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Background of the study:

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of students in

different ways, depending not only on their level and course of

study but also on the point they have reached in their programs.

Those coming to the end of one phase of their education and

moving on to another, such as those transitioning from school to

tertiary education, or from tertiary education to employment,

face particular challenges. They will not be able to complete

their school curriculum and assessment in the normal way and, in

many cases, they have been torn away from their social group

almost overnight. According to Sir John Daniel, COVID-19 is the

greatest challenge that these expanded national education systems

have ever faced. Many governments have ordered institutions to

cease face-to-face instruction for most of their students.

However, learning should not halt. Different countries worldwide

have introduced various answers during the pandemic to continue

the education process - the introduction of distance learning.

However, learning should not halt. Different countries worldwide

have introduced various answers during the pandemic to continue

the education process - the introduction of distance learning.

In the higher education sector, the Commission on Higher

Education, HEIs were given academic freedom and should implement

available distance learning, e-learning, and other alternative

modes of delivery to students (CHED, 2020). It will be the new

normal in education and strengthening educational planning and

health is a concern to provide quality, inclusive and accessible

education for every student.

Online learning or eLearning is a learning system based on

formalized teaching but with the help of electronic resources

like laptops, computers, and mobile devices. E-learning also

encompasses the use of the internet and other learning platforms

such as google, TV broadcasts, guidelines, resources, video

lectures and online channels were introduced (UNESCO, 2020). But

challenges and problems are always evident when it comes to

online learning. According to the journals and studies of

Valentina Arkorful and Nelly Abaidoo, some of the disadvantages

of online learning are; 1) E-learning as a method of education

makes the learners undergo contemplation, remoteness, as well as

lack of interaction or relation. It therefore requires a very

strong motivation and time management skills in order to reduce

such effects; 2) with respect to clarifications, explanations,

and interpretations, the e-learning method may be less effective

that traditional methods of learning. The learning process is

much easier face-to-face with instructors or teachers; 3) When it

comes to improvement of learner’s communication skills, e-

learning may have a negative effect. Though learners might have

an excellent academic knowledge, they may not possess the needed

skills to deliver their acquired knowledge to others; 4) Since

tests and assessments in e-learning are frequently supervised by

proxy, it may be difficult, if not impossible, to control or

regulate activities such as cheating; 5) E-learning may also be

subject to piracy, plagiarism, cheating, inadequate selection

skills, and inappropriate use of copy and paste; 6) E-learning

may negatively impact socialization skills and limit the role of

instructors as directors of the educational process; 7)not all

disciplines can effectively use e-learning in education. For

instance, scientific fields that require hands-on practical

experiences may be more difficult to study through e-learning.

Researchers have argued that e-learning is more appropriate in

social science and humanities than the fields such as medical

science and engineering where there is the need to develop

practical skills; 8) E-learning may also lead to congestion or

heavy use of some websites. This may bring about unanticipated

costs both in time and money (Collins et al. 1997; Klein and

Ware, 2003; Hameed et al, 2008; Almosa, 2002; Akkoyuklu & Soylu,

2006; Lewis, 2000; Scott et al. 1999; Marc, 2002).

While there may be disadvantages of online learning it still

has its advantages. Still according to Valentina Arkorful and

Nelly Abaidoo, some of the advantages of online learning are; 1)

It is flexible when issues of time and place are taken into

consideration. Every student has the luxury of choosing the place

and time that suits him/her. According to Smedley (2010), the

adoption of e-learning provides the institutions as well as their

students or learners the much flexibility of time and place of

delivery or receipt of according to learning information; 2) E-

learning enhances the efficacy of knowledge and qualifications

via ease of access to a huge amount of information; 3)It is able

to provide opportunities for relations between learners by the

use of discussion forums. Through this, e-learning helps

eliminate barriers that have the potential of hindering

participation including the fear of talking to other learners. E-

learning motivates students to interact with other, as well as

exchange and respect different point of views. E-learning eases

communication and also improves the relationships that sustain

learning. Wagner et al (2008) note that e-Learning makes

available extra prospects for interactivity between students and

teachers during content delivery; 4) E-learning is cost effective

in the sense that there is no need for the students or learners

to travel. It is also cost effective in the sense that it offers

opportunities for learning for maximum number of learners with no

need for many buildings; 5) E-learning always takes into

consideration the individual learners differences. Some learners,

for instance prefer to concentrate on certain parts of the

course, while others are prepared to review the entire course; 6)

E-learning helps compensate for scarcities of academic staff,

including instructors or teachers as well as facilitators, lab

technicians etc.; 7) The use of e-Learning allows self-pacing.

For instance, the asynchronous way permits each student to study

at his or her own pace and speed whether slow or quick. It

therefore increases satisfaction and decreases stress (Codone,

2001; Amer, 2007; Urdan and Weggen, 2000; Algahtani, 2011; Marc,

2002; Klein and Ware, 2003)

With all of those being said above this study aimed to

address and to provide solutions for the common problems or

challenges that both BBSI freshmen students and teachers

experience in this online platform of learning.

Specifically, this study sought to find answers to the

following questions:

1. What are the challenges experienced by BBSI freshmen

students during this time of online learning?

2. What are the challenges experienced by BBSI teachers

during this time of online learning?

3. What are the ways to help BBSI freshmen students and

teachers adjust in this new normal of learning?

Objectives of the Study:

The objective of this study is to know whether the problems

of the BBSI freshmen students and teachers lies within their

technological materials or does it lie on any other more.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following research


1. Which problem is encountered by the freshmen students,

does it lie within their technological materials, is it

their struggle of learning in the online platform, or are

there more problems they are experiencing?

2. Which problem is encountered by the teachers, does it lie

within their technological materials, is it their

struggle of how they can manage their lessons, or are

there more problems they are experiencing?

3. What are the possible solutions for the majority of

problems and challenges that are encountered by BBSI

freshmen students and teachers?

Significance of the Study:

The study focused on addressing the major issues concerning

the online classes in both sides of freshmen students and

teachers. And to provide help or support to both teacher and

freshmen student. It also helps the administrators decide the

best practices and strategies to help their freshmen students and

teachers. And lastly, to help parents to understand the concept

of online classes.

Limitations of the Study:

This study has potential limits, the respondents of this

study are only limited to the freshmen students and teachers at

Bible Baptist Seminary Institute (BBSI). If the respondents would

be taken from a greater geographic area the results would be

broader and more relevant.

Review of Literature

Amidst this “new normal”, we have resorted to online

platforms to continue our education. Teachers and students have

their own struggles and problems in this time of online learning.

Problems during this online learning may differ depending on the

teacher and student. A teachers’ problem may not be of his/her

student and a students’ problem may not be of his/her teacher or

it may be that both the teacher and student experiences the same

struggles. This study will provide solutions for the problems

addressed by both teachers and students and help them adjust in

this “new normal” of learning.

Some researchers have identified advantages of online

learning and here are some. According to the Radovic (2010), his

“research revealed that both students and administrators believe

that the quality of e-learning responds to the traditional

teaching methods in terms of quality.” According to this

research, three quarters of leaders in state faculties and

universities trust Interned-based learning quality to be the same

or even better than face to face learning. His research has also

shown that universities offering online studies have so far had

more than 2 million students and that the number has been

increasing by 25% on an average every year. Thus, with these

results we could say that the quality of education has not

changed whether the learning is online or face-to-face. Arkorful

& Abadioo (2015), also states that “online learning enhances the

efficacy of knowledge and qualifications via ease of access to a

huge amount of information.” One of the reasons why online

learning is effective is that the internet consists of vast

information and knowledge. With only a click you would have

various information and answer to your questions. Moreover,

Wagner (2008) claims that online learning makes available extra

prospects for interactivity between students’ teachers during

content delivery. Online learning does not stop the interaction

between students and teacher during classes. Rather, through

online learning the chances of shy students asking questions

during face-to-face will eventually start interacting with their

teachers and fellow students. The adoption of online learning in

education, especially for higher educational institutions has

more several benefits and advantage. In addition, online learning

is also considered among the best methods of education.

Online learning indeed has its own advantages; however, its

disadvantages are still evident. According to the results of the

study of Baxley (2018), they discovered that a non-proactive

student tends to drop or fail their subject during online

learning. This result shows that not all students could learn

effectively through online learning no matter how good the

quality of the teaching of the educator. Moreover, Abaidoo and

Arkorful (2015), states that “online learning may also be subject

to piracy, plagiarism, cheating, inadequate selection skills, and

inappropriate use of copy and paste.” Online learning encourages

students to cheat due to the lack of being monitored by the

teacher. The monitoring of students is limited because the

teachers are not able to see their students face-to-face.

Although this may be true, some teachers are equipped to know

whether the output of their students were merely copied or done

by themselves. Lastly, according to the results of the research

of Alexander, Truell, and Zhao (2012), 50% of their 420

respondents reported the “likelihood of misunderstanding

directions, stress when trying to contact instructor, technology

issues and the likelihood of computer-related distractions (such

as looking at Facebook) would be disadvantages for taking online

courses.” Communication might be one of the main problems of

online learning. Not stable internet connection is one of the

main causes of miscommunication among students and teachers. And

indeed, since the platform of our learning is through online, and

since social media uses the same platform. Students are prone to

be distracted by these tempting social media networks. Online

learning, in spite of its advantages when adopted to education,

also has some disadvantages. Almosa (2002) argues that,

“regardless of all the disadvantages of e-learning, there are a

lot of benefits that inspire its use and encourage search for

ways to reduce its disadvantages.” The disadvantages of online

learning could still be solved by its own advantages.

Most of the studies mentioned above were not conducted

during this Covid-19 pandemic. Hence, the results of these study

may differ since it will be conducted under the “new normal”.

Nevertheless, the results of the studies that were mentioned may

be of the same with this study. Also, most of the studies had

numerous respondents, and made use of quantitative research.

Thus, all the results that were taken were first handedly

experienced by their respondents which were students and

teachers. This study would also make use of firsthand experience

by BBSI teachers and freshmen students. Each of the advantages

and disadvantages that were stated by the studies would be a

guide or help in order to address the problems that are currently

being encountered by BBSI freshmen students and teachers.

Furthermore, it would also help to address the solutions that

might be needed according to the problems that freshmen students

and teachers at BBSI experiences.



The purpose of this study is to address the challenges

experienced by BBSI teachers and students and to provide

solution. This chapter deals with the steps on how the study was

conducted. This includes research design, participants and

sampling technique, data collection instrument, data collection

procedure and the treatment of data.

Research Design

Qualitative and quantitative method was used for this study.

Its goal is to develop concepts that help understand the social

phenomena in its natural setting, giving importance to the

meanings, experiences and the views of all participants. This

research will utilize Phenomenology as one way to dive into the

aspects of students struggles. Phenomenology is an approach that

focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within a

particular group.

Data Collection Instrument

The researcher of this study made use of direct

observation, questionnaire and interview as their method to

gather information from the respondents. The researcher strived

to be unobtrusive as possible so as not to bias the observations.

Also, Semi-structured questionnaire and interview questions was

used to obtain clearer and detailed data. Gathering data was done

prior to the permission of the respondents.

Data Collection Procedure

The research was done by observing the respondents through

online platforms with certain rubrics as guide to gather data.

The interview was done through online and the researcher gave

them the questionnaires. The researcher first asked for the

respondent’s permission to be interviewed and availability to

answer the questionnaire before proceeding to gather the data.

Participants and Sampling Technique

This research is a phenomenology study where in the

researcher gave questionnaires, interviewed the respondents, and

made use of the direct method of observation in observing the

them through online, and interview. The respondents are 10

Teachers and 10 students that are from the Bible Baptist School

and Institute.
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Radović-Marković, M. (2010). Advantages and disadvantages of
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Economics, 10(2), 289-298.
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pandemic. Prospects (2020). -020-09464-3
Tria, Jose. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic through the Lens of
Education in the Philippines: The New Normal.
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Hardy, L. (2017, June 14). The A-Z of Online Teaching
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Stern, J. (2016). Introduction to online teaching and
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Appendix 1

Instrument for the Students’ Questionnaire Survey and Interview

Name (Optional) ___________________________

Instructions: For each of the statements below, please place an X in the box
that best describes yourself or you and your opinion concerning online
learning/distance education.

Section I: What are the Yes No Sometimes/

challenges experienced by BBSI Maybe
freshmen students?
1. Do you have stable internet
2. Are you in an environment that
is suitable for online
3. Do you have average knowledge
in technology?
4. Do you consider yourself a
passive learner?
5. Do you consider yourself an
active learner?
6. Can you fully communicate with
your instructor?
7. Can you fully communicate with
my classmates?
8. Do you have gadgets
9. Are you supported financially?
10. Are you self-supporting?

11. Do you have health concerns?


12. Do you have health concerns?

13. Are you able to manage your
study time effectively and can
easily complete assignments on
14. Do you find it difficult to
manage your study time
effectively and to complete
assignments on time?
15. Is this school year’s online
learning your first experience
of online learning?
16. Do you have unlimited internet
17. Do you have limited internet
18. Do you have too much workload
or paper works?
19. Do you have any source of
Online Learning Questionnaire (7/23/04)

Section II: Questions for Interview

1. What are your experiences during this online learning?

2. How are you adjusting to this online platform of learning?
Appendix 2

Instrument for the Teachers’ Questionnaire Survey and Interview

Name (Optional) ___________________________

Instructions: For each of the statements below, please place an X in the box
that best describes yourself or you and your opinion concerning online
learning/distance education.

Section I: What are the Yes No Sometimes/

challenges experienced by BBSI Maybe
1. Do you have stable internet
2. Are you in an environment that
is suitable for online
3. Do you have average knowledge
in technology?
4. Are you taking your master’s,
or doctoral degree?
5. Are you enrolled and is
currently taking another
6. Can you fully communicate with
your students?
7. Have you participated in
seminars and trainings
concerning online teaching?
8. Do you have gadgets
9. Do you have sufficient resources
for your lessons?
10. Do you have health concerns?

11. Do you have health concerns?

12. Are you able to manage your
study time effectively and can
easily complete activities and
lessons for your students?
13. Do you find it difficult to
manage your study time
effectively and to complete
assignments on time?
14. Is this school year’s online
learning your first experience
of online teaching?
15. Do you have unlimited internet
16. Do you have limited internet
17. Do you find it difficult when
teaching students that are
18. Do you have any source of
Online Learning Questionnaire (7/23/04)

Section II: Questions for Interview

1. What are your experiences during this online learning?

2. How are you adjusting to this online platform of learning?
Appendix 3

Instrument for the Classroom Observation

Observation Rubric: What are the Yes No

ways to help both teacher and
student to adjust in their new
normal of teaching and learning.
1. Does he/she make a timeframe of
his/her schedule/s?
2. Does he/she organize his/her
3. Does he/she fix his/her
learning space or the room for
effective learning
4. Does he/she collaborate with
his/her classmates/ students
5. Does he/she try to be aware and
conscious of his/her time
6. Do they often communicate during
online class?
7. Are the instructors easily
reached out when students ask
8. Are the students attentive
during class

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