAL a uuut
impau ihdusy 50aLaLg huumbia -
SLat-yp LDmpani 9U buld anw einssrim
e pDvioling OALLojabDir SoluonAun
Lgaas boTh_basoluda 2 Softioa This iail
ut abD1 gfnb LonDmy aAd intauase
Cash_Plo Qiud QDb_

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